Closing Time
Night manager
I'm the late Manager always work the late shift and close up after second shift finish, we would've a third shift, but it's not allowed. So, we Start at 6am and finish at 11pm, the same staff work the late or early shift never change shifts. I refer to my staff as the down and out crew no life except their job. Which could be said of me, except I chose the late shift, the staff were hired and not given a choice. Those who had a life don't stay long. I'm 53 widowed 3 grown children who rarely visit me or call, after my wife died, I had no interest in dating and so took the late shift. But my interest came back, not really for dating but for having sex. I was thinking about asking to change to the other shift as we have that option 3 months on one and then 3 months on the other. But at closing time one of the staff had stayed back to ask me with no one else around about extra work. We don't open on weekends Saturdays or Sunday or public holidays, but we do have what is called Set Crews, which is just setting up for the next week and clean up for the next week 2 6hour shifts. Paid at the normal rate for hours worked on top of weeks wages, it's a way employee can boost their pay. But it's not liked and so the same set crew work all the weekends usually, never enough to do it all in one shift. It's the only perk you could say the employees have. She wanted to be added to the set crew and also wanted a certain job on the crew. It wasn't a well-liked job, and it paid an extra hour each day. Only because it took that long to clean yourself up after work was finished for the day. Nothing really just oily waste and cleaning the waste pit a one-person job as only room for one. Usual method of selection was last one to arrive for the shift. She wanted the extra money and wanted all the extra she (48) could get she was divorced lived with mother who had passed away and she had funeral and medical bills to pay. I said I would see what I could do, non-committal is the best way as some ask and you make the arrangements and then they back out. But she was desperate and straight out offered me sex there and then. I accepted as I hadn't asked, and she would've got the job anyway on the Set Crew and only had to be last in to get the oil waste job. So, nobody could claim I gave her special treatment, I enjoyed the sex and after each set crew shift more sex. Starting while she showered than back to my place, it finally dawned on me I liked fucking her and she was very willing. To help her pay off her debts quicker I had her move in with me and she didn't have to rent anymore. Improvements were made to the waste oil system filters to keep other waste out as the owners were selling the oil for recycling and the cleaner the waste was the higher the price they got. So, the oil clean up became easier, but still avoided by most staff. But it didn't matter to my now girlfriend as she still work the set shift with me and my late shift during the week and we shared the same bed after work. We get on very well and I may even ask her to marry me this year, but I'm in no hurry.
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