Mom and me part 4
Upto the age of 10 we were staying in our ancestral house with 2 of our relative families. There was one toilet and bathroom each. But they were independently situated outside our house,but not too faraway.So from the age of 5 to 10,all Saturdays and Sundays ( being holidays) used to bathe me when she took bath. I had been seeing her fully naked.But I was extremely innocent and never had any sexual feelings towards her seeing that.
When I was 10,we moved to a big house with a toilet and bathroom attached to a big verandah. But some how,after shifting to the new house,mom never bathed me. I never bothered to ask her also.When I was 12 ,during a summer vacation, my.little brother aged only 5 and me were playing in full swing. Suddenly mom started shooting loudly" During school days you both were bathing every alternate days.Now today is the fourth day you didn't take bath. Telling this she dragged both of us into thebathroom and closed the door. Although mom was very affectionate, once get angry we were afraid to face her.As per her instructions we started removing our dress. Sirt and Nickerson in brother 's case and shirt, banyan and underwear in my case.Basically I was an extremely shy person.Even inside home I used to.move fully dressed,although except our own family members (dad,mom and sisters)there were no body at home.So I was feeling too shy to remove my entire clothes in front of mom.But I had no choice. By the time we both removed our whole clothes,mom had removed her saree,blouse and rowka (country brassier) and was with her underskirt. With corner of my eyes I looked at her
.I presume that she didn't notice me looking at her. There was a big opening on the left side of her underskirt. It was 4inch wide at top and 2inch wide at the bottom. Total length ( height) was 6inches.Through the opening, I could clearly see the junction between her left thigh and tip of her pussy surrounded by black, thick and bushy pubic hair. Although a bit dark,her thighs were very beautiful and quite fleshy.I liked it very much. This sight gave my little cock,a small erection.This erected cock of mine increased my shyness to turn towards my mom in my fully naked condition. So I remained turning away from her for quite a long time. By that time,she removed her underskirt. Then only I knew that she never wore lingerie. So now she was fully naked.Although upto my age 10,I had seen her in fully naked condition, numerous times in those days I never looked at her with sexual feelings. Now at this age of 12,I am comparatively big and seeing a female in fully naked condition for the first time. I enjoyed the sight.I don't know whether she noticed it or not. But my younger brother who was only aged 5,with all his innocence directly looked with surprise at his mom's fully naked body.She furiously shouted " what are you looking at.Cant you see your elder brother. He is not looking here."
I controlled my laugh with great difficulty hearing mom's comments. She bathed younger son ( my younger brother) first,dried his body ,dressed him up and sent him out of bathroom. Then she told me " Although he is much younger than you, he is not as innocent as you. That is why I sent him out first." I kept quiet. Then she told me she will bathe me first.She started applying soap and cleaning all over my face except eyes.Then she lowered her right palm and reached my cock area via my neck and stomach. She spent comparatively much more time in applying soap and cleaning in my cock area for obvious reasons. Her fondling gave an erection to my.little cock.Then she reached upto feet. Then she turned me around and started from my neck and ultimately reached my buttocks. This was the area I most liked mom to clean. Perhaps mom also knew it.After exploring my ass cheeks,she gently inserted her warm and smooth right palm and fingers into ass Crack. Moved further and fondled the area between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.When she started withdrawing her palm at this point I requested " Darling mom, please don't withdraw your palm at this point.Please gently press my balls and fondle my whole cock.You can take maximum time in doing so,since I enjoy it.My darling mom readily obeyed me. I reached heavens. After cleaning my whole body I poured buckets of hot water on my whole body and dried myself. Before attempting to dress up mom told me." My sweetest son,I need ahelp from you.Since my palm can't reach my whole body especially back areas from neck to my buttocks, I can't apply soap and clean those areas.So I want you to do that." I was too happy to obey her and replied her " Darling mom, why only restricted areas only I will be most happy to apply soap and clean your whole body" So I applied soap in her whole face except eyes. Then via neck I reached her breasts.As you know,since they were sagging, I was not much attracted to her breasts.But I never revealed it to her ,otherwise she will feel bad.Then I reached her pussy areas via stomach.Her pussy area surrounded by thick, black and bushy pubic hair was very attractive. Before applying soap on that area,I stood on my knees and licked her whole pussy area and inserted my tongue into her pussyhole. I am sure she enjoyed it. Then as usual I applied soap and cleaned that area taking plenty of time. Then I reached her beautiful and sexy and fleshy thighs. Slight darkness gave her thighs extra sexy look.They were very warm as well. I told her " Mom ,your thighs are most beautiful, warm and sexy thighs I have ever seen." She liked my comments,but replied naughtically." You are saying as though you have seen many many thighs of females in your life.Afterall you are only 12.Hearing this,I gave a pinch into her thighs.After completing her front portion, I turned her around and started from her neckand reached her buttocks. Then I asked her to bend her waist forward which she did.Her bent position made her ass Crack wider. I applied soap and inserted my right palm into her ass Crack. Fondled extremely slowly her areas between her asshole and bottom tip of her pussy.Caught her clitoris and gently twisted it with my fingers.After completing my operation, mom poured buckets of hot water into her body and dried her body.
I asked mom " I want to ask mom something. Pubic hair will grow between the ass hole and bottom tip of pussy (bottom tip of balls in case of gents) only in females ?" Mom instantly replied " No.there is no differentiation in these matters between male and female.why you ask this question "? I replied " since I don't have pubic hair in those areas yet.but you have it,as I felt it now." Mom replied " you.must not have checked thoroughly " " no mom,I had checked thoroughly " mom" Is it ? check it myself. " As per her instructions, I bent my waist forward. She inserted her right palm into my ass Crack and probed gently the areas between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls. She stopped and told me "you are right at the moment you don't have any pubic hair in those areas. But it is not a permanent feature. You are only 12 now. It will start growing in coming 2 or 3 years.dont worry.
We closed our affairs and came out of the bathroom.
After bathing me at my age of 12,I expected mom to bathe me at least after one year in the summer vacation. It didn't happen in next summer vacation also. Although I wished mom to.bathe me again, I somehow did not have the courage to hint that when I was 141/2 in Christmas vacation I dared to ask this asked her " Mom, after bathing me when I was 12,you never did it after that" A bit surprised, mom replied " Why,you liked it ?" I instantly replied " of course"
Mom,replied " My darling son , see you have grown up and if I take you to bathroom for bathing, what your 3 elder sisters will think.Thst is the reason I avoided it. Anyway I have a solution. See my elder sister is having only one child,a girl.As you know she is very fond of children.So as per her request your 3 sisters and younger brother will spend whole month in her house. She will invite you also.But you need not go telling that you don't like mom to be left all alone at home. No body will compell you.By Co incidence,your dad will be out of Kerala for one full month for some official assignment. So we will be all alone for that one month.After your SSLC exam in April the summer vacation will start.You have to wait only for 3 months.These 3 months you concentrate on your studies and pass with high first class.Finally April came and all had left home.At around 11 morning,mom made some hot water in a medium sized vessel in kitchen. I helped her to take it to bathroom, mixed it with some normal water and kept in a big vessel. Since there was no.enough space in the bathroom to keep all our dress,before entering bath room, as per mom's suggestion I kept my shirt and banyan on a table of adjacent dining room .Mom kept her saree and blouse there. We locked the doors of main entrance of home and exit door so that no body will enter home.Once inside the bathroom,I saw through the big opening of her underskirt, my favorite sight of the junction of her left thigh and left edge of her pussy surrounded by black thick and bushy pubic hair. I looked at it through the corner of my eyes which gave my reasonably big ( I am now 15) cock an erection. I removed my lungi and underwear turning away from mom.I was feeling too shy to turn towards mom.I am a very shy person.The last time any body saw me naked was myown darling mom and that too when I was only 12. Even after mom removed her rowka ( country bra) and underskirt, I was not turning around towards her. Mom commented " my darling son, you were complaining that I was not bathing you for the last 3 years,and now when I am trying to do that you are not turning towards me What's the matter?" So I was compelled to turn towards her.After seeing my erected cock she commented oh! now I understood why you were hesitant to turn towards me.You have quite grown up." Telling this, she gently touched my erected cock.I reached heavens.I observed from her facial expressions, that she was enjoying me looking at her fully naked body.I boldly told her " My darling mom, I can see from your facial expressions that you are enjoying me watching your fully naked body.This reminds me a part of an Englsh novel which was narrated to me last year by my senior classmate. In the story the hero was a boy aged 16.His mother aged 36 was a widow.She was very beautiful with shapeful body. Once she was taking bath in the bathroom . Son was in the adjacent hall. Just before starting bath, she found an abnormally big lizard in the bathroom.She unlocked the bathroom door and moved to a corner.Now she cried loudly with fear and called her son for help.After entering bathroom, son first removed the lizard from the bathroom. Then he looked and enjoyed the beautiful, shspelybody of his naked body. He was seeing it forbthe first time. From the facial expressions of his mom, he understood that his mom was enjoying her grown up son looking at her entire naked body.After some time he came out of the bathroom. " Mom replied " The story was very nice.That means,what I have done ( enjoying you looking at my entire naked body )is a quite normal thing is it not ?" I agreed.All of a sudden, mom said " At 12,I had told you the pubic hair in your area between ass hole and bottom tip of your balls will start growing in another 2 or 3 years.Now it is 3 years,what is the condition. It started growing, can I see it " I agreed and bent forward facing my buttocks to her. She gently inserted her right palm asd Crack and explored the area between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.Her palm was extremely warm soft and smooth. She told " you are right. Now there are plenty of pubic hair. Before she withdrew her palm as per my request, she gently pressed my balls and forwarded her palm and fondled mynentire cock. Then we applied soap and cleaned our bodies each other. Before leaving the bathroom,she told me "Darling, since we are all alone we will sleep in the adjacent bedroom of mine and your dad's bedroom. I readily agreed.
Next night we had dinner at 8.30 and entered bedroom at 9.Without any formalities we removed our clothes. Mom asked " can we have some filthy conversation? I like it.I agreed and asked mom to start. She asked me " my darling son, normally boys imagine somebody while they masturbate.what about you ? Any girl friends? " I replied " No mom,first of all, I don't have any girlfriends. " Mom" Really, I didn't know. So you mean you don't imagine anybody.?" I replied " not exactly, but I feel shy and a bit afraid to tell you that." Mom instantly commented " oh!come on, son,you can tell me anything without any shyness or fear." I reluctantly replied " Mom,I toldbyou I started masturbating last year at 14.The only naked body of a female I had seen was at my age 12 when you.bathed me.I really enjoyed seeing your beautiful and sexy naked body. So during masterbation from the agenof 14,I had to.imagine you only"Mom was very much excited to hear my comment and she hugged me tightly. She looked at my fully erected cock,which was dancing.She continued " ok,tell me which part of my body most.I replied " frankly,since they were sagging, I was not much attracted to your breasts.Except that I like your whole body your pussy surrounded by black, thick and bushy pubic hair, slightly dark but fleshy ,warm and soft thighs and your shaped buttocks with are cracks." Mom turned and asked " After seeing my fully naked body,something else came to your mind ?" I kept quiet for a couple of minutes. Mom insisted for an answer. I replied " Darling mom, initially at that age of 12,I don't know I was feeling some sexual desires towards you. But I was confused how I get this strange feelings own mother. I could not discuss this issue with anybody also.But at the age of 13,some of my senior classmates supplied me with some erotic books.I used to read them after going to toilet.Among others,it contained incest stories as well including mom son sexual activities. That emboldened me to imagine fucking you while I masturbate." Mom patiently heard my talking and instantly asked " what about doing it now ?" I instantly commented, " of course yes. But since I don't have any experience, you have to guide me properly "
Mom immediately lay on her back in the bed and asked me to lie over her,which I obeyed.As per her directions, I kissed her full face including French kiss.French kiss made both of our bodies extremely hot.Continuosly for 15 minutes we had French kiss. That was my first experience in my life. Then I moved down my head and started licking her pussy and inserted my tongue into.her pussy hole.This I carried out for 10 minutes.Now I spread her thighs apart and tried to insert my fully erected cock into her pusdy hole. But I could not locate the pussyhole properly. So she caught hold of my cock and kept its tip on her pussy hole. Now I pushed my cock into.her pussy hole and made to and fro.motions for about ten minutes cock.cummed into her pussy. We cleaned ourselves and slept nicely.
When I was 10,we moved to a big house with a toilet and bathroom attached to a big verandah. But some how,after shifting to the new house,mom never bathed me. I never bothered to ask her also.When I was 12 ,during a summer vacation, my.little brother aged only 5 and me were playing in full swing. Suddenly mom started shooting loudly" During school days you both were bathing every alternate days.Now today is the fourth day you didn't take bath. Telling this she dragged both of us into thebathroom and closed the door. Although mom was very affectionate, once get angry we were afraid to face her.As per her instructions we started removing our dress. Sirt and Nickerson in brother 's case and shirt, banyan and underwear in my case.Basically I was an extremely shy person.Even inside home I used to.move fully dressed,although except our own family members (dad,mom and sisters)there were no body at home.So I was feeling too shy to remove my entire clothes in front of mom.But I had no choice. By the time we both removed our whole clothes,mom had removed her saree,blouse and rowka (country brassier) and was with her underskirt. With corner of my eyes I looked at her
.I presume that she didn't notice me looking at her. There was a big opening on the left side of her underskirt. It was 4inch wide at top and 2inch wide at the bottom. Total length ( height) was 6inches.Through the opening, I could clearly see the junction between her left thigh and tip of her pussy surrounded by black, thick and bushy pubic hair. Although a bit dark,her thighs were very beautiful and quite fleshy.I liked it very much. This sight gave my little cock,a small erection.This erected cock of mine increased my shyness to turn towards my mom in my fully naked condition. So I remained turning away from her for quite a long time. By that time,she removed her underskirt. Then only I knew that she never wore lingerie. So now she was fully naked.Although upto my age 10,I had seen her in fully naked condition, numerous times in those days I never looked at her with sexual feelings. Now at this age of 12,I am comparatively big and seeing a female in fully naked condition for the first time. I enjoyed the sight.I don't know whether she noticed it or not. But my younger brother who was only aged 5,with all his innocence directly looked with surprise at his mom's fully naked body.She furiously shouted " what are you looking at.Cant you see your elder brother. He is not looking here."
I controlled my laugh with great difficulty hearing mom's comments. She bathed younger son ( my younger brother) first,dried his body ,dressed him up and sent him out of bathroom. Then she told me " Although he is much younger than you, he is not as innocent as you. That is why I sent him out first." I kept quiet. Then she told me she will bathe me first.She started applying soap and cleaning all over my face except eyes.Then she lowered her right palm and reached my cock area via my neck and stomach. She spent comparatively much more time in applying soap and cleaning in my cock area for obvious reasons. Her fondling gave an erection to my.little cock.Then she reached upto feet. Then she turned me around and started from my neck and ultimately reached my buttocks. This was the area I most liked mom to clean. Perhaps mom also knew it.After exploring my ass cheeks,she gently inserted her warm and smooth right palm and fingers into ass Crack. Moved further and fondled the area between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.When she started withdrawing her palm at this point I requested " Darling mom, please don't withdraw your palm at this point.Please gently press my balls and fondle my whole cock.You can take maximum time in doing so,since I enjoy it.My darling mom readily obeyed me. I reached heavens. After cleaning my whole body I poured buckets of hot water on my whole body and dried myself. Before attempting to dress up mom told me." My sweetest son,I need ahelp from you.Since my palm can't reach my whole body especially back areas from neck to my buttocks, I can't apply soap and clean those areas.So I want you to do that." I was too happy to obey her and replied her " Darling mom, why only restricted areas only I will be most happy to apply soap and clean your whole body" So I applied soap in her whole face except eyes. Then via neck I reached her breasts.As you know,since they were sagging, I was not much attracted to her breasts.But I never revealed it to her ,otherwise she will feel bad.Then I reached her pussy areas via stomach.Her pussy area surrounded by thick, black and bushy pubic hair was very attractive. Before applying soap on that area,I stood on my knees and licked her whole pussy area and inserted my tongue into her pussyhole. I am sure she enjoyed it. Then as usual I applied soap and cleaned that area taking plenty of time. Then I reached her beautiful and sexy and fleshy thighs. Slight darkness gave her thighs extra sexy look.They were very warm as well. I told her " Mom ,your thighs are most beautiful, warm and sexy thighs I have ever seen." She liked my comments,but replied naughtically." You are saying as though you have seen many many thighs of females in your life.Afterall you are only 12.Hearing this,I gave a pinch into her thighs.After completing her front portion, I turned her around and started from her neckand reached her buttocks. Then I asked her to bend her waist forward which she did.Her bent position made her ass Crack wider. I applied soap and inserted my right palm into her ass Crack. Fondled extremely slowly her areas between her asshole and bottom tip of her pussy.Caught her clitoris and gently twisted it with my fingers.After completing my operation, mom poured buckets of hot water into her body and dried her body.
I asked mom " I want to ask mom something. Pubic hair will grow between the ass hole and bottom tip of pussy (bottom tip of balls in case of gents) only in females ?" Mom instantly replied " No.there is no differentiation in these matters between male and female.why you ask this question "? I replied " since I don't have pubic hair in those areas yet.but you have it,as I felt it now." Mom replied " you.must not have checked thoroughly " " no mom,I had checked thoroughly " mom" Is it ? check it myself. " As per her instructions, I bent my waist forward. She inserted her right palm into my ass Crack and probed gently the areas between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls. She stopped and told me "you are right at the moment you don't have any pubic hair in those areas. But it is not a permanent feature. You are only 12 now. It will start growing in coming 2 or 3 years.dont worry.
We closed our affairs and came out of the bathroom.
After bathing me at my age of 12,I expected mom to bathe me at least after one year in the summer vacation. It didn't happen in next summer vacation also. Although I wished mom to.bathe me again, I somehow did not have the courage to hint that when I was 141/2 in Christmas vacation I dared to ask this asked her " Mom, after bathing me when I was 12,you never did it after that" A bit surprised, mom replied " Why,you liked it ?" I instantly replied " of course"
Mom,replied " My darling son , see you have grown up and if I take you to bathroom for bathing, what your 3 elder sisters will think.Thst is the reason I avoided it. Anyway I have a solution. See my elder sister is having only one child,a girl.As you know she is very fond of children.So as per her request your 3 sisters and younger brother will spend whole month in her house. She will invite you also.But you need not go telling that you don't like mom to be left all alone at home. No body will compell you.By Co incidence,your dad will be out of Kerala for one full month for some official assignment. So we will be all alone for that one month.After your SSLC exam in April the summer vacation will start.You have to wait only for 3 months.These 3 months you concentrate on your studies and pass with high first class.Finally April came and all had left home.At around 11 morning,mom made some hot water in a medium sized vessel in kitchen. I helped her to take it to bathroom, mixed it with some normal water and kept in a big vessel. Since there was no.enough space in the bathroom to keep all our dress,before entering bath room, as per mom's suggestion I kept my shirt and banyan on a table of adjacent dining room .Mom kept her saree and blouse there. We locked the doors of main entrance of home and exit door so that no body will enter home.Once inside the bathroom,I saw through the big opening of her underskirt, my favorite sight of the junction of her left thigh and left edge of her pussy surrounded by black thick and bushy pubic hair. I looked at it through the corner of my eyes which gave my reasonably big ( I am now 15) cock an erection. I removed my lungi and underwear turning away from mom.I was feeling too shy to turn towards mom.I am a very shy person.The last time any body saw me naked was myown darling mom and that too when I was only 12. Even after mom removed her rowka ( country bra) and underskirt, I was not turning around towards her. Mom commented " my darling son, you were complaining that I was not bathing you for the last 3 years,and now when I am trying to do that you are not turning towards me What's the matter?" So I was compelled to turn towards her.After seeing my erected cock she commented oh! now I understood why you were hesitant to turn towards me.You have quite grown up." Telling this, she gently touched my erected cock.I reached heavens.I observed from her facial expressions, that she was enjoying me looking at her fully naked body.I boldly told her " My darling mom, I can see from your facial expressions that you are enjoying me watching your fully naked body.This reminds me a part of an Englsh novel which was narrated to me last year by my senior classmate. In the story the hero was a boy aged 16.His mother aged 36 was a widow.She was very beautiful with shapeful body. Once she was taking bath in the bathroom . Son was in the adjacent hall. Just before starting bath, she found an abnormally big lizard in the bathroom.She unlocked the bathroom door and moved to a corner.Now she cried loudly with fear and called her son for help.After entering bathroom, son first removed the lizard from the bathroom. Then he looked and enjoyed the beautiful, shspelybody of his naked body. He was seeing it forbthe first time. From the facial expressions of his mom, he understood that his mom was enjoying her grown up son looking at her entire naked body.After some time he came out of the bathroom. " Mom replied " The story was very nice.That means,what I have done ( enjoying you looking at my entire naked body )is a quite normal thing is it not ?" I agreed.All of a sudden, mom said " At 12,I had told you the pubic hair in your area between ass hole and bottom tip of your balls will start growing in another 2 or 3 years.Now it is 3 years,what is the condition. It started growing, can I see it " I agreed and bent forward facing my buttocks to her. She gently inserted her right palm asd Crack and explored the area between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.Her palm was extremely warm soft and smooth. She told " you are right. Now there are plenty of pubic hair. Before she withdrew her palm as per my request, she gently pressed my balls and forwarded her palm and fondled mynentire cock. Then we applied soap and cleaned our bodies each other. Before leaving the bathroom,she told me "Darling, since we are all alone we will sleep in the adjacent bedroom of mine and your dad's bedroom. I readily agreed.
Next night we had dinner at 8.30 and entered bedroom at 9.Without any formalities we removed our clothes. Mom asked " can we have some filthy conversation? I like it.I agreed and asked mom to start. She asked me " my darling son, normally boys imagine somebody while they masturbate.what about you ? Any girl friends? " I replied " No mom,first of all, I don't have any girlfriends. " Mom" Really, I didn't know. So you mean you don't imagine anybody.?" I replied " not exactly, but I feel shy and a bit afraid to tell you that." Mom instantly commented " oh!come on, son,you can tell me anything without any shyness or fear." I reluctantly replied " Mom,I toldbyou I started masturbating last year at 14.The only naked body of a female I had seen was at my age 12 when you.bathed me.I really enjoyed seeing your beautiful and sexy naked body. So during masterbation from the agenof 14,I had to.imagine you only"Mom was very much excited to hear my comment and she hugged me tightly. She looked at my fully erected cock,which was dancing.She continued " ok,tell me which part of my body most.I replied " frankly,since they were sagging, I was not much attracted to your breasts.Except that I like your whole body your pussy surrounded by black, thick and bushy pubic hair, slightly dark but fleshy ,warm and soft thighs and your shaped buttocks with are cracks." Mom turned and asked " After seeing my fully naked body,something else came to your mind ?" I kept quiet for a couple of minutes. Mom insisted for an answer. I replied " Darling mom, initially at that age of 12,I don't know I was feeling some sexual desires towards you. But I was confused how I get this strange feelings own mother. I could not discuss this issue with anybody also.But at the age of 13,some of my senior classmates supplied me with some erotic books.I used to read them after going to toilet.Among others,it contained incest stories as well including mom son sexual activities. That emboldened me to imagine fucking you while I masturbate." Mom patiently heard my talking and instantly asked " what about doing it now ?" I instantly commented, " of course yes. But since I don't have any experience, you have to guide me properly "
Mom immediately lay on her back in the bed and asked me to lie over her,which I obeyed.As per her directions, I kissed her full face including French kiss.French kiss made both of our bodies extremely hot.Continuosly for 15 minutes we had French kiss. That was my first experience in my life. Then I moved down my head and started licking her pussy and inserted my tongue into.her pussy hole.This I carried out for 10 minutes.Now I spread her thighs apart and tried to insert my fully erected cock into her pusdy hole. But I could not locate the pussyhole properly. So she caught hold of my cock and kept its tip on her pussy hole. Now I pushed my cock into.her pussy hole and made to and fro.motions for about ten minutes cock.cummed into her pussy. We cleaned ourselves and slept nicely.
Continue to read from the same author
previous story
My elder sister and menext story
Family trip to nudist beach part 3
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