Secret Family
Very Surprised Father
I'm a womanizer and I had an affair with a female colleague, she was the best looker and the only unattached woman where I was working. A shy woman, but I succeeded in bedding her and then took a promotion, moving to another state. After 2 years I was back as manager, and the same shy woman was still there, and I decided to restart our relationship. I thought it would save me time finding a woman and getting sex. This time she was unable to go out with me because she had a daughter just over a year old and this was a surprise to me. I didn't know she had a boyfriend, but finally it dawned on me, I was the father. So, I asked her, and she confirmed I was the father. I asked why she hadn't said anything to me, and she said she didn't want to trouble me. I also noted her living in a hovel as far as I was concerned, and I didn't want my child living in such a place. She had to live there as she couldn't afford childcare and work and keep her old place as well. I told her she had to move and live with me; I also married her as it was the easiest way to please my Christian employers. Unmarried and living in sin as they called it, wouldn't be a good look for my career. I quickly got her pregnant again and she has turned out to be a great wife and great mother. My parents were shocked by my secret family, and I got scolded by my mother keeping it secret from her for all that time. My wife is fully embraced by my family and my mother is on my back to make sure her daughter as she calls my wife is looked after. Having 3 boys and always wanting a daughter and I'm the only one of them married so far. My wife was a ward of the state and doesn't have relatives as far as she knows. Of course, my apartment wasn't good enough to raise a family according to my mother and so we now live straight across the street from our parents. I think my wife is great and I'm happy with my family life, especially with babysitters across the street.
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