Perfect Relationship
Happy Younger Brother
I'm the youngest (27) of 4 and I've 2 other brothers 33 & 29 who have their own families and live interstate. I also have a sister Cindy the second oldest at 30 was married now divorced and has a daughter 4. Our father departed our lives when I was 9 and has never tried to contact any of us. Our mother passed away 2020 one the Covid deaths, no other close relatives we keep in touch with or know about. As the youngest I was spoilt by my mother a bit, but I feel I down to earth. But I was raised help people and for years I would do the gardening of an old Vet who lived across the street from our rental home. He had no family as it turned out and, on his passing, I was his sole heir. He died in late November 2021 and at first, I was sad for his loss. I still maintain his garden till his house was sold or his family took possession. Nobody had by late January and the lease of my rental was almost up and I intended to move somewhere cheaper. One day as I was doing his garden a man in a suit came to the house. He asked who I was said I was Darryl, and I was maintaining the garden for my deceased friend. He then said they had been looking for me and was happy to have finally found me. I was a bit confused why they would be looking for me, he said he was my old friend's lawyer, and I was the heir to everything my old friend had. But in his will, he only had put I leave everything to Darryl my good friend and gardener. Not houses in the area and every time they had come, I must have been at work and the other people in the area weren't Longterm residents. The few that were, weren't very welcoming of strangers especially ones in suits. I was shocked even more when I found out I was now wealthy, my old friend owned his own home and several warehouses and assorted businesses, managed by the law firm and there was a large amount of cash also. Anyway, I had no need to work anymore. My sister Cindy was divorcing her husband at that time or rather he was divorcing her. His family were playing for his lawyers, and she had to manage with what help she could get. I realized the lawyer were now my lawyer and asked him could I get them to look after Cindy's divorce for her. Yes, they would be happy too he said and rang his office, and they contacted their other office close to Cindy. I rang Cindy Told I had a firm of good lawyers to help her with her divorce. Cindy was happy but worried about what it would cost me, I told not worry and I would talk to her later as the lawyers would soon be calling her. Her husband's family got a very big shock when Cindy's lawyers turned up, one of the biggest and best law firms in the country. Scared by her new lawyers and fearing a very large legal bill, the divorce was finished quickly, and Cindy didn't want support or alimony only full custody of her daughter. Her now ex-husband had only wanted custody to stop him paying support and once she dropped the support and wanting alimony. He gave up all his rights to his daughter. Middle of February Cindy and my niece were living with me in my new home (my old friend's house). I got a puppy for my niece as she saw one in a pet shop, and it had come up to her. Cindy knew of my inheritance, as I told all about it when she rang me back after talking to the lawyer. My telling her she didn't me anything didn't sit right with her or any of our family we had all been brought up to pay our debts. But Cindy was do all the housework and cooking, but in March she joined me in my bed and has never left. She got pregnant and gave a son who I named after my departed old friend, Cindy is not just my sister she is my lover and wife all rolled into one. Our brothers know of our relationship and have only said as long as you are both happy, we'll support you. Cindy may be pregnant again, tests next week to decide if she is. Happy either way. She hasn't heard anything from her ex in the years since.
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