2133 The Cage
The year is 2133 and it was three generations since the virus had changed the lives of the human race forever. The virus started in our domesticated animals and the havoc spread very quickly. Peoples family pet dogs were turned into savage beasts that mauled and devoured every other species. They had mutated into massive creatures and over the years had developed into a single breed that was wolf like and stood over 6 feet tall at the shoulder. A bite from one of the beasts would soon turn the victim into one of them and if unlucky enough to be a female they would rape you and sow their seed inside you also making you transform into a beast before giving birth to a litter of the creatures. Men would usually be killed and eaten but they never ate us females.
To keep us safe we had built ourselves fortress like compounds to keep the beasts at bay. Some of the families who had been on the land prior to the virus stayed on their farms and learned to survive as best they could. My family were farmers who choose this way of life and had managed to stay out of harms way for several years.
I lived with my parents and older brother until he decided to leave the home and live in the nearby compound where he had met a girl he wanted to marry. He had been gone for a few years now so it was just my parents and me now.
We had to hunt for food and since the beasts had killed all of the other animals we had no option other than to hunt and kill them for food. They were not good to eat but since they were the only source of meat we had no option. The dogs mostly hunted at dawn and dusk and this was a dangerous time to hunt them. We only hunted in the middle of the day before retreating back to the homestead. When I was younger I would watch as my mother and father left with the cage my father had built and had always assumed that somehow he lured them into it. It was only when I began my teenage years that I learned how the cage worked.
My parents explained to me that the beasts were attracted by the scent of a female and that my mother would get inside the cage while my father waited nearby up a tree until a beast discovered my mother in the cage and then my father would kill it with his bow. My mother had explained all about the female anatomy and I knew exactly what it was that attracted the beasts.
Some years later I learned more about the power of the pussy when I visited my brother in town and drew the attention of some of his friends. I soon understood what power I had over the male of the species and learned the ways of sex very quickly during those visits. Like my mother I was blonde and very fit with a good size chest that drew the attention of most men.
My mother had recently injured her knee and my father had asked me to go hunt with him and to be the bait. This was no problem for me as I knew I would be safe inside the cage. I also knew that I would have to wear a skirt to maximize the scent which the beasts would pick up on and come to the cage.
My father loaded the cage onto the trolley he had made and we set off into the woods not too far from the farm. It was only the young dogs that hunted in the daytime and they usually hunted alone until old enough to become part of a pack. They were our target and one dog usually kept us fed for several weeks.
We put the cage into a small clearing where my father could get a good shot from a nearby tree which he quickly climbed. We waited for almost an hour before a lone young dog appeared at the edge of the clearing. He had picked up my scent and was cautiously scanning the area to see if there were any dangers before edging toward the cage. As he drew closer I could see him tasting the air with his nose, sniffing my scent as he drew right up to the cage. I could smell his foul body as he got close to the cage and paced around the outside and I was quite nervous being this close to the creature. He continued to circle the cage and I knew my father would shoot it as soon as it stopped moving. As it paced I noticed it cock sliding out of it sheath and it was now swinging beneath its belly. The cock was twice the length and width of mans cock I had seen even in its limp state. The dog was tasting the air with its tongue now and was weirdly rolling it as we did when we were growing up.
Right at that moment I heard a branch crack and spun to see my father fall from the tree to the ground. He hit the earth with a thud and didn't move. I called to him and he did not reply. The beast had also heard the noise and was looking toward where my father was lying. The young animal growled and started to walk towards my father. I yelled at the beast to get his attention but he ignored me. I had to think quickly and all I could think od was to try and attract him back. I sat back and pulled my panties aside to reveal my pussy to the open air in the hope the scent would be stronger. I pulled my pussy flaps open and yelled again at the animal. Once more he turned only this time he saw my open pussy and sniffed at the air. He stopped walking and looked toward my fathers position and then back to me. I just wanted to buy some time in the hope my father would wake up and kill this disgusting creature.
It was working, the beast had decided that the lure was too strong and he slowly walked back towards the cage. I was rubbing my exposed pussy and he came right up to the cage and pressed his nose against the wire, pushing his rolled tongue inside. I needed to get him close enough so that I could drive my hunting knife into a vital organ and kill the stinking animal. His cock was hanging out again and he continued to lap the air. As disgusting as it was I knew my only option was to get him to jump up onto the cage. I slipped my knickers off and got onto my feet, bent at the waist and pulled my skirt up over my hips as I backed up closer to the wire. I needed the dog to jump onto the wire and offering my pussy was the only thing I could think of.
My pussy was almost on the wire now he still hadn't moved. I could between my legs that his cock had hardened and knew it would not be long before he tried to mount me. I was caught completely off guard by his wet nose as it made contact with my pussy. It sniffed my hole a couple of times before the drooling wet tongue slid out and lapped at my exposed pussy. I was grossed out at the contact and how sloppy and slippery it was. I watched as the drool dripped down my inner thighs. The beasts had a very high body temp and I could feel the heat from the slurping tongue. My father has still not moved so I stayed in position as the dog rolled its tongue and pushed it inside my cunt. It probed its way inside me and I could feel more wet hot drool inside my pussy.
The cock was hard now and in his mind he had prepared me enough to me bred. His tongue slipped out of me and I felt the warm saliva drip from inside me.
I heard the young animals feet land on the top of the cage and watched as his hard cock came toward my wet dripping pussy. Just as it made contact with my pussy I spun around and took hold of it with both hands as it pushed inside the cage. It worked, he thought he was inside me and began to push hard. Almost immediately his cock began to pulse and caught me by surprise as it exploded stream after stream of hot smelly cum all over my face. My hands were covered in cum and my shirt was soaked by the time he stopped. His cock was still hard and a big knot had appeared at the base.
I regained my composure kept one hand on the fat cock and reached for my knife with the other. I pushed it through the roof up into the heart of the beast, killing it instantly. The cock went limp very quickly as the blood drained from the creature. I let myself out of the cage and ran to my father. I knew he was dead as soon as I saw the angle of his head. His neck had broken when he hit the ground.
I took my father back home and left the beast where I had killed it. I was still covered in cum as I told my mother what had happened.
I was to become the hunter from that day on and I knew my technique was going to serve me well in the future.
To keep us safe we had built ourselves fortress like compounds to keep the beasts at bay. Some of the families who had been on the land prior to the virus stayed on their farms and learned to survive as best they could. My family were farmers who choose this way of life and had managed to stay out of harms way for several years.
I lived with my parents and older brother until he decided to leave the home and live in the nearby compound where he had met a girl he wanted to marry. He had been gone for a few years now so it was just my parents and me now.
We had to hunt for food and since the beasts had killed all of the other animals we had no option other than to hunt and kill them for food. They were not good to eat but since they were the only source of meat we had no option. The dogs mostly hunted at dawn and dusk and this was a dangerous time to hunt them. We only hunted in the middle of the day before retreating back to the homestead. When I was younger I would watch as my mother and father left with the cage my father had built and had always assumed that somehow he lured them into it. It was only when I began my teenage years that I learned how the cage worked.
My parents explained to me that the beasts were attracted by the scent of a female and that my mother would get inside the cage while my father waited nearby up a tree until a beast discovered my mother in the cage and then my father would kill it with his bow. My mother had explained all about the female anatomy and I knew exactly what it was that attracted the beasts.
Some years later I learned more about the power of the pussy when I visited my brother in town and drew the attention of some of his friends. I soon understood what power I had over the male of the species and learned the ways of sex very quickly during those visits. Like my mother I was blonde and very fit with a good size chest that drew the attention of most men.
My mother had recently injured her knee and my father had asked me to go hunt with him and to be the bait. This was no problem for me as I knew I would be safe inside the cage. I also knew that I would have to wear a skirt to maximize the scent which the beasts would pick up on and come to the cage.
My father loaded the cage onto the trolley he had made and we set off into the woods not too far from the farm. It was only the young dogs that hunted in the daytime and they usually hunted alone until old enough to become part of a pack. They were our target and one dog usually kept us fed for several weeks.
We put the cage into a small clearing where my father could get a good shot from a nearby tree which he quickly climbed. We waited for almost an hour before a lone young dog appeared at the edge of the clearing. He had picked up my scent and was cautiously scanning the area to see if there were any dangers before edging toward the cage. As he drew closer I could see him tasting the air with his nose, sniffing my scent as he drew right up to the cage. I could smell his foul body as he got close to the cage and paced around the outside and I was quite nervous being this close to the creature. He continued to circle the cage and I knew my father would shoot it as soon as it stopped moving. As it paced I noticed it cock sliding out of it sheath and it was now swinging beneath its belly. The cock was twice the length and width of mans cock I had seen even in its limp state. The dog was tasting the air with its tongue now and was weirdly rolling it as we did when we were growing up.
Right at that moment I heard a branch crack and spun to see my father fall from the tree to the ground. He hit the earth with a thud and didn't move. I called to him and he did not reply. The beast had also heard the noise and was looking toward where my father was lying. The young animal growled and started to walk towards my father. I yelled at the beast to get his attention but he ignored me. I had to think quickly and all I could think od was to try and attract him back. I sat back and pulled my panties aside to reveal my pussy to the open air in the hope the scent would be stronger. I pulled my pussy flaps open and yelled again at the animal. Once more he turned only this time he saw my open pussy and sniffed at the air. He stopped walking and looked toward my fathers position and then back to me. I just wanted to buy some time in the hope my father would wake up and kill this disgusting creature.
It was working, the beast had decided that the lure was too strong and he slowly walked back towards the cage. I was rubbing my exposed pussy and he came right up to the cage and pressed his nose against the wire, pushing his rolled tongue inside. I needed to get him close enough so that I could drive my hunting knife into a vital organ and kill the stinking animal. His cock was hanging out again and he continued to lap the air. As disgusting as it was I knew my only option was to get him to jump up onto the cage. I slipped my knickers off and got onto my feet, bent at the waist and pulled my skirt up over my hips as I backed up closer to the wire. I needed the dog to jump onto the wire and offering my pussy was the only thing I could think of.
My pussy was almost on the wire now he still hadn't moved. I could between my legs that his cock had hardened and knew it would not be long before he tried to mount me. I was caught completely off guard by his wet nose as it made contact with my pussy. It sniffed my hole a couple of times before the drooling wet tongue slid out and lapped at my exposed pussy. I was grossed out at the contact and how sloppy and slippery it was. I watched as the drool dripped down my inner thighs. The beasts had a very high body temp and I could feel the heat from the slurping tongue. My father has still not moved so I stayed in position as the dog rolled its tongue and pushed it inside my cunt. It probed its way inside me and I could feel more wet hot drool inside my pussy.
The cock was hard now and in his mind he had prepared me enough to me bred. His tongue slipped out of me and I felt the warm saliva drip from inside me.
I heard the young animals feet land on the top of the cage and watched as his hard cock came toward my wet dripping pussy. Just as it made contact with my pussy I spun around and took hold of it with both hands as it pushed inside the cage. It worked, he thought he was inside me and began to push hard. Almost immediately his cock began to pulse and caught me by surprise as it exploded stream after stream of hot smelly cum all over my face. My hands were covered in cum and my shirt was soaked by the time he stopped. His cock was still hard and a big knot had appeared at the base.
I regained my composure kept one hand on the fat cock and reached for my knife with the other. I pushed it through the roof up into the heart of the beast, killing it instantly. The cock went limp very quickly as the blood drained from the creature. I let myself out of the cage and ran to my father. I knew he was dead as soon as I saw the angle of his head. His neck had broken when he hit the ground.
I took my father back home and left the beast where I had killed it. I was still covered in cum as I told my mother what had happened.
I was to become the hunter from that day on and I knew my technique was going to serve me well in the future.
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