

I've been lucky all my life and was lucky to be born into a rich family and have good health all my life. Lucky with women also and getting what I wanted came easy for me. But none of the women I bedded were ones I wanted as a wife, I wanted an old-style wife and finding a woman like that was like looking for a needle in a haystack. So, I planned to find such a woman in the old country as my parents called where the family had come many years earlier (great grandparents). It was a bit backward to here and the old ways were still practiced in rural areas, not as much in the cities. No real close relatives there anymore, but I spoke the language which would be a great help. I returned to the old country to check out my chances, not good in the cities as I already knew. So, I went into the rural areas, not much chance there either. Finally, I went into backward areas away from tourist or modern facilities like electricity. Yeah, there are still places like that even here today, but they are fast disappearing. Where you see wagons more than cars or trucks, the roads are just dirt tracks. But they are disappearing as time go by, I ended up at a small village, more a group of houses and no shops. It was slowly dying as the young people were leaving never to return. In fact, there were only 2 people under the age of 50 in the place. A widow 40 and her daughter 21, only there still as they were caring for the grandfather of the daughter. He was ill and the family were poor, the daughter looked great, and I decided she would be a perfect wife for me 31. I quickly worked out I could marry her as they owned nothing the house, they lived in wasn't theirs and they lived there on the charity of the owner. So, I saw the grandfather and asked for permission to marry his granddaughter, a requirement in such places. Never asked the girl first, always the family first. He was agreeable and then I got her mother's agreement another requirement. Finally, the daughter who accepted my proposal as her family had already agreed. But I still had a couple of hurdles to overcome, first I moved them to the city in the hopes of getting the grandfather medical treatment. But he was too far gone (cancer), which overcome the hurdle as his time was short the doctor's said. The normal waiting period was waved, so the grandfather could attend the wedding. My family travelled to the wedding back in the old village and after back to the city. A month later the grandfather passed away, I was then free as they say to take my wife and mother-in-law back to my home. On getting back home 3 months later, my wife was already pregnant with our first child and her mother and her were shocked by all the new things they had never seen before. Elevators were scary to them at first, our apartment was next to my parents and my mother kept an eye on them. My wife and her mother are very house proud as father calls it, no servants for them. They do everything themselves and had to be taught to use the electrical appliances like vacuums and stoves but are very quick learners. Any problems my mother is next door if not already at our place, she gets her housekeeper to show them. My mother-in-law had 4 children during her marriage only one survived to adulthood, the last child's birth left her unable to have any more children. So, with my wife heavily pregnant, I fuck my mother-in-law for my sexual relief. Why not she is willing, and it keeps it in the family. Old tradition a mother-in-law provides sex as required, if she is a widow and being supported by the son-in-law.
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