My Pandemic Fun
I'm Darcy 32 nothing special about me, was single before the start of the pandemic and now married. I own a large old style home 6 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, I bought in an online auction(2019). I wasn't really interested in buying the house, I was just looking and so I made a low ball offer. Thinking the others buyers were waiting for someone to make the first bid, I was wrong as the house was large, there wasn't any others interested in it. So I caught myself. Not short of money either so I could pay the money I'd bid without getting a loan. It was an estate sale the owners weren't interested in waiting for higher offers. It wasn't in a up and coming neighborhood either, an old industrial suburb that was dead at the time of the auction. Not many houses in the area and my new house was a managers house or something on those lines when area was a busy area. Anyway I worked at family business and away from most others employees, I didn't interact with them much if any. I was able to work from and thus got my house renovated quickly after the purchase was final. With the inner city areas filling up, it was only a matter of time before my suburb was seen as the next hot area. Some old industrial buildings in area, had already been leveled. None close by, but it proves the developers were moving in my direction. Than the pandemic hit and I as I said can work from home, some of the employee got into trouble quickly, unable to pay there rent and were kicked out. Before the government put a freeze on evictions, some had family to go to and others friends that took them in. As their jobs were also on hold, they were pretty well screwed. Enter my soft hearted sister Katherine, Kathy for short. She told me I should take them in until things return to normal, as I've a big empty house. Kathy knows me very well and had already picked out 4 people for me to help. All women and all of one family, against my wishes she brought them around to the house. Kathy had her own house and a husband and 2 children, so there wasn't any room at her place. The women 2 sisters Joan 42 and Gail 38 and they each had a daughter, Joan's daughter Patty 22 and Gail's daughter April 19. Both sisters were divorced and their ex's had cleared out to parts unknown as they say. They all worked at our family company and Kathy told me I help them as they were good workers and hard working and reliable. They all were easy on the eye and I already had started to like the idea of a lockdown with 4 women. I thought I might at least get lucky with one of them. So I showed them around my house and let them chose their own rooms. Gail turned out to be a very good cook and so she cooked our meals, the other others clean my house top to bottom and even done my washing. As the time passed I tried to crack onto Patty and didn't have much luck, with April I was getting somewhere but at a snails pace. Then one night I was laying in my bed feeling rather horny, when my door opened and Gail came in and dropped her robe and joined me in my bed totally naked. She was also feeling lonely and randy also. So I got my first sex from Gail totally not expected either. Then the next Joan came and joined me for sex, Gail had given a good review and after they would join me for sex on alternate nights. This went on for 2 weeks, then April came to me and while I was fucking her, Patty came in and joined us and it became normal for either one or another would come to me for sex, sometimes 2 at a time. April and Gail gave me a mother and daughter experience and I really loved it. Then Joan and Patty gave me another. I'd no complaints and was enjoying their nightly visits. But all good things come to an end, the government started talking about lifting the lockdown. I wasn't happy about that, but I decided so they left the lockdown, it doesn't mean the women have to leave. As it turned out they didn't leave, mainly because I had gotten April pregnant. Which I decided to ask her to marry me and that way I would get at least 2 to stay with me. April accepted and before we had finished celebrating her acceptance Gail told us she was pregnant also. No worries mother and daughter, Patty was the next to get pregnant and so I had 3 women who would be staying. So I asked Joan are you pregnant, No she replied. I than said we had better fix hat straight as a bit of a joke. I thought she was playing along when she said okay. It took a couple of month but I did get Joan pregnant. I married April and we all still live together, Gail is now a stay at home mother and grandmother. Joan is due any day now, Patty and April still work at the family business and regularly have their lunches with Kathy who is their section manager. I would willing marry them all if I could.
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