My wife her aunt and her cousin
Now a Large family man
I married (2021) my wife at the age of 21 and she was 18, she wasn't pregnant. I wanted to marry her, I was 21 and had come into my trust fund. I got it at 21 because I wasn't a scholar and not going to university. I preferred working with my hands and worked as mechanic till I turned 21. My parents were both deceased boating accident 2014 and I was raised by my mother's parents, my father's parents were on the same boat. I'd no siblings or aunts or uncles, both sides of the family were rich. My grandparents retired to a retirement village on my 18th birthday, they only left to visit me for my wedding and returned straight back to their village. My wife had lost her mother in a car accident 2019 and had been living with her mother's sister and he daughter since the accident. Her father departed as soon as her mother got pregnant and has never been heard from or seen since then. Her aunt 36 the younger sister likewise had a similar story regarding her daughter's father. Her daughter is 6 months younger than my wife; they had struggled during the lockdown and before my marriage I bought the house I wanted. It was 12miles out of town and was a little rundown, but my grandparents allowed me to buy it before I was 21 as they were my guardians. I got on very well with her aunt and cousin and it was understood before the marriage they would live with me and wife after the marriage. Like them I rent before I married as all property was sold have my parents died and the money put into trust for me managed by my grandparents. During the lockdown I had no wages to rely on but had money from my trust fund being put into my bank account by arrangement of my grandparents. My grandparents like my wife a great deal but don't travel unless they really have too. As they are both over 70 and have health problems and the retirement village is well setup to care for them. My house is on 28 acres and has an old-style barn only built in the 1980's and it was in better condition than the house was. Once settled into our forever home, we started to try for a child and succeeded within 3 months with my wife getting pregnant. We're more the loner type, not the mixer type people and keep close to each other than others. My wife's cousin got clucky as her mother called it and my wife asked me to get her cousin pregnant and to please my wife I did. Not that I was against it at any time myself, with her daughter pregnant. The aunt asked my wife for the same consideration and my wife again asked me and I again agreed. My wife had our son in June 2022 and her cousin had our daughter in November 2022 and her aunt had our second son in February 2023. As far the children are concerned, they belong to everyone, of us. There's no need to call the child actual mother if he or she requires anything we just do it, except breastfeeding I'm not suited for that, and I call the closest mother. My aunt-in-law has fed my wife's son and her daughter's daughter, and they have feed her son in return as well each other's children. Bottle feeding isn't planned unless it is required, they will breastfeed until the child is weened. The master bedroom was enlarged, and it is the room we all share the next room is the nursery with a connecting door to the master. Neither of us work and we potter about the property doing what we want. My wife like raising chickens for eggs and her cousin is more interested in cooking and her mother likes gardening, I look after the larger animals' 7 horses, 11 pigs and some cattle. As well as planting alfalfa for the animals and help my wives as needed. We all visit my grandparents together and they know of my extended family and are very happy with their great grandchildren. It's only a 1 and 1/2hours drive both ways and we leave at 7 and are back at 5. We're planning a family Christmas on the property and my grandparents are coming the day before and returning the day after by helicopter my idea to get them to come it halves the travel time. Depending on their health.
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