I married my boss


I got job at 16 and worked on a property just outside of our town, working with horses and property caretaker. After 5 years the property was put on the market and sold, my parents and 2 siblings had moved interstate the year before and I stayed put as I was earning good money. With the property sold I lost that job, but the owners I had worked for offered me another job interstate (not near my family) and I accepted. The previous caretaker retired he 67, the property I was the caretaker, and the property was twice as big as the previous one. But the job was about the same, just more fencing to keep an eye on. The owners were a married couple, he was 60 and she 30 had no children and seemed to be happy. Then he went away and was gone several weeks, and she went and returned after a couple of days each time. Nothing was said what it was all about, it turned out he had cancer and was being treated. But had left it too long and the cancer took him, he was buried on the property, and it was just her and me. They had no house staff, and I was the only employed person living there. Rarely had visitors and I got on fairly well with her. But hardly saw her, when he was alive, I spoke to him she rarely spoke to me and that was how it was to continue it seemed. Six months after the funeral, I was doing my normal work and she came out to see me. When she said she wanted to speak to me, I thought she was going to sell up and I would be out work. But she asked me to get her pregnant, I could say I was shocked. But it more like a total collapse, I was stunned and took time to process her request and finally all I could manage in reply was yes okay. I still hadn't totally taken hold of actually what she wanted of me to do. I followed her back to the house and then into her bedroom where she started undressing. Finally, I followed her lead and undressed as well. To say our first was awkward would be a huge understatement. But with the first fuck out of the way the second was better and I started sleeping with her every night and we had sex anytime she wanted it. I done the deed and got her pregnant and she then decided her baby should have a legal father. She told me she wanted me to marry her, and I did as I was requested. Once married nothing really changed, except I was paid anymore I was on an allowance twice what I got paid and no tax removed. After our son was born and named after her late husband, we continued as before, and she took no precautions and got pregnant again another son and later on she got pregnant again and we had twin girls. We had married when I was 23 and she was 33 and in the 10 years since we married, we had 4 children and due to some problems with birth of our daughters she was told to stop having children. She had an operation and can't have any more children, but it hasn't changed our sex life as she still has me fuck her about the same as before or maybe a little bit more. She is a great mother and I still think of her as my boss. The children are her life and I'm her support and I'm quite happy with everything. I can go out anytime and I'm not quiz on where I've been and who I've been with. She trusts me completely and she knows me very well anyway, I'm not a woman chaser and had only fucked one woman before my wife. I had paid her to take my virginity and only the one fuck. My first fuck of my wife was my actual second fuck and first if you don't count paying for it. She rarely leaves the property alone and has me or the children with her. Our holidays are with my family as she has none and my family visit us on the property. She has the money to travel the world but prefers to stay on the property only going to the city once in our marriage, that was for the operation. My father is retiring at end of June and he and my mother are moving to the property with us. My wife had a 2-bed cottage built for them as they wanted their own space and it only 20 feet from our house with a connecting covered walkway. My 2 siblings and their family visit regularly and have moved a lot closer as well. My children have 6 cousin they see often, and we all have great times on the property.
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