An offer too good to refuse
Delighted Husband
I'm not handsome and look like I went 5 rounds with a heavyweight boxer and lost every round. I'm stocky in build and 5'11" not overweight and work out regularly. Well off due my career and from a trust fund that bought me my house. I (33) live alone and try to date regularly but it's hit and miss. Get lucky every now and then, but there was no future wife amongst my dates. So, I was kinder shocked when my boss (65) asked me to marry his only daughter 26. She was home schooled by his late wife (2022) and had led a sheltered life and with the passing of his wife he was worried what would happen to her if he suddenly passed away as well. In his eyes I was very dependable and trustworthy and would look after his daughter very well. I'd seen the daughter over the years I worked there, and she was attractive. But the added bonus was a partnership in the business and that I would succeed him on his passing or retirement. The only problem I foresaw was the daughter not wanting to marry me. She accepted her father's suggestion that she marry me and so we married June 2024. Only 4 actual dates before our wedding and no sex at all, but she is quite willing to provide me with sex and I quickly got her pregnant. Another thing her father wanted, grandchildren asap. I still own my own home, but it is rented out as I live at my wife's family home. Another bonus of marrying the boss's daughter is sleeping in sometimes, no hassles if I'm late. As my wife is now pregnant, she wants to be near me all the time and come to my office with me. I work out at home since the wedding and my wife always watches me and showers with me afterwards. She likes to snuggle up to me and at first, I thought it was a little too much. But if for some reason she, doesn't I found myself missing her doing it. Perfectly happy with my wife and future, my parents are moving closer as well.
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