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Lost WeekendI'm Joshua 32, last year I went away for a long weekend to relax and have fun. Well I had fun as best I can remember, which isn't that very much. I returned and went on as normal for me 2 months later. I received a phone from Lorraine 30, I didn't know a Lorraine. But Lorraine name came up on my phone when it rang, so I had put her name in my phone as it's password protected. Lorraine said hi remember me, I said yeah I remember and she than said you know when that condom broke and you came in me... reading time 4 mingenreStraightwritten on
Joshua married manFun on the Farm updateClark again, I'm still fucking both Muriel and my mother Kathleen and have added Cheryl 21 to my harem you could say. Cheryl and I started dating and fucking and I went away to pick up an old mustang car I'm now doing up. I was gone 3 days left at 7am Friday and returned about 4pm Sunday. Muriel and Kathleen had Cheryl come and visit, they seduced Cheryl and she stayed with them Friday night, all Saturday thru Sunday. On my return we had a foursome and Cheryl has since moved in with us, we're ne... reading time 1 mingenre
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Clark farm loverAfter Losing my virginityI was still a virgin in my last year of college and being well off financially was determined to lose it asap. No chance without paying for it so I started investigating my options. I decided to hire a hooker, a solo operator not a street walker. I carefully chose the one I considered the best I knew about. She was 11 years older than me and sold herself to support her 5year old daughter better than her low paid job and pay a medical bill. I hired her and she took my virginity, and I liked the s... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky VirginSeducing my UncleMy uncle is an uncle by marriage not a blood relative, was married to my mother's sister deceased. He is very well off financially and hadn't married again after the passing of my aunt. They had no children, and he wasn't dating at all I found out. I'm a high school dropout and working low paid jobs to get by. Last Christmas my uncle was there and alone as per usual for him. He doesn't look bad for his age, and I thought he would have a girlfriend at least by now. My aunt having died in 2020 Cor... reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Willing NieceI was chosenLong story short version. My uncle was 59 when he married for the first time and married a 24-year-old woman. An arranged marriage as he wanted an heir, I'm 27 his only nephew via his only brother (deceased). No other close family and my father died in a car accident in 2016. My mother died 2009 drug overdose she had cancer and took all her meds at once to end it all. My uncle is very well off and has supported me thru my life and I work for him as his runner. He has major health problems and do... reading time 3 mingenre
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Nephew/HeirThe Judge's DaughterI'm Milton 29 Milt for short, I work for landscape Gardening firm and we do just about everything the customer wants including pool cleaning and servicing. One our important clients is a retired judge 82 who lives with daughter Elaine 36 single and her father's only close relative. A late child, born to judge and his late wife when Judge was about 46 and his wife 39, sadly the wife passed away several years ago. Elaine is very quiet bookish girl who dresses simply and doesn't wear makeup. Who wo... reading time 5 mingenre
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MiltonI done the deed and paid the priceI'm used to getting what I want and always press my luck. that's why I was transferred to a small town to manage a mill owned by my family. A small town less chance of me getting into trouble. At 31 and not married like older and younger siblings, I would get into some trouble regularly like clockwork. Hence being exiled, they knew there weren't many young women in the town, as they moved away as soon as they were old enough. Of the women that I worked with there was only one under the age of 40... reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Husband and MIL fuckerI got my teacher pregnantI was attending the local university and in my second year, my only sibling my sister had her prom and as she didn't date or have a boyfriend. I was chosen to take her to the prom, her school was different to the one I'd attended. As I had attended another school that had an advance science course. Which is what I'm continuing at university, during my last 2 years before going to university I'd an English teacher (married) who was about 32 when I graduated. She (divorced) had since changed schoo... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky Prom goerMarried youngI married at seventeen as I was pregnant, and the father fucked off. But his family wasn't assholes like he was, they convinced his brother to marry me. My husband then 22 was a quiet and timid type person, like he was in his own dream world lost in thought. The family are very well off and put family honor above everything. With his brother 19 at the time clearing out, I married his older brother who I hadn't seen before. I was just happy to be married and not be left to raise my son by myself ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Married for futureIt just started and progressedI'm John 43 now married 2 on the way, last year I inherited a business from my uncle Frank. He was as far as I know my last living relative, the business was small and a good earner. So I left my employment as a carpenter and came to run my new business. frank was the oldest of my mother's siblings and the last to pass away. On arrival I moved into his old home and it was in pretty good condition, but needed updating. It had had an update since the late seventies by the look of everything. I was... reading time 4 mingenre
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John 3 loversOwning my sisterI and my sister lost our parents in a car crash in 2015 and I was at university at the time and my sister was working in a dress shop. She didn't study and partied instead of studying, because of the accident we shared the estate, and I kept mine and invested it and on leaving university I got a great job. When the pandemic struck, I was sitting pretty as they say. I had my own home and could work from home as well. My sister had blown thru her inheritance and was relying on her job which disapp... reading time 3 mingenre
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Bro/SisMy Pandemic FunI'm Darcy 32 nothing special about me, was single before the start of the pandemic and now married. I own a large old style home 6 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, I bought in an online auction(2019). I wasn't really interested in buying the house, I was just looking and so I made a low ball offer. Thinking the others buyers were waiting for someone to make the first bid, I was wrong as the house was large, there wasn't any others interested in it. So I caught myself. Not short of money either so I could p... reading time 5 mingenre
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DarcyLazy HusbandMy husband George 38 is lucky you don't have to think and work to breathe or he would be dead. Not exactly a world beater when it comes actually doing something, since our marriage he has become even more lazy. I ride him during sex and have to get him up by sucking his cock and then mounting him and he just lays there. Doesn't even feel my my tits or body, he is an only child and was spoilt rotten by his parents who have both passed on. Born when his mother was 39 and father 47 and he doesn't n... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lorraine happy AuntMy Rural Hide AwayI inherited a country property from my uncle Frank, as I was the only relative who took an interest in it while he was alive. None of the others were interested in going there and I liked going there for peace and quiet from the city noise. It also came with a sizeable amount of cash and the condition it was never sold. Others in the family shared others things, but my inheritance was the biggest piece by far. It was too late after he passed for them to do anything, as Frank had put in a conditi... reading time 5 mingenre
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Edward I got my neighbors both pregnantI live alone in an apartment building on the third floor and my neighbors across the hallway are 2 lesbians. I regularly date and do about average sex wise, we've a go getter as the self-appointment entertainment officer. It easier to go along with her ideas then not, not that its much of a hassle. A party once a month to get everybody familiar with everybody else. You can bring your date if you wish and only have to make an appearance and say hello to everybody and then you can leave. Back in e... reading time 3 mingenre
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Accidental Father of 2Helping my uncle's wifeMy aunt is younger than my uncle, he's 52 and she's 34. He is also a drunken overweight loudmouth who shows his wife little respect. He married her to start his own family and hasn't had any luck. Of course, it's all her fault and the lazy do-nothing uncle of mine isn't anyway responsible. But thanks to my mother and sister who helped my aunt checked over and she was found completely healthy. No chance getting my uncle to get checked over, my mother was very annoyed at the actions of her younger... reading time 4 mingenre
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Nephew/Father to beMy NieceI'm Greg 42 divorced 2 grown children, I lived alone on my seventy-acre property. Then I had an accident that left bedridden for six weeks after leaving the hospital. My children didn't come to help as they always take their mother's side after a bitter divorce. For the first two weeks, I had home help come as arranged by the hospital. Then my niece Gale 34 single came and looked after me. Gale is the oldest daughter of the oldest sibling Arnold (deceased) she had lost her job due to government ... reading time 3 mingenre
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GregA work colleague's motherI'm 40 and work at a major supply facility, there are about 50+ staff working there, and I was single never married. A new worker was hired and only 16 at the time not doing great at school left to get a job and help out his mother 33 with living costs. She was divorced seven years ago after her husband abandoned them and after 2 years, she divorced him. Where he is they don't know or care. As I was his assigned trainer, I got to meet his mother and we started dating after a few weeks and became... reading time 1 mingenre
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Happy ColleagueAunt BethI'm David now 28. Long Story short, when I was 11 my parents died in an accident. I came to live with Aunt Beth (Mom's younger Sister) and Uncle Ken. Beth was 27 at the time and couldn't have any children after a bad car accident 2 years before. I lived with them till I went to university. After finishing university I married and moved to the city for work, keeping in touch with Beth and Ken. Ken was a state policeman and 8 months after I start work, he was killed by a drunk driver on the highwa... reading time 3 mingenre
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DavidFun on the FarmI'm Maria 34 single and pregnant, last year my love life was not doing well. So I decided to visit my cousin David 31 single who ran the family farm and have a break riding horses and relaxing away from the city. The owns many different businesses and the farm is one small part, I also work for the family business and could take a break fairly easily. I just told grandpa Alexander I needed a break. The farm also had some small forested hills and they had trails going thru them, great for riding.... reading time 4 mingenre
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Maria cousinloverHappy with our New lifeIn the years since our first meeting, we've really clicked as a family. Both Judith and Beryl are very happy with our arrangement and the 4 children we've had. Beryl is pregnant again, making her third child, she is hoping for a boy and is getting checked today to find out if she has succeeded. Judith would like a girl having had 2 boys with me, but she may be passed having any more children. But I enjoy trying, with 4 young children it can be rather hectic around the house at times, especially ... reading time 1 mingenre
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BertramPlaying House with my sister SusanGrowing up on a remote farm with only my Susan to play with, you couldn't fight or you were alone. So you learned to get on and as we got older we stayed close together. The farm was bought by the state and we moved closer to the city, our moth Karen wasn't very well and passed away 2 years later (cancer). Our father Robert had always been a very heavy smoker and had a very bad cough and wouldn't get check out. Then one day just fell over and passed out and was taken to hospital and it was then ... reading time 3 mingenre
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David J CGrowing Up in a small townI was raised in a small country town, and it wasn't doing well, the population was dwindling. I was the youngest of 3 and not a scholar like siblings, they had left for university and people around my age had mostly left also. I'd left school at 15 and worked for my grandfather in his garage. I became a mechanic and working just about anything that came my way. My grandfather decided to retire as he wasn't well, heavy smoker and drinker all his life saw to that. I was given the garage by him as ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Happy Horny MechanicMaking BabiesI'm David 34 and my Sister Robyn 36 both lawyers and single and little overweight. We were both orphan at an early age, we were put into care of a lawyer and his wife both over 50. Neither of us had much luck finding partners. So as Robyn said Her Clock was ticking and she wanted to have children. We both worked on sex case together, Robyn was the lead. The involved incest and children had been born as result. No health concerns due incest and the father was the father to his daughters two child... reading time 3 mingenre
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David MFamily History of marriage failuresI'm John 37 divorced, I've a sister Jean 34 divorced and it seems to run in the family. Our parents were divorced and grandparents as well, so it should be surprise that our marriages failed also. But ours marriages were a little different to theirs, we hadn't any children from our marriages. Unlike our parents and grandparents, who stayed married for more years than we did and had children. Jean had married Robert and Robert was a woman chaser and they got divorced no children. Robert wasn't al... reading time 3 mingenre
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John family man