Mammal at rescue
Juan Alberto
We sailed Kupang and bound for Darwin, weather forecast told us that a tropical storm was coming but weakening, so my
husband, a newly retired officer from the Australian navy, said we'll have some sea swells but no more than this,
so we felt confident and didn't care so much about the storm, we were going home, during the evening of the second day
of sailing, the sea started to get rough, big waves arrive from different directions, the wind was very strong too, the
seawater got white foams and sprayer waves hit the boat, we lost the mainmast, and a hole formed on deck, rapidly the
ocean start to sink our boat and I was thrown to the sea by a huge wave, I was wearing a life jacket and my bikini, the
water was tropical and warm, I found myself swimming alone and trying to keep afloat, I tried to see someone else around
me, but I couldn't see anyone, I drifted helplessly away ...
The dawn came with the daylight, the sea was still heavy, but was calming down, soon the sun was at the horizon, starting a
new day, I was tired but the life jacket helps me to float easily, so I relax and tried to catch any sight of activity
around me, I saw some fishes, high in the air I saw an airplane doing circles, so I thought it was the S.O.S. message sent
by my husband just before our boat sank, they were searching for us, for my discouragement, I never saw it again for the rest
of the day ... the nightfall over me ... I was feeling weak and tired, I thought this is going to be my last night, a couple
of showers passed and I tried to drink as much water as I could, struggling to survive, then I felt that my strength was vanishing
and I couldn't be capable to survive one more day ... I thought it was the end ... and was falling asleep ... I don't know-how
long I stayed like in a suspended time ... but woke me up a rub on my ankles ... then my left leg was hit by something ...
I thought a shark ... the fish was between my legs and was rising me to the surface ... it was a bottlenose dolphin ...
he was taking me with him ... I was astride on him swimming fast over the small waves of the calm blue sea ... I don't know
where we were going but my dolphin was following a route known for him ... another day started and we keep going somewhere ...
for a long while the dolphin let me alone and he swam away ... I didn´t have a watch with me ... I guess the dolphin came back
after about one hour ... with pieces of raw squid that I promptly ate ... then he got alongside me, I grabbed his dorsal fin and
he starts swimming fast towing me to who knows where ... I was confident that this animal was taking me somewhere safe ...
after one hour or so, the dolphin put me on top of him as he continued his speedy swimming ... relaxed, I fell asleep again ...
suddenly I woke up feeling something between my pussy lips ... I opened my eyes to see that I was
on his belly, and his cock was proving my pussy, he was rubbing his dick against my vagina ... I stay relaxed and thought to
myself ... if this is the price to survive, I let him fuck me ... he keeps touching my sensible pussy, but never penetrates
me ... anyway I felt when he threw squirts of sperm between my legs ... that night he did the same another four times, getting
me aroused ... just when the sun was appearing at the horizon, my dolphin abruptly let me fall into the water and quickly disappear …
I thought it's not a Good sign … then I saw another big fin over the sea, this time without a doubt it was a shark, it was bounding for
me, it passed about two meters away then disappeared under the water ... all at once the shark appeared so near that I could see
its jaws ... also my dolphin appeared and hit the shark near one of his eyes ... the shark sank under the sea and I never saw it
again ... he defeats the shark, but for about one hour I didn't see him ... I was afraid that something had happened to him ...
then I saw him swimming fast and giving jumps out of the water ... he came alongside and I grabbed his fin to resume the swimming ...
then I saw at the horizon a blueish spot, it was land ... we were nearing to an island ... then he turns on his back and I felt once
again his cock poking my pussy ... this time I let him slip inside ... It was a huge cock. whilst he swims his cock keep going
into my snatch ... I felt my tits against the life jacket ... I was shuddering ... it lasts for one minute or so, but was enough to
give me an awesome orgasm ... I felt strange but thanks to this mammal I had survived, at least I can copulate with him without remorse,
In about one and a half hour we arrived at the beach ... I walked on that white sands and went under a palm, there was a little freshwater
stream nearby, so I went there and drunk some water and wash my body, my body burns so I stay naked, I found some branches and
made myself a bed to rest at night ... the following morning the dolphin was near the beach calling me with his typical sounds ...
he brought me two fresh fishes ... I went into the water and he got on his back and I mounted his belly and we made it again and
again ... he fucked me for almost one hour and then went back to the sea ... late in the afternoon again we fucked many times ...
he didn't last for a long time ... so every time he fucked me three or four times ... usually, he comes to the beach two to three
times in a day, always bringing some seafood, in return I fuck him as many times as he wants ...
It took me three days to light a fire, so I start to cook my meals, I keep watch at the horizon looking for a boat or a SAR vessel, but
nothing happened, with the shells found on the beach I keep an account of the days I've been here, last evening I counted 42 shells, I'd
been fucking the dolphin daily, because I don't know why but he keeps bringing me foods from the sea, and my pussy welcomes his thick
dick and and he gifts me some wonderful orgasms too.
Then one afternoon whilst I was napping, I heard the dolphin and at the horizon, a fishing boat was passing by ... as I was ready for this
moment I threw to the fire all the branches I'd gathered and some green branches to make smoke ... soon they change course and
start coming to the beach ...
I was rescued after three months, no one knows how I survived all those months without any food at my disposal, my pussy and I know very
well the struggle for survival ... I was the only survivor of the boat that sank into the storm ...
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