The Hot Girl from my High School Years


I wasn't anything special at high school and overlooked mostly, not a jock nor a nerd I was sort of in between. Anyway, I left to go to my father's choice of university and done well, coming tenth in my year. Got a great job in I T and after 2 years working at the company, decided to return to my hometown. I could work from home and so bought myself a house and settled in, my love life wasn't bad nor great like at high school I was somewhere in between, so I'll say it was good. No girlfriend at the time of my return and had no real idea, where my personal life was heading. Most of my former high school class had moved away and the few that were still there were either married or divorced. The head cheerleader from my high school days was the divorcee and had returned when her marriage failed. Still as hot as ever and not interested in dating, she helped her parents with their business. I just happened to buy the across the street, I hadn't any idea she lived there as they had only bought their place a year before I bought mine. It was pure luck or karma whatever you believe. I didn't notice her at first as I was busy getting settled and I only ran into her in her parent's business when I was shopping. she didn't remember me as I've said I wasn't noticed much at high school. I remembered her instantly but didn't say anything. I went in the shop more just look at her mostly, it sounds a bit creepy. But I had no idea of asking her out or anything else either, but by pure luck or karma, they had internet problems and I offered to help. I was able to fix the problem fairly easily and got on her parent's good side as a result. She was out that day, but when I came to their business, I was warmly welcomed each time. Finally, being asked to dinner with them, which was when I found out I lived across the street. The dinner was nice, and the daughter warmed to me. Of course, during the dinner we talked about ourselves and my attending high school with the daughter came to light. She barely remembered me being her class, but a yearbook photo proved I was. Still nothing much in common between, I thought I had no chance with her and so didn't want to make fool of myself by asking her out. But things have a way of bringing people together they say, ours was I was going to the city for work and fun. She had to go and pick up supplies for the family business. I owned a pickup and was only going in the morning and coming back in the afternoon. Their pickup had broken down and they knew of my trip to the city, the parents didn't like city traffic, so the daughter was going alone. So, I was asked would I give her a lift and I said yes and said she could use my pickup to get everything they required, while attended the meeting. With a plan in place, we headed off on a very dry hot day and got to the city and I went to my meeting she when and got everything she was there to get. We met for lunch at 1pm and were planning to return straight away. On our way out of the city we found the road was closed by the police due to out-of-control fires and until the road opened, we would be staying in the city. A quick look at the satellite pictures showed it wasn't going to be a short delay. The best we could hope for was next morning, with that in mind we booked into a motel and got the last room. We rang our parents and told of our delay getting back. I got supplies from the shop, minor things like toothbrushes and toothpaste. We also got some beer and settled in to wait till we could go home. Diner at a diner back to the room more beer and around 9pm I said I would shower go to bed she said ditto and I said you can go first. She said she wanted me to wash her back and I was shocked and didn't know what to answer, she took hold of my hand and led me to the bathroom. Well, we showered and got a little frisky and slept together fucking twice and again in the morning. Well, we got away around 11am heading back home and on the trip, she told me she thought I was good for her as I wasn't trying to chat her up or date her like most men did. I confessed I thought I was good enough for her so that was the reason I hadn't tried, and she said she realized that and that why she made the move she did. That was 2019 and we married January 2020, her being pregnant wasn't the reason. We started trying for a child on her accepting my proposal, with a son and a daughter we are very happy together. For the record she is still the hottest woman in town.
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