The lingerie models

group sex

It was a Saturday night and my wife, Clare, and I had invited our friends Dave and Susan round for a few drinks. We had known them for over 20 years and we always had a good laugh whenever we got together.

They arrived around 7:30pm and brought a nice bottle of wine which we all knew wouldn’t last long in the hands of Clare and Susan. Luckily we had plenty more alcohol in the fridge and Dave and I got ourselves a beer as we made our way through to our lounge. We put on some of our favourite music and as the night went on the volume got increasingly louder. By 10pm the girls were on to their third bottle of wine and Dave and I had worked our way through a fair amount of beer too. We have two sofas in our lounge and Clare and I sat on one as we chatted with our friends who sat together on the other sofa. Every so often a song would come on that had us reminiscing about years gone by, and as the night went on and the alcohol went down we were all having a great time!

The conversation turned to Clare’s recent items she had received from a website called Lovehoney. We had mentioned to Dave and Susan on previous occasions that Clare had signed-up with an online adult store as a potential product reviewer but neither of them had ever seemed all that interested or intrigued. The alcohol must have loosened them up a little tonight because they suddenly wanted to know more about it. Clare explained that she had already been sent various items of lingerie for testing and in return she submitted written reviews of them. Clare said she had just been sent a really nice pink babydoll outfit and although she hadn’t written her review yet she was going to give it some very positive feedback based on first impressions. Susan seemed particularly interested and asked Clare what she liked about it so much. Clare described it as being very pretty and well made, and she said it even came with matching lace gloves with little pink bows on them. Susan appeared a bit confused at the thought of a lingerie outfit having matching gloves so Clare said she would show her. Susan jumped to her feet and they left the room giggling like excited schoolgirls. Dave just shrugged his shoulders and said that Susan was getting very d***k. I said we would at least get peace for a few minutes to play our choice of music now and then I started looking through our playlists.

In a break in the music I could hear Clare and Susan walking around in our bedroom upstairs, along with lots of loud conversation and laughter. I knew Clare must have been showing her some of the cool stuff she had received recently, including revealing body-stockings and sexy boots. Dave told me Susan didn’t really have anything like that, just some nice underwear but nothing really raunchy or daring. I said she was probably shocked by the sheer amount of stuff Clare had up there. Some of it was seriously raunchy so Susan was no doubt getting an eye-opener.

After about 15 minutes the lounge door flew open and in stumbled Clare and Susan. They each had various items of lingerie over their clothes and they were laughing hysterically as they tried to dance around to the music. Clare had a black peek-a-boo bra over her t-shirt with a thong over her jeans. Susan had a red ¼ cup bra and a pair of pink ruffled panties on over her clothes. They both looked ridiculous and we all laughed as they jumped around to the music. When the song ended they flopped down onto the sofas breathing heavily and reaching for their wine glasses.

Clare asked if we thought they looked sexy and she leaned back showing her crumpled clothes under the lingerie. We were all pretty d***k by now and the girls were clearly enjoying making a fool of themselves in their silly outfits. I said that perhaps the lingerie was not really intended to be worn on top of other clothes and mockingly suggested they refer to the photos on the boxes featuring sexy lingerie models. Susan responded by playfully shouting that they were much, much sexier than those skinny models and of course Dave and I just laughed and rolled our eyes at the suggestion. Always one to rise to a challenge, Clare jumped up and grabbed Susan’s hand and they left the room with defiant looks on their faces.

Almost 20 minutes had gone by and Dave and I were having a typical d***ken conversation about the state of today’s music when the lounge door began opening slowly. At the same time a classic old disco track came on and by now the music volume had gradually become louder and louder to the point where it was almost impossible to be heard over it without really shouting. Dave looked at me as if to ask why the door had just swung open but I couldn’t see anyone there. Suddenly Clare and Susan walked in like they were on a catwalk, marching in time to the beat of the music. They both had big grins on their faces and they looked straight ahead as they walked over towards the window. They began dancing and they were obviously trying to be a bit more serious and seductive this time. They both looked amazing! Clare was wearing a black lace chemise with garter straps and stockings, and she had put on her black stilettos. Susan had opted for the pink babydoll outfit and had even worn the little lace gloves to match. She had kept her own boots on and they had a nice sized heel on them so they actually looked pretty good as part of the whole ensemble. As they danced around I noticed they were both wearing thongs. Clare had added a little black thong to her chemise to provide at least a little modesty and Susan wore the matching thong that came with the babydoll lingerie. Despite the amount of alcohol they had consumed, they both seemed a little self-conscious still and I noticed they were facing into the room rather than show us their outfits from behind where Susan in particular would have been very exposed. Both outfits left little to the imagination though, and in the fairly dim light I could just make out their nipples through the lace of the bra areas.

Dave and I were clapping and jeering and the girls certainly got the message that we were enjoying their little show. Clare danced her way over to my sofa and turned her back on me as she sat down on my knees. She continued to dance and gyrate to the music and I saw Susan move over towards Dave and do the same thing. Clare looked over her should at me and she could tell I was loving every minute of it. Dave looked stunned as he stared almost in shock at his wife bouncing up and down on his knees dressed in the sexy lingerie. Clare’s chemise covered to half way down her bottom but Susan’s babydoll top finished at the base of her back, so Dave was getting a wonderful view of her little strappy thong from behind.

The song came to an end and Dave and I applauded enthusiastically. Clare asked if we thought they were sexy enough now, and Dave did his best at pretending he was unimpressed. The girls just laughed and gave each other a knowing look before heading for the door and disappearing upstairs again.

I commented to Dave that they both looked amazing and he agreed and added that his wife looked unbelievably good in that babydoll outfit, and especially in that thong. He said he was surprised that Susan liked that kind of clothing but I reminded him that we were all pretty d***k and that she probably felt encouraged by Clare getting dressed-up too. We both sat in anticipation waiting to see what our wives would appear in next.

They seemed to be away for ages but in reality it probably wasn’t very long before I heard them laughing on the other side of the lounge door. Clare was the first one to come in and I couldn’t believe what she was wearing. I had seen the outfit before but I never thought she would be brave enough to wear it in front of anyone else. She wore a black Rene Rofe peek-a-boo bra with a matching crotchless thong. Her nipples were clearly visible as they poked through the openings on the bra cups. She had pulled on her shiny thigh-length lace-up stiletto boots and they looked absolutely fantastic. As she burst in I wondered if she might have worn another pair of panties under the crotchless thong to avoid being so exposed, but I quickly noticed she had decided to bare all. There wasn’t much showing down there though because the crotchless part of the thong was not gaping open and was just a slit opening. She walked across the room very confidently and then turned to face the door with her hands on her hips. That was her cue for Susan to enter the room.

Even above the loud music I could still hear Dave almost scream loudly in surprise when he saw his wife walk in. Susan was wearing the very same Rene Rofe outfit as Clare, only hers was in pink. It was the same peek-a-boo bra and crotchless thong combination. She had added a pair of Clare’s hold-up stockings and finished the outfit by wearing her own boots again. They had obviously planned how they would act because Susan did the same things as Clare and stood with her hands on her hips. They were both doing their best to look seriously sexy as they gradually started moving to the music. Dave and I couldn’t believe it! Pretty soon Clare and Susan had picked-up their wine glasses and were dancing around without a care in the world. I looked across to see Dave anxiously downing the rest of his beer and he was clearly struggling to deal with the reality of seeing our wives parading around in such sexy lingerie. Clare must have noticed it too because she moved towards Dave and continued dancing around right in front of him. She stood with her back to him giving him a great view of her bottom in her black crotchless thong. Susan was in her own little world, still dancing away on her own and slurping on her wine, so she never really noticed when Dave opened his legs and Clare backed-in until her boots were touching the sofa. Due to the way our two sofas faced each other at a slight angle, I could no longer see Dave’s face, just his legs either side of Clare. Her bottom must only have been a couple of feet in front of him and I knew he must have been taking in the sight before him.

Susan whooped and cheered when she eventually noticed Clare dancing and teasing right in front of her husband. Not wanting to be outdone, Susan danced over towards me and pushed my knees apart. She spun herself around so she had her back to me, copying Clare. I had known Susan for over 20 years but I had never seen her like this before. She was swaying her bottom from side to side and she looked amazing in her pink thong and stockings. I was so busy staring at Susan’s backside that I never even noticed that Clare had bent over in front of Dave with her hands on her knees. It was Susan who alerted me to it by shouting encouragement over to my wife. Clare winked at us as she gyrated and teased in her d***ken state. Her legs were together but I wondered just exactly what Dave could see by now in that crotchless thong. My attention was brought back to Susan when she adopted the same position as Clare and bent right over in front of me. The wine had made her very wobbly on her feet so Susan widened her stance to stabilise herself. Her feet must have been about three feet apart and she was almost touching her toes. My eyes were fixed between her legs as I saw her exposed pussy through the split in the pink lace material. She was struggling to keep her balance and a couple of times she almost fell forward. As she adjusted her feet to maintain her balance, Susan’s heel hit against the base of the sofa and she began slowly toppling my way. I quickly raised my hand and placed it on her left buttock to steady her. I was immediately worried incase I had overstepped the mark but she didn’t even flinch. I felt her lean back a little as she felt a bit steadier and better supported.

I looked over to the other sofa to see Clare still swaying her bottom from side to side and bobbing it up and down in time to the music. I was just about to look away when I noticed Dave’s hands running up and down her thigh-length boots. His hands were traveling from her knees up to the top of the boots and then disappearing round the back. I could make out his raised elbows and I realized he was running his hands over her bare bottom before repeating the course again with his hands. Clare had opened her legs a little and she seemed to be enjoying the sensation of feeling our friend’s touch on her bare skin.

My hand was still resting on Susan and I had not even realized I had started gently squeezing her buttock. Still bent over, she looked round at me and smiled before turning her head to look over at Clare and Dave. The two wives’ eyes met and they both laughed and straightened up and reached for their wine. Clare motioned to Susan for them to leave the room and they announced they were going to fill up their glasses. In a break in the music Dave and I lowered our voices and discussed how great that had just been. He said he hoped I didn’t mind Clare being over beside him and I told him I didn’t mind at all. After all, Susan was doing a great job at holding my attention.

I needed a quick bathroom break and I told Dave I’d bring some fresh beers back with me. As I made my way to the bathroom I interrupted Clare and Susan having a conversation in the kitchen. They were both whispering and giggling and it struck me again how unbelievably sexy they both looked in their matching Rene Rofe outfits. They stopped whispering the minute they noticed me and they poured themselves more wine and headed back to the lounge.

A couple of minutes later as I grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge I heard the girls singing along to a song in the lounge and I found them dancing in the middle of the floor again. I handed Dave his beer and then took my seat on the other sofa. The girls whispered something to each other and then Clare went over to Dave and Susan approached me again. Dave opened his legs in readiness and Clare assumed the same position as before, with her back to him. This time she opened her legs wide as she bent forward slightly, giving him a great view of her legs in those sexy boots and her bottom in her crotchless thong. Clare was blocking me again from seeing Dave other than his legs either side of her, but I noticed he wasted no time in placing his hands on her hips.

Susan stood over me with a big smile on her face. She noticed I was looking over at Clare and Dave so she glanced over towards them before looking back at me again. She pointed at my knees and indicated for me to make a space for her. She leaned down to tell me something and over the loud music she asked me to hold onto her to stop her falling over. Then, just like before, she turned around and shuffled backwards into position. As she started bending forward I put both my hands on her hips and she reached around and placed her hands on top of mine. She started swaying her hips slowly and seductively as I held on to her tightly. I released my grip slightly and started rubbing my hands up and down her back and over her bottom. Susan looked round and smiled. When my hands reached her bottom I squeezed her bare buttocks before running my hands up and down her back again. After maybe the sixth or seventh repetition of this my hands lingered on her bottom and my thumbs traced up and down the lacy strap of her thong, following it down as it disappeared between her cheeks. I kept looking to see if she objected but she didn’t seem to mind at all. I removed my right hand and used my fingers to trace the thong all the way from the waistband at the base of her back down to where it started to split at the crotch. Susan arched her back and stopped swaying her hips. She reached back between her legs and our fingers met as I continued to trace her thong. My hand moved back up to the waistband

before slowly working down to meet her fingers again. This time she held onto me and pulled my hand further down and between her open legs. With my palm facing upwards I ran my hand under her bottom and over the crotch of her thong. I could feel where the crotchless thong split and my fingers ran over her exposed pussy.

As the current song started to fade-out we suddenly heard Clare and Dave laugh at something and we looked over to see that Clare had fallen back onto Dave. It didn’t really surprise me, both wives had consumed so much wine and they were both pretty unstable on their feet. We all laughed as Dave acted like he got winded when Clare landed on him. Our brief communication with the other sofa ended abruptly as the next song began loudly. Susan reached for her wine glass and then without warning plonked herself down onto my lap. She landed right on my groin because I was still sitting with me legs open and I suddenly felt very self-conscious about the fact that I had an erection. She sat sipping on her wine, gently bouncing up and down very slightly to the music. The way she was positioned, she had my hard cock lodged right between her buttocks. At first I didn’t think she had even noticed because she seemed totally oblivious to the fact. I placed my hands on Susan’s waist and she began moving back and forward, up and down the length of my erection. She adjusted her position slightly and she wiggled her bottom, making sure she was sat right on top of my hard-on. When she turned her head and winked at me I realised she knew exactly what she was doing.

Clare was now standing in front of Dave, facing him. Although the music playing had a fast dance beat, she was dancing very slowly and she was running her hands up and down her body in a very provocative and sexy way. With her back to me now I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing but it looked like she was running her hands over her boobs too. Her hands lingered in that area and it seemed like she was playing with her nipples through the peek-a-boo bra.

My attention snapped back to Susan again as she stood up and placed her empty glass on the coffee table. She looked over at Clare and Dave briefly before taking up a position between my legs again, only this time she was facing me. Her hold-up stockings has slipped a little so she took a moment to adjust them. I watched what she was doing intently. She knew she had my full attention so she moved her hands up from her stocking tops to her thong and she began touching the soft pink lace. I looked up to see she was watching my reaction and she had a huge smile on her face. Dave had said Susan did not have any lingerie like this and it seemed she was clearly enjoying wearing it and the effect it was having on me as I watched her pose right in front of me. I raised my hands to put them on her waist and she took the opportunity to move forward a little. She knelt on the sofa between my legs and she felt my hands grab her waist and begin moving up and down her body.

Susan leaned forward and put her hands on my shoulders so her breasts were now right in front of my face. I could see her nipples poking through the slits in her pink peek-a-boo bra. With her right hand she cupped her right breast and started gently massaging it. Her fingers found her nipple and she pinched it and rolled it between her fingers. I reached up and placed my hand on top of her hand as she continued to play with her breast. Susan pulled her hand away and I was left holding her soft breast in the palm of my hand. I started to gently squeeze it and I could feel how hard her nipple was as it protruded through the opening of her bra. I pinched her nipple a little and I felt her inhale sharply. At first I thought I might have hurt her but the look on her face suggested otherwise. Susan’s eyes were closed and her head had flopped forward to the point where our foreheads were almost touching. Her breathing had become faster and she responded with a little jump every time I squeezed her hard nipple.

Susan lifted her head and looked over to the other sofa, which of course made me look too. Clare was sitting on Dave’s lap and he was admiring her sexy boots with his hand resting on her knee. She had her arm around his neck and they seemed to be chatting away intently about stuff and totally oblivious to us.

Susan was still kneeling on the sofa between my legs with her knees together and her hands were still on my shoulders. She must have felt that the other sofa was not really bothered about what we were doing because she climbed up onto me with her knees either side of me. Her hands moved round to behind my head and she slid forward until she was sitting right on top of the bulge in my jeans. After another quick glance over her shoulder to see if the others were looking she began grinding very, very slightly with her hips. I responded by matching her movements, pushing back slightly with my hard cock. It was all very subtle and no doubt barely noticeable from across the room.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Clare leaving the room and Dave shouted over that she was going to the loo. Dave sat on the other sofa, his eyes glued to the sight of his wife straddling me in nothing but lingerie. From where he sat she only had very thin straps showing on her back from her bra and her thong and the soft pink material made her look almost naked in the dim light. Susan stared back at her husband and I felt her movements increase as she continued to grind her hips against me. Still looking over at Dave, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me forward so my face was buried between her breasts. She twisted her body slightly so her right boob was right in my face and she held my head tight against her. Her hard nipple was pressed against my check and I turned my head slightly so my mouth was right over it. I licked around it and she gripped my head even tighter. I started using my teeth to nibble on it gently and I felt Susan buck her hips even more. Glancing up I noticed she was maintaining eye contact with her husband the whole time. I bit a little harder onto her stiff nipple and she let out a loud moan. She leaned back and put her left hand on my knee, as if she was trying to turn and show Dave what I was doing. My eyes flicked over to see his reaction and he was mesmerised by what he was seeing. His hands were in his lap and it looked like he was rubbing his cock through his jeans. I was now biting hard on Susan’s nipple and my hands had moved around onto her bottom as she slid back and forward over the bulge of my erection. The song ended and the room was silent except for Susan making little moaning sounds in time to the rhythm of her hips. I released my bite for a second and licked around her swollen nipple before clamping my teeth around it quite hard this time. Susan groaned loudly and arched her back. I looked up to see she was still looking over at Dave and the thrill of being watched by her husband seemed to add to her excitement.

Clare came back in the room and smiled over at us as she stood watching for a moment. She walked over to us and peered round to see exactly what was going on before returning to Dave on the other sofa. She immediately adopted the same position and straddled Dave. I could see her reach for her breast and hold it as she leaned forward. She was letting Dave do exactly what I was doing to his wife. Susan and I watched for a minute and we saw Clare shuffle forward a little until she was positioned just like Susan was. Her bottom was tensing and relaxing as she started to grind her hips onto Dave’s lap.

Susan moved back a little and she looked down at the bulge in my jeans. There was a dark patch where she had been rubbing her wet pussy against me. She reached down and started fumbling for my zip. She was struggling to reach it properly from where she was positioned so she climbed off me and stood over me. She leaned in and undid the button, pulled down the zip and then

proceeded to pull at my jeans. I raised my hips and she yanked them down. She had managed to remove my underwear with them and I was now sitting with my jeans and underpants at my ankles. I became very self-conscious of my situation, being suddenly so exposed with my hard cock sticking up in front of our friend that we had known and been so close to for over 20 years. I looked across at the other sofa but they were far too engrossed in their own intimacy to even notice.

Susan quickly straddled me again and her hands reached down for my hard cock. She began slowly stroking it and as I looked at what she was doing I could see her pussy very clearly for the first time. The gusset of the crotchless thong had stretched open when she straddled me and it framed her pussy beautifully. She was almost completely shaven other than a small landing-strip at the top. Even though the room was fairly dark with only a couple of lamps on, I could see her pussy was soaking wet and glistening. Susan leaned forward and I felt her warm breath against the side of my face. She started gently kissing my cheek as she continued stroking my cock. I could hear her breathing into my ear and she asked me if it felt good. I nodded my head and she moved her mouth round to my lips. Her tongue parted my lips as she kissed me passionately. I had kissed Susan on the cheek loads of times over the years as a friendly greeting but we had never kissed like this before. Her mouth opened wide and our tongues explored each other. I could taste the wine on her lips as we kissed each other deeply with my hard cock throbbing in her hands.

My hands were gripping her around her waist as we continued to kiss each other. I moved my right hand down between her legs and I touched her warm, wet pussy. Susan groaned as I inserted a finger inside her. I could feel my hand was soaking wet already from her pussy and I slid another finger into her. She rocked her pussy back and forth onto my fingers as she jerked my cock faster. We were both breathing heavily and moaning quietly as we played with each other. Susan lifted her head up and sat up straight. She pushed down onto my fingers and she gripped my cock harder. As she did so she started edging forward until there was barely room for our hands to reach each other down there. She moved forward again and I pulled my fingers from her pussy and moved my hand back onto her waist. My hand was covered in her juices and it felt warm and slippery against her skin as I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Susan let go of my cock and put her arms around me neck. I could feel the heat from her pussy as she was now positioned right on top of my hard cock. She looked me right in the eyes as she began rocking back and forward along the length of my erection. My cock was pinned down against my stomach as she moved on top of me, soaking me with her wet pussy.

I quickly glanced over to the other sofa and I could see Clare’s elbow pumping up and down. She must have been playing with Dave’s cock. He still had his jeans on so she must have managed to release his cock through his fly. Dave’s face was pressed against her breasts as he sucked on her nipples.

When I looked back at Susan I noticed she was watching them too. She was still sliding along the length of my cock and I could feel her wetness running down over my balls and between my legs. She looked back at me and our eyes locked again. Susan pushed her hips forward to the point where her pussy went beyond my cock and onto my stomach, before moving back along my cock again. She did this three or four times and each time she paused a little longer with her warm pussy against my stomach. She adjusted her knees a little and then slid forward again. This time she slowly slid to the end of my cock and lingered there. We were staring into each others eyes and I could see the passion burning in her. My cock twitched and throbbed beneath her and she

lifted herself up just enough so she was no longer pinning down my hard cock. I instinctively raised-up my hips to meet her and as I did the tip of my cock found the entrance to her sopping wet pussy. Her eyes widened and she wiggled her bottom from side to side to ensure I started slipping inside her. Susan closed her eyes and groaned loudly as she sank down onto my cock. I pushed up to meet her and suddenly my cock was buried deep in her pussy. We sat motionless for a moment before Susan leaned in and kissed me. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and she started to move up and down as she sat astride me. A short break in the music revealed stifled moans and heavy breathing from both sofas. I reached up and held Susan’s breasts just as the next song started. It was as if the volume of the music provided cover for us and Susan started bouncing up and down on my cock without reservation. I pinched her nipples as she rocked back and forward on me. She leaned forward and guided her nipple into my mouth and I sucked on it eagerly. I noticed she was busy pinching and pulling on her other nipple as I sucked and she was groaning every time she felt my cock slide into her. She breathed into my ear and told me to bite harder. My teeth were chewing on her hard nipple while I squeezed her breast into my mouth. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t hurting her, but she seemed to love it no matter how hard I used my teeth on her. We had found a nice rhythm as she bounced up and down on me and I thrust my cock into her. Susan gripped the back of my head and held it firmly against her breast. I was sucking and biting furiously and she continued to ride my cock faster and faster. Her breathing was getting heavier and she leaned in and told me she was about to cum. Her body tensed and she pushed down as her pussy gushed onto my cock and balls. I could feel my own orgasm building and I pushed up into her as deep as I could. My straining cock started twitching as I started to cum deep in her warm pussy..

Susan relaxed her grip of my head and I leaned back against the sofa. Her breathing was slowing gradually and she had little beads of sweat across her nose. Her nipples looked red and swollen and she smiled at me as we both started to come down after our amazing orgasms. She still had my cock in her pussy and she wiggled her bottom from side to side playfully as we both enjoyed the lingering sensation of the situation.

I looked over to the other sofa and saw that Clare was still straddling Dave but they seemed to be just chatting now. Clare looked over at us and waved and we laughed and waved back. Susan rocked back and forward a little and I felt my cock start to harden again. Susan felt it too. She leaned forward and our lips met and we started kissing passionately again.

As the song that was playing came to an end we heard the doorbell ringing. We all looked at each other in surprise and then Dave suddenly remembered he had pre-booked a taxi to collect them at midnight. None of us had realised it was that late already but I looked at my watch and it was 11:55pm. Clare jumped off Dave’s lap and went to put on a robe so she could answer the door. Dave sat adjusting his jeans and then stood up and turned down the music to a much quieter level. Susan looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and we both laughed. By now I had another erection and my hard cock was still deep in her pussy. She awkwardly started to get off me and I noticed Dave was watching us as she lifted herself off my cock. Her pussy dripped with a mixture of our cum and it spilled over my genitals and legs. I reached into my jeans pocket and handed Susan a tissue so she could wipe her soaking wet pussy. She got to her feet and quickly left the room to get dressed I pulled up my jeans and I realised just how wet and sticky I was with a mixture of Susan’s soaking pussy and my own cum. Clare came back in the room and said she had told the taxi driver to wait a few minutes and then she said she was going to help Susan get dressed upstairs. Dave and I were like two giggling schoolboys, still in shock at what just happened. We went through to the kitchen and finished our beers as we waited for Susan to

change out of Clare’s lingerie. After just a couple of minutes Susan appeared in the clothes she had arrived in. Clare and I walked Dave and Susan to the front door and we said our goodbyes. Clare hugged Susan as I shook hands with Dave, and then we swapped and Clare hugged Dave as I hugged Susan. It was as if nothing unusual had happened and it was just a normal end to a normal night. We opened the front door and waved goodbye to our friends. Just as she was about to get in the taxi, Susan ran back to Clare and I and whispered that maybe next time they’ll stay the night and then gave us a little wink. She quickly kissed Clare and I on the cheek and then ran back to her waiting taxi.

Clare and I closed the door and walked back into the kitchen. It was a mess with empty beer and wine bottles after a night of hosting friends. I reached for a couple of bottles to begin tidying-up but Clare stopped me and took my hand. She began leading me back into the lounge and as we walked she told me that Dave had ejaculated after just a few minutes of her touching his cock. She said the rest of the time he was clumsily fumbling with her breasts and pussy but she was left feeling frustrated. She led me to the same spot I was sitting in earlier and she pushed me down onto the sofa. Standing in front of me, she untied her robe and let it fall to the floor. She was still wearing the black peek-a-boo bra and crotchless thong, although she had removed her thigh-high boots earlier when she went to answer the front door. She told me in no uncertain terms what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to do to her everything I had just done to Susan. With that she reached down and began unfastening my jeans as she climbed onto the sofa.
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