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My best friendMy husband died of Covid. and I was left alone with our dog. My children are all grown and see regularly me a monthly basis. But I still felt lonely at night and when my dog started licking my pussy, I was at first shocked and told him to getaway. But it had simulated my hormones I suppose and the next time he tried it, I let him keep going. The third time I removed my panties and the fourth time I let him mount me. Now I'm his bitch and he is smart enough to only try for sex when we're alone. H...reading time 1 mingenre
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Satisfied Widow
Marriage BrokerI'm not very good with women and so I hired a marriage broker, old fashion I know. But it worked, I set out my requirements and she delivered. But I should say, it's not cheap and I'm very well off. At 35 I'm now married to a 24-year-old, and she is already pregnant with our first child. My requirements weren't over the top and my wife was better match than I expected. Looks weren't a top priority, but she is good looking, and she speaks 3 languages. She didn't go to university but isn't dumb an...reading time 1 mingenre
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Once Lonely
Lasting ImpressionI had a lab partner in chemistry that I didn’t know well. We were just grouped together because we happened to sit down at the same work bench on the first day of class. Dave turned out to be pretty good. He was serious about getting a good mark. He was a little odd. He said things without a filter. We had a class project, and he took the bus to my house. We worked till dinner and after. We took a break because he wanted to see my house. I lived in a ranch style house. We had floor h...reading time 9 mingenre
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I was out of workI'm not qualified in any trade and do low paid work to get by. But that is also seasonal in these parts, I missed a job with the county. So, I was searching for work, I asked at different places and got a no at each place. But then my luck changed a well-dressed woman 57 asked me to dig a pond on her property. I thought it must be a real small pond, otherwise she had hired machinery. The pond wasn't that small but was a little fancy. Not just a circle or a regular shape either. I dug the hole as...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Groundmen
DiscoveryBack in late 2020 I was tasked with checking on my mother's brother a total wacko by everything I've heard of him. He lived off the grid and didn't trust governments or most people even, he had a partner, so she was probably my aunt. But not much was known about her by my parent's or my mother's family. I had just left the Marine Corps after being injured in a training exercise. It put pay to my career in the Corps, so I headed off to check on my uncle and aunt. They really lived off the grid, b...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Cousin...
Family Get TogetherI was 25 married and had 1 child at the time, my wife then 22 family was celebrating her grandfather's birthday and had a get together. So, we went along to celebrate his birthday, his family had 4 children and so me, my wife and her mother then 40 stayed in a motel together sharing a room. The party lasted most of the day and we were you could say very merry on getting back to our room. My wife and I were a bit horny and started showering together, our son was asleep in his cot. We got passiona...reading time 2 mingenre
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Man of the House....
Careful what you read.I've heard and read that women have a reduced chance of getting pregnant after 35 and can't get pregnant naturally at 45. So being divorced 38 and already having 2 children who live with their mother. I decided to only have sexual relationships with women older than I was. Thinking no chance of more children, I met 2 sisters 43 and 39 who lived and worked together good looking and so I tried to date them and finally succeed in having dates with both. Moving on further in our relationship, the 3 ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Divorcee
It finally happened. It finally happened. On Sunday’s after work I usually stop at the grocery store and masterbate in my truck hoping to get seen. Last Sunday I was there watching porn on my phone and stroking myself. I had my pants down to my knees and my shirt rolled up. A car parked next to me on my passenger side. A woman about 40 got out and started to head for the entrance. About 1/2 way there she stopped and turned around and walked back to her car. She pretended to get something out of it and started back t...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Lucky DayWe're well as a family, but my father holds the purse strings tight. Both me and my sister at home and attend the local university. My father collects porcelain figurines, and he had one he especially liked. Then one day late last year I was home no lectures, and my father was home and somewhat unhappy. His favorite figurine was a fake, he hadn't paid very much for it and got from an estate sale. He had only recently got it and his friend who was an expert was away and pointed out it was a fake,...reading time 3 mingenre
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Bad Brother
My BrotherI've an older brother 26 who is reserved not shy, he isn't an outgoing person. But doesn't retreat away from strangers. Anyway, my girlfriend liked what she saw in my brother and wanted me to get them together. My brother isn't into nightclubs and loud music and prefers movies and sport. So, I said I would try, and I managed to get them together. My brother liked camping and was going away camping/bicycle trip on the upcoming long weekend and I don't mind camping, but it wasn't high on my list o...reading time 2 mingenre
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Surprised Sister
Plumbing for my horny neighborI'm 23 a plumber by trade and still live at home with my parents. My widowed neighbor 58 is an old friend of the family and is called aunty by me and my siblings. Actually, no relation and it just how it's been for many years. I'm the only child still living at home and when our neighbor has plumbing problems, I would go a fix them for her. Last year her garbage disposal played up and I was laying on my back fixing it and my aunt as I will call her stood over me and I could see she wasn't wearin...reading time 1 mingenre
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Plumbing Neighbor
Fucking my Girlfriend's GrandmotherI was dating my then girlfriend and sleeping with her and we would later marry. But she and her parents went away to visit her father's parents. Her mother's mother lived in the same town as them and had been widowed 4 years earlier. Her grandmother was living alone and not mixing in the community like before she was widowed. As I had met her grandmother many times my girlfriend asked me to visit her and check on her while they were away. Which I did and was welcomed by the grandmother and invit...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny boyfriend
Starting a family againI'm 36 married with 2 children and my wife says that's enough children as she wants to progress her career. I was okay with it at first but wanted a child or 2 more after while of thinking about it. But I couldn't with my wife who had the operation to stop her having any more children. It was her decision not mine; I do love my wife and otherwise we get on very well. It was no use bring up my change of heart over having more children, as she had already had the operation before I changed my mind...reading time 2 mingenre
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Father of 2 families
Suluvadathi and meI had an aunt called Sulu.She was very close to my family. She was aged forty. Her husband was aged 56 and was a captain in Army. She was always grumbling about the age difference between her husband and she. My father was very close to her. He was always helping her in her needs since she was alone with one son and one daughter who were very little children. I don't know whether my father had any sexual relationship with Suluvadathi. I used to visit her at least once in three months from the...reading time 16 mingenre
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I had sex with my boss’s sonI’m a house maid in Panama and I’ve worked for a family for 10 years now. 6 years ago I started to notice that my boss’s son started to look at me in a very different way. He started spying on me when I showered after I finished working, when I bent over when I cleaned or even looking at my breasts. At first I didn’t know what to think of this, but the more it happened the more I liked the attention, although I didn’t do much else than let him stare at me. One day his parents had to leave the c...reading time 3 mingenre
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Trish Maine
Hot tub Love Things were going pretty well with my adopted mother and me. I had just visited my other family as my sister had recently passed from her liver complications. But that was real sister. I was allowed to come over to our old house in my old town across the river. My adopted father was up north and my daughter was visiting her new boyfriend up north as well. Needless to say, my mom was home alone and she invited me to stay the night. I had slept in the old guest room downstairs where we fucked...reading time 6 mingenre
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Seducing my UncleMy uncle is an uncle by marriage not a blood relative, was married to my mother's sister deceased. He is very well off financially and hadn't married again after the passing of my aunt. They had no children, and he wasn't dating at all I found out. I'm a high school dropout and working low paid jobs to get by. Last Christmas my uncle was there and alone as per usual for him. He doesn't look bad for his age, and I thought he would have a girlfriend at least by now. My aunt having died in 2020 Cor...reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Willing Niece
Fear of losing family fortune Our family is very well off and for generations have for the most part kept marriage inside a small group of families. It started as the family grew in importance and as matter of getting richer and or power. They married within a group of 6 families and overtime the number of families decreased due to things such as wars and pandemics. One branch was so affected by the Spanish flu they vanished. Younger males went off to war and didn't return, so marriages like a great/great uncle marrying a c...reading time 3 mingenre
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Future Heir
My cousin's sonMy cousin's son was married three years back. He was not having any children. One day he called me and privately told me that he and his wife were worried. I told him to consult the doctor. He replied two years back doctor told him his semen was not perfect and gave him some medicine. But after twonyears of taking medicines no improvement. He told me " Uncle my wife and me have decided to ask you to have sexual relationship with my wife so that she will become pregnant. It will be kept as a bi...reading time 6 mingenre
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Phoenix Envy The darkness came over the night, the day of the sun, the dawn over the morning - a school in horror terror, realm in the faith of Fictional/Fictitious mythology, the illumination illuminating a horror terror of a school Befalling on the tempest templating - of a school on a Providence Residence, Befallen. The clouds pier vertical dawn of the horizon, slightly above the school in rapidity of creation of experimentation: Still, orientation commence - orienting such of a specializing excellence sc...reading time 4 mingenre
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Phoenix Envy Glorious Goddess
PowerI'm married to a giant asshole, and he was neglecting me sexually. Not that he's a great lover and is great looking or was playing around. He wasn't he's far too lazy for that. He pays the lowest wages he can get away with and wouldn't pay them at all if he could. He isn't donating to any political party as he says others do that and he still gets the benefits also. We've a son and daughter who don't like their father and left home as soon as they could. I'm 55 and get very horny very often and ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Wife
Ice stormLooking out the back door at the ice I took a ragged breath. Another boring day of being cooped up. I thought about my now ex boyfriend and how it would be nice to have him here at the moment. The only good thing about him was his dick and his unreal ability to fuck me for as long as I wanted to fuck. He would never cum to earlier and always knew exactly when to cum. But, I got tired of his dumb ass and ran him off. I could call him. But, with the ice storm he couldn't make it anyway....reading time 12 mingenre
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Janice joe
Most erotic masturbation experience of my lifeI went out on a date with this guy. Definitely one of those dates where you both can fill the electricity flowing between you. One of those great first dates that you don't want to end, slowly building up the sexual tension between you. Giving each other these little looks throughout the date, biting lips, finding a reason to graze fingertips as you walk. Purposely going out of my way to walk a little faster, shake my hips a little harder so my ass would bounce, giving him a reason to bite his l...reading time 4 mingenre
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Nora Wilson
Feeling RandyI'm 57 widowed and work odd hours never the same shift 2 days running. So, having relationships aren't easy. But my neighbors have a son I'll call Fred now 26 and going to university. He's a quiet boy I've known for most of his life, he's quite smart and as far as I knew had no girlfriend. So, when his parents asked me to keep an eye on him then 23 when they were away for 2 weeks, I agreed. They left on a Thursday morning, and I worked Thursday evening and then Friday afternoon. I got home about...reading time 2 mingenre
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Randy Widow
After many years awayI left school at 16 and soon left home as well, my father and I didn't on at all, and mother passed away when I was 12. I had a sister 4 years younger than me, but we hardly got along at all. She was daddy's girl, I got by working low paid jobs and then met old Pete who with his wife Sam (Samantha) taught me and I started working with them and we went overseas for better paying jobs. As the years passed, I got more qualified and started earning really great money. Learnt a few things that Pete a...reading time 3 mingenre
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Brother/Sister Reunion
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