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My Quiet NephewI'm Ashley 47 divorced 1 grown child who has married and started her own family in the next state. I use to rent and then my only sibling David passed away suddenly in a car accident he was 50. He also had only one child Andrew 26 very quiet and all the times I met him he hardly spoke at all. His mother cleared off years ago when he was 4 and my brother David raised him alone. Not word or letter from his mother since she left, she filed for divorce on the other coast and David didn't try to stop... reading time 5 mingenre
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Ashley Cum Bucket
My new EmployeeI'm Patrick 49 widower have 1 grown son who on the other coast and doesn't get on with me at all. My wife died in a car accident 8 years ago and that's the last time I saw my son, our relationship hadn't been any good for 15 years. Anyway I run a small business that employs 8 people and last year one of my employee's husband got a job in the next state and she left my employ. I hired Doris 33 widow with 2 small children both under 9 and lived with her mother Helen 50. They were having a hard tim... reading time 3 mingenre
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Patrick Threesome Lover
I found love with WitchesI moved to a old part the state to restart my life after my divorce, luckily we had no children. She is a lawyer and decided her partner was better than me, I'm Kirk short for Kirkland 35. I work from home mostly and prefer it to a noisy office and so I moved away from where I could run into my ex at anytime to somewhere out of the way. I bought an old house and had it fixed up to suit my lifestyle and work. Closest neighbor about 200 hundred yards away and I put up a no trespass sign to show pe... reading time 4 mingenre
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Kirkland witch lover
My Virginity and how I lost itI'm Daphne 35 have 4 children and live with my brother Paul 38 single father of my children all healthy. When I was almost 19 our parents both died in traffic accident. A large truck turning sharply rolled over onto their car crushing both of them. Paul was at university at the time and we were both left shocked and crushed by our loss. Only the following year we put our lives back together. We sold the family home and moved closer to the university to cut down travel time as we were both were g... reading time 2 mingenre
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My wife cleaning houses for a living My wife has been running her business for 10 years now and she is always very busy with her work. Last night she told me that Mr Jones our next door neighbor wants her to clean his house 2 times a week in the morning after the kids and I leave for work and school. I didn't think anything by it and agreed to it. She said that Mr Jones wanted her to get started tomorrow morning and she agreed to that. The next morning she was up and getting ready for the job for some reason she wore a short blac... reading time 3 mingenre
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Swinging to a New LevelSwinging to a New Level By TS Stagg Vickie was sitting with her constant companion, Duke, on the floor of the balcony outside her room, looking up at the stars and listening to the sounds of the night. Duke’s head rested on her lap, lifting up occasionally at the sounds of Vickie’s mom, Dad and “Uncle John” on the patio around the side of the house from them. Uncle John was a long-time family friend, she had always called Uncle John, even thought they were not related in any way, other than h... reading time 7 mingenre
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TS Stag (same author)Yes it is
My Rural Hide AwayI inherited a country property from my uncle Frank, as I was the only relative who took an interest in it while he was alive. None of the others were interested in going there and I liked going there for peace and quiet from the city noise. It also came with a sizeable amount of cash and the condition it was never sold. Others in the family shared others things, but my inheritance was the biggest piece by far. It was too late after he passed for them to do anything, as Frank had put in a conditi... reading time 5 mingenre
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My Grandma discovered my secret updateArnold again things have changed in my life since I started fucking Norma my grandma Norma. Regular sex for one, no more hookers and Norma kept an eye out for possible girlfriends for me. Then when she was at the library she met Camille 28, who had just started there and so Norma made friends with Camille. The more she found out about Camille the more certain she was, Camille would be perfect for me. Thru a bit of scheming, she finally got us together and we hit it off. But things were going slo... reading time 2 mingenre
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Arnold F
Perfect I'm no ladies man, but I do okay as I have the will and means to succeed. I don't pick out the best women available, I go after the ones that are weak. By weak I mean they are just getting by and anything go wrong they are in big trouble. I'm the manager of a business that employs these women and so I exploit those who interest me. I prefer mature women to the younger ones, as they can't get pregnant. Which would cause me trouble, I see a woman who interests me and start to find everything I can... reading time 4 mingenre
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Alfred no settled down
Just Me and momBrief history my father Norman got April my mother pregnant when they were in high school and I was the result. I'm Charles usually called Charley 20 and live with my mother April, Norman left when I turned 18 and got a job. Norman said he'd done his part and left and we haven't heard from him since. April now 35 and 5 months pregnant with our daughter, April got drunk one weekend last November. I came home and took advantage of her and that was the start of our sexual relationship, that led to ... reading time 1 mingenre
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My wife made me promise updateMy wife Elaine had me promise to help her sister get pregnant and I did as requested. Having a daughter last year in February. We have been living together as a man and two wives. Elaine can't get pregnant again due a problem with the birth of our child, child was fine, but Elaine can't have any more children. But we still fuck regularly, Kerry is also a regular sex partner and like Elaine before her doesn't take precautions and is again pregnant. I'm doing very well in my career and the only re... reading time 1 mingenre
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Emmett K
Using my SisterI'm Jason 34 oldest of 3 and single, I graduated university and done very well since with a good career and have my own home. My brother Michael 27 is in the Navy and overseas, my sister Marsha 30 divorced 2 children and her loser husband cleared out and left broke and as she was 8 months pregnant when he left unemployed. Our parents aren't able to help as they live in a retirement village and aren't financially well off. So that left me her nerdy brother and I took her and her child in and shor... reading time 4 mingenre
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Jason Sister lover
My mother became Insatiable update Katherine went to look after her sick and I went with her as my father wasn't willing to go. I looked after the chicken while she looked after her father Alfred, sadly old Alfred passed away and my divorced my mother with wasn't a concern to her and I had started having sex on the night of my 22nd birthday and have been sleeping together ever since. But she wants grandchildren and started looking for wife for me. No surprise that she wanted grandchildren but as she only had me due a miscarriage ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Alfred G
House of SecretsI'm Ralph 32 single work from home in I T, I was in a bad car accident that took my parents and left in a wheel chair. But the driver who went thru a red light was rich and besides the insurance payout for my injuries and the death of our parents. We sued him and he settled instead of going to court. By we I mean me and my Edith 35 lawyer divorced 2 children 7&5, ex made a full payout instead of ongoing alimony and child support payments. He hasn't bothered to see or contact his children since. ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Ralph and Edith
Fun on the FarmI'm Clark 22 and mechanic by trade and moved onto my grandma's farm in late 2020 when grandpa passed away, heart attack. Muriel 59 had to run their small chicken farm 234 acres by herself, her daughter Kathleen 38 divorced(my mother) worked in city as a nurse and couldn't come home to help. Both me and Kathleen are the only child of our parents. I could help and didn't affect me much at all. I worked Monday to Fridays 730am to 430pm and so I get up at 5am and feed the chickens and have breakfast... reading time 2 mingenre
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Clark farm lover
Going to the Drive inBack in the early 80s when my wife and I were dating we went by a drivein theater near our home town. It was playing xrated movies and my wife said she never saw an xrated movie so I teased her and said do you want to go tomorrow night, knowing she was always up for a challenge she turned a little red and said yes.I laughed at her and said she was corrupting me. She knew I had seen a few before.The next day at work I called her she said she bought some candy and popcorn for the drive in. I smile... reading time 4 mingenre
First times
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I seduced my Sister for my HusbandI'm Kerry 29 married to Patrick 30 and I'm now in my last month of my pregnancy. Earlier this year I had trouble had to stop intercourse with Patrick as a result. We had a very regular sex life and I didn't want Patrick to miss out on regular sex. I've one sibling Rachel 32 single rather shy and timid and she doesn't date. I decided she would be a good replacement for me while I was pregnant. I got Rachel to stay with us due to my health concerns, I'd overegged them a bit to get her to move in w... reading time 2 mingenre
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My NeighborsI'm Jeffery 36 divorced 1 child 5 who with her mother, I've got a great job and well off because of my family wealth. My ex wife is likewise well because of her family and we get on fairly well since the divorce. I bought a 3 bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood and work from home more than in my office. I've been quiet on the dating scene since the divorce not really interested in dating much at all. Since I moved in late 2019 I kept a low profile not mixing with the locals much at all. I got ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Jeffery JB
Making a baby with my NeighborI'm Mark 24 live at home with my parents both work and I'm a carpenter and usually off on weekends. Our neighbor Helen 36 married to Martin 42 was trying to start a family and it seemed there was something wrong. But unable to find any reason in their love making, she had a sample of his sperm tested and it wasn't a good report that came back. So she started to drink as Martian was away working at the time. I got home from working just before 6 and had the weekend off. Helen was smashed you coul... reading time 2 mingenre
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Mark neighbor fucker
Sharon's time alone in the kitchenWhen 26-year-old Sharon is alone in the kitchen washing up, it’s not just the dishes that get wet. She imagines two gorgeous men walking in and having their way with her. Ever since she was made redundant, Sharon often had energy to spare and that made her incredibly randy. Sometimes she’d put on all the bedroom stuff that would drive her boyfriend crazy – black lace, half cut bra, black lace-topped stockings and suspenders and tight, black, crotchless knickers which would leave a beard of puss... reading time 6 mingenre
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Shock HorrorLast Christmas I was home from university for the holiday and it was also a family Christmas for the extended family. With my sister and her family as well as our parents and our brother and his family finally grandma Rachel 63 widow. So we had a house full and Rachel was to share my room with me. Which had a double bed in it, my parents old bed when they got a king size was installed in my room. Sharing a bed with your grandmother wasn't on my Christmas to do list. I'm Simon 21 and youngest of ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Simon Granny fucker
Grandma Phyllis update 2My relationship with had proceeded very well and we're marrying next week, Dani is pregnant to me and also living with me and Phyllis. I'm still fucking Phyllis, when Dani working and also still fuck Betty every now and then. but its becoming a rare thing now. Dani is an only child and mother has passed away car accident 2008 and father wasn't able or willing to care for her and she went into state care. But not adopted as her father had released his rights to her, no contact with him for 12 yea... reading time 1 mingenre
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My Mother found me a wifeI've never been good with girls and so my mother Joyce decided if she was to have grandchildren it would up to her to find me a wife. I'm Alexander 33 and the only child of Joyce and Alexander (deceased) and I'm quite well off and don't need to work. But I do have a hobby farm of 83 acres and have 8 horses, 25 head of cattle and poultry. I live in 6 bedroom 3 bathroom home with Joyce and we have a housekeeper and a maid that come Monday thru Saturday &am to 5pm. No other staff on the property, a... reading time 5 mingenre
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Alexander Father
Blind Sex DateI'm Owen 39 divorced and feeling horny and wanting to try something new. I found a site on the internet for casual sex with a stranger. You contact someone and meet and fuck them no dating or payments involved. Not being brave enough to use my own name and for first meeting I called myself David a pretty common name. I met via the website a woman calling herself Susan 36 and we arranged to meet and fuck. I turned up not knowing what I would find and at the motel I had booked into for our comfort... reading time 2 mingenre
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Owen Cyber Fucker
Chalk and CheeseI'm Lauren 32 married to George 34 and he has a younger brother Duncan 30 and sister Margaret 32. But this story is about the brothers, George is the know all type who is never wrong and perfect in everyway in his mind, Duncan is the shy retiring type who stands in the background and out of view as much as possible. Different as Chalk and cheese as they say, I've been married almost 4 years and only this year did finally get pregnant with first child. It wasn't from the the lack of trying, 2 thi... reading time 6 mingenre
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Lauren M
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