Naturists Neighbors
Limping Neighbor
I bought an old run-down farm 201 acres consisting of 12-15 acres of trees, 7acre man-made lake, 5acre house and work area including barn, large work shed, and horse yards attached to the barn. The rest had been cropping and pastureland, I wasn't going to farm the land, but did ride horses and was planning on getting some later. I'd been on active service and well off financially due to inheritance of some family wealth and trust fund. I mainly wanted a peaceful place to live and plan my future, not in a hurry either. My neighbors were on the other side of the trees and out of sight to me mostly, unless I walked into the trees towards the boundary fence. I was like hermit at first on arrival, not interacting with the locals at all, just keeping to myself. Slowly I started to interact, but on my terms and it was how I first heard about my strange neighbors as the locals referred to them. At first, I wasn't interested in gossip or local tales and disregarded most of what I heard. At 30 and with a slight handicap that ended my military career, I'd hadn't thought of dating still adjusting to civilian life. I finally got 5 horses and set about riding the property on each of them. I got visited by relatives at times always short visits and we started riding together on their visits. But one day I decided to check out my acreage of trees, no real reason, just I hadn't ventured into the area before. I'd forgotten about what the locals had said and as I got to the furthest point from my house, I came back along the boundary fence. It was on my way back I first saw my strange neighbors. Turns out there was 5 women all prancing about totally naked, I was a little shocked at first. But it was none of my business what they did on their own property. So, I kept walking the boundary fence not looking in their direction, they of course saw me and likewise ignored me. But as I got almost to the end of the fence where it turns to run along the road that leads to all the properties. One of the younger women 25 came over to talk to me, she had noticed I had a limp (from my injury) and asked did I want a massage to help it heal quicker. She of course was still totally naked and wasn't fazed talking to a fully dressed man. I told how I got the limp, but she still thought massage would make it better. I felt awkward talking to a totally naked woman I didn't know at all. But agreed to give it a try, she said she would come over in an hour and massage me. I returned to my house wondering what I'd got myself into, then she arrived with her sister 27 I found out and both were wearing white coats. Nothing else underneath, they both done the massage and I did feel a lot better afterwards. I asked how much, and they said no charge and left. A week later they were back, and I got another massage, but they suggested I come to their place as they had a sauna and spa which they said would help me even more. I agreed I would, and it turns out they only wear clothes off their property and as they say when in Rome. My visits to them for massage and treatment I went native you could say. After several months I started a relationship with her (25), and it became a serious relationship. We would marry 5 months later and after our marriage, I became the Bull of the family. All the women, my wife her sister, cousin, mother and aunt became bed partners to me. Now I've 4 children 2 with my wife and 1 each with her sister and cousin. I'm not a regular naturist outdoors, but inside the house well that is different. My limp is still with me but less pronounce than it was. Also, there is always one willing to give me a massage anytime I want one.
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