The old Witch


A lady (57) lives up the street a bit from my parents and always wears black and keeps to herself mostly. Not many people know anything about her at all, I'm 26 and work in construction and during lulls in work I do whatever I can to make a buck yard clearing, mowing whatever is going. One day I got a call from the lady some people call the local witch, about clearing up her yard and removing old scrubs and trees that had died. I accepted as I don't believe in witches or religion all that much. With my old pickup to cart away the rubbish I got started, I saw the lady walking with crutches. That explained her hiring me as she was regularly seen gardening before she hired me. She had ring barked the scrubs and trees as they were old, and she was going to remove them herself. But had an accident and so I got the job, she was nice to talk too, and I even drove her to the supermarket to get some things instead of her catching a cab. She had no car and use to walk everywhere before her accident, not ride a broom like some would say. I liked talking to her and made it a regular routine to take her to supermarket while she recovered (no charge). When she was recovered, and my parents were away visiting my sister and her family, I was invited to dinner by the lady. I was back working in construction and I'm no cook, so a free meal is willingly accepted. It was a rainy Friday night only light rain, so I walked there. But by the time the dinner was finished it was raining very heavily, So, we talked for a time, and the rain didn't let up. She suggested I stay till morning I accepted and asked me would I like to sleep with her as well. But quickly added she wouldn't be offended if I didn't want too. I do date fairly regularly and do fairly well I think with the girls I date. But a fuck is a fuck, and I accepted, and I enjoyed the sex with her. Also fucking her again in the morning, we became friends with benefits. A month or so later my father got a promotion, and my parents would be moving and be closer to my sister and her family and would be selling their house. I could've moved with them, but it would mean getting known again in a new area for construction jobs as they hire first the ones they know. But I would need a new place to live and my friend the lady said I could board with her if I wanted. It meant cooked meals and my laundry done and most likely balls drained. So, I accepted, and I can still date girls and even bring home if so want. If I fail to score, I can always visit her in her bed and mostly get to fuck her, but not every time.
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