New World Order


New World

As the decades have passed I have watched the scene change in the trans/cross dresser/drag queen world and I have kept up with those changes on my own terms. I am always considered myself to be a gay drag queen, a very low testosterone sissy faggot who is now a has been female impersonator and now a comfort gurl for older men. I love that role in life because it allows me to serve very masculine, very accomplished Alpha males and do so on both their terms and my terms. I have no need to hook. I just do it because I love having sex and friendships with these men and they like keeping me around as a compliant play thing who will cater to their lust and not whine or try to hold them to any strings. It is a perfect arrangement for us and for the past fourteen years that I have been single it has kept me busy entertaining men like my late husband.

Anwar is one such man. I have known Anwar is an international business man who lives in a couple of condos and a large estate here in the Southwest. Originally from Turkey he is married to an elegant and very domineering Lebanese woman, Elaine. Elaine is one of those older women who seem to get more beautiful and more elegant as time passes. I have known her almost as long as I have known Anwar and respect her as an accomplished and educated woman. She has allowed Anwar to have a pre-approved harem. I am it. I have the time and ability to travel and meet him and entertain him which relieves Elaine of that wifely duty. Anwar does like to play a bit rough in bed and she is not in to it but realizes that allowing him to have a mistress he will not stray far from home nor will he be tempted to partake in dangerous activities with dangerous people. Allowing him to have his harem and have it under her supervision is a much better and acceptable answer to that problem. So the rules are clear, Elaine and I communicate and are friends and she appreciates me although I exist on a much lower gender plane than her. She views me as a necessity but over time a most welcome necessity. The rules are simple. Discretion. Privacy. Respect for Anwar’s manhood and Elaine’s position as a well known business woman. Total submission to Anwar’s needs which include kinky oral and bareback anal sex. That means all other dates are wrapped. I also must respect and cater to cultural and social norms that are not American. Submission. Respect. Deference. Sexual servitude. Discretion. Walking behind. In all things I am subordinate and submissive. For that discipline I am rewarded with amazing sex and a certain respect shown to favored servants.

My priorities have been responding to Anwar’s needs over the years. He is regular and punctual, always the perfect gentleman and always quietly demanding. When I perform well I am appreciated and complimented. Elaine is fully aware of our activities and I must report to her my routine medical testing as well as discrete reports on Anwar’s performance. Because he is in his early 70’s now we are both taking precautions with his health and virility. So far he is amazingly virile. He does have some blood pressure issues so we watch carefully and I report anything to her that may indicate a problem. So far so good. He performs like a breeder bull. All the time.

Our relationship has grown over the past fourteen years and I have grown in to their lives as a friend and as a business asset. That role started twelve years ago when Anwar was at my house for a date night and mentioned to me that he had a business contact coming from Lebanon who would be in Las Vegas for a few days. He asked me if I could drive up to spend an evening with his friend, show him around and if agreeable show him a good time. This was not an entirely new concept for our arrangement because I had done oral parties for Anwar and as many as three of his friends. He shared me when circumstances were right. My house was always a good place for this or one of their three condominiums spread throughout the Southwest. When he asked me to do him this favor I readily obeyed and he wrote down the details for me.

That next Thursday I got douched, made up and dressed and headed to Las Vegas for this date. The arrangement was for an overnight at a corporate condo with a tour of the Fruit Loop and some off strip alternative clubs. I had to be back home mid day the next day so this would be about an eighteen hour trip. In his mission briefing to me Anwar told me of their long standing business relationship as well as friendship. Both men had traveled the Middle East and Europe together on business mixed with pleasure and had partaken in some of the better sissy entertainment available. What was expected of me was to show Mohammad a good time in bed and in town, treat him like a king and long lost friend and let him know that I am Anwar’s gift to him, his friend and that I was to do exactly as he asked. And I did. Andy told me that Mohammad normally limited himself to receiving oral sex on these dates so I was prepared for that but also prepared to be flipped should my fanny draw his interest. So on the drive up to Vegas I played out the date in my mind, knowing a bit about this man’s kinks and desires and wanting to show him a good time and be a good gurl gift from my man Anwar. As I approached Vegas my anticipation grew in to desire and I could taste the manly flavor of semen as I pulled in to the parking lot. I texted from my cell that I had arrived and Mohammad responded with his unit number. I parked, grabbed my overnight date bag and sashayed to his unit and to his door.

He met me at the door and ushered me in to a very nice, sizable ground level unit that looked out on to a pool deck and pool. He had the blinds partially closed and the living room darkened a bit but I could see this was first class all the way. When I entered he took my bag and ushered me in to the bedroom where he allowed me a few minutes to hit the cat box and then freshen my lipstick and face, do a quick rinse with some mouthwash and then make my entrance to the living room. As I did he called to me ‘Single malt scotch, neat, right?’ to which I responded ‘Dear sir, this is no fair, Anwar told you all of my secrets!’ He laughed and said ‘Bobbi, you are very special to Anwar and Elaine and now I can see why. I hope to earn that same trust as I will be coming to the US a lot over the next few years.’ I crossed the room toward him as he held out my drink. I noted his height, about 6’1”, broad shoulders leading down to a still trim waist and masked by a Batik style shirt, very fine grey wool slacks and loafers. Mohammad was in his mid sixties by my best guess and was in very good physical shape. I took my glass, we touched glasses and I moved to within grope distance of him as we took a sip of really fine scotch. His hand came to my right waist and slowly moved down to my fanny cheek. I did not resist and complied with his touch. He smiled knowing that the stress of the long flight was soon to be relieved.

We moved to the couch and sat next to each other and chatted. He moved his hand to my knee and I allowed him to stroke my nylon clad leg as we talked. This went on for fifteen minutes and he caught me glancing at the bulge in his fine wool trousers a couple of times. Finally I could not stand it any more and asked him to follow me to the bedroom to take care of him. We stood by the bed as I unbuttoned and removed his shirt, then asked him to kick off his shoes and I dropped his trousers and hung both shirt and trousers on a hanger. He stood before me in a black pair of satin boxer shorts and I could soak up his masculinity as I eyed his body from face to feet. He had very dark body and facial hair, his face was very masculine, lined and very well proportioned with a strong Roman nose and very distinct dimpled chin. His beard gave that almost blue hue that very masculine dark men have and below, on his chest was thick, curly black hair, a broad and well formed chest and trim waist. My gaze went down to his satin shorts and the obvious bulge tenting the fine fabric. With that I slipped to my knees and commenced the task given me by Anwar and Elaine.

As I slipped Mohammad’s satin boxers to his ankles his cock straightened and came to rest on my nose. We both giggled as I took the tip of his manhood between my lips and commenced my dutiful service to him. I noted the massive testicles hanging low in a very hairy sack and the halo of dark, curly hair surrounding his manhood and leading up to his navel. I rode down on his tool to the base and he flinched with sensation as I ran my tongue down the bottom of his glans and shaft and then slowly retreated back to the broad glans. He quivered as I advanced and retreated down his shaft taking care not to put too much pressure on him and try to make this experience last. As I worked I slipped my left hand up and cupped his massive balls. They felt like two hard oranges in a bag as I cupped them knowing that this testosterone laden bull was going to flood me when he finally exploded. I was ready, willing and able. The scent, the feel and taste of this man made me glad I was a faggot. Just the thought of providing pleasure to a stallion like this made my tootie hard and even gave me a little drip of sissy juice. I slipped my right arm around Mister Bull’s waist and placed my hand in the small of his back as I cupped his balls and rocked back and forth fucking my own head with his long, thick tool. He was on the edge of explosion from the start and I wanted to stretch out this first introductory session a bit so I could show him just how good I was at sucking cock. This worked for a while but I could feel his tension building as his hand took a firmer grasp on the back of my head and his pumping motion became more insistent. His moaning became more intense until finally he blurted out ‘Oh honey I need to cum!’ He tried to pull away as if to do and air shot but I maintained my arm hold around his waste and a soft hold on his balls and rode back with him. One final grunt and he began flooding me with hot ropes of semen. I maintained my grip on him, held him as I worked the full length of his shaft while at he same time swallowing his shots as they came. He shot seven massive pumps in to me and then settled back to sit on the edge of the bed. I rode forward with him keeping his cock in my mouth and pumping my skull until he settled on the bed. He placed both of his arms behind himself and steadied himself on the bed with both hands as I continued my work on him. I could tell that he was shot out and was getting to the post orgasmic stage where men cannot bear to have their glans touched for the intense sensations. When he reached that point he gently guided my head off of his crotch and cock and I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and said ‘now I know why my friend loves you so much.’

Mohammad collapsed back on to the bed as I got up and headed to the bath room to fetch a hot wet towel. I cleaned his cock and crotch as he laid back and drifted off. He slept for a bit while I went to the powder room to swish my mouth and work on my war paint. After I had put myself back together he stirred on the bed and got up and headed to the shower. He dried and dressed as I sat on the couch in the living room. The sun had gone down and nightlife was just around the corner. Once dressed he came back in to the living room and we discussed the events for the night.

I made a couple of quick calls to gurl friends in town to find out what was happening and where and whether or not they wanted to link up. After three calls we had a full dance card and then headed out. Mohammad was not shy in gay and alternative bars and proudly displayed his latest conquest. I love being touched and he obliged by keeping a hand on my waist or fanny and keeping me close. We went from club to club and socialized with guys and gurls I knew and a lot of the local gay and alternative scene talent. In no time the clock struck one A.M. and I knew I had to get Mohammad back to the condo and to bed so he would be functional for his busy day tomorrow. We arrived and entered, had one last drink and then I excused myself to his the shower and get ready for bed. He stripped and slipped between the sheets as I douched, showered, dried, made up and slipped in to a satin night gown with matching panties. As I entered the room once again he rose to greet me and I knew we were at a decision point. Mohammad rarely if ever fucked gurls and my brief on him had been thorough. He came across the room, wrapped his arms around me and placed his hands on my fanny and asked me ‘Does my friend Anwar also share this with his friends?’ I nodded and said ‘protected’ and he nodded and motioned to the night stand where a pump bottle of anal lube and a box of exotic French Ticklers stood. We went to the bed and laid down next to each other. He stroked and sucked my nipples for a bit and then stroked my bare legs marveling at the smooth skin. “Just like a little girl’s’ he chuckled and then moved his hand to my fanny. I had been playing with his cock and he was fully erect and ready but said ‘I am not used to this so you will guide me.’ I nodded yes, got up, popped a finger of lube up my fanny, grabbed one of the exotic rubbers and opened the pack. I then went down on his cock once again sucking him to a full erection and then some. Once there I popped the rubber in my mouth, went down on him uncurling the rubber on his cock as I descended to the base and then taking a mouthful of lub I did the same to lube the rubber. As I was doing this Mohammad was working my panties down to my ankles and stroked my smooth legs as he did so. He then said ‘how best?’ and I showed him how best to mount and penetrate me. I prefer the jail house position for the first time with a man as it gives him the most direct access to my fuck hole and gives him complete control over his stroke and pace.

I went on to my stomach and guided his left arm over me and drew him up on top of me. Slipping a pillow under my tummy gave me enough support to offer up my fanny at an angle and height easy for him to mount. He did so and probed around searching for my pussy as I squirmed under him to present the right shot. He lined up as I lined up and with one push he was a third of the way in me. He asked ‘OK?’ I said heavens yes I am OK, fuck me! Two more thrusts and he was fully in me and began taking deep but not full strokes in to me. We settled in to a pace and I offered up my fanny to make his thrusts comfortable to me and him and as I cooed encouragement he took me harder with each thrust. Now working at a sustained pace I worked my pussy muscles to give him just enough tension and friction to give him a good ride but not tight enough to make him cum right away. As he thrust his much larger and stronger body held me in position, his head over my shoulder and hot breath hit my neck and ears and his hands held me firmly under my armpits and he took total control of me. He took his pleasure with me for another fifteen minutes and I murmured encouragement and sounds of pleasure. He had me fully erect as his strokes rubbed my prostate and started forcing sissy juice out of my erect tootie. His pace kept me on the verge of a sissygasm for the last four or five minutes and he increased his intensity more as he approached his orgasm. As he intensified I opened my fanny muscles to take his thrusts and lessen the resistance and friction just enough to keep him raging but not enough to make him shoot his load. This worked for another couple of minutes until he signaled that he needed to cum by tightening his grasps under my armpits and his hands on the front of my shoulders gripped harder as he drove himself in to my fanny harder. This action was more than I could take and I released a sissygasm which wet the towel I had placed under me for such occasions. Feeling me orgasm caused Mohammad to release and expend yet another huge load of baby batter. Thoroughly enraptured by this man’s intensity and lust I thought to myself ‘I would have this man’s babies’ as we both relaxed and he collapsed his full weight on to me. He realized I was bearing his weight and he asked ‘are you OK?’ I answered with an incoherent coo of pleasure as I held his cock in my fanny and gently milked it with my fanny muscles.

We both lay in that position, me on my stomach, legs spread wide and him on top of me holding me with his arms under my armpits and his weight pinning me to the bed. It took a long time for his raging boner to go down to the point where he popped out of me. I lay there basking in post orgasm bliss, thoroughly fucked and loving it. When he finally did pop out of my fanny he rolled off me. I got up and told him to stay still. In to the bathroom, hot wet towel, I returned to peel off his flooded condom and wash down his crotch and cock. After I put the flooded condom in the towel and placed them on the nightstand he pulled me down on top of him, wrapped his arms around me and drove his tongue down my throat in a very hot, wet, intense kiss. I submitted and returned his affections. We then settled down side by side on the bed as he stroked my legs and fanny and we talked. He took this time to tell me that he would be coming to the US three or four times a year and would like to arrange my company when he was here. We agreed to talk with Anwar and Elaine and make it so. Mohammad also told me that a few times a year he would bring a business partner, also a mature Muslim man from Turkey and he would enjoy my company as well. I told him that I would happily handle two men and love being watched while doing so. Anwar told me this was real kink for Mohammad and Mohammad was thrilled to hear that I would perform for an audience and allow for photos and video. Perfect match. Perfect. It was now approaching three AM so we drifted off to sleep. I set my phone for 8 AM and we both slumbered until it went off. We spent the night wrapped up in each others arms and as I stirred before he did I gently awoke him to the feel of my mouth sucking his cock. He was hard before he was awake and as he rose he went for the lube and rubbers again. I complied and put the condom on and lubricated it with my mouth and then assumed the position one more time. He took me a fucked me furiously for about ten minutes before once again exploding inside of me.

Once done we both hit the shower, I got made and dressed and we had coffee before departing on our separate ways. He told me he held a very special love for me and I confessed mine for him. I told him that over time we would work in synchronicity to achieve orgasms and please each other and I would always be available for him. And we have been true to that promise. He has made regular business trips here and I have met him, as I have also met his business partner Hussein. Both are very kind, very sensual, sexually intense men who respond to feel, smell, and affection and who appreciate a gurl who allows for some rough play while fucking and who does not whine. Both men know that I enjoy my time with them and cater to each by knowing and submitting to their various kinks. For Mohammad that means fucking me hard while in the doggie position and him standing at the edge of the bed. For Hussein he likes me to be on my knees in front of him, him standing and he loves to cum hard down my throat. Both set me over the edge so we work well for each other. They have their photos and videos to keep their jack off session interesting between trips. They only share these with Anwar and Elaine who get a kick of watching me get ravished by two mutual friends. It all works.

When I am at home Anwar visits me regularly and while he is fucking me from behind he talks to me about how well I take care of his friends and how he loves to watch me suck cock and get fucked by men he likes. This is one of his kinks. He is very visual and has a very vivid sexual imagination. The sight and sound of me being a whore in service to him and his friends drives him wild and as he approaches his orgasm he will remind me that I am his whore and under his direction. I agree. And this time after he had unloaded his balls in to my fanny for the second time that afternoon he brought up another proposal.

He travels to Mexico and Central America fairly often and told me of some business associates in Guadalajara who shared his passion for tranny fanny. Both men travel to the US a couple of times a year for their import/export business and most often to either Phoenix or Las Vegas. Bingo. They usually travel alone but next month they will be traveling together and will be attending a conference down at the river in a casino. This is only 40 miles so it should be easy. Anwar described a club he attended in Guadalajara with these two and the tranny scene there and told me that these two were very intrigued with my pictures and wanted to meet me. Anwar wanted to thank them for a hot time on his trip and there was no better way to do so than arrange a date and if possible a double date. I agreed to call my long time friend Tami to see if she could make it. Both men sounded hot and I was assured they were both very nice men and appreciative of gurls who go the extra mile. Tami and I have always had a taste for Latin cock so it sounded like a dream cum true. A few weeks later we were rewarded with a very hot night on a very hot night in a suite overlooking the Colorado River.

On the appointed evening I swung bi Tami’s place and picked her up. As we headed to the river I filled her in on both men. Both were early 50’s, bigger Daddy types, both raging bulls and both very nice men. Anwar told me that they like to get right down to business with little fanfare and Tami and I have always been easy to take down so it sounded perfect. I had a purse full of rubbers and lube and both of us were douched up to our tonsils and ready to put out. As we approached the casino and the underground parking garage we did a last minute check on makeup and parked the car. Straight to the elevator, up to the seventh floor and straight to their suite. Perfect so far. I knocked on the door and it opened with Martin standing in a robe beckoning us in. We entered and noticed Luis also in a robe with a drink in hand standing in the bar. He asked us what we would like and we both asked for a scotch straight up. He complied and we drifted in to the large living room of the suite and took seats on opposite couches. A man soon plopped on each next to us and as we drank and chatted hands got busy. We both surrendered and soon had the sensation of very masculine hands playing with our tooties thru the satin fabric of our panties. These guys knew how to get a gurl going and how to get what they wanted and we were now in the mood to give it up. I unbuttoned the front of my satin blouse as the hand worked my clit skillfully and with authority. Once my blouse was open the hand came up and began stroking my left breast. My hand soon found a hairy leg and rode it up to find a hard cock poking through the front opening in the robe. I could feel the precum as I worked it with my hand. Tami was keeping right up with me and at the same time we rolled off the couch, on to our knees between the couch and coffee table and found two hard beer can cocks in our mouths in perfect unison. I went to to work in my normal mode as I am a very aggressive cock sucker and if a man is not ready for me he is going to cum right away. Martin tolerated my attention for a few minutes and then pulled my head up saying ‘you are making me cum too fast. Lets go to the bedroom and do this right.” I complied by rising to my feet and following him to the large suite with two king sized beds and three video cameras set up around them. As I walked I stripped and was down to bra, garters, shoes and hose by the time we reached the bed. Martin guided me down on to the bed, face down, fanny up and drew a pillow to me. I placed the pillow under my stomach and took my position with legs spread, knees on the edge of the bed and fanny spread and presented for penetration. Martin and Luis worked in perfect timing and both donned rubbers and lube in accordance with Anwar’s rule book and lubed our fuck holes. Both lined up and penetrated our anxious fannies and began working us like old hands.

Both of these men are powerfully built, muscular men of about 6 feet and over 230 pounds each. Both have massive arms and legs, broad shoulders and muscular and hairy chests. I knew we were in for a ride once I saw them with the robes off. And both men sported beer can cocks of about eight inches and thick. Both were uncut but were completely hard once we arrived and both were ready to fuck. On the bedstead of my bead I noticed the telltale bottle of Viagara and could feel the rigid hardness of a blue pilled cock. Martin had me completely opened up and dialated as he pounded his meat in to my fanny. He and Luis took a deliberate and not desperate pace as they fucked us showing that they had been here before and both were well qualified ass masters. Martin was thick and long enough to give my prostate a real ride and that had consequences because I cannot prevent having sissigasms when a big man takes me from behind. Being in this position gives the man complete control as well as complete access to the depths of my pussy so the only thing I could do was to grab and bite a pillow and take the drilling until he gave me the filling. I heard Tami moaning with pleasure and Luis giving her encouragement as he pounded her. Martin was quieter but I could tell by his breathing that he was getting his money’s worth out of my rear end. Martin went from holding my waist to holding me by the shoulders and back again as he pounded me. His cock bounced over my prostate on each inward and outward stroke. I could tell Tami was getting the same treatment from Luis by her moaning and breathing. There was no need for any fuck scene theatrics with these two bulls. All of our sound effects were from a very real place. Men who know how to fuck a gurl can take complete control, keep you on edge and make their orgasm come on demand. The first fuck of the evening often end too soon with the man losing is load of baby batter in you before he is ready. Not the case here. Both men were rock hard and horned up but both had the experience and discipline to pace themselves and make the ride last. As Martin pounded he brought me to the edge of my sissigasm three times. The third time he was raging and so was I and I lost my small load of sissy lube in to the folds of the black nylon slip I was wearing. He felt the convulsions of my orgasm which was a huge turn on for him. I could tell because he went from rock hard to diamond hard but still maintained his control and pace in order to make this ride last. These men had now taken complete control and ownership of us and were having their way with us and we were all for it. I love it when a man vents his lust on me or in men without reservation. We were both experienced whores and could take the pounding so why not? I had completely drifted off in to a mental state where I lost track of time and control of my body and simple went where the man directed me and did as he directed. I could not tell you how much time had elapsed when Martin’s grip on my shoulders tightened and he drew me back and in to him as he pounded away. With a loud groaning exhale and a tight grip on me he unloaded and kept pounding. I clamped down on him with my pussy muscles in an attempt to get two or three more shots out of him before he backed off but he just kept on pounding me even after he had shot his load. He kept pounding and as he did the semen load he shot lubricated the rubber which curled up and slid off. He ended up pounding that deep in to me before he realized what had happened. He gave me another five minutes after his orgasm which kept my sissygasm sensations going. Just as I was regaining my senses I heard Luis unload in Tami. Both men remained rock hard and simply slowed their thrusts down a bit but maintained in order to get more post orgasm pleasure. I have always known that men are hyper sensitive after they shoot a load and both of these men definitely were. But the Viagara kept them rock hard so they kept pumping. Both Tami and I were in a silly state but kept taking the pounding for as long as these two bulls wanted to keep it going.

Some time later, and please don’t ask me how long because I completely lost track of time, Martin called over to Luis and said ‘let’s give the gurls a break.’ Both men were still rock hard when I heard their cocks pop out of our pussies and both guys got up and headed to the shower. I collapsed forward on the bed and Tami slipped to the floor on her knees and hugged the side of the bed. I listened to the shower run and the two bulls toweling off and then they donned their robes and headed to the living room couches and to their drinks and cigars. I noted that both men were still rock hard as they sat on the couch and puffed their cigars. Tami was able to collect herself first and get up and head to the bathroom. She cleaned up, freshened her makeup and came back in to the bedroom. Standing over me and glaring at my dialated pussy hole she laughed and said ‘Gurlie, you are a real sight. You look like a prison rape victim. Go get presentable.’ I crawled up to my feet and wobbled in to the bathroom to fish the rubber out of my fanny and try to get desirable again.

I cleaned up, douched and relubed myself and then touched up my makeup before heading to the living room. Both men sat on the couches with self satisfied looks on their faces. Martin said ‘I am going to think of a very special way to thank Anwar for you two.’ Tami and I sat next to the guys, our panties soaking in to the towels we had placed under our fannies and caught a quick drink before round two started. Tami asked Martin what his idea was to thank Anwar and how he planned on thanking us and Martin answered ‘how about we fuck you all night to the point where your swish rocks like a boat and you can barely walk. Is that not what you gurls really want? I answered yes, that will do and we were both up for the contest. From the sight of their cocks poking through the robes I could tell this contest was not going to be over for a while. A few minutes later Martin took me by the hand and led me back in to the bedroom for another round. Luis soon followed with Tami in tow. We took another pounding resulting in another sissigasm for me and that next pounding lasted for over an hour. Once again completely gaped I struggled to the bathroom to clean up. Once again to the couch for a drink and rest, and then back again. We all finally passed out at 2 AM after over five hours of straight fucking. The guys let us sleep until 9 AM. I awoke to the sound of the shower and checked the clock. I knew the guys had a meeting at noon so our activities were bound to resume this morning. I went to the bar and put on the coffee and waited for the bathroom to clear. The guys took a seat on the couch, once again in robes and hard weenies and Tami and I repaired the damage from last night. We emerged in slips and heels with fresh makeup and went to the couch. Looking at Martin’s hard cock bulging under the robe compelled me to get on my knees in front of him and work one more load out of him. I cannot stand to leave a man needing to cum when I have the opportunity to do the job properly and drain him. Tami followed my lead and we went to work on the two fully erect beer cans. Both guys were able to hold on for a half hour before giving up the last of their loads to our waiting mouths. That being done we washed their cum down with hot coffee and after a short break we retreated to the bedroom to get dressed and leave. Martin came back and watched us dressed and played back some of the video he had taken. He then took the chips to his laptop, downloaded them and put them on a flash drive. He instructed me that this was to go to Anwar only, no copies, no peeking. If we were good gurls Anwar might let us see some of the clips. Luis told us that Anwar would be at the conference that afternoon and would get the drive. And with that. We kissed the guys and headed back to the parking garage. I was not sure I could even get my feet working well enough to drive but after shedding my heels for the running shoes I keep for just such occasions we started on our merry way home.

The following week Tami was staying at my place when Anwar called and said he would be right over. Tami followed me in to the bed room and we talked as I changed from a dress and in to a satin night gown and no panties in anticipation of Anwar’s arrival. When he got to my front door he was carrying a small bag. He came in and sat down, joined Tami and me in a glass of iced tea and presented each of us with a gorgeous fire opal set in a necklace setting. Martin and Luis were in the jewelry trade and wanted us to have these as a token of appreciation and friendship. At least four times a year I get to show them my appreciation when they come to Vegas or the River. Sometimes with Tami, if she is free and a couple of times on my own. Two virile men men, blue pills, one gurl. Let your imagination run.

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