Replacing my husband pt3
Jax's mom3
So's possible my neighbor, Logan, has seen me Cumming on my dogs snout
.. dammit ..
The reality of this is hitting me..I've been laying on the ground in my back yard ...stressing about this for the past hour..
What if he tells my husband ? What if he tells the other neighbors?...God my Marriage would be over..I'd be mortified..I wouldnt be able to live with the embarrassment.
But maybe he really did mean that our dogs would be good friends ....oh heck... I don't know!! I've gotta go over there and find out what he really knows.
I scurry to my feet.. grab a my sunglasses and rush out the door
... Jax was quick on my heel...but I decided to let him stay home..I couldnt risk him trying to lick my cunt in front of Logan.
Logan was my neighbor at the back of my his house was actually a street behind mine.. as I walked down my street and took the corner onto his... I thought about what I would say..why was I there ?..I thought about if he would look surprised or pleased .. I began to realize that Logan was actually quite attractive... he was older than us ..early 50s I think ..but he was built well.. and had green eyes
.dark hair with just the right amount of grey.. oh fuck.. i suddenly realize that I don't have panties on..and I've been working myself up on my way over here.. I'm already almost at his front gate..dammit!!! I turn to leave
But it's too late..."hey neighbor"..his steely voice rings in my ear..I turn and fake a smile. mouth is instantly dry.
What brings you around ? He asks with a smile.. he sounds alot more confident now unlike The nervous chatter from earlier
... and now I'm the sheepish one, unlike the sloppy slutty housewife from earlier that was showing off her ASS-etts.
Uhmm..oh I just wanted to pop by and see if your garden was appropriate for the dogs to have a play date..Jax could use a friend and hopefully they'll stop barking through the fence..I swallowed hard.
Hey, come out back, I've got a pitcher of lemonade , you can see the yard .. but maybe the park at the end of the street will be better. ..but come say hi to Duke.
I followed him through to his back yard..the garden was stunning ...I saw some seedlings and gardening equipment wonder he was shirtless .."here Priya" he said ..handing me the glass .. I made this fresh with lemons from my tree..he gestured down the garden to the tree.. I smiled, and shared that I've sometimes helped myself to a lemon if I needed one for cooking, as I looked at the tree.. I noticed a step ladder leaned against the fence..omg...this is where he was watching me drop.. he was definitely watching...omg omg omg ..I quickly downed my drink...Logan obviously realized that I know ..he knows that I know that he KNOWS.
He chuckled softly to himself while I stared down the empty glass thinking of what to say ..
So how often do you do it ,priya
..whaat?? Do what?? I squealed ..
He chuckled again.. his eyes tracing the outline of my body through my dress.. ahem? I cleared my throat trying to get his attention back..his eyes met mine and then rested on my tits.."how often do you yourself to my lemons? He winked ..
Oh ! Ha! .. not often Logan..sorry I should ask you.
He places a hand on my shoulder.. oh no .. I'm just kidding..he twists tje thin strap of my dress between his finger till the dress presses against my dark hard nipples.. no Sweety you just help yourself anytime..
I swallowed hard again.. noticing the moist heat between my legs..and the bulge in Logans jeans...suddenly I have regained my confidence.. much time do you spend out here? I ask..nodding toward the ladder..he hangs his head..smiling.. uhmm... enough .. I spend just enough time ..he refills my glass..."come, let's go meet Duke. He's in the garage.
I follow him ..watching his ass move under his jeans .. as we approach Duke begins to's a big dog bark..I hear Jax immediately start barking from the other side of fence.
Logan calms Duke down...and brings him out..
He is a big big beautiful Black and Grey Great Dane. Oh wow.. I walk over and begin to pet him.. wow I've never been up close with such a big dog... Duke is sniffing around me.. but he is super gentle.. I realize that he'd be a lot taller than me if he stood on his hind legs..
So I'm gonna let you 2 get acquainted.. I've got a chicken on the go for lunch today..I'm just gonna go check on it ..
Sure I say..pretending like I don't know why he's actually leaving me alone with his dog.. Duke stops circling me and jumps back on his hind is just so big
.what a beautiful animal.. I reach to scratch his belly and can't help but notice just how long a great dad shaft is...I stroke his body gently as he licks at my neck and face..oh sweet boy ... he gets down and starts sniffing around me..suddenly his big snout dives between my legs... I try to pull back..but my idiot self is wearing such a short dress that it slides up and Dukes nose is between my's too late he's licking me...ohhhh yes.. fuck...if I thought Labrador tongue was big...I had no idea it could get this good!! Duke was pummeling his tounge into my cunt and I didn't know how to stop...I let out a moan..and immediately Jax started barking.. it brought me to my senses quickly because it so aggressive.. I've never heard him bark that way...Duke ran to the fence, barking back.thank God! ..this was my chance to get out of here... I straightened my clothes and headed inside.
Logan..thank you so much for letting me meet Duke..I think Jax and him will get along well...but we should introduce them on neutral territory.
You know what hun, says Logan ..what's your plans for the day ?
Uhmm.. well Shane is out for the rest of the day .. so we don't really have plans ..
Really? That husband of yours leaves a pretty thing like you alone all day ?...I've always loved Indian woman. If I had you, I'd make sure you had all the lemons you need and I'd never leave you alone
I laughed loosely ..aah we had plans.with friends but I wasn't up to it.
Okay, he says. Then let's take the dogs to the park? In an hour or so? I'll make chicken salad sarmies?
Yeah okay. Why not ?
Meet us outside my house in an hour?
And so I left and hurried home .
I decided I busied myself gathering Jax's harness, changing my shoes..debating whether or not I should change my clothes.. panties or no?...oh its just a walk in the park..relax.
I made a flask of coffee and got ready to meet Logan and Duke outside
Jax and Duke got along immediately, sniffing and tails up and wagging.. they pulled eagerly trying to get to the park. Once there we let them off their leads and sat down..I poured us some coffee while we watched the dogs playing..Jax never wandering too far from me.. coming over for rubs and kisses.
I'm glad you're still wearing this dress, said Logan..
I sighed.. look.. I have to be straight with you..I am content in my Marriage.. I'm not interested in an affair.
Content hey? But not satisfied?
What does that mean? I barked at him!
He feigned fear of me and pretended to lock his lips and throw away the key.
My cheeks were red with embarrassment..for me, for My husband..and I was the bad wife that let this happen!
Logan noticed my disdain. Look hun.. I don't want to get between you and your husband.. I just think you have a problem that I...or...Duke...could help you with.
I couldn't look him in the eye.. I packed up the flask and said let's take the dogs further down the park to the pond.
I walked briskly calling the dogs to My side. Both of them at my sides.. I turned to see Logan close behind us. Enjoying the view.. the pond was a lovely spot..lots of reeds and big rocks.
I stood for a while taking it in while the dogs sniffed at me and rubbed their warm wet noses on my legs.. I bent to pick a stone to skip On the I ass grazed against Dukes snout..he breathed out hard..and locked his lips..fuck...
I looked around..we were alone..just the 4 of us.. I picked up another stone..this time bending over to expose myself .. both Jax and Duke were sniffing me..I was about to stand up when I felt a hand on my was Logan holding me down..don't worry I won't do anything to you he said...he leaned me against a rock.. used his foot to kick my feet apart..he pulled Jax in between my legs and Duke needed no invitation. ..I had my boy licking my pussy and Duke at my ass...occasionally I felt both their tongues fighting for my pussy juices..the whole time Logan was just keeping watch and gently rubbing my back...his soothing voice whispering "good girl" Over and over.. I squatted my legs a little more access to the dogs and let out a primal was soo good!! I was in a 3some with 2 dogs. I was their bitch
Duke tried to jump up..he barked..Logan repositioned me and had me bent over the ass sticking out..he positioned dukes front legs aside my waist on the Rock..and helped guide dukes cock into me..he struggled a bit and then said..I'm going to touch you..just so i can feel for the entrance to your pussy...I immediately tried to look down to see what he's doing. And that's when I saw Dukes cock. I was so memerised by it I didn't notice Logan stroking my puss..
I had never seen a great Dane cock was bright red..thick ..and long.. with a almost rounded bulb head..Logan guided it into me and Duke immediately started bucking ..Logan stood behind him pushing him closer to me and that's when I felt the full length of doggy cock in me...the whole time ..Jax has not stopped licking me .. I was in the most pleasure I've ever felt...I could feel Logans eyes on me .. this was so many fantasies come moans were short, high pitched squeaks ... I was simply just a bitch being used ...Logan came around and pushed my hair out my face .. stroked my face and told me I was doing so well..he told me I was made for this..I opened my stuck out my tongue..Logan put his finger in my mouth and I sucked on him..he moved it in and out slowly.. while I was being fucked and locked at speeds I'd never experience before..I sucked his finger into my mouth as a came..he forced 2 more fingers into my mouth and opened my mouth..shaking my face..he said hunny brace yourself..
Duke was bucking so fast..It was too much for my sensitive smooth pussy..I tried to get away but ended up with an asshole full of cock!..with my pussy still open, Jax got right up in there. Licking my cum straight out of me...Logan got behind Duke..controlling the trusts..he said he had to make sure Duke didn't knot in me... I felt Logan fist around dukes cock.. feeding it into My ass..I spread my legs as far as they would go and felt Duke jerk inside me..ohh fuck!!..his warm cum filled my ass...I was Cumming again!! This time I wasn't squealing like a batch on heat...this was a deep guttural moan..this was from pleasure on a primal level.. Logan pulled Duke out of me..and his warm sticky puppy milk oozed out my ass...I reached around and spread my cheeks ..letting Jax lick inside my dog cock sized ass hole ..urghh I moaned again..before my legs gave out beneath me and I collapsed in a shaking orgasm...Logan was quickly at my side.. rubbing my back and arms ...
You did so well , he said.. I hid my face and laughed! Noo I squealed. Don't look at mee, he moved my hands and helped me up..I straightened my dress and looked around at the dogs who were now licking each others cocks.. we laughed and got the dogs leads on and headed back home...I needed a long shower before my husband got home! I thanked Logan and made him promise it would stay between us.. he thanked me and made me promise to tell him if I ever needed his help again. I hugged Duke and gave him a good rub before saying goodbye.
I went Jax some fresh water.. I showered and had to finger my asshole to get the last of Dukes cum out of me...I cried as I scrubbed myself clean...I was emotionally charged...happy, embarrassed, satisfied , scared..did I cheat? .i had to pull myself together ... I got out the shower..dressed up in comfy leggings and an oversized Hoodie...I prepared dinner for my husband and waited for him to get home...
When he did, I hugged him..held him..doted on him ..he apologized for the bickering in the morning and for the bad sex. I told him it wasn't important and that I won't force it on him again... he told me he wanted to please me...and I told him in all honesty ..that he really needn't worry about it... I'll find a way to deal with my needs babe...
.. dammit ..
The reality of this is hitting me..I've been laying on the ground in my back yard ...stressing about this for the past hour..
What if he tells my husband ? What if he tells the other neighbors?...God my Marriage would be over..I'd be mortified..I wouldnt be able to live with the embarrassment.
But maybe he really did mean that our dogs would be good friends ....oh heck... I don't know!! I've gotta go over there and find out what he really knows.
I scurry to my feet.. grab a my sunglasses and rush out the door
... Jax was quick on my heel...but I decided to let him stay home..I couldnt risk him trying to lick my cunt in front of Logan.
Logan was my neighbor at the back of my his house was actually a street behind mine.. as I walked down my street and took the corner onto his... I thought about what I would say..why was I there ?..I thought about if he would look surprised or pleased .. I began to realize that Logan was actually quite attractive... he was older than us ..early 50s I think ..but he was built well.. and had green eyes
.dark hair with just the right amount of grey.. oh fuck.. i suddenly realize that I don't have panties on..and I've been working myself up on my way over here.. I'm already almost at his front gate..dammit!!! I turn to leave
But it's too late..."hey neighbor"..his steely voice rings in my ear..I turn and fake a smile. mouth is instantly dry.
What brings you around ? He asks with a smile.. he sounds alot more confident now unlike The nervous chatter from earlier
... and now I'm the sheepish one, unlike the sloppy slutty housewife from earlier that was showing off her ASS-etts.
Uhmm..oh I just wanted to pop by and see if your garden was appropriate for the dogs to have a play date..Jax could use a friend and hopefully they'll stop barking through the fence..I swallowed hard.
Hey, come out back, I've got a pitcher of lemonade , you can see the yard .. but maybe the park at the end of the street will be better. ..but come say hi to Duke.
I followed him through to his back yard..the garden was stunning ...I saw some seedlings and gardening equipment wonder he was shirtless .."here Priya" he said ..handing me the glass .. I made this fresh with lemons from my tree..he gestured down the garden to the tree.. I smiled, and shared that I've sometimes helped myself to a lemon if I needed one for cooking, as I looked at the tree.. I noticed a step ladder leaned against the fence..omg...this is where he was watching me drop.. he was definitely watching...omg omg omg ..I quickly downed my drink...Logan obviously realized that I know ..he knows that I know that he KNOWS.
He chuckled softly to himself while I stared down the empty glass thinking of what to say ..
So how often do you do it ,priya
..whaat?? Do what?? I squealed ..
He chuckled again.. his eyes tracing the outline of my body through my dress.. ahem? I cleared my throat trying to get his attention back..his eyes met mine and then rested on my tits.."how often do you yourself to my lemons? He winked ..
Oh ! Ha! .. not often Logan..sorry I should ask you.
He places a hand on my shoulder.. oh no .. I'm just kidding..he twists tje thin strap of my dress between his finger till the dress presses against my dark hard nipples.. no Sweety you just help yourself anytime..
I swallowed hard again.. noticing the moist heat between my legs..and the bulge in Logans jeans...suddenly I have regained my confidence.. much time do you spend out here? I ask..nodding toward the ladder..he hangs his head..smiling.. uhmm... enough .. I spend just enough time ..he refills my glass..."come, let's go meet Duke. He's in the garage.
I follow him ..watching his ass move under his jeans .. as we approach Duke begins to's a big dog bark..I hear Jax immediately start barking from the other side of fence.
Logan calms Duke down...and brings him out..
He is a big big beautiful Black and Grey Great Dane. Oh wow.. I walk over and begin to pet him.. wow I've never been up close with such a big dog... Duke is sniffing around me.. but he is super gentle.. I realize that he'd be a lot taller than me if he stood on his hind legs..
So I'm gonna let you 2 get acquainted.. I've got a chicken on the go for lunch today..I'm just gonna go check on it ..
Sure I say..pretending like I don't know why he's actually leaving me alone with his dog.. Duke stops circling me and jumps back on his hind is just so big
.what a beautiful animal.. I reach to scratch his belly and can't help but notice just how long a great dad shaft is...I stroke his body gently as he licks at my neck and face..oh sweet boy ... he gets down and starts sniffing around me..suddenly his big snout dives between my legs... I try to pull back..but my idiot self is wearing such a short dress that it slides up and Dukes nose is between my's too late he's licking me...ohhhh yes.. fuck...if I thought Labrador tongue was big...I had no idea it could get this good!! Duke was pummeling his tounge into my cunt and I didn't know how to stop...I let out a moan..and immediately Jax started barking.. it brought me to my senses quickly because it so aggressive.. I've never heard him bark that way...Duke ran to the fence, barking back.thank God! ..this was my chance to get out of here... I straightened my clothes and headed inside.
Logan..thank you so much for letting me meet Duke..I think Jax and him will get along well...but we should introduce them on neutral territory.
You know what hun, says Logan ..what's your plans for the day ?
Uhmm.. well Shane is out for the rest of the day .. so we don't really have plans ..
Really? That husband of yours leaves a pretty thing like you alone all day ?...I've always loved Indian woman. If I had you, I'd make sure you had all the lemons you need and I'd never leave you alone
I laughed loosely ..aah we had plans.with friends but I wasn't up to it.
Okay, he says. Then let's take the dogs to the park? In an hour or so? I'll make chicken salad sarmies?
Yeah okay. Why not ?
Meet us outside my house in an hour?
And so I left and hurried home .
I decided I busied myself gathering Jax's harness, changing my shoes..debating whether or not I should change my clothes.. panties or no?...oh its just a walk in the park..relax.
I made a flask of coffee and got ready to meet Logan and Duke outside
Jax and Duke got along immediately, sniffing and tails up and wagging.. they pulled eagerly trying to get to the park. Once there we let them off their leads and sat down..I poured us some coffee while we watched the dogs playing..Jax never wandering too far from me.. coming over for rubs and kisses.
I'm glad you're still wearing this dress, said Logan..
I sighed.. look.. I have to be straight with you..I am content in my Marriage.. I'm not interested in an affair.
Content hey? But not satisfied?
What does that mean? I barked at him!
He feigned fear of me and pretended to lock his lips and throw away the key.
My cheeks were red with embarrassment..for me, for My husband..and I was the bad wife that let this happen!
Logan noticed my disdain. Look hun.. I don't want to get between you and your husband.. I just think you have a problem that I...or...Duke...could help you with.
I couldn't look him in the eye.. I packed up the flask and said let's take the dogs further down the park to the pond.
I walked briskly calling the dogs to My side. Both of them at my sides.. I turned to see Logan close behind us. Enjoying the view.. the pond was a lovely spot..lots of reeds and big rocks.
I stood for a while taking it in while the dogs sniffed at me and rubbed their warm wet noses on my legs.. I bent to pick a stone to skip On the I ass grazed against Dukes snout..he breathed out hard..and locked his lips..fuck...
I looked around..we were alone..just the 4 of us.. I picked up another stone..this time bending over to expose myself .. both Jax and Duke were sniffing me..I was about to stand up when I felt a hand on my was Logan holding me down..don't worry I won't do anything to you he said...he leaned me against a rock.. used his foot to kick my feet apart..he pulled Jax in between my legs and Duke needed no invitation. ..I had my boy licking my pussy and Duke at my ass...occasionally I felt both their tongues fighting for my pussy juices..the whole time Logan was just keeping watch and gently rubbing my back...his soothing voice whispering "good girl" Over and over.. I squatted my legs a little more access to the dogs and let out a primal was soo good!! I was in a 3some with 2 dogs. I was their bitch
Duke tried to jump up..he barked..Logan repositioned me and had me bent over the ass sticking out..he positioned dukes front legs aside my waist on the Rock..and helped guide dukes cock into me..he struggled a bit and then said..I'm going to touch you..just so i can feel for the entrance to your pussy...I immediately tried to look down to see what he's doing. And that's when I saw Dukes cock. I was so memerised by it I didn't notice Logan stroking my puss..
I had never seen a great Dane cock was bright red..thick ..and long.. with a almost rounded bulb head..Logan guided it into me and Duke immediately started bucking ..Logan stood behind him pushing him closer to me and that's when I felt the full length of doggy cock in me...the whole time ..Jax has not stopped licking me .. I was in the most pleasure I've ever felt...I could feel Logans eyes on me .. this was so many fantasies come moans were short, high pitched squeaks ... I was simply just a bitch being used ...Logan came around and pushed my hair out my face .. stroked my face and told me I was doing so well..he told me I was made for this..I opened my stuck out my tongue..Logan put his finger in my mouth and I sucked on him..he moved it in and out slowly.. while I was being fucked and locked at speeds I'd never experience before..I sucked his finger into my mouth as a came..he forced 2 more fingers into my mouth and opened my mouth..shaking my face..he said hunny brace yourself..
Duke was bucking so fast..It was too much for my sensitive smooth pussy..I tried to get away but ended up with an asshole full of cock!..with my pussy still open, Jax got right up in there. Licking my cum straight out of me...Logan got behind Duke..controlling the trusts..he said he had to make sure Duke didn't knot in me... I felt Logan fist around dukes cock.. feeding it into My ass..I spread my legs as far as they would go and felt Duke jerk inside me..ohh fuck!!..his warm cum filled my ass...I was Cumming again!! This time I wasn't squealing like a batch on heat...this was a deep guttural moan..this was from pleasure on a primal level.. Logan pulled Duke out of me..and his warm sticky puppy milk oozed out my ass...I reached around and spread my cheeks ..letting Jax lick inside my dog cock sized ass hole ..urghh I moaned again..before my legs gave out beneath me and I collapsed in a shaking orgasm...Logan was quickly at my side.. rubbing my back and arms ...
You did so well , he said.. I hid my face and laughed! Noo I squealed. Don't look at mee, he moved my hands and helped me up..I straightened my dress and looked around at the dogs who were now licking each others cocks.. we laughed and got the dogs leads on and headed back home...I needed a long shower before my husband got home! I thanked Logan and made him promise it would stay between us.. he thanked me and made me promise to tell him if I ever needed his help again. I hugged Duke and gave him a good rub before saying goodbye.
I went Jax some fresh water.. I showered and had to finger my asshole to get the last of Dukes cum out of me...I cried as I scrubbed myself clean...I was emotionally charged...happy, embarrassed, satisfied , scared..did I cheat? .i had to pull myself together ... I got out the shower..dressed up in comfy leggings and an oversized Hoodie...I prepared dinner for my husband and waited for him to get home...
When he did, I hugged him..held him..doted on him ..he apologized for the bickering in the morning and for the bad sex. I told him it wasn't important and that I won't force it on him again... he told me he wanted to please me...and I told him in all honesty ..that he really needn't worry about it... I'll find a way to deal with my needs babe...
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