Ken gets found out part 2


Ken gets caught part two

After Ken dressed and went down stairs Jane expected her daughter to come and shout and rant at her for fucking her husband but nothing happened. Jane thought perhaps they had gone home but after having a shower and dressing she found her daughter sitting in the kitchen but no Ken.
“Well explain yourself ” her daughters voice was as cold as ice. How could you mum with Ken! my husband ,I would have thought at your age that was the last thing you would want! and tied hand and foot up a cupboard can you imagine what a shock that was for me.”
Jane sat at the table the two women looked at each other each both had tears in their eyes.”
“It was a bit of a surprise to me Sally,”
Jane reached across the table to take her daughters hand.
“Sally,I’m sorry you found out like that and its been no more than just sex it wasn’t Kens fault he’s a man and like most men when offered sex he will take it. And women of my age still have needs. You young people seem to think over thirty's don’t do sex well let me tell you we do it a lot and in lots of different ways.
As to being tied up I happen to like being a sub, a man should be masterful and take charge I was your dads sex slave and I loved every part of it.
I miss your dad and get lonely and when Ken was painting my spare bedroom I couldn’t stop myself he didn’t stand a chance .

Sally pulled her hand away “ What about the kinky stuff he’s never wanted to tie me up I’m lucky its once a month, anyway I’m not always in the mood what with the kids being there all the time there is no where we can be alone for long.
Little Terry came into the bedroom one night and thought Ken was hurting me because I was moaning he jumped on the bed and tried to pull Ken off of me, Ken wasn’t best pleased.”
Sally wiped her eyes and blow her nose
”But to see you like that mum tied up and Ken,”She gave out a little sob,”Ken enjoying it so much .With us its all over so quickly I never get to cum I have to wait until he’s at work and the kids are out then I get an hour with my vibrator.”
I can’t believe we are having this conversation .

“Perhaps we should have had this conversation a long time ago” said Jane “does Ken know you have one?”
“No Mum I keep it hidden in my underwear draw he would never need to look in there for anything.
“Have you ever thought of telling him you use one ? “
Thats the difference between us. Your dad and I talked about everything before we got married we knew we enjoyed what some people call kinky sex I was happy to be his sub ,he never heart me or humiliated me.
You might be surprised we went to a club and did a bit of wife swapping that was nice to.
“Wife swapping! you went wife swapping ,you and dad” Sally jumped up from the Table I don’t want to hear any more. I thought you were just normal boring parents now I find out you were having sex with every Tom, Dick, and Harry,”

Jane said “I didn’t have a lot of Tom or Harry but I did have a lot of Dick he was one of your dads best friends. Stop being such a prude, I like sex and I like being dominated I like a man in charge your dad was a wonderful lover but so are lots of men.
Kens not the only chap you had sex with I know what you and the boy Ron got up to in your room I’m not that silly.
Sally looked shocked “We didn’t get up to anything we were listening to records.”
“You forget Sally I used to do your washing I know cum stains when I see them.”
Sally’s face reddened she had never thought of that and Ron was a distant memory ,distant but pleasant memory. She was seventeen he was the first boy she had let touch her. A picture flashed into her head of her and the handsome Ron in her bedroom kissing, then his hand under her dress fumbling with her knickers a finger inside her pussy and she was instantly wet Sally smiled at the memory. “The lovely Ron I wonder where he is now she thought.?”

Sally sat down again “Me and Ken never talked about sex it just happened
at first it was exciting and fun never anything Kinky just sex then the kids came along we seemed to go off It, he was working all the time I was always knackered from being at home with the kids.
If we had it at all it was on and off over quickly.
How did you cope when we were young?”

Jane when over and put the kettle on for coffee,
“We made time for each other did you ever wonder why the grass at the top of the garden was never cut and when you were a little girl you asked me why some of it was flattened down in the middle I told you it was a fairy ring the fairies had a party and danced on our grass.
You would sit there watching hoping to see them.
Well truth to tell it was your dad and me.”
Jane made the coffee and sat down at the table putting a cup in front of Sally,she went on.
In the summer when you were in bed we would go up the garden with a blanket have a kiss and a cuddle and make mad passionate love very quietly for an hour or so,It was funny we thought we were being very secretive then one night, Alf next door came up and went into his shed after about ten minutes he can out locked the shed and walked down the path as he past us he said “Good night Jane good night Frank.”your dad was deep into me going like a hammer but without even slowing down he said “Night Alf see you tomorrow”.That night I had one of the most powerful orgasms ever,
I realized being watched was a real turn on, We talked about it and your dad and I joined an adult club.”
Sally coughed out some of her coffee “Where the fuck did you find an Adult club for Christ sake?.
“Sally!! I've never heard you swear before”
“Its enough to make a person swear I've never heard my mother tell me about her sex mad past, shagging in the garden ,being watched, wife swapping, bondage, sex slave, we've only missed out animals.”
Jane put her cup in the sink “I wouldn’t do animals what do you think I am I like sex with men, strong. dominating men. A women turned up at the club one night to do an exhibition with an Alsatian she got on all fours and it licked her and sniffed at her then climbed on and fucked her we watched but it didn’t do anything for me one or two of the other women were interested and they had a chat to the women after the show. I think they were members of the kennel club.

“You dad found it on the Internet your dad was very good with it he found lots of interesting things it gave us lots of ideas people do all sorts of things,
Sally couldn’t believe she was saying this” Such as?””
“I’m not sure you want to hear dear you can be very judgmental. but if your sure ,have you ever heard of dogging ?
Sally stared at her mother “yes Ive heard of it don’t tell me you and dad went dogging this gets worse and worse.”
I said you wouldn’t want to hear about it, but yes we did ,well I did your dad just drove and watched .
We would go up to the woods and park I always wore a short skirt no knickers, black stockings men like stockings I‘d wait in the car your dad would get out and wait a little way off. lots of regulars would be there so we knew most of them.
Some of the lads would come over and have a chat ,finger me up and play with themselves, some wanted full on sex or a bit of oral. I did what ever they wanted.
I used to get out of the car and lean over the warm bonnet, I’d spread my arms out across it and press my face and tits up against the warm metal the lads would take me from behind it was lovely.
I’ve photos if you want to see them I often get them out and remember those happy times.
“Mum I don’t want to see you smutty pictures.”
What am I going to do about you and Ken.
As I see it you have three options, one kick him out which means I will let him stay here and we will carry on as before .
Or you can forgive him ,buy your self some sexy underwear have more sex with him which given the chance I think you will enjoy I’ll have the children over a weekend any time you want me to.
Sally said what’s number three you said three alternatives?”
Number three he can do the kinky stuff with me once a month,, he comes to me and he fucks my brains out any way he or I want.
Sally took a long look at her mother “You are seriously expecting me to share my husband with you .sit at home knowing what you and he are up to”?
“Better he was here and not out somewhere else.
Sally got up from the table. maybe your right, we share Ken.
I want you to have the kids next weekend.
That’s what happened. Ken had the best of both worlds his wife bought some sexy lingerie, stockings and high heels and once a month Sally and Ken had a date night, the children went to Janes
And two weeks later Ken lucky man would be at the mother in laws, she was spanked tied up fuck in all sorts of positions once Sally got used to the idea it worked well in fact it gave Sally a few ideas of her own.

The end

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