Seducing Tim


"Well?" Linda asked with a naughty grin looking at her best.

"Well, what?" Kim asked with a devious knowing grin.

"You know what. I want details." Linda laughed.

"Of what?" Kim mocked playfully.

"Of last night you slut." Linda laughed.

"Which part?" Kim chuckled. "The part where he fucked me so hard I fell off the bed and he continued to fuck me. The part where he fucked me in the ass in the kitchen. The part where he jacked off on my face or the part where I fucked him twice this morning." Kim laughed with a proud smile.

"Twice this morning?" Linda laughed.

"Yep!" Kim quipped. "And a nut both times." She finished with a laugh.

"Both times?" Linda asked in envie.

"He wasn't getting out of here till I was done fucking him." Kim laughed.

"Fuck me!" Linda said in a low drawn voice.

"That's what he did. He fucked me good and hard." Kim smiled.

"Hell, I thought you where gonna blow him right there in front of everyone last night." Linda smiled.

"Naw. That was just foreplay. I blew him on the drive home." Kim laughed like a schoolgirl.

"Are you shitting me?" Linda laughed looking at Kim with big eyes.

"No, I'm not shitting you. I sucked him off like a madwoman all the way back here." Kim laughed proudly. "Then fucked him in the driveway. I was so horny." Kim finished

"You are a dirty slut." Linda laughed.

"Hey, a girl has needs." Kim smiled.

"So how long you been trying to get him to fuck you now," Linda asked with a smile.

"A while. That boy is as about as dense as an ole fence post." Kim chuckled.

"Well, does he have a big dick?" Linda quizzed.

"About as big as an ole fence post and just as hard." Kim laughed holding her hands apart for description.

"Are you shitting me?" Linda smiled in surprise.

"Not in the least," Kim said with a bragging smile. "You know if I would have known how good he was in bed. I'd fucked him long ago." Kim finished laughing.

"Well, you two live together. I'm not sure why you haven't been giving him pussy all along." Linda chuckled.

"Welllllll. I'm not sure either." Kim grinned. "But, it hasn't been but the last couple of months our relationship has changed. The first couple of months I was stressed over my divorce." Kim stated.

"That's a poor excuse there. It didn't stop you from banging the guy from the tire store that day." Linda laughed.

"He was fun and I did do things with him I never did with Mike. Besides he was cute and it was just sex. I knew I'd never see him again." Kim laughed.

"Sure good excuse." Linda laughed. "And the guy from the bar?" Linda quizzed laughing.

"I was drunk. That should have never happened. My better judgment was definitely impaired." Kim laughed with a sour face.

"He was very cute. If you hadn't of fucked him. I Was going to." Linda laughed.

"If I remember right. You went home with that sexy blonde and her husband." Kim laughed.

"Yes, I did. I got the better deal on that one." Linda laughed.

"That you did. If I remember right that guy had a small pecker on him." Kim grimaced making them both laugh.

"So tell me about how you came to be horny for Tim." Linda smiled.

"Well, you know how good looking he is and how charming he is. That was the start.
After my divorce was final and all, I don't really know. Tim gave me my space and I think it took him a bit to get over catching me in bed with Jim." Amy said in a flat tone.

"Who's Jim?" Linda asked confused.

"Jim is a friend of Mikes. He always told me if I divorce Mike, he wants to be first in line." Kim grinned. "And well I've always kinda wondered what he would be like in bed. So I signed my divorce papers and called Jim on the way out the lawyer's door. An hour later I'm on my back giving the best man in my wedding all the pussy he wants." Kim said with a big smile.

"How come I've never met Jim," Linda asked in curiosity.

"Well, his wife really doesn't like me and likes Mike less." Kim grinned.

"You didn't tell me he was married!" Linda laughed. "You are such a bad girl. Fucking married men." Linda laughed.

"I will let you know. I did not fuck him. I screwed the balls off of Jim." Kim laughed proudly.

"So how did Tim find out?" Linda quizzed.

"Well, I guess he came home early and heard us in my room." Kim grimaced.

"Oh!" Linda said wrinkling her nose.

"Yeah, oh. He knew it was Jim and that Jim was married. That's what pissed him off." Kim said in a sad tone.

"So was Jim good in bed?" Linda grinned wildly.

"If I'd fucked him before Mike. I'd married Jim. He has a very nice cock and knows how to use it." Kim laughed.

"Nicer than Tim's?" Linda giggled.

"Now, I wouldn't go that far." Kim smiled.

"So Tims cock is better?" Linda grinned.

"And bigger!" Kim laughed.

"Anyway a couple of months ago Tim asked me to dinner." Kim started.
"I didn't know what to think at first. So in just went with it and things went from there." Kim smiled proudly.

"So you were what three months with no sex." Linda grinned.

"Over four," Kim said with a wrinkled nose.

"So you and Tim have been dating for two months and no sex." Linda smiled. "Is that why you got him drunk last night?" Linda laughed.
"Well, yeah. Kinda. I'd made several passes at him. But, he didn't take the hint. You would think a twenty-eight-year-old man would take the hint when a woman cooks them breakfast in a t-shirt and thong panties." Kim laughed.

"You didn't. Did you?" Linda laughed.

"The hell I didn't. I had to fight that t-shirt over my fat tits." Kim laughed.

"Are you kidding me." Linda laughed.

"Not in the least. I was sure it was gonna rip." Kim giggled.

"He didn't make a move on you?" Linda laughed.

"No. But, he was all flustered and didn't stick around either. Leaving me all flustered." Kim chuckled.

I'm not sure where I'm going so stay tuned. I'll figure it out and continue on.

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