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The FavoriteI'm the oldest of 2 and was my father's favorite as he was fucking me, it started after our mother left when was caught masturbating myself. He regularly fucked me and almost got me pregnant when the condom broke inside me. But I didn't get pregnant and during the pandemic lockdown my father caught the virus, it finished him. Left with younger brother than 23 worked as a linesman for the local power company. I hadn't ever worked and kept the house for my father and brother. After the passing of ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Fanny loves cock
Caught in the act My father 57 married again 4 years after my mother died of cancer, I 23 (only child) was living at home and attending the local university. My stepmother 40 had a daughter 20 were good looking and I got on very well with both of them. So much so I had started a relationship with my stepsister and as they say was caught up to my nuts inside her by her mother. Instead of the being shocked or upset she joined in having sex with and her daughter. Next week I'm marrying my stepsister as I got her pr...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Stepson/brother
Sexy StepmotherMy father wanted a sexy wife to go to social events with him, he wasn't very active sexually. He had his gorgeous bride 30 sign a prenup and she was younger than me. I'm his only children and I'm 36 single not great with women like my father, you can't say it's because he is rich so am I and I don't do as well as father still did in getting his trophy wife. My mother died 8 years ago of a heart attack she was 58. Anyway after 3 years or so my father started to look for another wife. He found his...reading time 2 mingenre
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Loyal Son
InheritanceI'm a late child born when my mother 39 and father 48 and an only child. I was at university (24) when my mother died in an accident. My father was worried about his legacy and told I should find a wife to continue the family name. I'm not an outgoing type of person and prefer to keep to myself. Anyway, as time passed my father decided to make it a condition of his will, I get married and have at least one child before I could inherit anything from him. That happened just after I turned 27 and m...reading time 3 mingenre
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Quite Happy
StepmotherShort Version, my father divorced my mother married again and then divorced again. Never happy he kept looking for the perfect woman. Just by chance I was his only child and my mother passed away when I was 15 and I came to live with my father. Who was on his third or fourth wife at the time, anyway it didn't last and then another wife. My mother was his longest marriage at 7 years and the other lasted about 5 at best. I was 24 and going to university when he married his current wife, she looks ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Stepson marries
I got my teacher pregnantMy father always told me, we are rich and can do anything we want it was a sort of motto. I (19) was falling behind in my studies. So, my father hired a teacher to teach me during the holidays and to get my grades up before university entrance exams. Being used to getting everything I wanted I made a move on my teacher (27), and I succeed in bedding her regularly over the holidays. She of course got pregnant, then another family motto one always takes responsibility for your actions and my fathe...reading time 2 mingenre
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Husband and Student
The Boss's SonI'm the boss's son and now work for my father's company and I'm not a girl magnet as I wish I was. I'm quite awkward around younger women and get tongue tied, not so much mature women. But I'm lucky as my father's office manager Hazel 55 likes sex and as my father travels a great deal for company business. I was still a virgin at 26 joining the company and Hazel must have realized I was a virgin as she took me under her wing so to speak. Not straight away but she got more and more personal with ...reading time 2 mingenre
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ProxyShort History: I was born (1996) when my mother was 38 and father 46 and my mother died of cancer at 50. When my mother got at 48, my father thought it better I was away at boarding school. I rarely saw either of them after that, I saw my father for about ten minutes at my mother's funeral and didn't see again for 3 years. My school grades were excellent, and I was also doing very well at sports. But I had little or no contact with girls and being outgoing with boys and stand offish with girls, ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Thankful Son
Holiday with my Sister updateLast year in late July our daughter Karen after our mother was born. She is a very healthy child and the apple of her grandma's eye. Our mother Karen worked out that I'm the father of her new granddaughter, then she confronted Robyn and me about. We confessed that we had sex during our holiday together, Karen said it was okay as little was healthy and she knew we would take good care of her. She then asked were we still having sex together, yes was our reply. Then she asked when were we going to...reading time 2 mingenre
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Mother got pregnantMy mother 38 widowed at 33 and didn't date after being widowed. I was shocked hearing was pregnant wondered by whom. At 22 I was living at home and going to the local university and my mother was always home and never went out at night. So, her getting pregnant was a bit of a shock and IVF thought she had used IVF and secretly stored my late father's sperm. No, she hadn't, my father was 20 years older than my mother and I was the result of a short fling and because she had gotten pregnant, they ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Shocked Daughter
My Mysterious Uncle CliffordAll my years growing up I've known my uncle Clifford, never once thinking anything was strange about him. But when I went to university and studying history, that changed. My class was given an assignment to research our family history. It was to give us a taste of researching basic history. Sounded boring to me as my family weren't of anything special in history. I done my father's side and it was the usual basic boring history of most families. I then done my mother's side and had a similar ou...reading time 2 mingenre
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Actions have consequencesI'm the only child of my father, my mother passed away when I was 15 of cancer and she had been very ill for years before her passing. My father finally remarried when I was 21 and at university and married a 25-year-old woman. She wasn't the evil stepmother of stories she was nice and kind to me. My father was 60 at the time and a bit suspicious of his new wife. Not that she was playing up on him, he was paranoid and asked even me to watch her along with the household staff. Then he wanted me w...reading time 4 mingenre
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Obedient Son
Finding FamilyAs far as I knew I was the last of my family, so at 32 I had nobody else in my family. But the family history record of my family were not very extensive. So, I done a DNA history search in the hope I had some relatives left. No result at first and so I decided to move on with my life and married my girlfriend to restart my family. That was March 2021, we were soon expecting our first child. Finally in November I got a contact thru the DNA search a half sibling and it was my wife. It seems my wi...reading time 2 mingenre
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Lucky Stepbrother
Lonely ChildI'm Daniel 26 live on my farm, never went to past high school and inherited the farm on the death of my father also Daniel in a tractor rollover. My departed mother Marjorie, didn't die just departed when I was 7, only contacted once my father to get a divorce when I was 12. My father had a sister Pamela who died of cancer in 2019 and she had a daughter Kylie 22 who's father Robert died on active service. Kylie came to stay with me on the farm during the pandemic and we became lovers and have a ...reading time 1 mingenre
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My discoveryI'm 24 and the oldest of 3 and live at home with mother 43 and siblings, my father died when I was 12 and his brother George watches over us. George is 54 and is the older of the 2 and is married to my very ill aunt Mary always been ill as far back as I can remember. He never had children and they live next door to us; she is bed ridden most of the time and I've only seen her out of bed a handful of times. My mother Heather checks on her and is always available to help George. Going thru family ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Elizabeth daughter/niece
My Sister updateGwen is now pregnant and due in November, I the father and she is my fulltime housekeeper and lover. As far as the rest of the family knows she had a one night stand and got pregnant. Except for our mother Annette who knows the truth and hasn't told anyone even our father Russell. She came for a visit and quickly guessed the truth, she told Russell that Gwen will stay living with me and I would take care of her and this stopped him asking Gwen to return home. Annette also said we should put my n...reading time 1 mingenre
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Expanding the FamilyLong story short. I'm an only child and my mother passed away when I was 9 and my father was too busy with company to think about me. I grew up to be a shy quiet man, who done very well at my studies and passed near the top of my year. My father thought me to be gay is the easiest way to describe his view of me. I didn't play men sports; I fenced, weight trained, karate and play chess which my father took to be less manly than football. So, I was really fit and didn't date and that made me gay a...reading time 3 mingenre
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Making BabiesI was shocked to find out my quiet brother was the neighborhood Romeo. How did I find out it was easy, woman after woman got pregnant and named my brother as the father of their child. Three women claimed he was the father and DNA tests proved he was the father; also, other women had also been sleeping with him. None of the pregnant women wanted to stop seeing him. That was 5 years ago and luckily for my brother he has a great paying job and a large trust fund to support his growing family. Now ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Bewildered Sister
Half SisterMy father was an asshole and played up on my mother repeatedly and during one of his affairs he got the woman pregnant. She had a daughter, and I was about 6 at the time and of course my father returned to mother, and she took him back as usual. He returned because she had the all the money and he had nothing much himself. Which was used to support his now ex-lover and his daughter, my father was very good for another few years. But then returned to his old ways but took care not to repeat the s...reading time 2 mingenre
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Half Brother
Fast Tracked CareerI'm an only child and my parents were late in starting a family is the main reason for me being their only child. They own a successful business, and I was to take over someday. Not as quick as it happened those. My mother was ill (early onset dementia), my father decided to retire earlier than he had planned to look after his wife. His business kept him busy as he and his PA had to travel quite a bit together and were in a sexual relationship, it wasn't hidden from me. I was also engaged to mar...reading time 2 mingenre
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Contented Son, Husband and Son-in-law
Family RelationsMy father died before I, Fiona was 8 and I can't remember him very much at all. But we were okay it seemed we had everything we needed over the years. The only man in our lives was uncle David 48 younger brother of my mother Jane 51 and he is very smart completed his university courses before the age of 20. Got a very good job never married and we lived with him, Jane looked after his house and he looked after us financially. It didn't strike me as strange, that I had 3 younger siblings by the t...reading time 2 mingenre
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Fiona the slow
StepmotherYou hear all the stories of the evil stepmother, well mine isn't anything like that. She is the nicest woman I've ever met, except for my late mother I should say. But I was 6 when my mother passed away and I have little memory of her. My father threw himself into his work and for 20 years or so that was all he done. He was older than my mother by 7 years and he had married her at 39. He was 42 when I was born and 70 when he married my stepmother. I don't know if he wanted another child, if he d...reading time 2 mingenre
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Ex Stepson
Home ill and my parents had an argument. I stayed home not well and missed a day at university, my parents had an argument which was all too common these days. Anyway, as I was in my room, I heard their argument and my father storming off as per usual for him. My mother was quiet for some time, and I fell asleep and on waking up I felt a great deal better the fever was gone and the headache as well. As I laid there my mother came in to see how I was, she was a bit drunk. Happy to hear I was feeling a better, then she asked me would I ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Caring Son
Mom caught meI'm not the most active dater around, I (25) ask woman and mostly got knocked back. My hand was my usual way of relief and that how it was I was caught masturbating. But first you should know my parents weren't getting on very well at the time and would start divorce proceeding in the next couple of months. I was unaware of this at the time, as the youngest of 2 and only one still at home. Anyway, after another argument my mother (45) came early my father would go to a motel for the night. She c...reading time 2 mingenre
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Masturbator no more
My Lucky DayWe're well as a family, but my father holds the purse strings tight. Both me and my sister at home and attend the local university. My father collects porcelain figurines, and he had one he especially liked. Then one day late last year I was home no lectures, and my father was home and somewhat unhappy. His favorite figurine was a fake, he hadn't paid very much for it and got from an estate sale. He had only recently got it and his friend who was an expert was away and pointed out it was a fake,...reading time 3 mingenre
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Bad Brother
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