My Sister Took My Big Cock.
Honey Windowcleaner
For year's I've been plagued with having this huge cock.
This ten-inch monster that no woman I ever started a relationship with could ever fully take.
So after years of trying to find the one person who give me a good full fuck I resigned myself to using older women whose pussy’s were already stretched enough to take as much of my cock as they could.
Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of mature married women who just want to fuck but still, I wished for a younger woman more my age who I can truly enjoy sex with.
Then after a long dry spell of not even looking for sex, I received a phone call from my younger sister who I hadn't seen in a few years.
She moved away to better her career but we stayed in touch so it was nice to get a call from her.
I arranged a time to visit her as I was between jobs, and eagerly awaited the day I got to see my younger sister.
I arrived at the airport to be greeted by a very slim attractive sister.
“ my god sis you look amazing,” I said.
“Thank you I did need to lose a few pounds”
“ a few it looks like more than a few”. I said.
Arriving at her home she showed me to my room as I was staying a while then she said meet me out back on the porch we can catch up when you've freshened up.
Giving her a big hug I said” god is it's great to see you again”
“ It's wonderful to see you too, showers down the hall and towels in the cupboard, so help yourself ok”
I decided to have a shower as it was hot down here in Florida and I needed to cool off.
After getting dressed I made my way to the porch as instructed to see my sister lounging on her sun bed.
Offering me a drink I sat opposite her and we started to catch up on what's been going on in our lives.
It became apparent that she too was between jobs and she also said she wasn't in any relationship.
Her last partner cheated on her which made her decide to lose weight and get into shape.
I also told her about my own challenges with women and that I to wasn't in any relationship.
We have always been very close and have always confided in each other about our troubles and what bothers us.
She to explained that things got ugly with her last partner which she ended 8 months ago, she hasn't had anyone since as she felt she needed to change her lifestyle and herself to redeem some confidence to start looking again.
We sat there on the porch all afternoon and into the evening just chatting and drinking in the warm summer evening.
We seem to drink quite a few beers and I noticed we both seem to be getting a little drink.
Then I noticed her swing her legs over and I got a flash of her white panties.
Instantly my cock twitched and started to grow in my shorts.
She looked across at me with her legs wide open on the lounger giving me a full view up her skirt.
I don't think she did it intentionally but being a gentleman I just said to her,
“ you might want to just cover up sis your giving me a good view of the knickers”.
Laughing at me she just replied “Oh yeah sorry you shouldn't be looking “
Laughing at her I just said, “Well with legs like yours who wouldn't cop look.”
We both started to laugh so much she fell off the lounger, I guess the beer and the heat were having their effect.
Looking over at me she said,” Looking at that cock of yours growing in your shorts the sight of my knickers is having its effect”.
Adjusting myself I replied”
“Yeah well with those skimpy things you have on that don't even cover
Anything I'm not surprised.
We both started to laugh so much that she fell off the lounger. I guess the beer and the heat were having an effect.
Standing up, she lifted her short dress up to reveal the tiniest pair of pants, which only just covered her neatly shaved pussy.
What these things?” she said, her now tiny waist and slim legs now in full view.
“Sis, behave and cover yourself up”.
“ why it's not like you've never seen me naked”
“ that was years ago when we were kids”
“So I'm still your sister and you're still my brother Nothing changed”
Sitting back down we again laughed and had a few more beers.
Then she looked at me saying,
“ by the way how's that monster cock of yours, from what I remember it was huge the last time I saw it”.
“ still bloody huge and a pain in the are.
“ why I bet you have women qued up to try it”
“ yeah right you mean run screaming at the mere sight of it,” I said.
“It's all women want a man with a good-sized cock, there's nothing we women would want more trust me”.
Now we were both Being open and honest I said,
“Yeah well I find it a curse having the bloody thing, I haven't had a good fuck in years, not one woman has ever enjoyed sex with me or even taken all my cock, it's like I get three-quarters in and they start screaming for me to stop”. I said.
“ do you know my balls have never touched a woman's arse?
“ Christ bro, you just need a good woman who appreciates what you have and is willing to try and enjoy your size”.
“ yeah well that's easier said than done, I just need to be able to find someone who can take my whole cock so I could actually enjoy fucking her”.
“ I know someone” she said, “ yeah right who” I replied.
“ me” What do you mean me?” I said.
“ I could take every inch of you”
“ what? Your my sister”
“ yeah so” we can't it's not legal” “Who would know”
“ I would know,” I said.
“ so you're turning down the only chance to fuck a pussy with every inch of it fully sunk deep into me and I wouldn't complain while you do so”
“ Sis we can't it wouldn't be right”
“ it's only sex ok nothing more”
“ I know but still your my little sis, what if it gets out that I've fucked my sister”
“ would you tell anyone? “ she said, “ Christ never,” I said
“ there you go, neither would I”.
By now my bloody cock was so hard it was about to explode.
“ so you up for it, I can see something is”
Looking at her I could tell she was deadly serious, and to be honest with my cock as hard as it was I was thinking about it.
“ ok look do you a deal, if I can't take it all and we have to stop then that's it no more would be said, but if I can take it all and you enjoy fucking me then I get the use of it all week at my command the offers there bro my pussy your cock”
After another beer, I looked at her saying “ ok but this has to stay between me and you forever ok”.
What happened next was for me beyond belief.
Look out for My Sister Took My Big Cock Part 2.
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I Craved A Bigger story
My Sister Took My Big Cock Part 2
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