Detention Humiliation


Madison Frantz strode down the hallway of St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy, Grades 7 Thru 12, on her way to yet another detention. Madison was a pretty senior at the school, tall, with curly dark hair adorned with red highlights and a sweet, curvy figure. Her breasts were a perky B-cup, and her ass just the right, shapely size. Her beauty and figure had elicited her share of stares and approving looks from her fellow students, boys and girls, not to mention some of the faculty and staff as well. Yet over her last two years her grades began to falter and she developed a problem with authority. Her latest transgression — blowing off a mandatory school assembly and getting caught with cigarettes — was the last straw. Because you see, St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy was a proud school, and in its 276 year history it could boast two things. A perfect graduation record. And the fact that it had never had to expel a student. Yet Madison’s attitude threatened both.

This led to a meeting between Madison’s parents and the Headmistress of St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy. Ms. Minick, the Headmistress, was an attractive, 42-year-old blonde, with perfect C-cup breasts and an ass most women half her age would kill for. Her stunning body was held up by a pair of the sexiest legs imaginable. Yet all this was kept hidden quite well behind her professional-looking intricate bun hairstyle, dark-rimmed eyeglasses and her carefully tailored business suits, consisting of a high-buttoned blouse, jacket, matching skirt that always hit just above her knees, stockings (never pantyhose) and fashionable yet sensible heels. Aside from a simple set of earrings, her jewelry consisted of an equally simple pearl necklace, bracelet and fancy watch. To all who met her she was the perfect image of an accomplished professional. As such, she was determined that nothing would sully the reputation of St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy not while she was in charge. Which is why, unknown to Madison, she summoned her parents to a meeting and both agreed that they would gladly consent to whatever the Headmistress decided needed to be done to set their daughter straight. Enter Sir Reginald Alastair Barrington.

Sir Reginald Alastair Barrington was an austere and stern proper English gentleman of slightly-below average height, slightly rotund figure, white hair and not much of a discernible sense of humor. He even dressed the part, with flannel trousers, a tweed jacket, neatly pressed shirt and tie and polished wingtips. He was the closest thing to actual English aristocracy most local residents would ever meet, longest tenured member of the school’s faculty, the Chairman of the Humanities Department holding several degrees and doctorates, and a published author knew more about the school’s history than anyone there. He was also a very strict, by-the-book disciplinarian who believed no means, no matter how extreme, should be overlooked when dealing with problem students. Thus where the current Headmistress’s demeanor commanded respect, that of Sir Barrington instilled fear.

At the meeting Madison’s father told Sir Barrington, “I remember my grandfather telling me stories from his father about the kind of discipline the school handed out when St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy, Grades 7 Thru 12 was an all-boys school. Were those stories true?”

“Oh, yes sir, very very true,” Sir Barrington began. “In fact the last time such punishment was used was back in 1962. Yet it worked, for the student in question went on to graduate valedictorian from a very prestigious university and medical school, become a successful surgeon, then the Chief Executive Officer for the largest hospital in the state, then served several terms in Congress.” The Headmistress added, “Now we can’t guarantee your daughter will be as successful, but suffice to say if she goes undisciplined we all know she won’t. Her expulsion and failure to graduate will haunt her for years to come.”

Sir Barrington concluded the school’s case. “For if such conduct from even just one student goes unchallenged it may very well spread throughout the rest of the student body, slowly eroding not just order but the very fabric that has made St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy one of the most esteemed schools in the country. Remember the pride you both felt walking up on the stage and receiving your diploma. Think back to how many doors that simple piece of paper opened for you. Don’t you want the same for Madison?”

Madison’s mom spoke up. “Well we’ve tried talking and counselors and even therapists, but nothing seems to work. Perhaps such a shock is what she needs. Or deserves.” Her husband nodded his approval. Sir Barrington allayed any fears or doubts they might still harbor. “Believe me when I say that we at St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy hold your daughter’s integrity in the utmost highest regard. No harm of any form will befall her. She will learn her lesson and her decency will remain intact.” With that Madison’s parents gave their approval. All present agreed that of the time being what transpired in the room should stay in the room, and later, Sir Barrington and the Headmistress ironed out the details.

Madison entered Room 340. In place of individual desks there were several tables that each sat 3 across, 3 rows of 3 tables each, along with a large desk for the instructor. Yet nobody was there. Except for Madison, the room was empty. Madison thought nothing of it and took a seat in the back. Just as she began to grow impatient in walked the dreaded Sir Reginald Alastair Barrington with a dozen underclassmen in tow. He instructed the boys to take a seat as he dropped his briefcase and a satchel on the desk. For the first time Madison’s overconfidence faltered a bit, and she tried to calm her jitters by telling herself they probably chose Sir Barrington to intimidate these 12- and 13-year-old gnats more than anything. She was just along for the ride. After all, what could he possibly do that hadn’t been tried already. He still had to play by the rules. Yet Sir Barrington was a strict disciplinarian known to make examples of anyone he deemed deserving of such. His methods could be extreme, but both administrators and parents welcomed his firm hand.

Still, that didn’t mean she wasn’t finding it a bit disconcerting that she was the only female in the room.

“Alright then, let’s get started, shall we? Now if anyone here thinks I’m just going to preside over you all reading chapter or two from your school textbook I assure you that that will not be the case.” Then pointing to the twelve boys, directly addressed them, “As I understand, you boys are here for your first infraction, and as we all know every journey begins with a single step. I am here to make sure that it’s not a journey that ends in dishonor. Instead I intend for you to bear witness to what happens to those ill-behaved malcontents who think they can openly flout authority and defy the rules. Better you watch and learn the price of your delinquent behavior, as I believe first offenders are best dealt not with punishment, but with a resolute example of what will happen if they continue with their impishness. You lads are fortunate that one amongst you shall willingly assist me in demonstrating the price one shall pay for their repeated troublesome misbehavior. Miss Frantz, please stand and come to the front of the room.”

Madison stood up, walking up the aisle not quite as confidently as when she entered and took her place in front of the blackboard. Sir Barrington spoke. “Now young lady,” he glowered,” The Headmistress and myself recently met with your parents and we all agreed that perhaps your repeated disobedience calls for the kind of discipline St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy used to employ back in the day. Sometimes the old ways are still the best ways. Now, Miss Frantz, you are regrettably thisclose to being expelled and not allowed to graduate. And if that should happen it would bring great shame to not only this fine institution but your loving parents as well. I can’t imagine what would happen to that if you brought that kind of ignominy to your parents. Tongues, both among our revered alumni of which your parents belong and our community-at-large would most certainly wag, much to the chagrin of your mother and father.” Madison’s faltering confidence suddenly got a lot more submissive.

“In the past troublemakers were dealt with, how shall I put this, soundly, not with today’s silly pundit talking-to mumbo-jumbo. I understand your repeated impudence was dealt with the latter with little effect or you wouldn’t be here, but now obviously calls for a much stricter course of action. Such a route was considered and a solution agreed upon. Now back in the day the usual punishment was a simple paddling.” All eyes, in particular Madison’s, widened. “But…”she began to protest before being cut off.

“But what, young lady? You have the choice between being expelled and not graduating and the resulting shame that shall hound you for the rest of your life, or to accept the agreed upon penalty and be done with it. Perhaps the former would be more to your liking? Before Madison could answer Sir Barrington mused, “Of course if you choose the former there is the matter of the handsome trust fund your parents have set aside for you. I’m not sure what would happen to that should you choose expulsion, but I suppose that would be something to discuss with your shamed and disappointed parents.” Madison quietly chose the latter. Better to just get it over with.

“Very good,” a pleased Sir Barrington stated. “Now, where was I? Oh yes, so in extreme cases where a paddling was administered it was not unusual for it to be altered so as to be more than just discipline. It had to also include an equal degree of — he paused for effect — humiliation. Therefore it would be administered while the subject was completely nude.” He made sure to allow those last two words sink in, then turned to the nonplussed coed. “You will now remove every stitch of your clothing.” A shocked Madison wavered ever so slightly. “But Sir…”

“NOW!” Sir Barrington commanded, “or I will end these proceedings forthwith, march directly to the Headmistress and recommend that you be expelled immediately before you can besmirch these hallowed halls any further. I believe 15 strokes should suffice.”

Madison gulped as she began to remove her tie. She tried not to notice the rapt attention two dozen eyes were now paying to her. As she removed each article of clothing, Sir Barrington took them and placed each in his satchel. Madison next removed her white regulation school blouse, revealing her perky B-cups nestled in her white bra. Then she removed her shoes. As she unzipped her plaid regulation school skirt Madison came to the realization that she might be enjoying this. Her skirt landed on the floor. She placed it on the desk, and it, too, disappeared into Sir Barrington’s bag. Standing in her bra, panties and socks she turned to Sir Barrington, hoping he’d say that was far enough.

“All your clothes. Every. Single. Stitch.” The way he coldly enunciated those last 3 words made Madison tingle. She WAS enjoying this.

Madison removed her white regulation school knee socks, then her bra and finally her panties. She prayed Sir Barrington wouldn't notice how damp they were. Madison stood there in front of the class hiding her breasts (and their stiff nipples) with her right arm while hiding her neatly trimmed but very damp crotch with her left hand.

“Everything, Miss Frantz. That includes jewelry.” Madison removed her hoop earrings, bracelet and Apple Watch. All went into a small plastic bag. Sir Barrington tapped her ponytail with his pointer. Madison removed her hairband, Now she was completely and utterly nude. She was beginning to swoon. Sir Barrington ordered her to lean against the desk, exposing her naked profile to the rest of the room. Madison eyes widened as Sir Barrington used his pointer to position her properly, then felt a tingle when the rubber tip lightly brushed along the underside of one of her sensitive breasts. The boys were transfixed at the way the small of her back traveled up and around the curve of her buttocks, then down her long, shapely legs. The way her curly dark hair hung down across her face. The way she stood on her toes practically offering her sweet ass to Sir Barrington’s ministrations. The swell of her pert breasts and the way her delightfully rigid nipples sat poised like little water droplets clinging to the bottom of a tea cup.

Madison began to swoon even more as Sir Barrington began to brush the twin globes of her naked ass cheeks with the paddle before delivering the first stroke. Each stroke was just hard enough to be felt and not so hard to leave the backside painful and red. It was almost pleasurable. It was as if he’d done this before, and soon Madison began to feel the secondary effects. With each swat, Madison jumped and gave out a little yelp as her pert breasts jiggled ever so slightly. After each swat, Sir Barrington would stroke Madison’s buttocks before delivering the next smack. Madison didn’t think her nipples could get any stiffer while her arousal began to trickle down the inside of her silky thighs, both reactions Sir Barrington made sure to point out as he explained how some women — strumpets and trollops as he described them — often enjoy this kind of treatment. Even though the room was comfortable, Madison was soon covered in a sheen of sweat. With every deprivation laid onto her, Madison couldn’t believe how close she was to cumming, even though the thought of doing that in front of a room full of males was mortifying. But she couldn’t help it. As her shame continued she gritted her teeth in an effort to will it from happening, but to no avail. Sir Barrington continued counting off each of the 15 swats, but he figured this one wouldn’t make it all the way until she finally debased herself.

“Ohgodimgoingtocum,” Madison helplessly muttered through clenched teeth. “What was that, young lady,” Sir Barrington asked, leaning in close so he could hear the poor girl whisper it again. “Imgoingtocum,” she repeated. “Speak up so that everyone might hear,” Sir Barrington chastened Madison, looking to keep increasing her humiliation. “I’m going…I’m going…to…oh God, I’m going to cum,” she helplessly stammered. “Well then, don’t let our presence here stop you,” Sir Barrington mockingly continued as he spread the senior’s feet further apart and pushed the wastepaper basket under her leaking quim. With a loud moan Madison sunk down as her orgasm erupted from her snatch. The abashed girl attempted to stem the flow with her hand, but even the light pressure of her palm on her sensitive labia sent her into even more orgasmic convulsions. “Do you think I don’t know what girls like you do when you ‘excuse’ yourself to use the facilities?” He scornfully continued to heap abuse on the poor student. “You come back with that telltale glow, ever so slightly out of breath…” Sir Barrington continued to insult Madison as she began rubbing herself anew, the shame of openly masturbating while completely nude in front of everyone present becoming fuel for her arousal. With a moan barely held back with clenched teeth she came again, this time in one of the most intense orgasms she’d ever experienced. The boys watching were transfixed. They’d never seen such a thing, nor when they woke up this morning did they ever imagine they’d see it today.

Meanwhile Sir Barrington continued to heap insults and scorn on the poor girl. “Oh how very proud your parents would be if they could witness the vulgar display of pornographic deportment you’re putting on for your impressionable schoolmates.” He then made sure to tell the gathered boys that this is the kind of tawdry display bad behavior leads to. “Do you young men want to grow up incapable of controlling your sordid debauchment in public like this? I dare not continue in fear of what salacious act this uncouth tart might perform next.” Instead the disgusted teacher ordered Madison to stand facing the corner with her hands on top of her head. While still nude. He then ordered the dozen boys to read chapters 6 and 7 from their text books for the remainder of the time.

Occasionally one would ever so slightly avert their eyes from the pages of their book to the comely rear of the nude girl in the corner. Sir Barrington would award them this few seconds of bliss before rapping his pointer on their table to return their concentration back to their studies. In the meantime Madison was all too aware of the spectacle she had become and desperately tried to take her mind off just how turned on she was being a lone female completely nude in a room full of males. While her nipples begged for attention the poor girl squeezed her thighs together in hopes of stemming the wetness collecting in the cleft of her carefully shaved sex and dripping onto the floor. Finally after what seemed like an eternity Sir Barrington called the boys to attention. Madison was ordered to remain as is.

Sir Barrington addressed the schoolboys about discipline, responsibility and acting like grown-ups. But most of all the importance of not saying anything about what they just witnessed. Betraying his trust and whatever dignity Madison had left would evoke a similar punishment on them. “For once lost trust can never be found,” he lectured them. Satisfied they would keep quiet, and much to their disappointment, he dismissed them. After all, they really were enjoying the sight of a fully nude 18-year-old girl. Sworn to secrecy, the boys might never say anything, but they would never forget what they saw. The cowed coed in the corner could hear Sir Barrington behind her but she dare not turn around.

“As for you,” he scolded Madison as she tried in vain to hide the wetness puddled around her feet, “after your recent exhibition of self-indulgent indecency I hold little hope you won’t defile yourself once again as soon as I leave here. At least have the common decency to wait until I’m well away.” Madison watched from the corner of her eye as Sir Barrington stepped up to the door. Grasping the doorknob, he turned to Madison. “Now I want you to write 100 times on the blackboard ‘I have learned my lesson’. When you are done report to the Headmistress. I fervently hope you learned something from all this. If not I’ll see to it you find yourself repeating this spectacle in front of the entire school.” As soon as Madison heard the door click shut and Sir Barrington’s footsteps fade down the hall she forgot about writing and began to vigorously masturbate. “Oh God I need to cum again,” she moaned as her fingers worked their magic between the folds of her swollen sex while thinking about how arousing it had been standing there completely nude and cumming like a porn slut in front of a room full of boys. The newly planted image of her being paddled nude in front of the entire school didn’t help. With those carnal images racing through her head she used her fingers and the thick round metal leg of a nearby table to get herself off. Madison grunted and drooled as she ground her swollen twat along the table leg, eagerly anticipating the resulting erotic release. In no time her engorged sex exploded in an impressive squirting orgasm. Cum flew everywhere as Madison extended her orgasm as long as she could. Spent, she used some letter paper to clean up at least some of the mess off her and the floor.

Satisfied with her effort, Madison sighed. All she wanted to do now was get her clothes, get dressed and get this over with. Except there were no clothes. Where the fuck were her clothes? Dammit, the old fart must have taken them. “Oh God,” Madison moaned at the idea of having to walk through the school without a single stitch of clothing on, covered only in sweat, cum and the scent of masturbation. The thought was making her sex quiver. Madison reached between her legs and began to rub herself again, inhaling deeply as her finger slid in between her wet lips. She stopped when the door clicked open. Striking the classic ENF pose, she quickly turned.

It was the Headmistress. At least she looked like the Headmistress. She just wasn’t dressed quite like the Headmistress. Instead of her usually bun hairstyle her blonde tresses hung down and relaxed. She wasn’t wearing her meticulously tailored jacket and matching skirt, stockings, shoes, simple set of earrings, pearl necklace, bracelet and fancy watch. In fact it seemed all she was wearing was her fitted white blouse. It was held closed by only the middle button, revealing the luscious cleavage of her firm breasts. The two prominent protrusions poking against the fabric made it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. Further down a hint of blue panties peeked out from under her blouse. Inhaling the scent of the younger woman's enthusiastic sexual self-gratification she seductively licked her upper lip.

Madison was rendered speechless as she gazed upon what many people might have only suspected. Behind her polished and professional exterior the Headmistress of St. Clement’s Good Christian Academy was absolutely beautiful. Madison could only imagine what the stunning older woman had in store for her.

“Do continue. I find it very hot,” the Headmistress cooed as she lowered her glasses and gazed hungrily at the horny coed whose erotic fingering she had just interrupted.

“Yes, Headmistress,” Madison breathlessly whimpered as she returned to rubbing herself in anticipation. The Headmistress came closer.

“Please. Call me Sharon.”
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