A trip to remember


I had known Jon and his wife a while, he seemed a nice retired guy who had spent his life on the railways of the USA, she, his wife was a mature lovely who outwardly looked like butter wouldn’t melt in the mouth of. A great housewife, a good housekeeper, she had a daughter by another earlier marriage and a couple of sons, all now left home so outwardly they were an all American mom and pop pair!
I am Eddy by the way and I am their scribe, writing for them on a porn site under the pseudonym; Alibodge Eddy and I however knew better, Jon just loved to watch his wife being used, sexually, by both men and women and on occasions in the most bizarre and painful ways. Now that`s not to say he would f***e the lady into anything, or let things get out of hand if he could help it, luckily for our Jon, she was his perfect partner, she was a lover of sex from anyone and any angle, having a love of sucking men, licking women, and was also being a lover of pain, a masochist, and in addition she would do anything Jon asked of her and I do mean anything.
Take a few months ago when we visited a bdsm group meeting together, it was a group they had only visited just once before, I was along strictly as an observer while out in America just for a short visit.
Anyway she found a video being played in one corner of the place of a girl in bondage on this very stage being kicked in the tenderest spot on her body by another barefoot lovely, the girl seemed to be enjoying the pain, just as she herself enjoyed pain so she stood watching absorbed for a while, thinking, I later found out; that here was the potential for one of my more lurid sex stories! When Jon sensed her interest and she explained the motive, he suggested that she could try it, she soon agreed saying she would “do it just for me.” To which I was flattered big time. She did however say, I hoped in jest, that;”if it went wrong she would use my cock for her own climax till it bled before I was allowed to go home to your little island!”
Laughing I stupidly agreed!
Jon didn’t need telling, he laughed and I watched him go up to the organiser and chat for a while, he seemed to be negotiating, and came back with a smile saying the organiser had agreed to it as the evening`s entertainment, a chap with his lady and a bullwhip had cried off at the last moment, so they needed a set piece but on their terms, he had tentatively agreed and it would be a little more strong than the video but would she be interested it was up to her.
She looked a bit apprehensive but on seeing my face, (looking keen I suspect), she decided to go for it. Jon confirmed it with the organiser then we were told she was to be ready for 9 pm so we all had a drink or two, compliments of the management.
At 8.45 a girl appeared and led her to the changing room, she took me with her “to take notes” she said, but I suspect it was because she knew I had never seen her naked before and wanted to tease me more than a little.
Now ancient old Eddy may be but he knows a good looking woman when he sees one and is not about to look a gift horse up the nose naked ladies lead me on!
She was dressed in jeans and a white shirt, and boots, the boots I helped her with, and she peeled off her jeans, then her shirt to reveal a fine pair of breasts, finally she shed her knickers, and after standing for me to look at for a second the ‘organiser’ appeared and asked her if she would sign a consent form, she did, before giving me her clothes and sent me back to Jon, trotting off to the toilet saying “she didn’t want to water the stage.”
Jon and I had ringside seats, there were about a dozen folk in that night, some in collars with their masters holding their leads, some in rubber, one in a painful looking leather outfit that I was told had in-turned studs.
Anyway this organiser chap appeared, they hushed as he explained that “the whip” had a boil on his bum or a pimple on his prick or some such and couldn’t be with them, to which a chorus of boos showed the assemblies lack of joy.
He then went on that one of our newer ladies had offered to stand in for him and would be punished hard for their ‘enjoyment.’
‘Hard?’ we didn’t remember that in the itinery! Jon and I exchanged glances that told me he had not either but they were committed now and would look pretty wimpy to stop the show now, and of course, she had agreed.
The girl that had fetched her now led her forth onto the stage to perhaps a little too loud if polite applause, just like any other act in any other club stage. She had cuffs on her wrists and a collar and chain, led like a dancing bear, by the girl both totally naked.
She was manoeuvred till she stood backside to the wall, legs a little open, perhaps more than a little nervy, and her arms at her sides just as the girl on the film had, all expectant that the girl who led her on would be the one kicking her.
He eyes glued on the girl watching for the first flick of the kicking foot, so she didn’t see the two large women, a couple of right bruisers dressed in leather and hoods who appeared and grabbed her arms. Before she could move her arms were up and clipped forcibly into rings on chains suspended from above, she looked a bit shocked. Her assailants now tied her legs open to rings in the stage; to my surprise, they used soft ropes the only soft thing I had seen used all evening. The two bruisers now vanished to the wings and the girl had vanished as well the lights went down just leaving one spotlight at our girl. The crowd hushed and there was a clinking noise not unlike the ring of a spur, accompanying the clonk of heels on the wooden stage. The organiser simple introduced her with a sweep of the hand and the single word “Tina!” The small crowd went wild; no doubt they had seen her before. The woman who appeared was dressed in leather and I immediately noticed she was wearing 6” or 8" stiletto heels with a very sharply pointed toe in polished black with a small spur.
She was shapely but her eye glinted cruelly and we suddenly all knew this was not to be the barefooted kicking our girl was expecting. But we knew too we could do nothing in the face of this crowd, baying for pain and bl**d
By now our girl was quaking but it was way too late. The leather shape swiftly kicked her directly in the cunt; there was no other word for it, it was the leather woman`s target her point of aim held open just for her and she was going to enjoy every strike. The crowd bayed there appreciation as the target grunted her lack of approval, however she later told me “the first couple of strikes were not that hard her toe being pointed found my wet hole and she was really accurate and it was quite arousing” she got quite a buzz from that first couple, short but fun in a strange if painful way.
These were sadly just ranging shots, practise, a trial, call it what you will, and once she had the measure of the target ‘Tina’ rapidly began kicking fast, furious and with strength, no counting now, the buzz of sexual joy of soft kicks to the clitoric area gone, our victim began to scream, the crowd went wild, they loved it, half a dozen hard kicks in succession by now had bl**d in a small rivulet trickling down her left leg. A few more and it seemed to be over, the crowd baying at the sight of bl**d, Avis in tears and a form of shock, released now by the bruisers, who appeared as ‘Tina’ took a bow.
First prize for accuracy, her toe had opened a cut inside our girl as each time it hit the spot, entering her to the ball of her luckily small pointed foot each time.
Sadly it was not over, the bruiser`s laid our girl down on her back her hips d****d over a padded slope they took a heel each opening her legs like a wishbone we thought for the crowd to see the damage. She, was writhing still in pain, but unable to do much in that position.
Was it over, we both wondered?
Not a chance, ‘Tina’ now unclipped the rowel and placed her heal into the woman`s bleeding channel and began fucking her with the hard and solid heel. Her screams were music to the ears of the assembled crowd as the speed and strength of the movement increased coming to a frenzy of rapid strokes.
Suddenly it was over, I suspect ‘Tina’ had climaxed, she turned and bowed to rounds of loud applause then exited stage left.
The bruisers lifted our girl and dragged her limp body away stopping just in sight before make the near collapsed woman bow, again to a rousing round of clapping and whistling, then dragging her away as the crowd dispersed.
We slipped into the changing room where one of the bruisers was splashing neat spirit onto the cut`s with a less than gentle touch. Our girl was sobbing with the sting of the spirit.
We silently replaced the hulk, and Jon gently dabbed at the cuts and assisted her to dress. The organiser appeared and gave her his thanks, and a stiff drink, no pay however just thanks and a drink, we pointed out she had saved his neck that evening, but he shrugged his shoulders at Jon`s complaint that, this was not what they signed up for! He then indifferently pointed out the signature on the form she had signed...
We were soon home, we bathed her and she slept for the next 12 hours. The cut eased after a week, sadly it had meant she was to walk bow legged for the first few days.
I to make life easier for her went off and visited another friend for a day or two and by the time I returned to them both she was back to more her old self, however that evening she reminded me of what she had said,”if it went wrong she would use my cock till it bled” woops but no doubt that was just a thing you say I thought. However I wasn’t going to refuse a screw with this sexy lady.
She had me down to the cellars of the house, one room Jon, a prodigious artist, used for his railway paintings and drawings. Through a small doorway was a second cellar, it was a hidden playroom. She laughed; as I stood amazed, I was standing in a small but fantastic dungeon.
There was a bed in the centre at the far end, she soon had my clothes off and began to prepare jump my bones, on the soft but firm bed, it was exquisite, she sucked my small limp tool and it rose to the occasion something it hadn’t done in over a year but I defy even a dead man`s member to resist this fantastic woman, she withdrew my seed with a suck like a Hoover, then she began to ride me, it was awesome I found my wrists in cuffs, to this day I know not how that happened, but she whispered would I be man enough to fulfil her greatest fantasy. At that point I would have agreed to anything, and unbeknown to me I had.
She introduced a small vibrator and with the help of some lube, she slid it up my back passage, wow I had not done that before and it was something else, my hands soon were secured and my dick stiff again. I expected her to jump my bones.
My feet became secure, and she called Jon to watch and no doubt take a picture or two. He appeared and sat in a hitherto unnoticed armchair to watch, she fetched a fortunately small whip, with short wide lashes of soft leather and stubby handle.
She held it to my lips, she hissed “kiss it”, I could tell she was well `in the zone’ so I did and she fitted a ball gag, then, as if I had given her the consent she wanted, the first stroke fell, soft strikes, belly, chest, arms, legs, feet nothing was safe, light stinging strokes, not painful but stimulating, lots and lots, I began slowly to understand her attitude to pain, the strokes increased there was a look of intense enjoyment on her face as the strokes slowly encroached on my sex, my balls tightened, still just light strokes, rapid stinging.
Slash, the next one was a sizzler; it wrapped itself round my now stiff shaft, Wow, pain shafted through my rod, but I owed her, I realised then she was determined to draw bl**d, she had taken an internal cut for me.
She swung again legs, chest, another complete round, my skin now alive, WHAP the lash hit my tool again and then again, the odd lash hit my balls, I rose against the securing points and she quickly took advantage of the better presented cock, WHAP again my cock is a screaming red hot field of fire, I want to cry ENOUGH but the ball gag muffles my screams, WHAP again bl**d runs from the small cuts, god she lost it, my mind screams, my cock will never recover and again the whip lands and its thankfully over. She was experiencing a climax that made her drop the whip and lean against the bedside shaking, her eyes were on my poor bl**dy cock, her hand slowly stretches out to touch the bl**dy stick, she gripped it, pain exquisite and wonderful as she begins to wank my cock, bl**d between her fingers, mixing with my seed as I come once again, it`s a huge gout, more than once in a night as well, a record for me of late.
Jon released me helping me to my feet, he had orgasmed as well, he suggested that I share her bed for the night but I decline, suggesting it better to quit while I was ahead I know my limits, knowing there would be another night before I return to my own distant abode.
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