Molly's Milk 2


He woke up with a hangover from the night before. He'd been out drinking with his son Frank and ended up crashing at his house, well trailer, rather. His memory of last night had been a bit fuzzy,but the one thing that wasn't fuzzy was his memory of fucking the literal Hell out of Molly last night!
He'd fucked his daughter in law twice and had even partook of her breast milk to which the flavor was still on his lips. Shit it had been wonderful fucking that little nineteen year old pussy.He smiled and reached down and stroked himself.Heck it wasn't like Frank was doing her any good, because he was fucking Angela over in trailer fifty two. That bit of info his son had confessed to him over a week ago. And to tell the truth, Andy hadn't planned on fucking Molly it was just something that happened. And something he certainly wanted to happen again. That dark haired beauty was built to fuck.
The bedroom door at the end of the hall opened and Frank stepped out. His young son waved at him and turned into the bathroom. Andy waved back the little shit. His son had the world in the palm of his hand. Youth and a good wife and a baby daughter and he was casting it all away for that little tramp, Angela. Molly was far prettier than that bitch any day.
The bedroom door opened again and this time Molly stepped out dressed in her short pink satin robe. She smiled and blushed at him as she made her way down the narrow hall. It was obvious that she certainly remembered last night as well. He smiled at her and waved before she turned into Tina's nursery and closed the door behind her. Andy wished he could watch her breast feed Tina. He licked his lips. Hell he could do with a bit of feeding too. He smirked. He'd forgotten how tasty breast milk was until last night.
Frank stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a towel."There's still some hot water left,Dad." He said giving him the thumbs up and walked back to the bedroom.
"Like I fucking need your permission asshole." he thought and got up and walked down the hall to take a shower himself. And as he passed the nursery he stopped. He could hear Molly humming to little Tina and he had to stop himself from opening the door to look in on them. So he went to the bathroom instead and took a hot shower. Then he shaved and made himself look presentable. He hadn't wanted to do that in quite some time,not since Jackie passed away, and that's been two years now.
He looked at himself in the mirror,shit he looked older than his fifty four years, but damn he felt twenty five again. It's amazing what a young piece of pussy will do for an older guy. He smiled and winked at himself. It was like he dipped his dick into Molly's fountain of youth and came in it. Molly deserved better than what she was getting from Frank.
He stepped out of the bathroom and found the door to the nursery open. He looked in to see little Tina sleeping away, with a pleasant smile on her sweet little face. Her tummy was full. Andy smiled and walked into the living room to find Frank sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand and hell it wasn't even ten in the morning. Molly was in the kitchen hard at work fixing breakfast.
"Morning Dad!" he said raising his beer at him. Andy walked over and slapped it out of his hand.
"Dad! What the FUCK!" Frank went to stand up and Andy back handed him and he fell back on the couch grabbing his jaw.
Molly looked at him wide eyed, like he'd lost his mind, but he ignored her.
"You need to change your fucking ways boy before I kill you."
"Shut the fuck up and you listen to me,boy!"
Frank quickly nodded.
Andy bent down close to Frank's face,"Now you listen and listen good,I'm taking Molly and Tina to my house to stay, until you get your shit together. Do you understand me!"
"Fuck you old man! Your not taking them anywhere!" Frank shouted.
Andy became so enraged that he punched his son between the eye's twice and drew back to punch him a third time when he felt something touch his hand shoulder. He turned to see Molly standing there with tears in her green eyes.
"Please don't." she said softly. "I'll go with you Andy,just give me a minute to collect my things,Okay" and with that Molly hurried down the hall.
"Molly don't you fucking leave ME!" Frank shouted between a split lip and a busted nose.
Andy grabbed him by front of his tee shirt and snatched him close,"You say another word boy, and I'll tell her all about that slut Angela, you've been fucking.Do you understand?"
Frank quickly nodded,"Don't,please,Dad."

She quickly took her suitcase from beneath the bed, tossed it on top of the bed and opened it. She went through her closet and tossed all of her clothes into it, not even bothering taking them off the hangers. Then she emptied out her dresser drawer and tossed in her pretty panties and bras.And her make up case. She stepped back and looked down at the suitcase it wasn't even half full. So she gathered up her three sets of heels and a pair of tennis shoes and tossed them in too. She shook her head in disgust at the sheer fact that she couldn't even fill a suitcase with what she owned.
She quickly zipped it closed and picked it up and wheeled it down the hall to Tina's nursery. Frank was standing by the door,she ignored him and stepped past him. Andy was already in the room packing up Tina's essentials like diapers,wipes and burping clothes, into a large gym bag.So Molly grabbed Tina's little pink Barbie suitcase and began filling it with her clothing.
Andy zipped the bag closed and tossed it at Frank,"Take this to my truck,boy!"
"Yes Dad!" And Frank turned and hurried away.
Molly stopped what she was doing and looked at Andy,"What are we doing,Andy?"
He grabbed Molly by her shoulders and looked her square in her tear filled green eyes,"What needs to be done,girl! Now get Tina's clothes packed!!"
Molly nodded and quickly finished emptying out the closet as Andy jammed everything into the small suitcase.
Frank returned,"What else Dad?"
Molly was amazed at her husband's willingness to comply with Andy's demands. But that was to be expected since he has always been such a coward. He had been such a pussy about telling her parents that she was pregnant that she'd had to do it all on her own. That was the hardest thing she'd ever had to do and he hadn't even been there to stand at her side.Now he was letting his Dad take her away from him. Molly suddenly burst into tears.
"Take Molly's suitcase to the truck. And here take Tina's too while your at it." Andy said shoving it at him.
"Yes sir." Frank picked up both suitcases and again hurried off.
Andy pulled Molly to him and he hugged her and she cried on his big shoulders soaking his shirt. She felt his hand caress her thin waist. It was comforting gesture and it helped to sooth her. Molly desired the comfort of a man and a real man too. Frank never touched her anymore.
"It's okay Molly." he smiled and leaning in and kissed her softly on the lips."I'll take care of you darling." he stroked her raven black hair."Do you believe me?"
Molly nodded,"Yes,Dad."
"Good girl." He lowered her hands and grabbed her ass. "Let me see you smile,Baby."
Molly swallowed hard and then smiled. There was just something about her father in law, that a person just had to obey him. Well at least she felt that way.
"Good girl. Now I want you to take Tina and go on out to the truck."
"What about Frank?",she asked.
"He's not gonna bother you,trust me on that.",Andy smiled and popped her on the ass."No get going Baby."
Hearing her father in law call her his baby, kinda mad her feel wanted again. Molly quickly did as he instructed and picked up Tina and cradled her sleeping daughter in her arms and walked out to the truck. Frank had even opened the passenger door for her, he was such a whooped dog. She didn't say thank you or even look at him.
How could he let his father take his family away like this, without so much as lifting a finger to stop him. But then she did volunteer to go with Andy willingly. There was that. Maybe he was planning on dropping her off at her parent house? Maybe he only threatened to take her home with him to get a rise out of Frank. Well that certainly hadn't worked. Maybe Andy actually wanted her all to himself? To make her his girl?

He walked out of the nursery to find Frank sitting on the couch,holding another beer in his hand and not even looking all to concerned about what was transpiring. Andy shook his head,"I'll be back for the nursing rocker."
Frank looked at him and shrugged,"Key will be under the mat,Dad."
"Do understand the seriousness of this,son?"
Frank took a drink of his beer pretending to ignore him.
"You didn't want her did you boy?"
Again Frank said nothing.
"You knocked her up and made her think you loved her. Made her think it was the right thing to marry her."
"And Blah Blah Blah. Take her and go!"
Andy thought about busting his head again, but it wouldn't do any good."I don't know where in the fuck I went wrong raising you. Your mom would kick your ass if she was here right now."
"Well if she were then you wouldn't have been fucking my old lady last night,now would you?"
Andy's heart skipped a beat and his mouth dropped.
Frank laughed and pointed to the baby monitor,beside him on the table. "I heard it all Dad.All those delicious little moans of Molly's and you grunting away as you fucked my wife."
"I'm not sorry I did it,Boy. You weren't doing your job so somebody else had to.That girl needs loving."
Frank laughed,"Heck if you would have just asked, we could have both fucked her at the same time. Take her and go Dad. Another man's trash is another man's treasure, ain't that what you taught me?"
"Fuck you. Molly's not trash and neither is my granddaughter!" with that Andy bolted out the front door and made his way to the truck. He climbed in on the driver's side and cranked it and backed out of the drive way.
Molly reached over and placed her hand on his,"Are you okay?"
He ignored the question and instead he looked at her,"Would you like for me to take you to your parents or would you like to come home with me and live?"
Molly smiled at him,"Take me to your place Andy."
He smiled and nodded,"Gladly."

Andy took her home and he helped her put her things into the guest bedroom. His house was a mansion compared to the cracker box trailer that Frank had moved them into. It had a spacious living room,dinning room,a large kitchen with all the updated stainless steel appliances,a laundry room,den,master bedroom and a guest bedroom.
When Tina was born,Andy had turned his late wife's sewing room into a nursery in hopes that they the three of them would come over for the holidays but Frank never let them. She was thankful now that Andy had did that for them. She placed Tina in her brand new crib and she instantly went to sleep.
"I can't believe she fell asleep that fast.",Andy said keeping his voice low. He was standing directly behind her now.
Molly turned and smiled,"Why wouldn't she? She feels at home here at her Papa's.
He smiled, "And do you feel at home sweet girl?"
Molly didn't really know how to answer his question,"I've never really live in a place this big before." she smiled nervously.
And laughed and took her in his arms,"You'll get use to it,Baby."
She smiled,there he was calling her his baby again,"Andy?"
"Call me baby again."
"Baby." he leaned in and kissed her neck.
His lips felt nice and gave her goosey pimples, down her back and along her arms."I don't how to thank you for all the kindness you have shown Tina and I." Her voice cracked she felt herself tearing up.
"Come on Baby.",He said taking her hand and escorting her out of the nursery and down the hallway to the master bedroom.The room was huge and so was the massive four poster canopy bed."This will be where you start to pay me back,Molly."
She turned and draped her arms about his neck and looked into his deep brown eyes. Frank had those same eyes. She didn't want to thank about him so she looked away.
Andy knew what she was thinking and he grabbed either side of her face and made her look at him,"I'm not him,Baby. You look at me when we fuck,do you understand."
Molly nodded and when he took his hands away she kept her eyes on him. Frank was her man not a boy. And for good or baby, he was her man.
He untied her robe and snatched it down her shoulders and before the garment hit the hardwood floor, she was lying her back naked her legs spread wide apart and Andy had his face buried against her pussy.
She gasped and cried out in pleasure,no one had eaten her pussy before. The pleasure his tongue was giving her was nothing she'd ever experienced before. He flicked his tongue snake like against her clit button and pushed several fingers into her pussy.
"Oh Andyyy! Ohh Goddd!" she screamed, trying to hump against his face. But Andy squelched that by grabbing the insides of her thighs and pressing down hard, which cause her engorged pussy to open given him further access to her vulva.
He licked her cunt wildly and within a matter of minutes she was cumming. And with such intensity, that she showered his sweet face with her warm slick juices. He lapped up ever bit of it and then lifted his face and looked up at her and smiled,"Damn you taste GOOD Baby!
Molly barely comprehended what he was saying because her orgasm had left her so weak and breathless.
Andy stood up and removed his clothing, his ten inch cock was already hard and ready for her pussy. He gripped Molly's ankles tightly and pushed her legs wide apart. then he pushed his cock into her tight wet pussy, forcing and thrusting himself all the way to the hilt.
Molly cried out at the sudden intrusion on her sex. The girth of his cock was tremendous! Just as it had been last night. And like last night, he fucked her hard and fast. There was so much power in his thrusts. Andy was so rough with her, but she quickly found that she found that her petite little body responded well to his roughness, because she orgasms again, this one more intense than the last. Molly screams to the top of her lungs as he body trembles and quakes with absolute pleasure.
Andy suddenly buried himself into her sweet tight core and he came filling her fertile pussy with his hot cum. Then he crawled up on the bed beside her and pulled her close. "Hot DAMN Baby,I just want to live in your!"
Molly giggled.
"I have to admit that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me."
Andy chortled,"How man guys have you been with, you naughty little girl."
She frowned,"Just Frank."
"He don't count!" Andy sat up and slapped her ass,"Get up and take a shower,Baby."
"Ouch!" She noticed that Andy never say please when he tells you to do something. In fact he said it in a voice that demanded you do it. Just like an old Marine. Molly smiled and got up and hurried to the bathroom because she could feel his cum seeping out of her.
The End Of Part 2
(Part 3 coming soon) :-)

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