My Mother found me a wife
Alexander Father
I've never been good with girls and so my mother Joyce decided if she was to have grandchildren it would up to her to find me a wife. I'm Alexander 33 and the only child of Joyce and Alexander (deceased) and I'm quite well off and don't need to work. But I do have a hobby farm of 83 acres and have 8 horses, 25 head of cattle and poultry. I live in 6 bedroom 3 bathroom home with Joyce and we have a housekeeper and a maid that come Monday thru Saturday &am to 5pm. No other staff on the property, all the animals and maintenance I take care of. Joyce didn't want surrogates or anything similar to have her grandchild and she wanted at least 2 and hopefully more. You read about men buying a bride overseas and bringing them back home with them. Joyce didn't want that either, so she finally came upon the best idea she thought. A career woman who wanted child and thought it might solve her problem. But it soon failed, but just by chance her sister in law Elizabeth was asking her questions about our family tree. We have a large family tree and not all are as financially secure as we are. So she joined Elizabeth to research our family history looking for relative who might do. She found Estelle 29 working as a diner waitress. Estelle was single average looking and broke, not in any relationship and going thru her family connection to Joyce a third cousin and fourth cousin to me. Third cousin are legally allowed to marry Joyce told me so I could marry Estelle as she is my fourth cousin. Joyce herself went and contacted Estelle who had just lost her job as the diner closed down by health department. Estelle was out of working and Joyce found her before she moved on. Estelle didn't know Joyce or me, but knew that there were some well off distant relatives. So she was all ears as they say and let Joyce have her say, quietly listen to her request. She told Joyce would think it over, Joyce said don't take too long as I have another slightly older relative to talk too. Estelle asked for a week and Joyce agreed, but asked if Estelle would like to visit and at least meet me. Estelle agreed to that, mainly it would get her away from there and maybe a better life in a new area. Even if she didn't finally agree to being my wife and having my children. They arrived together the next morning and she was to stay with us until she decided and Joyce said she still help her if she refused the marriage idea. To help make up her mind she joined me as I done my animals, mainly to see if she liked me I think. Anyway the she followed me around and I started to teach her to ride and she liked that. The day before the week was up, Estelle told Joyce she was agreeable and we all went away together and Estelle and me married with a prenup in place. It was awkward the first night in bed together, but we fucked and fuck again in the morning and got back home the day after and had regular sex to made a baby. Estelle followed me around the place helping me with the animals and learning to ride better as well. While in town a week later we came across a woman selling puppies and Estelle asked me could she have one and I agreed. But as we picked the one she wanted the one left looked very sad Estelle said. So we took both(males), buying everything we needed for them and having them checked by the vet and they were okay nothing wrong and they were already vaccinated. We arrived home and Joyce just smiled and said I wanted the patter of little feet about the house, I didn't mean puppies. That's how we got Hector and Mutt, Estelle called one Hector and I said Mutt and the other came to me and that became its name. We were having regular sex and Joyce was getting a little worried, but then Estelle missed a period and then another. She tested positive to being pregnant and Joyce was happy and were Estelle and me, a later gave us more news. Estelle was having twins and she had 2 boys and now pregnant again with a girl to born in October. Estelle is quite happy married to me and we still the animals together and Hector and Mutt tagging along with us. While grandma Joyce watches her grandchildren. Joyce bought a golf buggy for checking the animals so Estelle doesn't have to walk too much and that's where the dog hangout as well in the bubby with Estelle.
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