The Housekeeper
Lucky Inheritor
I'm Dave inherited everything from my uncle, he had no children, and my late mother was his only sibling. I was doing okay before my uncles passed away, but I wasn't rich and after I inherited everything I was. Part of the inheritance was a large apartment, and he had a live in housekeeper Carolyn. She was old in her sixties slim and had been with my late uncle for 12 years or so. I moved in shortly after inheriting and was in a keep or get rid of mindset to what I had inherited. Apartment living wasn't my style, but as my last place I had rented was far from everything I inherited I moved into the apartment till I got to grips with everything. I was going to let the housekeeper go and sell the apartment once I had finished my stock take of my inheritance and buy a house with a large yard. But events delayed everything, the pandemic started, and the lockdown left me trapped. Only the housekeeper to keep me company and as the lockdown dragged on, I started getting restless. Mainly because I couldn't get laid, I could say I was great with women. But okay would be closer to the truth, I sleep didn't with every woman I dated. But enough to keep me satisfied, whether it was the boredom or lack of actual sex. I don't know, but the housekeeper started looking really good sexually to me. At 36 I never been called backward in going for what I want, as an only child I was fairly used to getting what I wanted. My mother had me when 37 and she died of cancer 58, I never went to university and am a qualified electrician. So, I made a move on the housekeeper Carolyn, she was old but looked good for her age to me, which it might be just because of the lockdown. Anyway, I asked and as they say "ask and you'll receive" or something like that. Whether she was horny herself or feared being fired, she agreed and she done everything I wanted and let me do whatever I wanted to her as well. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself and Carolyn doing her work totally naked was part of her new work process. By the time the lockdown ended, I was ready to sell the apartment and had bought my dream home. But firing Carolyn wasn't part of the plan anymore, even those I could date younger women again and done okay. I had no close family and Carolyn was the closest to family I had, so she moved with me to my house and still sleeps with me when I ask her. Thru Carolyn I met my wife Jane 32 we married last month, Carolyn done our shopping and met Jane at the local supermarket where she worked. One thing led to another, and we married our first child is due in March. But the wedding was planned before she got pregnant, Jane is like us no close relatives. Carolyn sleeps regularly with us both.
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