My new Neighbors


When I was 12 years old we got new neighbors, a family of 3. Father Eric, mother Dianne and daughter Megan and it didn't anyone long to work out Eric and Dianne were loudmouth drunks and especially Eric who would argue with anyone over everything. He was the total expert on anything and Dianne didn't argue much at all, just supported Eric in everything. Megan wasn't seen much at all and was more a servant than daughter. Usually wearing her mothers old clothes and as I found later home schooled. All Born Again Christians they claimed, but they acted like morons than any Christian I had been with before. Swearing was ever present in their talking, except for Megan, who was rarely seen and never heard. Over the following years Eric got worse and worse, then Dianne passed away from lung cancer. 5+ packs a day will do that to you and the doctors didn't anything at all. According the know all Eric, I was 17 at the time and as more years passed I finally bought my parents house, mainly to give them a better price then they would've got if put on the market and the would be buyers met Eric before buying the house. I was use to Eric and ignored him mostly, I work my own plumbing business and we had a big shed in the back yard which I used to store my equipment and everything else I had. Now at 27 and living alone not long after taking over my grandfather's plumbing business from father. Percy is my name and wasn't in any relationship and only young woman I seen often was Megan 23 and had never spoken to her in all in years she lived next door. Anyone who tried to speak to Megan were abused by Eric, Eric was now so fat he could hardly get around. Then just before Christmas last year there was a knocking on my front door, it was Megan and she was very upset. Eric had collapsed and she couldn't get him up and wanted help to get him into his chair. I grab my cellphone and went over to help, arriving it was clear Eric was in big trouble and I rang for ambulance and they took him to hospital. He died 2 days later and now Megan was alone and I soon found out I was the only person in the area she had spoken too besides Eric and Dianne before she passed away. I had to help Megan thru everything to do with Eric funeral and estate, selling off Eric collection of weird stuff or just dumping it. She was fairly well and Eric had quite a bit put away in the bank and laying around the house also. I still don't know or care where he got his money from. But it was also quite clear Megan couldn't cope by herself as she had been kept secluded all the years they been my neighbor and most likely since birth. First with my mother Gwen help, new clothes as Megan was wearing her late mother clothes and had no actual clothes of her own. Gwen took Megan and had her hair and nails done for the first time. I almost fell over from shock when I seen after her makeover. She looked really gorgeous, her house was cleared out of everything and repainted inside and out and put on the market. Megan had been staying with me while her house redone. No sexual relationship between us, as she wasn't ready for anything like that. Due to her being kept away from most people, my parents and me were the only ones she actually spoke too. Too shy to speak to any others, I had fallen for her myself and had trouble hiding my feelings at times. Then Gwen decide to ask Megan what her plans were in her new life. Megan said married have children and that was all. Gwen asked you have a husband in mind or what you want in a husband. Megan responded Percy, nothing else. Gwen told me on me getting home with big grin on her face and then she left to return to their little retirement village. My father Richard rang next morning a Saturday and asked when was the wedding, I decide to shock him and said tomorrow, great he replied I'll your mother and sister. A short time later the phone again it was my sister Karen asking why they hadn't got their wedding invitations. Gwen rang after and I told I having Richard on. She said she knew but they still wanted at least a wedding date, I replied hold on I asked Megan to marry and then you and her can plan the wedding. I called to Megan who came in to the room and with Gwen listening on the phone I asked her to marry me. Expecting a shocked no as a reply, but got an okay as a reply and then Gwen said she will come over Megan and her will start the planning. A little later Karen and her family, Gwen and Richard arrived, I told Gwen I was having you'll on, too late your now engaged she told me get use to it. I've never been much of a ladies man and as I thought thru the events of the day so far, decided I really did like Megan and I don't think I could find anyone better and went at long with everything as planned. The wedding was only 3 weeks later and I had sex with Megan that very night and I was her first lover and she let me do whatever I wanted to do. So much did she trust me, it scared me a little that someone could so trusting of another person. Now 2 years after our wedding and a son named Richard and another on the way a girl the doctor's tell us we're going to call Gwen. But I told Gwen we would called the baby girl Hortense and got a reaction that I should've had on video. Only after Gwen reaction did I tell her the baby was to Gwen also. Megan is a lot more social in relationships with others now and regularly goes shopping with Gwen and Karen.
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