No Excuses
Horny Nephew/cousin
A large family get together, and I'd just returned from overseas 2022. Not welcome back party for me, they are held every 3 to 4 years regardless. I (33) just made sure to back for it, at the party I was alone, not in any relationship and hung around my aunt Catherine (41) and her daughter Lizzy (22) short for Elizabeth. Catherine was widowed in 2017 and her and Lizzy lived the closest to me of all the family on my return. Three streets away in fact, I had done very well and saved my pennies as they say and had bought my own 4bed home before returning and was going to work from home as much as possible and only going into the office if really required. Both Catherine and Lizzy worked and rent their home. They were going to catch the bus for the 2hour trip back home and would walk the mile or so to their home. I had driven to the party and was intending to leave about 5pm and Catherine and Lizzy needed a lift to the bus which was to leave at 4 30pm. I told them I would drive them home and straight to their door, they hadn't paid for their return as they weren't sure which bus they would catch, 4 30 or 6 30. Saving the cost of two tickets they accepted my offer. It's also quicker by car than bus, no extra stops on the way. Except I offered to buy them dinner and we stopped at restaurant on arrival in our hometown. We caught up on our lives since I had left for overseas and were having a great time together. They mentioned they were looking for another rental as the one they had, lease was up soon, and it wasn't to be relet. As I'd a 4bed home and was only using 2 bedrooms, one to sleep in and the other the smallest as my home office. I told them they could move in with me. I thought it would be good for me as I'm no cook and they would've have to pay rent. So, after dinner they came and checked over my home and agreed they would move in with me. By the following weekend they were fully moved in and we got on very well together. Halloween, we partied a bit harder than we should've and awoke in my bed altogether. We had and were naked and had fucked, I can't remember how many times, but it was at least one each. Because I got both Pregnant, not a family to consider abortion, unless really needed to problems with the baby. As both were healthy, they would've have them, the simple response was for Lizzy to wear her mother's wedding rings and act as my wife, changing her surname to mine. Her mother changed her surname back to her maiden name. The babies a boy and a girl due shortly, Catherine is having a boy. The family as a whole supported us, those not really happy at first, but it was too late to change anything and so they accept it as done. My father was somewhat shocked I had fucked his sister and her daughter. I don't think he realizes I was still fucking her of last May when all sex stopped until after the births. Both are very close, and we've had a couple of false alarms. But it won't be long now, I've accepted full responsibility for my actions and if I had my time over again, I would do the exact same thing.
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