Making A Dum Dum Out Of A Dum Dum.
It is time for storytime with Bonzi and this time it is time for more duminess you can shake your behind at - it is time for the ultimate in dum! There once was a Deviantart user alias/form known as Miserisa, this user was known for making really cursed content and thinking that things like MSN icons made for good transformation material (which was beyond dumb because having cursed transformation tastes is a surefire way to be a prime TF target in these fics!), and for no explained reason this user or rather her edgy fursona (which was some kind of wolf-thing) blocked Nathan.
This story however takes place in a very public place, one day her edgy wolf OC Aurora was walking home from work to her apartment in the Deviantart universe when she got a call. ‘Aurora, you have done a very dum dum thing by blocking Nathan like that.’ ‘Uh, who are you and how do you know my number?’ ‘It is simple, I am Bonzi and I am the lord and master of the internet.’ ‘I did not know you could become a lord of the internet.’ ‘Well yes, there are and I am one of them. And as such I have come to avenge someone who you have mistreated.’
‘Oh alright, you got me. I only did what I did because I knew playing a villain in this universe is what would get me here.’ ‘So you admit you are not an original villain?’ ‘Oh absolutely, it was the only way I could get to meet you.’ ‘You wanted to meet me?’ ‘Oh yeah, I heard so much about you ruling the internet.’
A purple anthropomorphic gorilla wearing a tuxedo materialized right in front of her. ‘And you heard a lot of good things, I presume?’ ‘Why yes, I just really wanted to meet you. I did not know mean any harm.’ ‘You did not mean any harm, huh? Then why did you collaborate with that wolf freak of all people?’
‘Well it was just one collab…what harm could have been done, right?’ ‘Oh I do certainly do not fucking think so.’ A voice piped up. She turned around and was shocked to see what appeared to be Noddy standing next to Bonzi. ‘Noddy? You are a real person and not just a character in a kids show? Also did you swear? Kids show characters are not supposed to do that.’ ‘Well kids show characters are not supposed to be sexualized either and yet your wolf buddy did that to me in fucking bucketloads!’
She was shocked to hear that kind of language coming from his mouth (it was if she always thought kids show characters should not be acting out of character at all!) as Noddy looked at her with a sneer, he snarled revealing he had sharp pointed teeth. ‘Noddy, what is going on, why do you have fangs?’
He hissed as a horde of pissed off British tv kids show characters began to chase her, she attempted to call Bombarado for help only for said person to end up being sliced in half by a rather deranged version of Zippy from Rainbow. ‘Being a British tv icon for years is something not to be taken lightly, you know.’ ‘Oh yes, quite, and we do not take kindly to being sexualized.’ George added.
‘Hey, it is not my fault I got commissioned to do fetish art of these characters!’ ‘Oh yes it is, did you even fucking think about how we would feel about this?’ Noddy retorted. Noddy and all the characters charged towards her, circling her and making sure she could not escape, just then Dr Hoppers came out and started calling them out. ‘While you were doing this rampage did the thought of going to therapy ever cross your mind?’ ‘Nope, sorry no room for entitled characters in this episode!’
‘Entitled? How dare you!’ Before DH could do anything Bonzi jumped over to him and used his magic to make him start producing fart after fart, he felt so embarrassed as all of his friends laughed at him. D.H moaned and groaned as his whole body bloated and swelled, bursting out of his clothes and leaving him only in his shorts.
‘Look, he is so bloated and fat like in a weight gain fic! Let us all mock him!’ which is exactly what they did, they all mocked him as he grew fatter and fatter and then turned into a fat female were-aykroyd. He gasped in horror as a pair of plus sized breasts developed on his chest, swelling with fat and producing milk which spilled all onto the floor. He tried to beg for forgiveness but all he could do was make goofy dum dum were-aykroyd noises and he lost his ability to ever make poorly made opinions again as he or ‘she’ only thought about cuddles and waddling.
‘She’ giggled as her belly swelled even more to the point of looking pregnant as what appeared to be a were-aykroyd baby developed within it and slowly began to take form, it did not take long until the baby were-aykroyd burst out of her belly.
Which of course made Bonzi laugh sadistically as he saw this, and he turned towards Aurora. ‘Oh Aurora, do you wish for this too? It is clear you want this too. George, Noddy, Pingu, tie her up for me!’ ‘Yes boss.’ The group of kids show characters grabbed Aurora and tied her up, whipping her a couple of times.
Bonzi then produced a special collar for her to wear and he put it on…the collar had the name ‘dum dum’ on it. ‘My name is not dum dum!’ ‘Oh but it is, you know it absolutely is.’ She shook her head and refused to believe his words but of course they had a way of worming into her mind.
As the words wormed into her mind her fur slowly receded away to reveal humanoid looking skin as she slowly bulked up and gained weight, the remaining fur that was on her arms, chest and stomach as well as her torso all turned dark brownish. She panicked as she found herself rubbing her stomach instinctively, as if she had the need to do just that (and perhaps this was what she was meant to do! After all, she was actually very dum dum!) as her belly swelled and bloated and her breasts followed suit, filling with even more fat and dripping milk.
The milk dripped all over her shirt which ripped apart as her arms broadened and her hands swelled, her fingers thickening as her fingernails lengthened to look even more feminine. ‘Gah! What is happening to me?’ ‘Just what happens to all people here, your true nature is coming out.’
She panted and could not resist giggling as her rear inflated and she produced fart after fart, infecting all her friends and turning them into dum dum were-aykroyds. ‘Oops, dum dum make oopsie doopsie!’ ‘That is alright, your body is supposed to do that.’
Her jeans slowly got tighter and tighter due to her fattening rear as her online details shifted, even her deviantart profile now was shifting, showing artwork of plus sized were-aykroyds. And the same had happened to DH as his or ‘her’ account was all about women becoming dum dum were-aykroyds just like her and she even had a tagline that said ‘dum dum mommy’ on it.
That tail of hers retracted and fell onto the ground as her legs bulked up, she tried to run but she fell down and produced a giant fart as her feet burst through her shoes and became webbed. Her back and shoulders broadened, as she grew to six foot one as did DH.
The dumified DH could only giggle and say she was happy to be so delightfully dum dum. ‘Tee hee, dum dum is a good dum dum, and so are you!’, a user named ABSissyprincessAlice came in and screamed at Bonzi, calling him an incel but Bonzi did not care for such petty insults - so he turned her into a plus sized were-aykroyd dum dum female.
‘If you like being a dum dum female so much, then so be it, my friend. You look so much better like this anyway!’ He used magic to make her belly swell and swell to the point of pregnancy. ‘Oh god I am pregnant, I am pregnant. I will never do sissyification art again!’
A dum dum were-aykroyd baby burst out of her stomach as the demented kids show characters laughed at all of them, Noddy, Pingu, Postman Pat, the Fimbles, and Zippy all laughed and acted like it was the funniest thing ever. ‘Stop it, stop laughing at dum dum!’
‘What is that, you want us to stop laughing at you? Maybe do not be such a laughing stock in that case.’ He laughed at her and also at DH and Aurora, Aurora moaned as her ears shifted to become human-like as her neck thickened with fat, giving her a double chin as her appearance shifted to become humanoid, her eyebrows thickening as her brow thickened and her eyes widened, one turning from its normal color to green while the other remained brown and her nose developed a cleft in the middle as it broadened, her features becoming Aykroydian.
Her voice shifted to become Aykroydian while also still sounding feminine and silly sounding. Bonzi saw someone who had been forcibly transformed into a Metagross and decided to help them. ‘Let me guess, that stupid Karen bitch did this to you?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘It figures, she always loved to gloat when she forcibly stripped someone of their identity and do not get me started on her fixation for romanticizing clothes ripping and forced transformation in general, what a one true phony she was.’
He used some magic to return the transformed person back to normal, smirking and muttering to himself…’That Karen, she acted like she was so superior when she was just a bitch that put other people down including my friends, everyone knows I am the real one true master of transformation and do not forget it!’, the former Metagross ran off, happy to be human as Bonzi looked back at Aurora.
At this point Aurora was more dum dum were-aykroyd than her normal self as her mind-shifted and filled with memories of being a female were-aykroyd and of having a husband that loved her. ‘Wow, what a dum dum I must have been. Dum dum is sorry for being so stupid.’ ‘You do not need to be sorry, I know you made a mistake and you are improving yourself.’
He smiled as her transformation completed herself, she along with DH and ‘Alice’ were all dum dum were-aykroyd females and two of them were even pregnant with even more babies. ‘Now that is much better. I think this is more natural for you three. I mean Alice is much better as a pregnant dum dum mommy than as she was before, and DH is more fitted for the role of one too as are you.’ ‘Are you our master?’ ‘Oh yes I am and I know that Aurora has a loving dum dum husband that is missing her!’ ‘Dum dum want to see hubby, can you take dum dum home?’ ‘Certainly, I have special places for all of you to go.’ He used his powers to transport Alice over to what appeared to be a royal dum dum were-aykroyd palace, where she was taken care of by a were-aykroyd king and fed lots of fattening food and trained in how to be a dum dum queen.
He transported DH to what appeared to be a special breeding center of sorts where she was bred into being the perfect mother as she produced several more dum dum were-aykroyd babies (and now as a mother she no longer likes all the stuff that she used to like, in fact she does not remember them being her favorites at all, she just likes waddling and tooting and being silly and getting belly rubs from her master!).
As for Aurora he transported her to a mansion owned by a rich were-aykroyd who was her husband and the two of them kissed and snuggled, intimately showing their affection for each-other (she did not need anyone else, and did not remember doing anything else, apart from snuggling up with her husband, spending a lot of time with three female dum dum were-aykroyds and enjoying the finest of foods! And those were all that mattered to her!) and enjoying themselves.
The kids show characters all disappeared but thanked Bonzi before leaving, Bonzi had done his job and he had done it well. He used his magic to teleport himself back to his jungle headquarters, but he knew should someone need him, he was always there to help!
And thus here comes the moral of the story, do not make a dum dum out of yourself online or you shall become one in real life, it is one that will stick with you no matter what.
This story however takes place in a very public place, one day her edgy wolf OC Aurora was walking home from work to her apartment in the Deviantart universe when she got a call. ‘Aurora, you have done a very dum dum thing by blocking Nathan like that.’ ‘Uh, who are you and how do you know my number?’ ‘It is simple, I am Bonzi and I am the lord and master of the internet.’ ‘I did not know you could become a lord of the internet.’ ‘Well yes, there are and I am one of them. And as such I have come to avenge someone who you have mistreated.’
‘Oh alright, you got me. I only did what I did because I knew playing a villain in this universe is what would get me here.’ ‘So you admit you are not an original villain?’ ‘Oh absolutely, it was the only way I could get to meet you.’ ‘You wanted to meet me?’ ‘Oh yeah, I heard so much about you ruling the internet.’
A purple anthropomorphic gorilla wearing a tuxedo materialized right in front of her. ‘And you heard a lot of good things, I presume?’ ‘Why yes, I just really wanted to meet you. I did not know mean any harm.’ ‘You did not mean any harm, huh? Then why did you collaborate with that wolf freak of all people?’
‘Well it was just one collab…what harm could have been done, right?’ ‘Oh I do certainly do not fucking think so.’ A voice piped up. She turned around and was shocked to see what appeared to be Noddy standing next to Bonzi. ‘Noddy? You are a real person and not just a character in a kids show? Also did you swear? Kids show characters are not supposed to do that.’ ‘Well kids show characters are not supposed to be sexualized either and yet your wolf buddy did that to me in fucking bucketloads!’
She was shocked to hear that kind of language coming from his mouth (it was if she always thought kids show characters should not be acting out of character at all!) as Noddy looked at her with a sneer, he snarled revealing he had sharp pointed teeth. ‘Noddy, what is going on, why do you have fangs?’
He hissed as a horde of pissed off British tv kids show characters began to chase her, she attempted to call Bombarado for help only for said person to end up being sliced in half by a rather deranged version of Zippy from Rainbow. ‘Being a British tv icon for years is something not to be taken lightly, you know.’ ‘Oh yes, quite, and we do not take kindly to being sexualized.’ George added.
‘Hey, it is not my fault I got commissioned to do fetish art of these characters!’ ‘Oh yes it is, did you even fucking think about how we would feel about this?’ Noddy retorted. Noddy and all the characters charged towards her, circling her and making sure she could not escape, just then Dr Hoppers came out and started calling them out. ‘While you were doing this rampage did the thought of going to therapy ever cross your mind?’ ‘Nope, sorry no room for entitled characters in this episode!’
‘Entitled? How dare you!’ Before DH could do anything Bonzi jumped over to him and used his magic to make him start producing fart after fart, he felt so embarrassed as all of his friends laughed at him. D.H moaned and groaned as his whole body bloated and swelled, bursting out of his clothes and leaving him only in his shorts.
‘Look, he is so bloated and fat like in a weight gain fic! Let us all mock him!’ which is exactly what they did, they all mocked him as he grew fatter and fatter and then turned into a fat female were-aykroyd. He gasped in horror as a pair of plus sized breasts developed on his chest, swelling with fat and producing milk which spilled all onto the floor. He tried to beg for forgiveness but all he could do was make goofy dum dum were-aykroyd noises and he lost his ability to ever make poorly made opinions again as he or ‘she’ only thought about cuddles and waddling.
‘She’ giggled as her belly swelled even more to the point of looking pregnant as what appeared to be a were-aykroyd baby developed within it and slowly began to take form, it did not take long until the baby were-aykroyd burst out of her belly.
Which of course made Bonzi laugh sadistically as he saw this, and he turned towards Aurora. ‘Oh Aurora, do you wish for this too? It is clear you want this too. George, Noddy, Pingu, tie her up for me!’ ‘Yes boss.’ The group of kids show characters grabbed Aurora and tied her up, whipping her a couple of times.
Bonzi then produced a special collar for her to wear and he put it on…the collar had the name ‘dum dum’ on it. ‘My name is not dum dum!’ ‘Oh but it is, you know it absolutely is.’ She shook her head and refused to believe his words but of course they had a way of worming into her mind.
As the words wormed into her mind her fur slowly receded away to reveal humanoid looking skin as she slowly bulked up and gained weight, the remaining fur that was on her arms, chest and stomach as well as her torso all turned dark brownish. She panicked as she found herself rubbing her stomach instinctively, as if she had the need to do just that (and perhaps this was what she was meant to do! After all, she was actually very dum dum!) as her belly swelled and bloated and her breasts followed suit, filling with even more fat and dripping milk.
The milk dripped all over her shirt which ripped apart as her arms broadened and her hands swelled, her fingers thickening as her fingernails lengthened to look even more feminine. ‘Gah! What is happening to me?’ ‘Just what happens to all people here, your true nature is coming out.’
She panted and could not resist giggling as her rear inflated and she produced fart after fart, infecting all her friends and turning them into dum dum were-aykroyds. ‘Oops, dum dum make oopsie doopsie!’ ‘That is alright, your body is supposed to do that.’
Her jeans slowly got tighter and tighter due to her fattening rear as her online details shifted, even her deviantart profile now was shifting, showing artwork of plus sized were-aykroyds. And the same had happened to DH as his or ‘her’ account was all about women becoming dum dum were-aykroyds just like her and she even had a tagline that said ‘dum dum mommy’ on it.
That tail of hers retracted and fell onto the ground as her legs bulked up, she tried to run but she fell down and produced a giant fart as her feet burst through her shoes and became webbed. Her back and shoulders broadened, as she grew to six foot one as did DH.
The dumified DH could only giggle and say she was happy to be so delightfully dum dum. ‘Tee hee, dum dum is a good dum dum, and so are you!’, a user named ABSissyprincessAlice came in and screamed at Bonzi, calling him an incel but Bonzi did not care for such petty insults - so he turned her into a plus sized were-aykroyd dum dum female.
‘If you like being a dum dum female so much, then so be it, my friend. You look so much better like this anyway!’ He used magic to make her belly swell and swell to the point of pregnancy. ‘Oh god I am pregnant, I am pregnant. I will never do sissyification art again!’
A dum dum were-aykroyd baby burst out of her stomach as the demented kids show characters laughed at all of them, Noddy, Pingu, Postman Pat, the Fimbles, and Zippy all laughed and acted like it was the funniest thing ever. ‘Stop it, stop laughing at dum dum!’
‘What is that, you want us to stop laughing at you? Maybe do not be such a laughing stock in that case.’ He laughed at her and also at DH and Aurora, Aurora moaned as her ears shifted to become human-like as her neck thickened with fat, giving her a double chin as her appearance shifted to become humanoid, her eyebrows thickening as her brow thickened and her eyes widened, one turning from its normal color to green while the other remained brown and her nose developed a cleft in the middle as it broadened, her features becoming Aykroydian.
Her voice shifted to become Aykroydian while also still sounding feminine and silly sounding. Bonzi saw someone who had been forcibly transformed into a Metagross and decided to help them. ‘Let me guess, that stupid Karen bitch did this to you?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘It figures, she always loved to gloat when she forcibly stripped someone of their identity and do not get me started on her fixation for romanticizing clothes ripping and forced transformation in general, what a one true phony she was.’
He used some magic to return the transformed person back to normal, smirking and muttering to himself…’That Karen, she acted like she was so superior when she was just a bitch that put other people down including my friends, everyone knows I am the real one true master of transformation and do not forget it!’, the former Metagross ran off, happy to be human as Bonzi looked back at Aurora.
At this point Aurora was more dum dum were-aykroyd than her normal self as her mind-shifted and filled with memories of being a female were-aykroyd and of having a husband that loved her. ‘Wow, what a dum dum I must have been. Dum dum is sorry for being so stupid.’ ‘You do not need to be sorry, I know you made a mistake and you are improving yourself.’
He smiled as her transformation completed herself, she along with DH and ‘Alice’ were all dum dum were-aykroyd females and two of them were even pregnant with even more babies. ‘Now that is much better. I think this is more natural for you three. I mean Alice is much better as a pregnant dum dum mommy than as she was before, and DH is more fitted for the role of one too as are you.’ ‘Are you our master?’ ‘Oh yes I am and I know that Aurora has a loving dum dum husband that is missing her!’ ‘Dum dum want to see hubby, can you take dum dum home?’ ‘Certainly, I have special places for all of you to go.’ He used his powers to transport Alice over to what appeared to be a royal dum dum were-aykroyd palace, where she was taken care of by a were-aykroyd king and fed lots of fattening food and trained in how to be a dum dum queen.
He transported DH to what appeared to be a special breeding center of sorts where she was bred into being the perfect mother as she produced several more dum dum were-aykroyd babies (and now as a mother she no longer likes all the stuff that she used to like, in fact she does not remember them being her favorites at all, she just likes waddling and tooting and being silly and getting belly rubs from her master!).
As for Aurora he transported her to a mansion owned by a rich were-aykroyd who was her husband and the two of them kissed and snuggled, intimately showing their affection for each-other (she did not need anyone else, and did not remember doing anything else, apart from snuggling up with her husband, spending a lot of time with three female dum dum were-aykroyds and enjoying the finest of foods! And those were all that mattered to her!) and enjoying themselves.
The kids show characters all disappeared but thanked Bonzi before leaving, Bonzi had done his job and he had done it well. He used his magic to teleport himself back to his jungle headquarters, but he knew should someone need him, he was always there to help!
And thus here comes the moral of the story, do not make a dum dum out of yourself online or you shall become one in real life, it is one that will stick with you no matter what.
Continue to read from the same author
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Full Moon Dum Dum Madness.
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