I'd a dream


I've always wanted land, not just house block, several acres and be out of a city in the quiet clean air countryside. I never really thought it would happen, but it didn't stop me from dreaming about it. I won the lottery and as they say set for life or less, I done something really stupid. I also wanted my mother, my only close relative to join me and due to her ill health. I wanted a place with good medical care, so I move aboard, 2 reasons one better standard of living and free health care paid for by taxes. After a wait period we were fully covered, and I employed a nurse fulltime to care for my mother. Great health can be found back home if you have the money, but it not across the board. So, living on 10 acres and great medical services not far away I was set except for starting a family, I was 29 at the time and not a that great with women, not a total failure. But I had more misses than successes, my mother decided to play match maker and found the perfect woman for me. She was 27 at the time and the assistant local vet, my mother has a small dog Max who is very special to her and when Max got sick the vet was called and by the time the vet left my mother knew she was unattached and had decided she would make me a great wife. But one dog wouldn't get the vet coming out as often as she thought was necessary and so 3 got 4 horses as the vet in question had mentioned she loved horses and another dog to play with Max. Fast forward a bit I asked the vet out and she accepted, and we started a relationship, and she also had a horse and due our relationship her horse came to stay on the property. The vet said the property might be too small for 5 horses to my mother and my mother told me to get more land. In fact, I got 15 acres more and I'd been taking horse riding lessons. Fast forward another year we married, and my wife quickly got pregnant, and my mother's health had improved. The local vet was retiring and again my mother got me to buy the practice for my now wife who was pregnant with our first child. She was happy to run the practice and hired 2 other vets to help her. Now 6 years later I'm 37 and have 3 children, I firmly believe the old saying. Mother knows best, in my mother's case anyway. Dream fulfilled.
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