Erotic stories of Percy

Profile page of Percy. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Percy wrote 4 erotic stories which have been read 7.1K times

Straight | 2
Incest | 2
2022-06-20 18:56:39
2021-06-14 23:49:17
My New Neighbors updateMegan had our daughter Gwen in February and my mother Gwen is a regular visitor to to see her namesake. Megan has improved in her social skills and isn't as shy with people anymore, but still prefers shopping with Gwen and Karen. She is also more sure of herself and has told me she wants at least four children. I'm quite willing to have four children, but it took a hit recently. My sister Karen is again pregnant and has been told she is to have twins. Only then did I look into our family history...reading time 1 mingenre
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My new NeighborsWhen I was 12 years old we got new neighbors, a family of 3. Father Eric, mother Dianne and daughter Megan and it didn't anyone long to work out Eric and Dianne were loudmouth drunks and especially Eric who would argue with anyone over everything. He was the total expert on anything and Dianne didn't argue much at all, just supported Eric in everything. Megan wasn't seen much at all and was more a servant than daughter. Usually wearing her mothers old clothes and as I found later home schooled. ...reading time 6 mingenre
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Just wanting a FauckI was very horny and being in a lockdown wasn't very helpful. Only female available was my cousin Hilda 24. I have my own house and had to work from from home, Hilda was at the local university when it closed due the lockdown. Unable to return home as travel to there was already banned, she came to stay with me Percy 30. We're related thru our mothers who are sisters. As the lockdown dragged on, I got hornier and hornier and masturbating wasn't helping after the first few weeks. Hilda is on the ...reading time 3 mingenre
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A drive the CountryI returned home from working interstate and started to live with my grandma Fiona 61 Widow. The rest of the family have moved away interstate for work and only my mother's mother Fiona is left. Since granddad Frank passed away the previous year at the age of 68 from covid. So after my return I got a job locally and also started getting Frank's old pickup running again It didn't take that much and it was soon working great. Then at the beginning of March Fiona asked me what I had planned for my w...reading time 3 mingenre
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