

I'm no angel, I'm a user and only help people to help myself. I'm quite well off, rich really all inherited not earned. I (36) don't pretend to be a self-made man, I inherited everything, and it grows bigger without my doing anything. I live off the interest and live very well. Never married but have 5 children and they live with me and their mothers. Yes, mothers there are 2 women sisters (28 and 31) who I use to breed with. We all live together, and they run the house and care for the children, and I come and go as I please. They were down on their luck when I met them and in return for sex, I gave them a better life. I treat them well and they are happy with our combined lifestyle. I can play the field as they say and not worry about anything. We've a legal agreement and they know they're protected. They don't have to have sex with me if they don't want too, but they prefer me to dating and starting a relationship with someone else. In the seven years we've been together, it has worked very well. It all started from me wanting to fuck sisters together and them wanting a better life and we sort of clicked.
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