

She was a nice but not overly sexy looking woman; she was a little overweight though by no means fat, reasonable tit`s, according to her husband, a smackable arse, a smile could light a room and brown hair down her back. She also had a son that worshipped the ground she walked on and another that hated her bitterly, though she did not know it at the time, both mutually disliked their father with equal venom and she too was fast becoming to think that way too.
Her name was Alison, and the boys are called Ronald, known as Rob, and Michael, known to the world as Rick or Ricky. The latter at 16 was a hoodlum of the first water, a gang leader, and like his father a sadistic little shit, his b*****r just the opposite, a church going choirboy outwardly innocent who at nearly 15 and was just feeling his feet in the world. Neither boy was in a position to challenge their father.
Father and head of the f****y in all things, was Reginald, 4ft 6inches of useless miserable and sadistic bolshie little weight lifter, with a chip on his shoulder a country mile wide, he had a thing about folk treating him as less of a man because of his lack of body size and about his lack of height,
What few knew about Reginald Francis Thomas Wellington Green was that he had a dick to equal his name in length if not in girth! He had been endowed with a phallus of 12 inches length but only 2inches in girth.
To his lasting bitterness he had been unable to wear shorts at school and few girls had wanted to know him, it had left him a physiological cripple in that he hated folk with thick short cocks. Both his sons had inherited this long prick syndrome, being over average in length for their age, but only Rick exceeded him in girth.
Alison Green stayed with the little shit, as although her marriage was a hollow sham and had been this last ten long years, her upbringing had ingrained in her the life-long belief that a vow in front of a priest was a vow for life, and that it was her duty to look after her f****y as best she could, she was also scared to leave the little man as he was she knew, capable of anything.
Life with Reginald was less than fun, she kept house, she cooked and she was available for sex. It was as simple as that, he paid all the bills, kept her short of all bar the housekeeping and demanded meals on the table at precise times, and at those times the boys were expected to attend, it had always been so throughout their youthful lives.
He badly used Alison for sex as well, and if he wanted to impress a client at his small engineering business he would happily use his f****y to demonstrate the wares. The business was a small success in that it supplied a couple of big outlets with erotic securing devices; manacles, handcuffs, spreader bars, pillories, stocks, racks, and chastity devices. These he tested on either the boys or his long suffering drudge of a wife all of whom on occasions he had left secured for the client or buyer to help himself too. He was not above using them, either to ‘sl**p’ with the client to smooth the cogs or to be used in any sexual way on the pretext of testing to prove the security of the wares.
At his behest she had also been made to educate the two lads on their respective 14th birthdays to the joys of heterosexual sex, her husband checking after the first lesson that each understood about all the variations and fetishes of both that and homosexual styles, he said to ensure they would be available for clients, taking each himself analy over the table end, while Alison reluctantly held the victims hands and soothed him with quiet words!
It was the younger lad, Rob, who surprisingly hated his mother; blaming her for in his eyes “helping his father to take away his innocence.” The fact she was in no position to refuse on pain of severe punishment seemed not to sway the boy.
Anyway it was a Saturday, Reggie just as always appeared late that morning as was his habit at weekends. He demanded his breakfast, which she quickly cooked and served; he gobbled it down in no time flat and without a word went out to the workshops attached at the rear of the detached dwelling. Here three of his workers were toiling away on an order, Saturday dinnertime was the start of their weekend, and not for them the five day week Reggie ran these works on Victorian lines!
He examined some of the kit that they were getting ready for the order, just random checks, and quality control at its most basic. After an hour or so the phone rang and it was Paul the buyer for the Paddies Dungeon Range, the men listened discretely to the one sided conversation, “yes’s,” and “of courses,” abounded, finishing with a “2 o`clock then, Paul I look forward to it” and then the crash of the handset onto its cradle. “That bl**dy miserable git Pauls coming, so be sure to tidy up especially in the demo room before you leave and I will see you all on Monday.” He handed each a thin pay packet and with that he strode out to tell Alice and the boys to expect to demonstrate for the buyer once again!
The three men exchanged glances, then silently downed tools and began tidying up, they knew of Paul and his antics and knew it would be a hard afternoon for Alice and the boys once again.
Traditionally in the household the midday meal was light, a snack, sandwiches or soup, that sort of thing, the main meal always taken daily sharp at six in the evening. Alison realised as soon as Reggie told her that “Paul was coming this afternoon” (which on its own gave her shudders of fear,) that it would be a long afternoon, so she quickly threw together a cottage pie, which on a low heat would be ready for them all at six, she knew better than to serve a meal late to her husband who would enjoy punishing her and after an afternoon of Paul and his robust games she knew she would be pushed to break-down point. Both boys sat at the table quiet and apprehensive both knew the score.
After the meal Alison and the boys at her insistence bathed, toileted and dressed in corporate track suits, at 2 the doorbell rang and Reggie went off to answer it and to find out Paul`s requirements, while Alice brewed a pot of coffee, and the two pale faced boys sat quietly awaiting their fate.
Paul a tall florid faced man, dark of hair and broad of shoulder, sat in the little office and explained his visit. He said though the company, (Paddies Dungeon) was happy overall he felt it his duty to come and test certain items as they had had a complaint about a set of manacles, the lock on a pillory failing and a rack had slipped its ratchet. He personally felt of course that it was misuse, but he in all consciousness felt he must try the things out! It was his standard ploy.
He also wanted to discuss a new line, a suggestion from a customer that had potential, a new style of steel cock encasement chastity device, he produced a set of drawings and for a while they discussed the idea.
They were interrupted by Alice with the coffee, and Paul greeted her like an old friend despite it having been a full two days before she could walk properly last time that he had visited. “Ah the good Mrs Green, I hope you are well and fit, as we need you to do some testing this afternoon!”
Her replied perhaps through gritted teeth that he could call her Alison, as he knew her so intimately and that she was well and would assist as her husband commanded. She asked if he required the boys, and with a greasy grin he said he did “for the stocks and the pillory!” she silently nodded and retreated from the room silently knowing she was for the rack which she hated with a passion.
The men talked over the coffee for a while more about the feasibility of the new product and came to the conclusion that it would be a nightmare, due to having to keep so many in their stock “to cover all shapes and sizes!”
Reggie rose and ushered Paul into the demonstration room, here the products of the little company were laid out each under a spotlight, each neatly labelled, most accompanied with a picture of the comely Alice in her track suit but secured in each individual piece.
Here stood the three ‘demonstrators’ neat tidy and obviously nervous, Reggie nodded appreciatively at their neat turnout and asked the rep, who should be his demonstrator for which piece. He chose Rick for the pillory being an inch or two taller, Rob to be the stocks, leaving the luckless Alice for the rack, asking if they could remove their clothing as he felt clients would not be dressed to use the items normally. They all had expected that request, as it was his usual gambit. Ricky slid the tracksuit down and stood proudly with a sort of defiant look, awaiting the touch of this slippery monster who he knew would fondle and stroke his genitals and backside at every opportunity. He was not wrong, Paul led the lad to the pillory, Reggie lifting the securing beam and with the lad in place he lowered the beam across the neck and wrists the tall lad needing to stoop a little to accommodate the height. Paul snapping the locking device over and the two men discussing the action of the catch, Paul almost u*********sly gently handling the lad`s balls as he did so while Reggie ignored the advances. This went on for a while, Ricky`s penis stiffening as the m*****ation continued.
Alice and Rob missed nothing of this knowing this whole thing was a sham and a flagrant misuse of a privileged position of power and that worse was to come.
With a snap of his fingers Reggie had rob disrobe, the lad did reluctantly and was soon sat on the hard seat of the stocks, Paul settling the lads genitals forward between the pale white thighs, before the beam once more was secured. Again the discussion about the clasp again the almost subconscious stroking of the lads body as the discussion rambled on.
Both pillory and stocks were facing the Rack, a low flat cold bench with two rollers at head and foot. Each of the roller`s with a ratchet and a winding handle, just as in medieval times.
Paul, despite knowing that the lads had seen their mother naked in his presence on a number of previous occasions, now addressed the boys, saying that he knew that “they, like all boys probably had a thing about their mothers, and this was a chance to see her undoubted charms,” he was sorry but as it was unavoidable that they were f***ed to watch and that he would be as gentle as he could!” everyone knew it was a load of bullshit but they also knew that he would neither be gentle or sorry.
Alison unzipped her top, under which she had a black strapless bra, she removed the top and then slid down the trousers, revealing a black thong.
He had her do a twirl so the lads could have a look at “the fine shape of their mother” then he slowly fitted soft leather cuffs to her proffered wrists, savouring the moment and fondling her arms unnecessarily as he did so.
She could feel both of the boy`s eyes on her body as she stood passively awaiting his next move. It was not long coming, Reggie handing him a second pair of cuffs, these for her ankles which he knelt and fitted while she stood with her legs a little open for him to work. Before he stood he slid the thong down and she stepped daintily from the garment, which he thoughtlessly pocketed. He did however note they were a little damp, her body was automatically showing her anticipation of the coming sexual act willing or not, she was consenting if reluctantly to allow her body to be used simply by not protesting.
At his request she sat herself onto the cold slab of the rack. He told her to “lay out and make herself comfortable,” a fleeting smile flew across her lips, the irony of his words striking her as so tasteless knowing that the experience would be less than comfortable. Yes she knew she was a masochist or at least had a streak of masochism, but this man and her husband were usually a step too far.
She obediently lay back, flicking her long hair tidily under her neck like a pillow and raising her hands above her head she was ready. He thanked her and attached chains to cuffs, then repeated the action at her ankles, returning to her side and sliding his hand nonchalantly up her long legs as he did so, his touch was like ice, and the cold slab added its own extra dread.
He slid his hand under her back and released the clasp of the bra, the final barrier, he lifted the garment from her and her breasts spilled softly onto her chest, no longer the pert tight tits of her youth perhaps, but attractive none the less.
He bent and kissed the brown nipple and it stiffened to his gentle touch, betraying her, giving away her sexually desperate need of even her tormenters touch. It did not go unnoticed by Reggie or either of the boy`s and it definitely did not slip past the awareness of her tormenter who as the rep for Paddies Dungeon Range of erotic equipment, now produced a bag from his briefcase, in which were the company’s latest products, he showed them to Reggie and said they were “free samples for you to enjoy” but that he would “demonstrate them so he would know how to use them to best effect!”
Surprisingly he first turned to Rob, producing a pair of nipple clamps which he referred to as the ultimate crusher`s, he applied the first to the lads left breast and tightened the screw very effectively. Tear`s were soon running down the lads face as the crusher took effect, though Paul ignored the lads obvious discomfort and explained as he was adding the second clamp how to get the best effect.
The lad was soon writhing about in pain, and the other two victims were looking askance at the poor sod.
Ignoring the lad the rep turned to rick explaining that the things could be used for other places on the body, clipping one of the sprung varieties onto the tip of the hapless Ricks tongue. He then knelt taking no notice of the lads pained headshaking and fondled the stiff uncut penis he pulled the foreskin over the tip then clipped the clamp in place. The effect was excruciating and the lad`s screams joined the howl from his b*****r. Paul was now expounding the use of these in his words “wonderful liveners.” He explained that “the great thing about these liveners was that they could be used on both male and female victims” and with that he eyed Alison thoughtfully, adding that “the bonus was that when you removed them and the bl**d flowed back the pain doubled for a short time.” With that he removed the tongue grip and the pain instantly became such that the lad writhed and screamed in agony. He reached to the foreskin grip then shook his head turning to the b*****r and whipping off both nipple grips at once. The returning bl**d-flow causing renewed pain and screams.
Finally he whipped away the clamp from Rick`s foreskin and in stereo they both cried out and tears flowed. Paul laughed at the obvious pain, looking askance of Reggie who smiled condescendingly, knowing the man had his business in his sadistic hands.
They turned to Alison walking round to the far side of the rack, so the two boys had an unrestricted view of the secured woman. They ignored the woman and as the boys fell silent or at least to a low snuffle, they discussed the ratchet.
The client Paul said had complained that the pawl had slipped at a crucial moment, just as the clients victim was about to lose consciousness, spoiling the whole effect. Reggie explained about the safety feature that ensured the racks could not cause permanent damage, releasing them-selves if certain foot poundage was exceeded. Paul saying that perhaps that should be standard and that a deluxe model should be offered with smaller teeth and no safety feature. Reggie assured him that it was the work of seconds to change the pawl, it being at the far end of the roller and demonstrated the change himself, removing the safety pawl and replacing it with the smaller teeth within a few moments.
They ignored the lovely victim lying on the cold slab, who`s eyes had not left the two men for a nanosecond.
Paul swung the handle at the foot of the bed; she felt the chains tighten and heard the pawl clicking over the teeth of the cog, click, click, click, and click again. Her legs were pulled out taught and open. Then to her amazement the clicking stopped.
She saw him smile his approval then walk to the head of the instrument, again that incessant clicking and her arms straightened, till her body was just taught from ankle to wrist. The leather cuffs just caressing her skin, a feeling of being unable to exert any influence on what happened now to her body or her destiny was reinf***ed to a point of euphoria, she was no longer in control of herself, not she thought that in reality she ever was in life, but this feeling of helplessness was something she found exhilarating, beyond words, her whole being was in the charge of someone else. Sexually it was well WOW.
He let her lay expectant and unable to do more than just breath for herself. The he called the boys to watch and took a nipple in his fingers, she knew what was to come and she was not disappointed. Pain coursed through her breast as the teeth on the spring loaded clamp bit home. She groaned as the expected pain settled to a throb and he dropped the sac of pain back onto her chest. Her eyes said it all; she knew he had at least four of these tormenters and he would be sure to use them all.
He looked at Reggie, who smiled faintly from his vantage point beside his wife`s head, and out of her sight range. He then took a second clamp this one a screw type clamp he teased the nipple and pulled the breast away from the prone body slipped the clamp neatly in place and with his free hand took up the slack, he changed his grip on the breast and slowly the pressure increased till the clamp was squeezing the bl**d from the nipple meat, her heart was pumping pain increased slowly as each turn of the screw added its own excruciating misery to her adrenaline rush. He allowed the breast to fall back as its predecessor, and then asked her which was the more painful. The question took her by complete surprise, she could hardly speak for the pain, and her inquisitor wanted her input...she groaned that “the spring was worse at first but the screw type was worse overall.” He nodded, then moved to her belly, another spring clamp bit its way into her consciousness, its teeth dug into her naval.
He chuckled as she groaned her pain moving up a level, he took from his bag a vibrator, it burst into life, loudly and excitingly, her eyes concentrated on the tip of the 8 inch buzzing pink machine.
He dabbed the tip on her naval the buzzing monster clattering against the body of the clamp sending vibrations like shock waves through the cruel teeth and into her very guts. She began to scream, the watching eyes showing there singular emotions Rob loving every second of her pain, silently willing on the sadistic rep and Rick`s eyes radiating sympathy and love for his mother. Reggie like rob for different reasons was mentally egging on the rep, he knew she had this hidden streak as a masochist, and he wanted to play with her emotions, every time she was called on to do a demo, it was he knew a struggle for her from her joy at being used, and her desire to refuse her defiant streak, or her sexual outlook.
The vibrator moved to the clamp on her breast, again the shaking of the vicious jaws settling them deeper into the soft breast flesh, cutting and biting into the skin, tears fell and he shifted his target to her cunt. The lips first then slowly up to the clitorise, the buzzing invader finding its target and her hips rising the tiny amount her taught bindings allowed, to meet the onslaught. Her pain was momentarily forgotten, the joyous vibrations coursing through her and beginning to arouse her as never before. Reggie, at Paul`s behest held the vibrator hard against the pink nub for him
Fingers slithered through the silk like folds of her wet and slippery sex, gentle soothing strokes soft and gentle, she began her journey towards her climax she so needed, the boys forgotten, her husband, her home life too, even the pain had receded to the background, she closed her eyes, ecstatic waves of excitement building, slowly.
Suddenly she writhed in her bonds, Pain hot and urgent roared through her body as the next clamp bit onto the soft lip, she suddenly realised that he had not been bringing on her climax he had been lining up her labia for the next demonstration of these awful clamps.
Her mind through the screaming pain suddenly had a lucid moment; she had seen four clamps only, two sprung and two of the screw type; she was wearing only one screw clamp now, and three sprung, wearily she realised he must have more, his fingers now stroking the other lip, no, no, no, “no more please no more!” he laughed and the clamp was attached, slowly oh so slowly the faces came closer bl**d was f***ed away and the pain replaced it in the hapless lip her voice had dried now, tears coursed down her drawn face , her lips whispered her cry of “no more please no more.”
Reggie, had eased the vibrator from contact and was stood just mesmerised at the pain his wife was enduring, Paul took the vibrator from the open mouthed head of the f****y, saying in his best Jolson voice, “you aint seen nothing yet folks!” and he added a few clicks to the already tight rack, then dabbed the buzzing tool back onto the clit. The effect was electric, already near her climax the jolt of the vibration through her body was enough, she body jumping and twitching as best it could, her arms felt as though they were going to tear from their sockets, every joint was at its limit her breast and labia screaming in an agony of pain and her belly dribbling bl**d, but her clitorise, that button of womanly joy was betraying her, she was coming in torrents, a gasping, screaming squirting and eye rollingly wonderful cum more huge than any she had ever before experienced, her ears roared, her head rocked her eyes rolled and she felt her world close in on her as she blacked out.
Reggie looked on in amazement, never before had he seen a woman so enraptured in pain and climax.
To his amazement he ejaculated without ever touching himself, Paul too seemed to go over the top, and the two boys were open mouthed, unable to service young cocks secure as they were, they sat with penises stiff as ramrods.
As she returned from whatever planet she had visited, Paul removed the last of the clamp`s, bl**d flowed into parts it had been denied for some time, tiny trickles ran from the location of the sprung jaws, and she again was washed with outrageous pain, receding to the outer darkness once more, as Paul released the pawls and she sank to the rack-bed once more.
They released the cuffs from the chains, the leather had cut into her wrists and ankles, circulation flowed once more and the pins and needles effect brought her from her stupor. She sat bewildered as Paul, smiled at Reggie, then in a businesslike fashion he ordered six racks with the non safety pawl, a number of pillories, and a couple of stocks. He then handed Reggie the bag of freebies, and saying goodbye to them all in a general sort of way he swept out saying as a parting shot, “I will see you all again next month!”
Reggie saw him to his car, while Alison stiff as she was released the boys, the cottage pie awaited her and she had veg and a pudding to prepare.
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