Instructions for Slave: Part 2 My lovers meet


My slave walks in with eager stride and downcast eyes as asked of him.
He is holding his lead up high, pink shiny cock displayed against masculine tummy...

I get up and take the leash...
I walk him in, and place him standing squarely in front of my young female lover.

My Dove, see how willing and easy he is even with his penis captured without mercy in pink satin. I love him so.
Let's take a look at the hung cock i had him pretty up for you. Awe..See doll. With him bound in soft shiny pink, forcing the tip hot full of blood and incapable of looks harmless, No? She shakes her head.
Like your sweet pussy, Yes? She nods, eyes softening.
Would you like the leash?
She nods with gusto and says, Okay Mistress..She cannot help a smile. I cannot either, as my heart beats hard with vicious pride.

Oh my doll, you are such a good girl! I hand her the leash and sit beside her, hand patting and stroking her inner thigh in praise.

Stretch his pretty pink penis out for me and watch this my Dove..
She holds the leash out pulling my slave's cock parallel to the floor. Now it is painfully erect and screaming scarlett, just begging to be freed.
I take a left handed swat like a cat quick to his cock, it bounces off his left thigh and back into position. He takes the slightest of sharp inhale, shakes, but remains silent.
I am so pleased with him.

See! It is fun, and he loves it, i promise.
Would you like to try? Please do darlin. I insist.
She says, Yes of course Mistress, and takes a right handed smack down across his huge cock. It springs down across right thigh and back up like a Jack in the Box.
Oh! Dove! I never expected such a spectacular first time effort... !
Her chin sticks out with growing confidence.

Darlin...I know his penis looks gorgeous, like a young cunt in the pink ribbon, and he would never complain, but look how fierce red and swollen the tip is getting? Like an excited clitoral knot in desperate ache for climax.
He is surely in pain, shouldn't we release him from his pink satin squeeze? I don't think you have much fear left and I am quite anxious to see the pattern the ribbon has made on his beautiful shaft.

Okay...she says. Okay? With respect please..Forgive me, she says...Yes please Mistress.
See it does not happen again.
Alright darlin, continue.
She exhales deeply, but she is ready.
Thatta girl Dove, i will undo beneath his scrotum, you unwind the shaft. For the first time ever she is really feeling a man. My dee dee heats up and wets watching my two lovers touching in such sensual manner.

We undress his cock, it looks like a barber pole striped red from the wrapped pressure of the pink ribbon. His cock is so stunning, a piece of art on its own, and now!
As told, he makes no sound, but there is a noted release in posture as his penis escapes bondage and is allowed to breathe.

Isn't he beautiful! Just as you are my Dove. And he is always so very good for me. Watch this.

I stand up, walk behind him and say firmly..Down Slave.
He bends down hands on knees, presents his rounded ass high in the air. I pull back and take a magnificent swing. Planting the palm of my hand on his ass with serious smack! An "mmpfgh" escapes him. I grin then straighten my mouth.
Slave, i asked no noise!
Come Dove, you deliver punishment with this fly swatter. Take a smack that will sting for a while.

My dove walks to his rear, reaches far back. She takes a wild swing. The little doll swats his ass like she was taking names! I cannot believe it!
I watch as his face turns to flames from the sensation and the effort of holding in a shout of pain filled pleasure.

I walk around, and see my hand print covered by a small scorching checked pattern . Mine is swelling up, and hers newly purple. Tomorrow his posterior will be a masterpiece in shades of speckled blues.
Oh! It is so lovely Dove isn't it?
Yes, she says in wonder. It truly is.

He has been so good, and loves to see the body art we create. Lets take him in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom and reward him with a look. Ok? I swipe his sweat soaked hair off his brow, and kiss him then her fully on the mouth with pride.
In polite direction, not question i say, we will finish up in there if you like.

Yes Mistress, she says. I like.
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