Divorced new start
Very happy brother
I'm the oldest of 3 and my brother next oldest had passed away years before and my parents also gone. I still have a sister no other really close relatives, with the divorce final I 40 moved in with my sister 34 single to restart my life no children in the marriage which is why it ended she wasn't ready for children code for didn't want any. My sister also a career first type like my exit. I'd a good career and could work from home if needed and was willing raise any children allowing her to continue career and my ex-wife was ready even try that. I would even employ a nanny if required, so after 10 years we divorced. My sister let me stay with her and we got on very well always had. I wasn't interested in dating at the time still processing my life. Neither I nor my sister are anything special in looks, but we're about average. Anyway, I had to take leave and planned 2 weeks at island resort, my sister likewise was sent on leave for 3 weeks while the offices were modernized, and a new computer system installed. So, I suggested she come with me, and she agreed. We both thought there would plenty of other around ages. There wasn't and those they were close to my sisters age gave her the creeps her words. With same surname we were taken as being married also and so the creeps stayed clear. But with just the 2 of us doing everything together, we got close really close. I was showering and she came into the bathroom and joined me in the shower. Nothing sexual happened them, but being naked around each became sort of normal. After a week of being so close we attended the resort party and had a great time together. Still in a party mood getting back to our room one thing led to another and we became lovers. Once isn't that bad, but we didn't stop at the once it became normal for to fuck. Even after returning home, we shared the same bed every night. Months later my sister got a promotion and would've to move interstate and as I could work from home, I went with her. Mainly to have someone she knew with her, but sex was also part of my thinking I liked fucking my sister. At her new job most of the women were mothers and it rubbed off on my sister a bit she became clucky you could say and asked me to get her pregnant. I agreed and precautions stopped, it several months but she got pregnant, and test showed a healthy baby boy. I made the same offer to sister as I had to my ex-wife I would stay home and let continue her career. Unlike my ex-wife she agreed, and she is already planning on at least one more child.
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