Moms nipples were red raw after my hard Sucking


My 49-year-old mom lived on her own since dad left her, I moved out when I was 18 and went to University.
One morning I got a frantic call asking me to come home as Mom wanted to see me.
Making arraignments I flew home expecting something drastic had happened.
Arriving at our house Mom greeted me at the door with a long hug.
“I missed you so much son,” she said.
“what's wrong why the phone call for me to come home,”
“It's your dad, he's found someone new to fuck”.
“ is that it, is that why you wanted me home,” I said.
“ he's having sex with some tart he met at his work, the neighbours told me”.
“ so, let him ok, he's no good for you, find yourself someone who you can fuck”.
“It's not that easy, I'm getting on now, no one will fuck me at my age, especially looking like I do.”
“ don't be stupid, you look amazing for your age and I'm sure you could have men queuing up to give you a good boning”.
“boning, I haven't had one of those in years, your dad couldn't even get it up when I needed him to let alone bone me”.
“ well if you don't try you won't get”. I said.
“ last good boning I had was when we fucked that night”.
“ excuse. Me what? What did you just say,”.
“Nothing, forget what I said,”.
“ you said I fucked you, was that when I was pissed out of my head,”
“ look it's nothing to be ashamed of,”.
“ ashamed of? I fucked my own mother,”. I said in a loud angry tone.
“ look it's ok, I lied, I'm sorry I should have told you the next morning,”. She said.
“To bloody right, you should of,”.
“ look I'm sorry ok,”
“ right what the hell happened then, what did I do or should I say what did we do, and don't lie again,”. I fumed at her.
“ look you were so out of it when you got in, you were so drunk you couldn't stand up, I managed to get you upstairs and threw you onto your bed and left you,”.
“ go on and the rest,”. I asked.
“ I left you there until I heard you go to the loo, then my bedroom door opened and you stood there naked and having the biggest hard-on I've ever seen on a man,”.
“Your father was out and I had just finished fingering myself, I was so frustrated and wet, I couldn't help myself.”. She said.
“So we fucked, you took advantage of me,” I said.
“ not exactly at first, you called me Sam, then said, I'm fucking horny I want to fuck you,”.
“ so that should have been your Que to usher me back to my room,”.
“ I know that's what I should have done, but that cock of yours looked so hard, I just thought you wouldn't know,”.
“ I wouldn't know? Well I do know now,”. I screamed.
“ you stumble forward and as you did so I flung the sheets back, then I opened my legs, you fell onto the bed and plunged your face straight into my open wet pussy,”.
“ Jesus Mom, not an image I want in my head, go on What next,”.
“ you just lapped at my pussy for ages, I came a few times on your tongue,”.
“ ok and,”. I asked.
“ that's when the animal in you seems to come out, you lifted yourself up off my pussy, then climbed up over my naked body, you grabbed both breasts and just suckled on each nipple in turn, it felt bloody amazing,”.
“ Christ sucking your tits, oh my god,”. I said.
“ yes and I loved it, for once someone who knew how to please a woman ok,”.
“ ok I know but me sucking your tits mom,”. I cried.
“ yeah I know that's when I should have pushed you off but what you did next just happened so fast I didn't get the chance to stop you,”. She said.
“ here we go the gory big,”.
“ It wasn’t gory, I looked down and saw your hard cock disappear between my open legs, I was so wet from my earlier fingering that as soon as you found my entrance you just plunged it in, I didn't expect it to happen that fast, I just gave out a loud gasp as I felt you lift yourself up to just push it in as deep as you could.”’.
“ Jesus Mom, my cock in your bloody pussy,”. I said.
“ yes and it happened so fast ok, I didn't have time to change my mind, the thing was your dad's cock doesn't fit anymore but yours just seem to fill every inch of me,”. She said.
“ ok ok, every inch I get it,”.
“ you were still suckling my nipples as you slid yourself in deeper, then you just went for it, you were fucking my pussy so hard that it just felt like you were possessed, the best thing was I wanted it so bad ok, I wanted you to fuck the hell out of me,”.
“ ok so I guess I must of them,” I said.
“To bloody right you did, you rode my pussy for ages, you pounded the hell out of me, God you just kept going and going,”. She said.
“ ok, so I guess I came then,”
“ well I did numerous times, four or five times, but I wanted more, and you gave me the hardest fucking any mom would be proud of from her only son,”.
“ ok but mom sex, me and you,”.
“ look you couldn't remember but I did, I loved it and I'm not ashamed ok,”.
“ yeah I can tell,”.
“ by the way you did cum and cum hard, after ages of fucking me I couldn't believe how much cum you shot into me, it was amazing,”
“Ok well, still why didn't you bloody say something the next day then,” I said.
“ your father was home, and he wanted sex when he got in but I was bloody sore as hell after the banging you gave me, my bloody nipples were red raw from the sucking, so I couldn't just say that my son had given me the fucking I've always wanted now could I,”. She said.
“ so how did I get back to my room? “
“Afterwards you just crashed, but I managed to get you back to your room, threw you in your bed, cleaned you up so you didn't realise what we had done,”.
“ so if you hadn't slipped up with that comment earlier you wouldn't have come clean and told me then,”
“Look your fathers an arsehole ok, he's bloody useless, I needed sex and you gave me what I wanted, ok so I took advantage of you for that I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to pass up the best sex I had had in years,”.
“ right I think I Best confess something,”.
“ confess what?”
“ you don't need to feel sorry, it was me, “.
“What were you? l she asked.
“ I wasn't pissed that night, far from it, I went for a drink with my mates yes, but I only had a few beers, when I got back home I pretended to be drunk, and you fell for it, that time I saw you fingering your pussy I could see the frustration on your face, you gave me such a bloody hard on, all I wanted to do was give you a good boning, but you were my mom so that was out of the question, that's when I thought if I was drunk would you take the bait and have sex with me,”. I said.
“ you crafty sod, you was soba all along,”
“ come on Mom, if I was that drunk how the hell would I have a hard-on, how would I function enough to pound the hell out of your pussy,”
“ Jesus Christ all this time I tried not to say anything,”. She said.
“ I did wonder at first but I was so wrapped up in letting you fuck me I never realised, you bloody twat,”
Laughing at her I smiled saying,
“ well you got what you wanted and I defiantly got what I wanted so we are even,”
“ you played me, I can't believe you bloody played me,” she said.
“ right now it's all out in the open and you are here and you're not acting drunk, how about fucking the hell out of me again,”.
“ I thought that's why you got me here, well you best get those panties off or I might have to rip them off,”
With that, we fucked each other all night, Mom and I defiantly got what we both needed in the end.

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