Finding Comfort In best friend's wife
I lost my wife in a crazy accident, I lost myself after that and became destructive to myself. Lost all my connections to my family and most of my friends after my wife died. I lost my job because I was unable to concentrate and perform my duties. Shortly after that I became homeless and was living on the streets. Basically after my wife died, my own life went down a spiral and within 9 months I was on the streets.I went inside a Walmart to get some cheap food for the night.
Jason!!!! I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and it was my childhood best friend John. He runs to me and gives me a hug and asks me where I've been. We chat for a bit, he introduces me to his wife. I get excited because I had not talked to him in a few years and did not know he was married. He tells me they just got married about a month after my wife had died. I give congratulations but the memory of my wife came over and I wanted to cry so I excused myself and tried to walk away.
John has known me for a very long time so he knew something was up and he followed me and asked me if everything was ok. I finally told him that my wife died and my life was terrible and I was homeless. John and his wife Jessica both gave me condolences for my loss and asked if there was anything they could do. With my job and wife, I lost touch with John even though I consider him to be my best friend, he was my best man at my wedding and even though we had lost touch he still wanted me to be to happy.
Anyway, cut the long story short, once they found out I was homeless they wouldn't take no for an answer and told me. I was going to be living with them in their basement which they Never use anyway and it is its own mini house for the most part and I would have my privacy and I can stay there as long as I wish.
So I got in there car and we started driving, I was tearing up because of their hospitality.
Now John was a truck driver and Jessica was a school teacher. Most of the time in the house, it would be myself and Jessica as John would be out driving his truck etc.
First few nights weren't bad, I was able to catch some sleep and be in a better place but the third night I had a huge hole in my heart, missing my wife and I started crying uncontrollably. John was not at the house but I tried still to keep my shit down to not disturb Jessica. the next day I woke up and decided to go out for a walk and get breakfast on the way back. When I got back to the house Jessica was at home already so I started small talk with her since I didn't know her that well.
Jessica was telling me how her job is stressful sometimes due to weird scheduling etc. But she finally broke the tension wall
Jessica "Jason, I want to ask you something?"
Me " Sure....whatsup?"
Jessica "I heard you crying last night, I was tempted to go check on you but didn't want to invade your privacy"
Me "im so sorry, I tried to control it really sorry if I messed with your sleep"
Jessica "no, Jason, im sorry I didn't mean it that way. I am just worried about you, are you doing ok?
Me "I guess, im grateful to have people like John in my life who scraped me off the bottom but I miss my wife......a lot, I guess I never got closure"
Jessica "im so sorry, how did she die?"
Me "Car accident, I guess thats a downside of finding someone you love, you can lose them"
Jessica "im so sorry, tell me what was she like?"
Me "oh I don't even know where to start, but I know how she made me feel"
Jessica "you can share that, maybe it will help"
Me "maybe, I lost my job because when I was working to support us, I would look forward to going home to her, she would always get home before me and she always gave me a loving hug. That moment all stress and anger would leave my body and I would be a happy soul for the rest of the evening."
Jessica "aww thats so sweet"
Me "yes, she was amazing"
Jessica "if that why you were crying yesterday because you haven't been able to hug her?"
Me "I guess, so, hugging her, feeling her love through that bond, holding her at night to sleep, I do know, I guess I miss the touch the most because I got so used to that relaxing me"
Jessica "im so sorry Jason, but John and I are here for you, if there is anything we can do for you please let us know, I guess let me know since John isn't always here, please don't hesitate"
Me "thank you so much Jessica, thank you for everything"
Jessica got up from her chair and came over to me and gave me a hug. I started tearing up because hugging her reminded me of my wife's hugs and it triggered the same relaxing, loving emotions within me and having a bunch of my stress leaving me overloaded my emotions and I cried a little on her shoulder.
I pulled away after like 30 seconds of so, apologized to her again and started walking to my room.
Jessica "its ok Jason, you will be ok and please let me know if you need anything, anything ok"
Me "thank you Jessica, thank you so much"
The rest of the day my emotions were again very high, I was on the verge of breaking out crying several times during the day.
Finally I was exhausted from watching TV and playing games and wanted to get some sleep, as soon as I lay down on my bed my emotions went out of control and I started crying again. I was very aware of my level of sniffling and crying and wanted to not disturb Jessica but I just couldn't help it. I heard a knock on my door. I wiped my face as much as I could and opened the door.
Jessica "Jason, I heard you crying again and wanted to make sure you were ok"
Me "Im so sorry" is all I could mutter before balling out crying again.
Jessica walked over to me and gave me a hug, rubbing my back and telling me everything will be ok.
For whatever reason her hug calmed me down within 20-30 seconds. I was no longer crying and no longer extremely emotional.
She sat me down on my bed and sat next to me, still rubbing my back and asking if I want some company.
Jessica "do you want to talk? sometimes talking it out makes us feel better"
Me "im so sorry, I feel like im messing with your sleep"
Jessica "no, with John going on long trips, its hard for me to fall asleep, sometimes it takes me hours to fall asleep"
Me "Yeah, its hard for me to fall asleep without................ I try to exhaust myself to sleep but............."
Jessica "Well if you feel alone, don't, im here with you"
I look at her and see how sincere and wonderful of a human she is and smile at her
Me "Thank you, you are a genuinly amazing person"
Jessica "ok lets watch a show or a movie to get you relaxed and get you some rest"
Jessica grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, she selected a TV show and went to the couch. I was still on the bed for a few seconds.
Jessica "ok cmon now, and bring that blanket"
The couch was a three seater, she was sitting on the left side, I gave her the blanket and sat on the right side. Once I sat down, she moved over right next to me and pour the blanket over me as well. I could feel her body next to me and It was the same feeling I used to get with my wife, a genuine affection and care. It felt great and We watched the hour long show before I realized that Jessica fell asleep on my shoulder. I gently lowered her head to the couch, went to my bed and got a pillow and put her head on the pillow before covering her up with the blanket.
I wasn't feeling bubbled up with emotions anymore and slept pretty well.
When I woke up, I checked the couch and Jessica was not there anymore. I took a shower, and went up stairs to see her just finishing her breakfast.
Me "good morning"
Jessica "hi, good morning"
With that said she walked over to me and gave me a hug again. It felt so familiar, like I was hugging my wife again. The hug went on for longer than a friendly hug because I got lost in the feeling and kept holding her even when she has loosened her grip and kind of let me go.
Jessica "ummmhmm,mmm" clearing her throat "would you like something to eat?"
I finally let her go and say sure. She made me a plate with some left over eggs, and some fruit. She left to her room, when she came back she had her work stuff with her and went to work.
I had a busy day, I wanted to start applying for jobs and try to find something to do to help me take my mind off my stress. I have been on the computer pretty much the entire day and didn't realize how much time had passed. I heard someone fumbling keys outside the door and I looked at the clock to see it was already 4pm. The door opened and in comes Jessica.
Me "hey, welcome back, how was work?"
Jessica "omg im so exhausted, kids were driving me crazy today"
She locked the door, put her stuff in the hallway, started walking towards me and gave me a hug.
Im not gonna lie, these hugs were amazing, they would take away all my stress, and anxiety, it was pretty much like I was hugging my wife. Again, getting lost in the feeling of bliss, I hugged her longer than I guess she wanted to because I realized her grip was softening and I let go.
Me "Thank you"
Jessica "you are welcome?, for what?"
Me "you being so kind, the breakfast, the company, especially the hugs"
Jessica "don't mention it, its nice................"
She went in to her office to finish her work, so I went to the basement to play some games. It ws around 8pm, I heard a knock on my door. Jessica wanted to know if wanted some food. She had bought some tacos, we ate the dinner table. After that she excused herself and went to her room. I went back to the basement to try and fall asleep.
Knock Knock.
Jessica "you ready for the show?"
Me "of course"
She turned on the TV and again told me to bring the blanket, but this time she was already in the middle seat of the couch, got cozy next to me and poured the blanked over us. She fell asleep much faster this time, the show still had like 30 min. I selfishly was enjoying her touch and the feeling of her next to me so I didn't say anything until I was about to doze off myself. I did the same thing, laid her down and placed a pillow under her, covered her up in the blanket before going to the bed and falling asleep myself. This went on for 2 more days, same routine, same hugs and everything until John was back home. She still gave me a quick hug good night but it was not the same that would linger longer than normal.
My emotions were coming back up but nothing I could do this time, I certainly wasn't going to ask Jessica to come watch a show with me with John home and haven't seen her in a week.
John invited me to go to a bar with some of his friends, I said no because I don't drink and had an interview lined up the next morning and wanted to rest.
I was home, I heard the car leave and figure both of them had left. It was around 930pm and I could not fall asleep, and again the emotions got the best of me and I started crying. I didn't think they were home she didnt care about making noise.
Panic set in when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Jessica.
Jessica "are you ok?"
Me "yeas, im so sorry, I didn't think you guys were home, im sorry for disturbing your peace and quiet"
Jessica "Jason, its ok"
With that said she gave me a hug again and was rubbing my back. Instantly calming me down and making me blissful again. The hug was way longer than any hug before. Even when I felt she was no longer holding me, I kept holding. I was being selfish and didn't want to lose this feeling. After a really long time Jessica broke the silence.
Jessica "lets watch a show" I let her go and she turned on the TV and sat down on the couch.
We finished the show and she was still awake, she got up, I got up with her, she gave me a hug, said good night and left the basement. It felt great, I was calm now and was able to sleep. Next night was a bit different because John didn't leave the house, so Jessica knew I liked the hugs by now and would find a quick second or 2 to give me a hug, tell me good night.
I was motivated to get my life back in order and was having interviews after interviews. Anyway, I got offered a Job and they needed me to start the next day.
After the first day of training I was exhausted, on the bus ride home I was thinking of my times when I would be heading home and my wife would give me a loving and caring hug. I was emotional again but not crying, just emotional.
I get home, open the door and put my backpack down and Jessica was walking towards me fast. She hugged me tighter that the times before, she said I hope you had a great first day!
I was in a blissful heaven right there and in that moment or moments I felt like my wife was the one hugging me and not Jessica. I knew it wasn't my wife but it felt the exact same. I said thank you and hugged her tighter, I could smell her scent and I was super happy in this moment.
The next few days were a repeat, Jessica usually got home around 4pm and I would get home around 515-520 depending on the bus. Jessica would always give me a tight hug and tell me she is proud and happy for me etc.
The weekend was coming up, John was heading out on another Trucking trip. Friday when I came home, John was also home, so no tight hug or words from Jessica. No good night hug either. I missed it but I wasn't emotional anymore. I was calm and rested the night. Next morning when I woke up John was just leaving for work and Jessica was still sleep according to John. He left.
I made breakfast for myself and Jessica. Once the food was ready, I went and knocked on her door and invited her to have breakfast. We ate, had small talk about my new job and how im liking it etc. I told her im getting thru it because of her support and couldn't have done it without her. She smiles and says that means a lot.
Around 7pm she came to me
Jessica *excitedly* "hey"
Me "hey....."
Jessica "the show has new episodes that we haven't watched......."
Me "oh nice"
Jessica "ill meet you downstairs"
I was not expecting her to want the show right now, since its something we usually watched at night, but I was off and I didn't want to disappoint her, especially seeing how excited and happy she got when she thought of it.
there 3 new episodes, she came down, I already had the blanket, she sat down next to me and pulled the blanked over her before turning on the TV and putting the show on. After the first one was almost over, she was practically in my lap. She got up, grabbed the pillow and laid down next to me with the pillow kind of resting on my thigh. First episode over, second episode started and about 20 min in to it she paused it and went to the bathroom, I got up to stretch and get some water as well. When she got out of the bathroom, she saw me stretching and jokingly said "m sorry if im tiring you......."
Me "haha no, I love it, its just the sitting down for a while, needed to stretch"
Jessica "you can lay down too....."
She went back to the couch and moved her pillow to the other side of where we normally sit. I understood that as laying down that was, which was a better angle to watch the TV. I squeezed myself right behind and laid down, with my head on the arm rest so I could still see the TV. I didnt really think much of it but I was pretty much spooning my best friends wife. I ignore those thought and just enjoyed her company and continue to watch the show. I guess at some point in the middle of the third episode I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning on the couch, and went upstairs.
Me "good morning"
Jessica "good morning sleepy head hehe"
Me "haha im sorry"
Jessica "I guess it was pay back for the nights I fell asleep on you"
Me "in that case we are FAR from even haha"
Jessica "hehe, come have some breakfast."
Pretty normal day for the rest of it, she had a bunch of grading to complete so I stayed out of her hair and just played games until it was like 10pm. She never came down and I figure she is probably exhausted and didnt want to bother her. I was laying in the bed trying to fall asleep when I finally heard the knock on my door. I said come in as I have not been locking it.
She walked downstairs, I turned on the bed side lamp.
Jessica "I didnt wake you, did I?"
Me "No, I was trying to fall asleep but having trouble so was just resting"
Jessica "yeah im exhausted too"
She stood by my bed for a few seconds...................
Jessica "scoot over"
I didnt even question it and moved backwards to make room for her. I thought she was gonna sit down and chat, but she laid down next to me and pulled the blanket over her and cozy up next to my body. I have not thought of her sexually until tonight. Again the feelings she brings to me are the same as I felt for my wife so maybe that was affecting it too. I placed my left hand on her hip and just relaxed since we already slept like this on the couch it wasn't new.
After a few moments, she placed her hand on top of mine, again nothing big deal from me. After some wild thoughts, I was back to earth remembering who she is and eventually fell asleep. Woke up to find her in the kitchen with breakfast ready.
next 3 nights was pretty much the exact same, Monday being slightly different because both of us work. When I came home, she had dinner ready and gave me a tight hug again. Around 10pm she opened my door and came to my bed and laid down again. Same thing I eventually placed my hand on her hip, this time she didnt wait too long before placing her own hand on mine. After a few second though, she moved my hand up a bit to where my hand was resting on her love handles. Then maybe I imagined it but I felt her push her butt back in to me. I couldn't help it and was getting aroused but didnt want to do anything because of who she was. After a while, I heard her slightly snoring and I knew she was asleep. I fell asleep myself shortly after.
This routine went on for another few days until Friday when I came home she gave me the usual hug, we ate and then she said she doesn't want to do any more work tonight and she is exhausted and will go to sleep early today. I didnt ask and was supportive. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to my den and started playing video games. at 715ish I heard my door open and she came down.
Jessica "you wanna play for a while?"
Me "oh, no, didnt know what almost done with this game"
Jessica "no no no, you can keep playing, im not going anywhere........."
Now my wife was not a huge fan of my playing games, so this was a completely different person and was a huge arousal moment.
I tried to focus on the game so I could reduce my arousal. Once the game was down, I went to bed, she was on her phone reading something but once she saw me walking over she put it on the night stand and pulled the blanket back to make room for me.
I laid down next to her, I placed my hand on her hip again, she moved it to her love handles and this time I know for a fact she scoot back to get her butt squished next to my penis area. Again, it felt great so I was not going to complain, nor would I advance any further.
It was super early though and neither of us were really tired. She told me about her day and asked about mine. She asked me what the game was called and was genuinely interested in my hobby and why I like it. It felt great and romantic. I felt arousal again from her taking interest in me and my hobbies. Again something that my wife didnt do to much of.
When I told her that my wife never really took interest in my hobbies, or my games, she pulled my hand closer to her belly, and said its ok, some people have different ways of showing affection.
Me "oh abolsutely but I would love to share those experiences......."
We talked for a while about different things and eventually it was late enough to where we fell asleep.
For the first time, I woke up, she was awake but did not leave the bed, I was still holding her as she was browsing memes on her phone. She turned to me, said good morning. I said good morning and instantly realized that I had morning wood.
Jessica "it was a restful and fun night........and morning.......haha" she didnt give me a chance to say anything and got up and went upstairs. As she was opening the door she said breakfast will be ready in 10.
I had a feeling she was talking about my boner and I was embarrassed about it. I haven't been with anyone since my wife passed away, and hadn't even masterbated since that event.
Anyway I got up, washed my face and had breakfast with her. After I cleaned up, she came out to the living room to the her work stuff, looked at me, gave me a tight hug and said she will be working one school stuff, see you tonight and went to her room.
Around 6pm I was playing Destiny (the video game) and I heard her come down stairs. She sat next to me and was watching me play. I took my headset off and said hi to her and she started asking me questions about the game. I ended up nerding out with her about destiny and eventually made her a new character on my account so she could try it also. I have never had this much fun with anyone, she genuinely enjoyed learning about my hobby and it was a great turn on. Her character died in a super funny way and we both laughed hysterically at that. I looked at her and for the first time I felt genuine love for someone other than my wife. I wanted to make her happy and keep her smiling so I started having my character do silly dances etc which kept her amused.
Me "as fun as this is, we both have work tomorrow so its bed time....."
Jessica "yes, im feeling it....."
We laid down the same way we always do. She moves my around around to rest on her belly and pushes back her butt to nuzzle my penis around it.
She kept on talking about destiny and asking me other games I enjoyed. She moved me hand back to me, which I thought was weird so I pulled back a little so im not spooning her that hard either. She was moving around bit, tussling with something. I was about to ask if she was but she was done with it and grabbed my hand again.
She started pulling it closer to her again and I felt her skin. She slowly moved around her hip and I felt her clothing all bunched up around her waist. She slowly moved my hand below the bunched up cloth and I felt skin again around her hips, she squeezed my hand a bit again and scoot her butt back to nuzzle with me. It was an instant turn on and I felt my cock getting hard. After just s few second my cock was raging hard and I felt her grinding it slowly with very small movements. I was in bliss and was enjoying the moment but also didnt know how far she was willing to go and didnt want to make moves. After a few moments of her softly grinding against me, I started caressing her hips, love handles. I would do a subtle squeeze and wait a while and another squeeze. This went on for several minutes. I finally got the courage to lower my hand to her butt, I felt the outline of her panties and squeezed her butt. Right as I was squeezing I heard her moan and twitch her body a few times. I knew she just came, I knew she just had an orgasm grinding against me. It felt so unique and so amazing, I forgot who she was for the time and was just happy that she was able to have an orgasm. She stayed still for a while and eventually fell asleep. I was so aroused but also in shock and didnt want to mess anything up.
Next day, after we played a few games we went to bed and I had just bought some new PJs so I changed and laid down spooning her again but this time the PJs are a lot softer so I could feel her body more and I was hoping she could also feel my cock more. She did the same thing, after a few moments, she hiked up her dress to where it was above her hip and her butt covered in panties was nuzzling on my cock. Im already extremely hard but my cock went down in the PJs instead of up.
I was feeling great, I could feel her still grinding and I could hear her breathing heavy too. It was turning me on too much. I figured, if she has her dress hiked up, I should lower my PJs too so we could both feel more of each other. I arched my back and with my hand I pulled my PJs down. My cock was stuck the elastic, so I used my other hand to lower it further.
My cock got released from the PJs and went between her butt cheeks. Smack, bounce, smack. She pushed her butt back to where my cock was buried somewhat inside her butt cheeks.
Since I haven't emptied myself in almost a year and the intense arousal state I was in, I started ejaculating. Spurt after spurt, after every spurt my cock was twitch. I could feel the wetness around the shaft of my cock. I couldn't stop ejaculating. I wasn't trying to count how many spurts I had, but like 5-6 spurts in, I felt Jessica shiver and twitch also. I knew she was also having her orgasm and this sent me even harder and I continued to cum, I must have spurted 15 times at least. I felt my orgasm start to subside but my cock wasn't done ejaculating. Its the longest orgasm I've ever had, probably 12 super strong spurts and at least 8 more after.
Event after all that ejaculation, my cock was still hard. Jessica was still breathing hard but soon I realized that she fell asleep. I hugged her tighter and tried to fall asleep myself but my thought were running wild. I didnt know if she was going to regret this in the morning or simply be mad.
In the morning, I felt her turn a bit, shake my hand to gently wake me up. Good morning.
Me "Hey, good morning"
Jessica "did you sleep ok?"
Me "the best I've ever.......I think"
Jessica "thats good, so it want just me that had a great night"
With that said she got up and for a split second I could see her panties drenched in my jizz before her dress fell back down to cover her.
Jessica "breakfast will be ready in 10, see you up there"
Me "thank you, yes, see you there"
We ate, but she didnt say anything about last night, nothing was brought up, she didnt seem like she regretted anything.
Jessica "do you have any plans for today?"
me "none, just wanted to enjoy my day off on this beautiful Saturday"
Jessica "that sounds nice, do you want to finish that show?"
Me "absolutely....lets do it"
Jessica "ok lemme get some clean clothes and Ill see you there??"
I knew what she meant, I knew she was referring to my cum on her panties....... I was in shock that she openly stated that......she wanted event slightly upset about it, like it was a normal thing for her to have my cum on her panties.
I was staring in to nothing, while thinking about her statement
Jessica "Jason, go get the setup ready"
Me "yes ill get it ready" Snapping back to it.
About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door
Jessica "hey Jason, sorry but I have to go do a couple errands, we can watch the show tonight, im really sorry I forgot I needed to do this"
Me "oh no need to apologize, ill be here when you are done, im not going anywhere" I said it in the same tone she said to me.
She smiled, thanked me and left.
She didnt come back home until almost 9pm. I was in the living room, just cleaning the area, vacuuming etc. I heard the door open and I turned off the vacuum. She put her keys down, her stuff on the hall way table and came to me and gave me a tight hug.
Jessica "did you eat?"
Me "no, not yet"
Jessica "ok put the vacuum away and meet me at the table"
I did and walked over there. She warmed up some leftovers and served me on a plate. I realized she was just sitting there not eating.
Me "you aren't hungry?"
Jessica "im sorry, I ate after my appointment but I didnt want you to be hungry or eat alone"
Me "Jessica, you are far too kind, thank you for everything, you have done for me and given me"
Jessica "Thank you for everything you have done as well, you always help out around the house and thank you for giving me*wink*"
Me " what?"
Jessica "technically since you have been doing the laundry, you gave yourself more work haha"
I was embarrassed because I knew she was talking about her panites engulfed with my sperm.
She broke the silence and said "you ready for the show?"
I got up, extended my hand to hers, she grabbed it, I pulled her up and walked her to the basement. I grabbed the pillow and blanket and went to the couch with her. Laid down and turned the show on. She was grinding the entire time the show was on. We finished the show but neither of us moved, she kept grinding even when the TV shut down from being idle. We laid there grinding on each other for probably 20-25 minutes.
Jessica "Jason......."
Jessica "Jessica........?"
Nothing said, but I knew her well enough now to know that she wanted me to make the next move.
I arched my back again and pulled my PJs down again but this time I turned away and pulled them completely off. As I was deciding to go back to spooning her, I realized that we could be more comfortable on the bed. I climbed over her and stood next to her, extended my hand to her again and pulled her up and walked her to the bed. She kept looking at my hard cock that was swinging and dripping pre cum as we walked. I sat her on the bed and she started putting her hair in a pony tail. Within seconds she had her hair tied up and she grabbed my cock with her right hand and licked the tip of my cock, making slurping sounds sucking up all of the pre cum. She kept licking the tip and planting kisses on the tip and shaft and then cleaning up and swallowing any precut that came out.
She stopped after like 2 minutes and looked up at me, still kissing my cock every few seconds.
Jessica "I hope you like this"
Me "oh im loving it, but I might not last like this"
Jessica "ok, you had a lot of cum on my panties so I can't promise everything will stay in......"
Hearing that she is going to swallow my load sent me over the edge and I started cuming. First 2 landed on her forehead and on her cheek. She grabbed me cock and put her lips around the tip and the next several spurts went inside her mouth and throat. She pulled out for a brief second to swallow as I had 2 more spurt land on her chin. She went back to her lips around my tip and I emptied load after load inside. She took my cock out on more time to swallow again and I had one final strong spurt that landed on her nose before she put her lips around the tip again. 3-4 more spurts and I was done ejaculating. She swallowed and started sucking my cock, squeezing the last bit of my cum from my cock and swallowing the last few drops. She was holding my cock with her right hand still jerking it off, with her left hand she grabbed some of the cum from her face and licked it off. She saw my cock had one last drop, she sucked it out and then planted a bunch of kisses on the tip which was still super sensitive from the orgasm and sent me shivers up and down my body. she finally let go of my cock and used her shirt to wipe of the remaining little bit of cum from he face.
Jessica "you cum, a lot, I couldn't keep up...."
I knew it was my turn to take care of her.........
me "well, lets see if I can return the favor"
I lifted her up and took her shirt off........then I lowered her skirt and she kicked it to the side. I laid her down on the bed, I left her bra on. I lifted her legs and slid off the panties. I slowly kissed my way from her legs to her inner thighs. I gently kissed every where and around her pussy. I spread her pussy lips and kissed her clit she jolted a bit. I started licking and kissing her pussy, I reached down and grabbed her ass while eating her out. It was only a few minutes and I felt her tighten up and I felt her orgasm, fresh juices coming out of her pussy, thick white creme in the beginning followed by a lot of mixed liquid, tasted great. I kept slurping it up. I eventually put a finger inside her pussy trying to get more of her juices. I was enjoying it so much, I kept fingering her as more and more juice kept coming out. I felt her lift her butt and I felt a gush of juice come out, which went every where. I loved it. She finally closed her legs. I looked up at her and she had a huge smile while she was still struggling to catch her breath.
Jessica "I've never cum twice that quickly before......"
Me "im glad I made it happen"
Jessica "my pussy is on fire..............."
Me "oh yesssss?"
Jessica "I need you to fuck me, now, please"
Me "omg yes........I wanted to" she put a finger on my lips
Jessica "we can talk about it later, right now I need your fucking cock inside my pussy"
I laid on top of her and entered. Her pussy was so wet and squeezing my cock. She was grinding all over the place. I wasn't even all the way in when I felt her orgasm again. She got super wet but kept grinding, I started pounding in and out but slow and long strokes. Her grinding was doing most of the work anyways.
As I was about to have my own orgasm.
Me "Jessica, I can't hold it much longer, im gonna cum soon"
She put her legs behind my back and locked them in, opened her eyes, looked at me
Jessica "don't you dare pull out yet"
I kept pounding and a few strokes later started cumming.
Jessica "omg I feel you, aaaaargh"
she came as I was un loading inside her pussy. Spurts after spurts deep inside her as she continued to grind my cock. I felt our liquids combine and ooze out of her pussy. She kept twitched and convulsing on my cock, I kept feeling her pussy squeeze my cock every few seconds. Her eyes were closed the entire time.My cock was getting soft after cuming in a short time. Eventually my cock was soft enough to plop out of her pussy. She was still moving her butt around my cock but I had nothing left. I grabbed my semi flaccid cock and started using my tip to massage the cum from her pussy and rub it around her clit. she opened her eyes
Jessica "omg keep doing that"
I complied and kept rubbing her clit with my the tip of my flaccid cock and our mixed cum. She opened her eyes and second time and her body was flexing so hard I had to grab her arm. She had like 6-7 of these heaving convulsion where she would lift her upper body and pull her knees to her chest. when it finally was over I looked down and there was a pool of liquid that came out of her pussy and drenched my penis and thighs in her liquid.
Several minutes went by, we never broke eye contact and kept smiling at each other.
Jessica "Jason, ive never felt that, I always thought the first wave was the orgasm but that last thing felt so different yet so much more amazing than any orgasm ive ever hard"
Me "im glad it was with me and not some else"
Jessica "why?haha"
Me "because now, you can't leave me, now that you know what I can do to your pussy"
Jessica "thats true.....I need more of your thick cock, I want it inside my pussy more....... let me know when you can go again.......wake me up haha"
I did wake her up, but her pussy was super tender after that wave of orgasms so she gave me a super loving and full of kisses blow job that she swallowed most of before we went back to sleep.
Jason!!!! I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and it was my childhood best friend John. He runs to me and gives me a hug and asks me where I've been. We chat for a bit, he introduces me to his wife. I get excited because I had not talked to him in a few years and did not know he was married. He tells me they just got married about a month after my wife had died. I give congratulations but the memory of my wife came over and I wanted to cry so I excused myself and tried to walk away.
John has known me for a very long time so he knew something was up and he followed me and asked me if everything was ok. I finally told him that my wife died and my life was terrible and I was homeless. John and his wife Jessica both gave me condolences for my loss and asked if there was anything they could do. With my job and wife, I lost touch with John even though I consider him to be my best friend, he was my best man at my wedding and even though we had lost touch he still wanted me to be to happy.
Anyway, cut the long story short, once they found out I was homeless they wouldn't take no for an answer and told me. I was going to be living with them in their basement which they Never use anyway and it is its own mini house for the most part and I would have my privacy and I can stay there as long as I wish.
So I got in there car and we started driving, I was tearing up because of their hospitality.
Now John was a truck driver and Jessica was a school teacher. Most of the time in the house, it would be myself and Jessica as John would be out driving his truck etc.
First few nights weren't bad, I was able to catch some sleep and be in a better place but the third night I had a huge hole in my heart, missing my wife and I started crying uncontrollably. John was not at the house but I tried still to keep my shit down to not disturb Jessica. the next day I woke up and decided to go out for a walk and get breakfast on the way back. When I got back to the house Jessica was at home already so I started small talk with her since I didn't know her that well.
Jessica was telling me how her job is stressful sometimes due to weird scheduling etc. But she finally broke the tension wall
Jessica "Jason, I want to ask you something?"
Me " Sure....whatsup?"
Jessica "I heard you crying last night, I was tempted to go check on you but didn't want to invade your privacy"
Me "im so sorry, I tried to control it really sorry if I messed with your sleep"
Jessica "no, Jason, im sorry I didn't mean it that way. I am just worried about you, are you doing ok?
Me "I guess, im grateful to have people like John in my life who scraped me off the bottom but I miss my wife......a lot, I guess I never got closure"
Jessica "im so sorry, how did she die?"
Me "Car accident, I guess thats a downside of finding someone you love, you can lose them"
Jessica "im so sorry, tell me what was she like?"
Me "oh I don't even know where to start, but I know how she made me feel"
Jessica "you can share that, maybe it will help"
Me "maybe, I lost my job because when I was working to support us, I would look forward to going home to her, she would always get home before me and she always gave me a loving hug. That moment all stress and anger would leave my body and I would be a happy soul for the rest of the evening."
Jessica "aww thats so sweet"
Me "yes, she was amazing"
Jessica "if that why you were crying yesterday because you haven't been able to hug her?"
Me "I guess, so, hugging her, feeling her love through that bond, holding her at night to sleep, I do know, I guess I miss the touch the most because I got so used to that relaxing me"
Jessica "im so sorry Jason, but John and I are here for you, if there is anything we can do for you please let us know, I guess let me know since John isn't always here, please don't hesitate"
Me "thank you so much Jessica, thank you for everything"
Jessica got up from her chair and came over to me and gave me a hug. I started tearing up because hugging her reminded me of my wife's hugs and it triggered the same relaxing, loving emotions within me and having a bunch of my stress leaving me overloaded my emotions and I cried a little on her shoulder.
I pulled away after like 30 seconds of so, apologized to her again and started walking to my room.
Jessica "its ok Jason, you will be ok and please let me know if you need anything, anything ok"
Me "thank you Jessica, thank you so much"
The rest of the day my emotions were again very high, I was on the verge of breaking out crying several times during the day.
Finally I was exhausted from watching TV and playing games and wanted to get some sleep, as soon as I lay down on my bed my emotions went out of control and I started crying again. I was very aware of my level of sniffling and crying and wanted to not disturb Jessica but I just couldn't help it. I heard a knock on my door. I wiped my face as much as I could and opened the door.
Jessica "Jason, I heard you crying again and wanted to make sure you were ok"
Me "Im so sorry" is all I could mutter before balling out crying again.
Jessica walked over to me and gave me a hug, rubbing my back and telling me everything will be ok.
For whatever reason her hug calmed me down within 20-30 seconds. I was no longer crying and no longer extremely emotional.
She sat me down on my bed and sat next to me, still rubbing my back and asking if I want some company.
Jessica "do you want to talk? sometimes talking it out makes us feel better"
Me "im so sorry, I feel like im messing with your sleep"
Jessica "no, with John going on long trips, its hard for me to fall asleep, sometimes it takes me hours to fall asleep"
Me "Yeah, its hard for me to fall asleep without................ I try to exhaust myself to sleep but............."
Jessica "Well if you feel alone, don't, im here with you"
I look at her and see how sincere and wonderful of a human she is and smile at her
Me "Thank you, you are a genuinly amazing person"
Jessica "ok lets watch a show or a movie to get you relaxed and get you some rest"
Jessica grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, she selected a TV show and went to the couch. I was still on the bed for a few seconds.
Jessica "ok cmon now, and bring that blanket"
The couch was a three seater, she was sitting on the left side, I gave her the blanket and sat on the right side. Once I sat down, she moved over right next to me and pour the blanket over me as well. I could feel her body next to me and It was the same feeling I used to get with my wife, a genuine affection and care. It felt great and We watched the hour long show before I realized that Jessica fell asleep on my shoulder. I gently lowered her head to the couch, went to my bed and got a pillow and put her head on the pillow before covering her up with the blanket.
I wasn't feeling bubbled up with emotions anymore and slept pretty well.
When I woke up, I checked the couch and Jessica was not there anymore. I took a shower, and went up stairs to see her just finishing her breakfast.
Me "good morning"
Jessica "hi, good morning"
With that said she walked over to me and gave me a hug again. It felt so familiar, like I was hugging my wife again. The hug went on for longer than a friendly hug because I got lost in the feeling and kept holding her even when she has loosened her grip and kind of let me go.
Jessica "ummmhmm,mmm" clearing her throat "would you like something to eat?"
I finally let her go and say sure. She made me a plate with some left over eggs, and some fruit. She left to her room, when she came back she had her work stuff with her and went to work.
I had a busy day, I wanted to start applying for jobs and try to find something to do to help me take my mind off my stress. I have been on the computer pretty much the entire day and didn't realize how much time had passed. I heard someone fumbling keys outside the door and I looked at the clock to see it was already 4pm. The door opened and in comes Jessica.
Me "hey, welcome back, how was work?"
Jessica "omg im so exhausted, kids were driving me crazy today"
She locked the door, put her stuff in the hallway, started walking towards me and gave me a hug.
Im not gonna lie, these hugs were amazing, they would take away all my stress, and anxiety, it was pretty much like I was hugging my wife. Again, getting lost in the feeling of bliss, I hugged her longer than I guess she wanted to because I realized her grip was softening and I let go.
Me "Thank you"
Jessica "you are welcome?, for what?"
Me "you being so kind, the breakfast, the company, especially the hugs"
Jessica "don't mention it, its nice................"
She went in to her office to finish her work, so I went to the basement to play some games. It ws around 8pm, I heard a knock on my door. Jessica wanted to know if wanted some food. She had bought some tacos, we ate the dinner table. After that she excused herself and went to her room. I went back to the basement to try and fall asleep.
Knock Knock.
Jessica "you ready for the show?"
Me "of course"
She turned on the TV and again told me to bring the blanket, but this time she was already in the middle seat of the couch, got cozy next to me and poured the blanked over us. She fell asleep much faster this time, the show still had like 30 min. I selfishly was enjoying her touch and the feeling of her next to me so I didn't say anything until I was about to doze off myself. I did the same thing, laid her down and placed a pillow under her, covered her up in the blanket before going to the bed and falling asleep myself. This went on for 2 more days, same routine, same hugs and everything until John was back home. She still gave me a quick hug good night but it was not the same that would linger longer than normal.
My emotions were coming back up but nothing I could do this time, I certainly wasn't going to ask Jessica to come watch a show with me with John home and haven't seen her in a week.
John invited me to go to a bar with some of his friends, I said no because I don't drink and had an interview lined up the next morning and wanted to rest.
I was home, I heard the car leave and figure both of them had left. It was around 930pm and I could not fall asleep, and again the emotions got the best of me and I started crying. I didn't think they were home she didnt care about making noise.
Panic set in when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Jessica.
Jessica "are you ok?"
Me "yeas, im so sorry, I didn't think you guys were home, im sorry for disturbing your peace and quiet"
Jessica "Jason, its ok"
With that said she gave me a hug again and was rubbing my back. Instantly calming me down and making me blissful again. The hug was way longer than any hug before. Even when I felt she was no longer holding me, I kept holding. I was being selfish and didn't want to lose this feeling. After a really long time Jessica broke the silence.
Jessica "lets watch a show" I let her go and she turned on the TV and sat down on the couch.
We finished the show and she was still awake, she got up, I got up with her, she gave me a hug, said good night and left the basement. It felt great, I was calm now and was able to sleep. Next night was a bit different because John didn't leave the house, so Jessica knew I liked the hugs by now and would find a quick second or 2 to give me a hug, tell me good night.
I was motivated to get my life back in order and was having interviews after interviews. Anyway, I got offered a Job and they needed me to start the next day.
After the first day of training I was exhausted, on the bus ride home I was thinking of my times when I would be heading home and my wife would give me a loving and caring hug. I was emotional again but not crying, just emotional.
I get home, open the door and put my backpack down and Jessica was walking towards me fast. She hugged me tighter that the times before, she said I hope you had a great first day!
I was in a blissful heaven right there and in that moment or moments I felt like my wife was the one hugging me and not Jessica. I knew it wasn't my wife but it felt the exact same. I said thank you and hugged her tighter, I could smell her scent and I was super happy in this moment.
The next few days were a repeat, Jessica usually got home around 4pm and I would get home around 515-520 depending on the bus. Jessica would always give me a tight hug and tell me she is proud and happy for me etc.
The weekend was coming up, John was heading out on another Trucking trip. Friday when I came home, John was also home, so no tight hug or words from Jessica. No good night hug either. I missed it but I wasn't emotional anymore. I was calm and rested the night. Next morning when I woke up John was just leaving for work and Jessica was still sleep according to John. He left.
I made breakfast for myself and Jessica. Once the food was ready, I went and knocked on her door and invited her to have breakfast. We ate, had small talk about my new job and how im liking it etc. I told her im getting thru it because of her support and couldn't have done it without her. She smiles and says that means a lot.
Around 7pm she came to me
Jessica *excitedly* "hey"
Me "hey....."
Jessica "the show has new episodes that we haven't watched......."
Me "oh nice"
Jessica "ill meet you downstairs"
I was not expecting her to want the show right now, since its something we usually watched at night, but I was off and I didn't want to disappoint her, especially seeing how excited and happy she got when she thought of it.
there 3 new episodes, she came down, I already had the blanket, she sat down next to me and pulled the blanked over her before turning on the TV and putting the show on. After the first one was almost over, she was practically in my lap. She got up, grabbed the pillow and laid down next to me with the pillow kind of resting on my thigh. First episode over, second episode started and about 20 min in to it she paused it and went to the bathroom, I got up to stretch and get some water as well. When she got out of the bathroom, she saw me stretching and jokingly said "m sorry if im tiring you......."
Me "haha no, I love it, its just the sitting down for a while, needed to stretch"
Jessica "you can lay down too....."
She went back to the couch and moved her pillow to the other side of where we normally sit. I understood that as laying down that was, which was a better angle to watch the TV. I squeezed myself right behind and laid down, with my head on the arm rest so I could still see the TV. I didnt really think much of it but I was pretty much spooning my best friends wife. I ignore those thought and just enjoyed her company and continue to watch the show. I guess at some point in the middle of the third episode I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning on the couch, and went upstairs.
Me "good morning"
Jessica "good morning sleepy head hehe"
Me "haha im sorry"
Jessica "I guess it was pay back for the nights I fell asleep on you"
Me "in that case we are FAR from even haha"
Jessica "hehe, come have some breakfast."
Pretty normal day for the rest of it, she had a bunch of grading to complete so I stayed out of her hair and just played games until it was like 10pm. She never came down and I figure she is probably exhausted and didnt want to bother her. I was laying in the bed trying to fall asleep when I finally heard the knock on my door. I said come in as I have not been locking it.
She walked downstairs, I turned on the bed side lamp.
Jessica "I didnt wake you, did I?"
Me "No, I was trying to fall asleep but having trouble so was just resting"
Jessica "yeah im exhausted too"
She stood by my bed for a few seconds...................
Jessica "scoot over"
I didnt even question it and moved backwards to make room for her. I thought she was gonna sit down and chat, but she laid down next to me and pulled the blanket over her and cozy up next to my body. I have not thought of her sexually until tonight. Again the feelings she brings to me are the same as I felt for my wife so maybe that was affecting it too. I placed my left hand on her hip and just relaxed since we already slept like this on the couch it wasn't new.
After a few moments, she placed her hand on top of mine, again nothing big deal from me. After some wild thoughts, I was back to earth remembering who she is and eventually fell asleep. Woke up to find her in the kitchen with breakfast ready.
next 3 nights was pretty much the exact same, Monday being slightly different because both of us work. When I came home, she had dinner ready and gave me a tight hug again. Around 10pm she opened my door and came to my bed and laid down again. Same thing I eventually placed my hand on her hip, this time she didnt wait too long before placing her own hand on mine. After a few second though, she moved my hand up a bit to where my hand was resting on her love handles. Then maybe I imagined it but I felt her push her butt back in to me. I couldn't help it and was getting aroused but didnt want to do anything because of who she was. After a while, I heard her slightly snoring and I knew she was asleep. I fell asleep myself shortly after.
This routine went on for another few days until Friday when I came home she gave me the usual hug, we ate and then she said she doesn't want to do any more work tonight and she is exhausted and will go to sleep early today. I didnt ask and was supportive. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to my den and started playing video games. at 715ish I heard my door open and she came down.
Jessica "you wanna play for a while?"
Me "oh, no, didnt know what almost done with this game"
Jessica "no no no, you can keep playing, im not going anywhere........."
Now my wife was not a huge fan of my playing games, so this was a completely different person and was a huge arousal moment.
I tried to focus on the game so I could reduce my arousal. Once the game was down, I went to bed, she was on her phone reading something but once she saw me walking over she put it on the night stand and pulled the blanket back to make room for me.
I laid down next to her, I placed my hand on her hip again, she moved it to her love handles and this time I know for a fact she scoot back to get her butt squished next to my penis area. Again, it felt great so I was not going to complain, nor would I advance any further.
It was super early though and neither of us were really tired. She told me about her day and asked about mine. She asked me what the game was called and was genuinely interested in my hobby and why I like it. It felt great and romantic. I felt arousal again from her taking interest in me and my hobbies. Again something that my wife didnt do to much of.
When I told her that my wife never really took interest in my hobbies, or my games, she pulled my hand closer to her belly, and said its ok, some people have different ways of showing affection.
Me "oh abolsutely but I would love to share those experiences......."
We talked for a while about different things and eventually it was late enough to where we fell asleep.
For the first time, I woke up, she was awake but did not leave the bed, I was still holding her as she was browsing memes on her phone. She turned to me, said good morning. I said good morning and instantly realized that I had morning wood.
Jessica "it was a restful and fun night........and morning.......haha" she didnt give me a chance to say anything and got up and went upstairs. As she was opening the door she said breakfast will be ready in 10.
I had a feeling she was talking about my boner and I was embarrassed about it. I haven't been with anyone since my wife passed away, and hadn't even masterbated since that event.
Anyway I got up, washed my face and had breakfast with her. After I cleaned up, she came out to the living room to the her work stuff, looked at me, gave me a tight hug and said she will be working one school stuff, see you tonight and went to her room.
Around 6pm I was playing Destiny (the video game) and I heard her come down stairs. She sat next to me and was watching me play. I took my headset off and said hi to her and she started asking me questions about the game. I ended up nerding out with her about destiny and eventually made her a new character on my account so she could try it also. I have never had this much fun with anyone, she genuinely enjoyed learning about my hobby and it was a great turn on. Her character died in a super funny way and we both laughed hysterically at that. I looked at her and for the first time I felt genuine love for someone other than my wife. I wanted to make her happy and keep her smiling so I started having my character do silly dances etc which kept her amused.
Me "as fun as this is, we both have work tomorrow so its bed time....."
Jessica "yes, im feeling it....."
We laid down the same way we always do. She moves my around around to rest on her belly and pushes back her butt to nuzzle my penis around it.
She kept on talking about destiny and asking me other games I enjoyed. She moved me hand back to me, which I thought was weird so I pulled back a little so im not spooning her that hard either. She was moving around bit, tussling with something. I was about to ask if she was but she was done with it and grabbed my hand again.
She started pulling it closer to her again and I felt her skin. She slowly moved around her hip and I felt her clothing all bunched up around her waist. She slowly moved my hand below the bunched up cloth and I felt skin again around her hips, she squeezed my hand a bit again and scoot her butt back to nuzzle with me. It was an instant turn on and I felt my cock getting hard. After just s few second my cock was raging hard and I felt her grinding it slowly with very small movements. I was in bliss and was enjoying the moment but also didnt know how far she was willing to go and didnt want to make moves. After a few moments of her softly grinding against me, I started caressing her hips, love handles. I would do a subtle squeeze and wait a while and another squeeze. This went on for several minutes. I finally got the courage to lower my hand to her butt, I felt the outline of her panties and squeezed her butt. Right as I was squeezing I heard her moan and twitch her body a few times. I knew she just came, I knew she just had an orgasm grinding against me. It felt so unique and so amazing, I forgot who she was for the time and was just happy that she was able to have an orgasm. She stayed still for a while and eventually fell asleep. I was so aroused but also in shock and didnt want to mess anything up.
Next day, after we played a few games we went to bed and I had just bought some new PJs so I changed and laid down spooning her again but this time the PJs are a lot softer so I could feel her body more and I was hoping she could also feel my cock more. She did the same thing, after a few moments, she hiked up her dress to where it was above her hip and her butt covered in panties was nuzzling on my cock. Im already extremely hard but my cock went down in the PJs instead of up.
I was feeling great, I could feel her still grinding and I could hear her breathing heavy too. It was turning me on too much. I figured, if she has her dress hiked up, I should lower my PJs too so we could both feel more of each other. I arched my back and with my hand I pulled my PJs down. My cock was stuck the elastic, so I used my other hand to lower it further.
My cock got released from the PJs and went between her butt cheeks. Smack, bounce, smack. She pushed her butt back to where my cock was buried somewhat inside her butt cheeks.
Since I haven't emptied myself in almost a year and the intense arousal state I was in, I started ejaculating. Spurt after spurt, after every spurt my cock was twitch. I could feel the wetness around the shaft of my cock. I couldn't stop ejaculating. I wasn't trying to count how many spurts I had, but like 5-6 spurts in, I felt Jessica shiver and twitch also. I knew she was also having her orgasm and this sent me even harder and I continued to cum, I must have spurted 15 times at least. I felt my orgasm start to subside but my cock wasn't done ejaculating. Its the longest orgasm I've ever had, probably 12 super strong spurts and at least 8 more after.
Event after all that ejaculation, my cock was still hard. Jessica was still breathing hard but soon I realized that she fell asleep. I hugged her tighter and tried to fall asleep myself but my thought were running wild. I didnt know if she was going to regret this in the morning or simply be mad.
In the morning, I felt her turn a bit, shake my hand to gently wake me up. Good morning.
Me "Hey, good morning"
Jessica "did you sleep ok?"
Me "the best I've ever.......I think"
Jessica "thats good, so it want just me that had a great night"
With that said she got up and for a split second I could see her panties drenched in my jizz before her dress fell back down to cover her.
Jessica "breakfast will be ready in 10, see you up there"
Me "thank you, yes, see you there"
We ate, but she didnt say anything about last night, nothing was brought up, she didnt seem like she regretted anything.
Jessica "do you have any plans for today?"
me "none, just wanted to enjoy my day off on this beautiful Saturday"
Jessica "that sounds nice, do you want to finish that show?"
Me "absolutely....lets do it"
Jessica "ok lemme get some clean clothes and Ill see you there??"
I knew what she meant, I knew she was referring to my cum on her panties....... I was in shock that she openly stated that......she wanted event slightly upset about it, like it was a normal thing for her to have my cum on her panties.
I was staring in to nothing, while thinking about her statement
Jessica "Jason, go get the setup ready"
Me "yes ill get it ready" Snapping back to it.
About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door
Jessica "hey Jason, sorry but I have to go do a couple errands, we can watch the show tonight, im really sorry I forgot I needed to do this"
Me "oh no need to apologize, ill be here when you are done, im not going anywhere" I said it in the same tone she said to me.
She smiled, thanked me and left.
She didnt come back home until almost 9pm. I was in the living room, just cleaning the area, vacuuming etc. I heard the door open and I turned off the vacuum. She put her keys down, her stuff on the hall way table and came to me and gave me a tight hug.
Jessica "did you eat?"
Me "no, not yet"
Jessica "ok put the vacuum away and meet me at the table"
I did and walked over there. She warmed up some leftovers and served me on a plate. I realized she was just sitting there not eating.
Me "you aren't hungry?"
Jessica "im sorry, I ate after my appointment but I didnt want you to be hungry or eat alone"
Me "Jessica, you are far too kind, thank you for everything, you have done for me and given me"
Jessica "Thank you for everything you have done as well, you always help out around the house and thank you for giving me*wink*"
Me " what?"
Jessica "technically since you have been doing the laundry, you gave yourself more work haha"
I was embarrassed because I knew she was talking about her panites engulfed with my sperm.
She broke the silence and said "you ready for the show?"
I got up, extended my hand to hers, she grabbed it, I pulled her up and walked her to the basement. I grabbed the pillow and blanket and went to the couch with her. Laid down and turned the show on. She was grinding the entire time the show was on. We finished the show but neither of us moved, she kept grinding even when the TV shut down from being idle. We laid there grinding on each other for probably 20-25 minutes.
Jessica "Jason......."
Jessica "Jessica........?"
Nothing said, but I knew her well enough now to know that she wanted me to make the next move.
I arched my back again and pulled my PJs down again but this time I turned away and pulled them completely off. As I was deciding to go back to spooning her, I realized that we could be more comfortable on the bed. I climbed over her and stood next to her, extended my hand to her again and pulled her up and walked her to the bed. She kept looking at my hard cock that was swinging and dripping pre cum as we walked. I sat her on the bed and she started putting her hair in a pony tail. Within seconds she had her hair tied up and she grabbed my cock with her right hand and licked the tip of my cock, making slurping sounds sucking up all of the pre cum. She kept licking the tip and planting kisses on the tip and shaft and then cleaning up and swallowing any precut that came out.
She stopped after like 2 minutes and looked up at me, still kissing my cock every few seconds.
Jessica "I hope you like this"
Me "oh im loving it, but I might not last like this"
Jessica "ok, you had a lot of cum on my panties so I can't promise everything will stay in......"
Hearing that she is going to swallow my load sent me over the edge and I started cuming. First 2 landed on her forehead and on her cheek. She grabbed me cock and put her lips around the tip and the next several spurts went inside her mouth and throat. She pulled out for a brief second to swallow as I had 2 more spurt land on her chin. She went back to her lips around my tip and I emptied load after load inside. She took my cock out on more time to swallow again and I had one final strong spurt that landed on her nose before she put her lips around the tip again. 3-4 more spurts and I was done ejaculating. She swallowed and started sucking my cock, squeezing the last bit of my cum from my cock and swallowing the last few drops. She was holding my cock with her right hand still jerking it off, with her left hand she grabbed some of the cum from her face and licked it off. She saw my cock had one last drop, she sucked it out and then planted a bunch of kisses on the tip which was still super sensitive from the orgasm and sent me shivers up and down my body. she finally let go of my cock and used her shirt to wipe of the remaining little bit of cum from he face.
Jessica "you cum, a lot, I couldn't keep up...."
I knew it was my turn to take care of her.........
me "well, lets see if I can return the favor"
I lifted her up and took her shirt off........then I lowered her skirt and she kicked it to the side. I laid her down on the bed, I left her bra on. I lifted her legs and slid off the panties. I slowly kissed my way from her legs to her inner thighs. I gently kissed every where and around her pussy. I spread her pussy lips and kissed her clit she jolted a bit. I started licking and kissing her pussy, I reached down and grabbed her ass while eating her out. It was only a few minutes and I felt her tighten up and I felt her orgasm, fresh juices coming out of her pussy, thick white creme in the beginning followed by a lot of mixed liquid, tasted great. I kept slurping it up. I eventually put a finger inside her pussy trying to get more of her juices. I was enjoying it so much, I kept fingering her as more and more juice kept coming out. I felt her lift her butt and I felt a gush of juice come out, which went every where. I loved it. She finally closed her legs. I looked up at her and she had a huge smile while she was still struggling to catch her breath.
Jessica "I've never cum twice that quickly before......"
Me "im glad I made it happen"
Jessica "my pussy is on fire..............."
Me "oh yesssss?"
Jessica "I need you to fuck me, now, please"
Me "omg yes........I wanted to" she put a finger on my lips
Jessica "we can talk about it later, right now I need your fucking cock inside my pussy"
I laid on top of her and entered. Her pussy was so wet and squeezing my cock. She was grinding all over the place. I wasn't even all the way in when I felt her orgasm again. She got super wet but kept grinding, I started pounding in and out but slow and long strokes. Her grinding was doing most of the work anyways.
As I was about to have my own orgasm.
Me "Jessica, I can't hold it much longer, im gonna cum soon"
She put her legs behind my back and locked them in, opened her eyes, looked at me
Jessica "don't you dare pull out yet"
I kept pounding and a few strokes later started cumming.
Jessica "omg I feel you, aaaaargh"
she came as I was un loading inside her pussy. Spurts after spurts deep inside her as she continued to grind my cock. I felt our liquids combine and ooze out of her pussy. She kept twitched and convulsing on my cock, I kept feeling her pussy squeeze my cock every few seconds. Her eyes were closed the entire time.My cock was getting soft after cuming in a short time. Eventually my cock was soft enough to plop out of her pussy. She was still moving her butt around my cock but I had nothing left. I grabbed my semi flaccid cock and started using my tip to massage the cum from her pussy and rub it around her clit. she opened her eyes
Jessica "omg keep doing that"
I complied and kept rubbing her clit with my the tip of my flaccid cock and our mixed cum. She opened her eyes and second time and her body was flexing so hard I had to grab her arm. She had like 6-7 of these heaving convulsion where she would lift her upper body and pull her knees to her chest. when it finally was over I looked down and there was a pool of liquid that came out of her pussy and drenched my penis and thighs in her liquid.
Several minutes went by, we never broke eye contact and kept smiling at each other.
Jessica "Jason, ive never felt that, I always thought the first wave was the orgasm but that last thing felt so different yet so much more amazing than any orgasm ive ever hard"
Me "im glad it was with me and not some else"
Jessica "why?haha"
Me "because now, you can't leave me, now that you know what I can do to your pussy"
Jessica "thats true.....I need more of your thick cock, I want it inside my pussy more....... let me know when you can go again.......wake me up haha"
I did wake her up, but her pussy was super tender after that wave of orgasms so she gave me a super loving and full of kisses blow job that she swallowed most of before we went back to sleep.
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