The Pleasure Cruise
It was a stunningly gorgeous day; the weather, in fact, had far exceeded everyone’s expectations that entire week. At the port, the Captain and several crew members greeted the excited guests as they boarded the cruise ship. Derek and Savannah, his wife of some 20 years, were about to embark on a journey they hadn’t experienced before; the same, however, could not be said for their friends, Will and Janet, who not only suggested they cruise together, but also made all travel arrangements. The four strolled through passageways with their luggage in tow, mingling amongst the other passengers and admiring the ornate carvings and splendor of the ship’s interior, until they came to the grand staircase which would lead them to their side-by-side cabins.
Once the couples had begun to settle in their cabins, they opened the two doors adjoining the rooms. “How convenient,” Derek thought to himself, as the idea of such easy access between the two couples quickly brought lewd thoughts to mind. Derek peered through the door and watched as Janet finished hanging clothes in the armoire, occasionally turning back to the bed and leaning over the open suitcase, giving him a fantastic view of her cleavage and the roundness of her breasts.
“Whatcha looking at?” whispered Savannah, who had slipped behind her husband and wrapped her arms around him. Knowing he was caught, Derek quickly looked away and made a feeble attempt to change the subject. “I’d be staring, too,” she whispered in his ear, allowing her hand to drop to his waist and feel the frontside of his shorts. He was aroused, as she immediately felt, but wondered if it was it solely from the view he enjoyed, or because he was just caught staring at his friend’s wife? Being caught in the act was somewhat of a turn-on for him, Savannah knew, recounting the number times in the past she had walked in on him as he watched porn, often while masturbating in bed. He always acted surprised, but she knew better. Bringing her hand back up to his face, she turned his head back toward Janet and whispered, “Just look at her...”
Janet finished hanging the clothes and turned one last time to the suitcase, which she again leaned over and slowly ran her hands through as though checking for any items missed. She knew full well that Derek was checking her out, and took note of Savannah, too, running her hand over his growing bulge. Had she done that for Janet’s benefit, signaling to her in a subtle way her own playfulness? She glanced and saw Savannah turn Derek’s head back to face her, and stood straight to close the suitcase. Acting as if they weren’t watching, she brought her hands to her breasts and gave them a quick adjustment, smoothed the front of her shirt and walked to the bathroom out of their immediate view. From her new vantage point at the bathroom door, Janet peered around the corner and could see through the open doors nearly half of the bed in the next room. She saw that Savannah had pushed Derek onto the bed and was straddling him, but couldn’t see much more from where she stood. She glanced across her own room and saw Will fiddling with the TV remote, before turning her attention back to the couple wrestling on the bed. Her hand found its way into her pants, and she was surprised at just how wet she had become over the last few minutes. Unbuttoning herself, Janet slowly backed into the bathroom and quietly closed the door, wanting to herself relieve some unexpected tension. Through the bathroom door, she could hear Will speak briefly with the others before hearing the doors which adjoined the two rooms being shut. As she began lightly rubbing herself, she pictured in her mind what she thought must surely be happening between her friends in the canin next door.
In one of the many ballrooms that evening, the two couples huddled around a small table, talking and laughing over cocktails. The flirty behavior grew more reckless between the four, as round after round of potent drinks were imbibed and inhibitions soon lost. The risqué comments traded between Savannah and Janet had quickly earned the focus of the men’s attention. Derek had fantasized on more than one occasion of seeing his wife playing with Janet. Her name was often mentioned in the heat of the moment as he and Savannah made love; reaching a crescendo, Savannah, often between her pleads to be fucked harder and faster, would beg Derek for his dirty talk. He would conjure images in his head and describe to her how incredibly sexy it would be for Janet to eat her pussy while he fucked her from behind. As she peaked, Savannah would imagine Janet’s mouth on her clit and fingers deep inside her, as well as the feel of the pounding Janet would take from her very excited husband.
“Are we ready for another round?” The hostess had a very sweet voice, and was, perhaps, a little too easy on the eyes. Will wondered how often she must be propositioned by single voyagers, though probably even more so by deviant couples seeking a willing third participant after a night of partying. The group looked amongst themselves for anyone still wanting to order, but it seemed each was ready to take the party back to their room for the night. Feeling both very intoxicated and flirtatious with their friends, the couples walked back to their cabins, pausing at the door to say goodnight. Savannah gave Will a long hug, which he seemed to enjoy very much; she was surprised when she felt his hand on her ass, copping a quick feel. Janet surely must have experienced something quite similar, as Savannah saw the smile on her face grow as Derek hugged her; his hands, she knew, had a mind of their own when he drank. As her husband parted from Janet, Savannah stepped forward to say goodnight to her friend; Janet wished for more than a simple goodnight, and brought her hands to Savannah’s face to kiss her on the mouth. Derek stepped back slightly to watch how she would respond, knowing already she wouldn’t resist the advance. Will was a little more surprised by all that was happening before him. He, too, had fantasized of this very moment, but didn’t anticipate it going down right then. After a few moments of deep kissing, followed by several pecks on the lips and some whispers between one another, the girls turned away to their respective cabin doors and let themselves inside.
“Holy shit, Janet!” Will was shocked, but more aroused by what he had just witnessed between his wife and her friend. Janet slowly undressed in front of her husband, who himself was quickly shedding his clothes. After unclasping her bra, she dropped two pillows in front of Will, who lay back on the bed with his legs over the side, and gripped his erect cock in her hand. She slowly lowered her mouth over his shaft, encircling her tongue around him and sucking with just the right amount of pressure. Janet’s mouth was incredibly soft, and her technique so passionate it was hard for Will to not want to cum in her mouth almost immediately. She loved how she made his body respond with the slow, rhythmic strokes of her mouth, and with her soft hand when she squeezed the base of his cock. Not wanting him to finish early, Janet stopped what she was doing and straddled Will on the bed, hovering just inches above his face. Will gripped her hips and brought his face closer to her wetness. He slid his tongue along the length of her labia several times, pausing momentarily to pay special attention to her clit with every few passes of his tongue. Janet’s excitement grew, and she ground herself onto Will’s face as he thrust his tongue inside of her. She slowly rocked her body back and forth on his face, cupping a breast in one hand and grabbing Will’s cock with the other as she felt an orgasm beginning to well inside her.
In the next cabin, Derek had his ear pressed to the one remaining closed door which adjoined their rooms and listened, describing to Savannah what he thought was happening that very moment between Will and Janet. Savannah was on her knees with Derek’s cock in her hand, slowly jerking him and sucking his bulbous tip as she listened to his narration.
“They got real quiet in there...” said Derek, closing his eyes as Savannah ran her tongue along the length of his cock. He found it difficult listening to the couple nextdoor while his wife hypnotized him with the skill of her incredible mouth.
“Do you think he’s fucking her?” Savannah used the spit created from her blowjob and slowly jerked Derek’s cock in her hand. “There’s no way they’re finished yet... she’s too fucking turned on, like me.”
“I don’t’s tell.” Derek found himself focusing more on his wife’s mouth more than anything. If she continued as she was, he was going to cum in her mouth before too long. “Wait...”, he said, before looking down again at Savannah, “...sorry, not you. Please don’t stop!” He pressed his ear to the door again and smiled. “I can hear Janet...Will’s being really quiet. Is he going down on her?”
Savannah pulled Derek’s cock from her mouth and slowly stroked him as he looked down upon her face. His expression quickly changed, however, when the deadbolt slid and the door suddenly opened, causing him to topple into Will and Janet’s cabin. Derek looked up from the floor and saw Janet standing directly over him, her fingers rubbing herself as she spoke to him. “I always knew you were a fucking pervert, Derek....” Before he could do anything, she lowered her body onto his and straddled his face. “I hear you’re pretty good with that tongue of yours...why don’t you live up to the hype right now?” Knowing Savannah was enjoying this as much as she was, Derek pulled Janet closer and greedily sucked on her clit. Will stepped forward and offered his cock to his wife, who grabbed his shaft and brought him to her waiting mouth. Janet’s moans, mainly from Derek’s intense tonguing and sucking of her pussy, caused Will to throw his head back from the vibrations they produced on his swollen member. Savannah crawled between Derek’s legs and grabbed his cock with her hand. Slowly twisting her wrist as she stroked him, she felt the tension building inside Derek and knew how badly he wanted to fuck. She looked to Will, who stood with legs shaking as Janet pumped his cock with her hand and teased the tip, licking the underside severak times before taking him again in her mouth.
“Are you ready to fuck, Will?” Savannah posed the question directly to him and studied the expression on his face. “Are you ready to The intense look on Will’s face softened a moment when he realized exactly what she had asked. “Of course, with that you’ll get to enjoy watching Janet and Derek fuck, too. Do you think you can handle that?” Will directed his gaze toward Janet as she continued pleasuring him, hoping for a hint of direction from her. She, however, waited to see how he would respond to Savannah’s question.
After a moment, he looked at Janet and then into Savannah eyes and said, “Yes... I’m ready to fuck you...” Stepping back from Janet, he watched as she moved her body from its place over Derek’s mouth and straddled his waist. Savannah walked over to Will and hearded him to the bed, watching him collapse backwards when he reached the edge. She crawled up his body until her face was above his waist and playfully grabbed his erection. Will’s eyes went wide as Savannah took him inside her mouth; she closed her eyes and slowly bobbed her head, causing Will to melt onto the mattress as she slowly alternated her bobbing with long, slow strokes of her hand.
Janet leaned forward and kissed Derek with a certain intensity he had not felt before. His hands reached to her hair and pulled her in closely as he accepted her probing tongue in his mouth. He felt his cock stiffen almost to the point that it began to hurt, and felt an urge to bury it inside her as deep and as soon as he could. Janet reached between her legs and positioned him so that she could easily slide down his shaft; she used her thighs to repeatedly lift and lower herself onto his manhood and felt every pulsation of his cock ripple through her body. Her grabbed her waist and thrust himself upward to meet her hips, pushing himself as deep into her as he could. Before to long, Janet repositioned herself on his cock, taking on a reverse cowgirl position. Facing away from Derek, she leaned forward and lifted her hips, repeatedly bounced on his cock; Derek could only grab her waist and try to resist the urge to cum inside of her. Climbing onto his knees, he positioned himself squarely behind Janet and began thrusting inside of her with slow, even strokes. He could feel her cunt grip his cock as he fucked her, and knew he wouldn’t last as long as he had hoped he would. Derek reached forward and cupped her breasts in his hands, covering her body with his as he continued thrusting. When he felt he was near the point of no return, he pulled himself out of her and watched as she spun around, diving toward his cock. She grabbed him and covered him with her mouth, feverishly jerking him as he cried out. Derek grabbed fistfuls of Janet’s hair and pounded his cock deep inside her throat; tears welled in her eyes as she choked and strands of saliva poured from the sides of her mouth. With a yell loud enough to wake others on the ship, Derek came in her mouth and collapsed backwards as his cock twitched it’s final few times before finally going soft in her mouth.
Savannah pulled Will’s cock from her mouth and stroked him steadily, making sure he was as erect as he could be. She lay back onto the bed and raised her legs high into the air, allowing Will full access to her wet pussy, which now ached to be fucked. Climbing on top of Savannah, Will grabbed his stiff cock and pushed his way into her, feeling the moist walls of her vagina gripping him tightly. He braced his body above hers and watched as his cock penetrated her repeatedly. Witnessing all that was happening all around him drive him nearly insane; he knew he would barely last as long as he hoped he might. Holding her legs in the air, he thrust himself inside her with a quickening place, and watched as her face contorted in pleasure. Knowing that he was coming close to his own peak, Will begged Savannah to again take him into her mouth, where he so desperately wished to finish. She grabbed ahold of his cock and engulfed it; Will pressed the back of her head down onto his shaft and felt the tip of his member reach the back of her throat. Listening to the sound of Savannah choking on his cock drove him to the edge, and she herself grew even wetter as she gasped for each breath. When he finally released his load into the back of her throat, she coughed and gagged momentarily before finally easing her spasming throat; she smiled and swalloedd what he had left in her mouth.
Collapsing onto the bed, Will looked at the ceiling and then to his wife, who still lay on the floor in the arms of his friend Derek. Janet lifted her head and smiled at Savannah on the bed, knowing she had just fulfilled a fantasy Will had thought might always be out of reach. All of them knew the next three days on the ship together would be the incredible adventure they had each quuetly hoped it would be.
Once the couples had begun to settle in their cabins, they opened the two doors adjoining the rooms. “How convenient,” Derek thought to himself, as the idea of such easy access between the two couples quickly brought lewd thoughts to mind. Derek peered through the door and watched as Janet finished hanging clothes in the armoire, occasionally turning back to the bed and leaning over the open suitcase, giving him a fantastic view of her cleavage and the roundness of her breasts.
“Whatcha looking at?” whispered Savannah, who had slipped behind her husband and wrapped her arms around him. Knowing he was caught, Derek quickly looked away and made a feeble attempt to change the subject. “I’d be staring, too,” she whispered in his ear, allowing her hand to drop to his waist and feel the frontside of his shorts. He was aroused, as she immediately felt, but wondered if it was it solely from the view he enjoyed, or because he was just caught staring at his friend’s wife? Being caught in the act was somewhat of a turn-on for him, Savannah knew, recounting the number times in the past she had walked in on him as he watched porn, often while masturbating in bed. He always acted surprised, but she knew better. Bringing her hand back up to his face, she turned his head back toward Janet and whispered, “Just look at her...”
Janet finished hanging the clothes and turned one last time to the suitcase, which she again leaned over and slowly ran her hands through as though checking for any items missed. She knew full well that Derek was checking her out, and took note of Savannah, too, running her hand over his growing bulge. Had she done that for Janet’s benefit, signaling to her in a subtle way her own playfulness? She glanced and saw Savannah turn Derek’s head back to face her, and stood straight to close the suitcase. Acting as if they weren’t watching, she brought her hands to her breasts and gave them a quick adjustment, smoothed the front of her shirt and walked to the bathroom out of their immediate view. From her new vantage point at the bathroom door, Janet peered around the corner and could see through the open doors nearly half of the bed in the next room. She saw that Savannah had pushed Derek onto the bed and was straddling him, but couldn’t see much more from where she stood. She glanced across her own room and saw Will fiddling with the TV remote, before turning her attention back to the couple wrestling on the bed. Her hand found its way into her pants, and she was surprised at just how wet she had become over the last few minutes. Unbuttoning herself, Janet slowly backed into the bathroom and quietly closed the door, wanting to herself relieve some unexpected tension. Through the bathroom door, she could hear Will speak briefly with the others before hearing the doors which adjoined the two rooms being shut. As she began lightly rubbing herself, she pictured in her mind what she thought must surely be happening between her friends in the canin next door.
In one of the many ballrooms that evening, the two couples huddled around a small table, talking and laughing over cocktails. The flirty behavior grew more reckless between the four, as round after round of potent drinks were imbibed and inhibitions soon lost. The risqué comments traded between Savannah and Janet had quickly earned the focus of the men’s attention. Derek had fantasized on more than one occasion of seeing his wife playing with Janet. Her name was often mentioned in the heat of the moment as he and Savannah made love; reaching a crescendo, Savannah, often between her pleads to be fucked harder and faster, would beg Derek for his dirty talk. He would conjure images in his head and describe to her how incredibly sexy it would be for Janet to eat her pussy while he fucked her from behind. As she peaked, Savannah would imagine Janet’s mouth on her clit and fingers deep inside her, as well as the feel of the pounding Janet would take from her very excited husband.
“Are we ready for another round?” The hostess had a very sweet voice, and was, perhaps, a little too easy on the eyes. Will wondered how often she must be propositioned by single voyagers, though probably even more so by deviant couples seeking a willing third participant after a night of partying. The group looked amongst themselves for anyone still wanting to order, but it seemed each was ready to take the party back to their room for the night. Feeling both very intoxicated and flirtatious with their friends, the couples walked back to their cabins, pausing at the door to say goodnight. Savannah gave Will a long hug, which he seemed to enjoy very much; she was surprised when she felt his hand on her ass, copping a quick feel. Janet surely must have experienced something quite similar, as Savannah saw the smile on her face grow as Derek hugged her; his hands, she knew, had a mind of their own when he drank. As her husband parted from Janet, Savannah stepped forward to say goodnight to her friend; Janet wished for more than a simple goodnight, and brought her hands to Savannah’s face to kiss her on the mouth. Derek stepped back slightly to watch how she would respond, knowing already she wouldn’t resist the advance. Will was a little more surprised by all that was happening before him. He, too, had fantasized of this very moment, but didn’t anticipate it going down right then. After a few moments of deep kissing, followed by several pecks on the lips and some whispers between one another, the girls turned away to their respective cabin doors and let themselves inside.
“Holy shit, Janet!” Will was shocked, but more aroused by what he had just witnessed between his wife and her friend. Janet slowly undressed in front of her husband, who himself was quickly shedding his clothes. After unclasping her bra, she dropped two pillows in front of Will, who lay back on the bed with his legs over the side, and gripped his erect cock in her hand. She slowly lowered her mouth over his shaft, encircling her tongue around him and sucking with just the right amount of pressure. Janet’s mouth was incredibly soft, and her technique so passionate it was hard for Will to not want to cum in her mouth almost immediately. She loved how she made his body respond with the slow, rhythmic strokes of her mouth, and with her soft hand when she squeezed the base of his cock. Not wanting him to finish early, Janet stopped what she was doing and straddled Will on the bed, hovering just inches above his face. Will gripped her hips and brought his face closer to her wetness. He slid his tongue along the length of her labia several times, pausing momentarily to pay special attention to her clit with every few passes of his tongue. Janet’s excitement grew, and she ground herself onto Will’s face as he thrust his tongue inside of her. She slowly rocked her body back and forth on his face, cupping a breast in one hand and grabbing Will’s cock with the other as she felt an orgasm beginning to well inside her.
In the next cabin, Derek had his ear pressed to the one remaining closed door which adjoined their rooms and listened, describing to Savannah what he thought was happening that very moment between Will and Janet. Savannah was on her knees with Derek’s cock in her hand, slowly jerking him and sucking his bulbous tip as she listened to his narration.
“They got real quiet in there...” said Derek, closing his eyes as Savannah ran her tongue along the length of his cock. He found it difficult listening to the couple nextdoor while his wife hypnotized him with the skill of her incredible mouth.
“Do you think he’s fucking her?” Savannah used the spit created from her blowjob and slowly jerked Derek’s cock in her hand. “There’s no way they’re finished yet... she’s too fucking turned on, like me.”
“I don’t’s tell.” Derek found himself focusing more on his wife’s mouth more than anything. If she continued as she was, he was going to cum in her mouth before too long. “Wait...”, he said, before looking down again at Savannah, “...sorry, not you. Please don’t stop!” He pressed his ear to the door again and smiled. “I can hear Janet...Will’s being really quiet. Is he going down on her?”
Savannah pulled Derek’s cock from her mouth and slowly stroked him as he looked down upon her face. His expression quickly changed, however, when the deadbolt slid and the door suddenly opened, causing him to topple into Will and Janet’s cabin. Derek looked up from the floor and saw Janet standing directly over him, her fingers rubbing herself as she spoke to him. “I always knew you were a fucking pervert, Derek....” Before he could do anything, she lowered her body onto his and straddled his face. “I hear you’re pretty good with that tongue of yours...why don’t you live up to the hype right now?” Knowing Savannah was enjoying this as much as she was, Derek pulled Janet closer and greedily sucked on her clit. Will stepped forward and offered his cock to his wife, who grabbed his shaft and brought him to her waiting mouth. Janet’s moans, mainly from Derek’s intense tonguing and sucking of her pussy, caused Will to throw his head back from the vibrations they produced on his swollen member. Savannah crawled between Derek’s legs and grabbed his cock with her hand. Slowly twisting her wrist as she stroked him, she felt the tension building inside Derek and knew how badly he wanted to fuck. She looked to Will, who stood with legs shaking as Janet pumped his cock with her hand and teased the tip, licking the underside severak times before taking him again in her mouth.
“Are you ready to fuck, Will?” Savannah posed the question directly to him and studied the expression on his face. “Are you ready to The intense look on Will’s face softened a moment when he realized exactly what she had asked. “Of course, with that you’ll get to enjoy watching Janet and Derek fuck, too. Do you think you can handle that?” Will directed his gaze toward Janet as she continued pleasuring him, hoping for a hint of direction from her. She, however, waited to see how he would respond to Savannah’s question.
After a moment, he looked at Janet and then into Savannah eyes and said, “Yes... I’m ready to fuck you...” Stepping back from Janet, he watched as she moved her body from its place over Derek’s mouth and straddled his waist. Savannah walked over to Will and hearded him to the bed, watching him collapse backwards when he reached the edge. She crawled up his body until her face was above his waist and playfully grabbed his erection. Will’s eyes went wide as Savannah took him inside her mouth; she closed her eyes and slowly bobbed her head, causing Will to melt onto the mattress as she slowly alternated her bobbing with long, slow strokes of her hand.
Janet leaned forward and kissed Derek with a certain intensity he had not felt before. His hands reached to her hair and pulled her in closely as he accepted her probing tongue in his mouth. He felt his cock stiffen almost to the point that it began to hurt, and felt an urge to bury it inside her as deep and as soon as he could. Janet reached between her legs and positioned him so that she could easily slide down his shaft; she used her thighs to repeatedly lift and lower herself onto his manhood and felt every pulsation of his cock ripple through her body. Her grabbed her waist and thrust himself upward to meet her hips, pushing himself as deep into her as he could. Before to long, Janet repositioned herself on his cock, taking on a reverse cowgirl position. Facing away from Derek, she leaned forward and lifted her hips, repeatedly bounced on his cock; Derek could only grab her waist and try to resist the urge to cum inside of her. Climbing onto his knees, he positioned himself squarely behind Janet and began thrusting inside of her with slow, even strokes. He could feel her cunt grip his cock as he fucked her, and knew he wouldn’t last as long as he had hoped he would. Derek reached forward and cupped her breasts in his hands, covering her body with his as he continued thrusting. When he felt he was near the point of no return, he pulled himself out of her and watched as she spun around, diving toward his cock. She grabbed him and covered him with her mouth, feverishly jerking him as he cried out. Derek grabbed fistfuls of Janet’s hair and pounded his cock deep inside her throat; tears welled in her eyes as she choked and strands of saliva poured from the sides of her mouth. With a yell loud enough to wake others on the ship, Derek came in her mouth and collapsed backwards as his cock twitched it’s final few times before finally going soft in her mouth.
Savannah pulled Will’s cock from her mouth and stroked him steadily, making sure he was as erect as he could be. She lay back onto the bed and raised her legs high into the air, allowing Will full access to her wet pussy, which now ached to be fucked. Climbing on top of Savannah, Will grabbed his stiff cock and pushed his way into her, feeling the moist walls of her vagina gripping him tightly. He braced his body above hers and watched as his cock penetrated her repeatedly. Witnessing all that was happening all around him drive him nearly insane; he knew he would barely last as long as he hoped he might. Holding her legs in the air, he thrust himself inside her with a quickening place, and watched as her face contorted in pleasure. Knowing that he was coming close to his own peak, Will begged Savannah to again take him into her mouth, where he so desperately wished to finish. She grabbed ahold of his cock and engulfed it; Will pressed the back of her head down onto his shaft and felt the tip of his member reach the back of her throat. Listening to the sound of Savannah choking on his cock drove him to the edge, and she herself grew even wetter as she gasped for each breath. When he finally released his load into the back of her throat, she coughed and gagged momentarily before finally easing her spasming throat; she smiled and swalloedd what he had left in her mouth.
Collapsing onto the bed, Will looked at the ceiling and then to his wife, who still lay on the floor in the arms of his friend Derek. Janet lifted her head and smiled at Savannah on the bed, knowing she had just fulfilled a fantasy Will had thought might always be out of reach. All of them knew the next three days on the ship together would be the incredible adventure they had each quuetly hoped it would be.
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Micah’s Endgame
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