Trophy Wife
Horny willing Nephew
My uncle 64 married a 20-year-old because she looked great, and he wanted to show her off. She came from a poor family, and she was desperate after the pandemic had taken most of her family. Mainly due to no money for medical help and so they didn't get help. Nothing was ever free for them, so with only a younger sister 16 left marriage to my uncle was her only hope. She must have been really desperate to marry my asshole of an uncle. But due to my uncle's many health issues she at least didn't have to sleep with him. But that also meant nobody else as well, my uncle had no children of his own and was a wild child growing up. Done anything he wanted and relied on his family and their lawyers to keep out of jail. Alcohol, drugs and loose women caused lot of his health which included Syphilis. He was overseas and went to a local brothel and got more than sex, that's what I was told by my late father my uncles only sibling. I was 29 when he married and it only a month after my father passed away (car accident), at the time he was 69. He liked fast cars, and he rolled his car. I have 2 siblings both older and married, my older brother runs the family businesses after death of our father, my sister is married and has her own family. My uncle gets an allowance and has no home of his own, he lives when home on the family estate in a house provide there for his use. That where he installed his wife and her sister, I live on the family estate also and my siblings prefer their own places in the city. Where my uncles use a family apartment when in the city 90% of his time. It became a job of mine to escort his wife to him for his special events where he would show her off. I usually stayed with my sister when in the city, I could stand my uncle for than a few minutes at a time. He treated her badly, talking to her like she was scum. But as she wasn't with the asshole 95% of the time, it may have been worth it for a better life. She was a virgin when they married, and he had her checked during the year after to make sure she still was. Her sister was with only because she was a minor and he told as soon as she was old enough, he would kick her out or maybe marry her divorcing her sister. He thought that made him look cool or great in some weird way. Anyway, I was with the sisters almost all the time and taught to ride horses and we even went out together. I was told not asked by my uncle to keep a close eye on his (trophy) wife. I would've bedded her in a heartbeat, if given the chance. But I think due to the way uncle treated her she didn't really trust me to risk herself being divorced by my uncle. But at least we got on fairly well, of course my uncle took doctor's warning as nothing to worry about and ignore them mostly. Years of alcohol and drugs use and having syphilis had damaged his body and he in early 2022 had his first major heart attack, he had what he called minor ones before and as usual ignored the doctor's advice. After getting out of hospital he was straight back to drinking and using drugs, quickly followed by another heart attack. But may have survived if he hadn't fallen off the balcony 2 floors up. The concrete he hit wasn't good for him either, I was lucky being on the family estate and my brother had to do the honors of finalizing our uncles' affairs. Which wasn't hard, as he owned nothing just had the family allowance and any outstanding bills. The family lawyers did most of the work anyway, my brother had to make formal ID. His widow was very worried at what would happen to her and her sister, with me having been their constant companion. I didn't have a girlfriend myself and saw an opportunity to get a girlfriend/wife. I like her and she seemed to like me, I of course waited until my uncle's estate (3months) was finalized and with my brother and sister approving my actions married my widowed aunt. We were still going along as before my uncle's death and would still do the same after the marriage. Only different I was fucking my now 23-year-old wife and as a bonus her sister 19 as well. I now have a baby girl and boy one from each, my sister-in-law is my second wife everyway except being married to each other. The city family apartment I told could have, I had disinfected and sold and bought a new place closer to siblings. She isn't a trophy wife anymore she is my wife, and she is very happy also no prenup as well. My uncle wouldn't be happy if he knew, maybe Satan torments him by showing him how happy we are now he is gone.
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