Maria and the Ice Cream
Laura Ellric
Gravel went flying from the abrupt parking of the car. Damn, Pete would be upset with her for ruining the perfect parking lot - again- covered with the white and sights shining gravel. You know, those stones that make every surface appear posh and clean. He was so proud of this lot as it made the house look a bit more tidy then it usually was. It was an old, beginning of the last century house that had been renovated lovingly over the last decades. And as with any old house in renovation it was never done, there was always stuff lying around that you need for the endless building activities you do. The little garden in the yard was a mess around the house main entrance. People walked over it all the time to unload and to get building materials for things that needed to be done. Little green was left, most plant showed rather brown and yellow colours, though not the flower variation. So, Pete was very proud that at least the parking lot looked pristine. Well, until she came along and ruined it. But she just didn’t care that much. It was a car park, for god’s sake, some place to put the car when it’s not used. She did give his concerns consideration, though, and came into the yard very slowly. But every now and then she simply forgot. Sigh. No use to wait, he would find out very soon. She got out of her powerful little red car and just inhaled the rich aromas of a late summer evening. It wasn’t too late, the sun was still high up and burning a bit on the green leaves growing plush around the yard. She could smell the dust from her harsh parking. But it didn’t take long before her nose could identify the summer dust of a long hot day, the first indication of moisture of a warm gentle summer evening. The greens slushing out it’s full aromatic flavours, hardly discernible in the heat of the sun but coming out toward the evening as to lure the fauna around it to come and settle within its leaves and branches for the night.
She loved little moments like this. Just reconnecting with her senses. Calming down the whirlwinds inside her mind.
It grounded her like little else, well, Pete also had a knack for grounding her.
He would be getting ready now for their dinner out tonight. She was a bit early as traffic had been flowing, and that did play into her desires, she had to admit. While getting ready for tonight she got surprised by the excitement that built up in her. No wonder, she thought ironically, the silky material of her underwear as well as her tight, figure-hugging dress were simply divine, so caressing by itself her skin felt constantly being stroked by a soft breeze. She hadn’t bothered with stockings, even though she knew that Pete loved to take them off and she loved the moment of his hands crossing the border from flimsy fabric to pure skin. A slow easing into the full sensation of heat.
In that moment she realized the precariousness of her flimsy kitten high heels, the gravel was grabbing her feet like a hungry monster. Carefully she navigated the gravel pad and managed to reach the stone paved way to the entrance. Some dusting of shoes and feet was clearly in order, she thought drily.
With clicking noises she overcame the short distance to the door and rung the old-fashioned bell knob. Immediately she heard the sound of a church bell. It still amazed her, even after coming here more often these days and getting used to it somewhat, how Pete could suffer this monstrosity of a bell. It was ear splitting loud and not the least bit funny. But hey, people just like different things. She didn’t judge that. She was peculiar herself in some things, like needing to read a book on a thing to find a footing in new territory instead of just going ahead with things. Friends liked to tease her with being a book nerd.
She could now hear steps coming down on the wooden stairs. The characteristic creaking of certain parts was unmistakable. The door opened and Pete’s eyes got bigger and bigger the moment his gaze fell on her. She knew this deep wine-red dress would find his liking. He was not quite finished dressing, the zipper of his suit trousers as well as the button stood still open, and his shirt looked equally unfinished. He seemed to have left the shower not long ago, judging from the state of this still wet hair. ‚What a yummy sight’, she thought, feeling her excitement bubble up even more. She simply loved the playful state of this clothing. Hidden features to explore and find. ‘Lovely’, she thought, well aware that he would feel slightly stressed for not being done before she arrived. With one small step she was in the house, let her purse drop into a corner right of the door and used both her hands on his chest to push him further into the hall. With a kick of her right high heel, she closed the door. Suddenly it was a bit dim in the hall and she had trouble to adjust her eyes. She simply closed them for a moment. That proved to be an inspiring occasion. She could suddenly feel his warm skin under her hands intensely, the increasing drum of his heartbeat. Slowly she could even smell his perfume, or was it his perfume? No, it was just the shower gel, it was way too subtle for a perfume.
Her arousal spiked. The dimly lit hall gave the meeting of them a little spicy air. Her standing in fine clothes, ready to go to a fine dining event and him not quite so ready to go, she couldn’t help herself and just turned around, pressing her lovely-shaped butt to his groins, just a bit of pressure, not too much. He caught on quickly enough, after all, his eyes had already feasted on her shapely slender figure, the tight dress accentuating her breasts and hips. While she had seemingly waited for something he had already rested his strong hands one her glorious hips. When she had turned around, she felt his hands landing on her naked shoulders, sliding along her back to the waist and come up the front along her breasts. His warm breath waved along her sensitive neck, a warning of his soft and firm lips to follow. And yet, she was till surprised to feel the touch when his lips finally closed the distance. The heat of his mouth on her sensitive skin was antagonizing. She moaned; her butt automatically went closer to his cock. She could feel it, the mouth-watering steely power. Meanwhile his hands were busy to peel away the neck-holder of her satin dress to get access to the ample breasts of hers. Her nipples were already so sensitive, each move of the silky fabric, even to be felt through the lacy bra, caused her juices to flow a bit more. She felt her moisture already flowing out of her, drenching her thong. ‘Damn’, she thought fleetingly, ‘hopefully the dress will not have stains later.’
In that moment Pete had exposed her bra covered breasts, black and lacy as she loved it, and found the hard peeking nipples. One carefully dosed twirl of both nipples together with a sucking of her neck made her gasp for air and a need for his cock to be inside her. She was already way ahead of him when she came here. Now she was in need of him, of his velvety steel inside her.
Pete seemed to sense her need and slowly pulled her dress up her long legs. The fabric sliding along her freshly shaven sensitive skin was intense. She could feel every centimetre. She couldn’t wait for him to have it up. After agonizing minutes, she could feel a bit of a breeze at her female lips, the fabric was moist there and the sudden exposure to air caused a delicious chill. Pete slid along the junction with two fingers, just to feel her. With a sudden move he pushed the thong aside and slid his fingers along her cleft. She nearly came in that moment. Such intense pleasure. Direct, strong and yet a gentle touch. He withdrew quickly, not wanting her to come as of yet. His hands caressed her plush bare mounds for a moment. Then, he slid one hand between her legs and motioned her to open them further. She happily complied with that request. Feeling even more the chill than before. Next, he pulled her bra cups down to expose her mounds and then he turned her around with one swift move to face the mirror at the wall, making sure that her legs ware apart and her lips visible. Suddenly she could see her pale skin framed by the red and the black of the fabric. Her arousal went skyward. She panted heavily; a moment Pete used to position his cock hat her pussy. She needed this, as in: now! immediately! without delay!
“Pete, now !”,she said. She felt the strong penetration in delicious places of her vagina. The visual tease increased the sensation of his strokes manifold. Stabilizing herself against the mirror she went deep with her sensation and went up in fireworks with every stroke of Pete’s precise and powerful caresses of her inner walls. She came at nearly the same time as he came.
After a few seconds calming down she leaned her head against his shoulder and kissed his neck very gently. “A big thank you to you,” she said, “and I think we might just get to the restaurant in time”, she added laughing softly.
It turned out that the dress, while it didn’t get stained, it had acquired so many wrinkles that it wasn’t fit to be worn this evening. “What a pity,‘“ she said to Pete smilingly, “but then again, it had suvived its purpose quite nicely already.’”
Luckily, she had some clothes left at his place so she could change into something different. Yeah, but “some clothes “ were a bit of a challenge today. She wasn’t quite convinced that a pink T-shirt and a black skirt would be acceptable in the posh restaurant of their choice. Mmhhh. Ha! Wait ! There was a white blouse on the sofa. Must have been from their last encounter the other day. Wrinkles ? No! Thank God! They could go now. Pete has managed to get finally his clothes and styling completely done. So, they could leave now. It wasn’t far and the decided to take Pete’s car. When they passed her little racer, he just raised an eye brow and looked at her. She shrugged smilingly.
Finally, they arrived at their destination. A lovely building, nicely placed within the surrounding vineyards. They parked the car in a designated spot not far from the entrance. While she got her things together - after all a woman needs her purse, you never know what you need it for - Pete surrounded the car and opened the door to help her out. God bless him, it would have been awful to walk in the blasted gravel again. She really didn’t get, why people think this to be an appropriate car park surface. Especially in a location like that. Don’t they never think of the sort of shoes these places attract ? She guessed not.
Pete pulled her up to get out, but he didn’t lead her away from the car as she expected, instead he leaned her against the car, next to the door, she just slid out of. His hands slid up her arms, the neck and closed around her ears. His thumbs caressed her cheekbones ever so gently. She closed her eyes to feel the tender pressure. She barely felt the warm sun rays on her. This was so unexpected and delicious.
She felt the warm breath sliding over her mouth, lingering a moment before warm soft lips touched her sensitive, plush red lips. Firm and yet ever so soft he extended a bit of gentle pressure with his mouth, slightly increasing the pressure. A butterfly seeking and exploring. He withdrew a bit and explored her lips from the outside to the middle. Suddenly she felt his tip of the tongue sliding along her lips opening. It was close to tickling but just. She greeted him with her own tip, just a tiny hello. He followed her tongue inside, greeting the tip again on her turf. Slowly they started to dance. Embracing each other more and more and withdrawing a bit again. It was magically enticing and exciting. She was still a bit left wanting from their activities back at the house and this lively intermezzo put fuel in the simmering heat. Her juices stirred again.
She grasped his shirt with her hands as if to pull him closer, but that wasn’t even possible. He had pressed her closely to the car already with his body. The kiss danced slower, and Pete ended it gently, while he pulled away, still holding her head she opened her eyes and found him gazing into her eyes with a fiery promise of more to come. She sighed.
Finally, he helped her to get on the proper path. He locked the car and settled one arm around her waist , just a bit to keep contact. The way to the entrance of the restaurant was a scenic picture directly out of a movie. Romantic greens and flowers, perfectly arranged in a way just short of being artificial. ‘A bit more and you would have been in Disney world’, she thought wryly. Nevertheless, it was lovely.
Inside they were welcomed and lead to a beautiful secluded table. There was greenery around the table, shielding from the rest of the tables and on the other side she was swept away by the breath-taking view into the vineyards around through a huge window.
The table was lovingly set and decorated with daisies. They all looked like daisies and yet they didn’t. ‘Could it be that there are so many different types?, ‘ she thought. ‘That’s a thousand colours and forms!’. It was indeed an exquisite waterfall arrangement of colourful daisies. Proving in a very skilled way that beauty can be found in the simplest of things. You just had to know where to look. The arrangement was beautifully complemented by the white long table cloth, the shining glasses and the glittering polished cutlery.
A very polite waitress helped her get settled and then turned to the challenging task of presenting the menu as well as the recommendations of the day. She felt overwhelmed by the song of picturesque descriptions of food that in her world was just meat, vegetables and sides, Philistine that she was. Nevertheless, one thing caught her fancy very quickly. A steak with grilled vegetables. She was intrigued. In a place like this a streak would not just be a steak. It had to be a divine piece of heaven. “That’s it!”, she said to Pete, “ I am going to have this steak to go with a glass of a light, fresh but slightly aged red wine.” Pete just looked at her with a smile as if that was no surprise to him at all. ‘He had guessed’, she thought. Damn, sometimes she was just too obvious in her choices or too simplistic.
The waitress was happy to receive their wishes of food and wine and left, only to return a few minutes later with some still water and a greeting from the kitchen. Three adorable small white porcelain spoons were arranged on a black plate and showed an amazing display of colours - something red, yellow and green. The waitress introduced it as red velvet, sunset and spring. When Maria tasted the red velvet, her mouth was hit by the smoothness of it. It felt as soft as velvet in her tongue. The predominant flavour however was that of fruity strawberry with a hint of earthy beet root and a stingy chili.
Sunset left her wondering for a while what it actually was until Pete suggested different pumpkin slices as gratin. ‘Yes’, she thought, ‘that’s right. ‘ Finally, she dared to approach the pea- green spring. It turned out to be smooth green pea paste with some amazing aromas of lime and mint.
It was a great opener for her senses. The variety enabled her to be open for things to come.
Like the wine that had arrived now. She hadn’t chosen a specific wine, just the characteristics, and left the rest to the choice of the sommelier. That proved to be the right decision. And yet, she didn’t know if the combination with the main course would work. There was still this unknown factor. She felt excitement. This time of another kind than the one that was still singing in her from the kiss in the car park. Well, and the butterfly touches of a cheeky foot, shoe less of course, along her right foot and ankle.
Their next course, the main, arrived with much ado. The art of serving a plate of artistically arranged food is one that only few people master as this one waiter. He served the plate with grace and the composition with a sonorous voice she could listen to all day. The composition as such was a feast for the eyes. The beef filet was just the right colour of medium, attractively decorated in the middle of the plate, surrounded by grilled vegetables of purple, yellow and green. A little bit of sauce in chocolaty brown shades led the eyes from the meat along the vegetables.
She couldn’t resist the invitation. The first bite needed to be a piece of the meat. At first, she was hit by a garlic touch, followed by the aromatic freshness of mint and the woodsy - peppery rosemary. But there was something else, not quite so clear and a bit blurred by the buttery flair. Maybe thyme? No. It just be the sage, that was mentioned in the menu. The balance of the herbs with the butter let her sigh with joy. The meat was so tender it simply melted away in her mouth. Now, she needed to try the individual vegetables. They were grilled to the perfect consistency and just a bit seasoned with salt and the taste of olive oil. Hints of the meat sauce enhanced the grill aroma. And the sauce left behind a lingering softness of dark chocolate. Not much, not at all, but enough to imagining melting it on her tongue after the vegetable was gone from her mouth.
Each aroma was brought out in the best way: pepper, purple broccoli and green beans. She simply loved it and savoured each bite of the delicious food on her plate.
And the mystery of the wine and the food matching had been solved now, it was a perfect match. The wine underlined the meat and vegetables but didn’t kill its divine flavour.
Pete seemed to have the same joy with the fish and the white wine he had ordered.
She couldn’t imagine that the dessert would be holding up to this level of scrumptiousness.
It came along rather simple, not much ado about this one. And yet , she was soo curious. Her eyes didn’t quite know how to digest the dark green liquid line on top of the whitish vanilla tone. ‘Well, no other way to find out than digging in, ‘ she thought to herself. She let the spoon slide into the soft ice cream, making sure that the green sauce was part of the filling. The first impact she felt was the cold of the precious sweet, but quickly she could identify the nutty taste of the pumpkin seed oil and salt, from the salt crystals she hadn’t noticed , followed by the vanilla flavour. It was a divine combination. She closed her eyes in pure bliss.
And thus, she totally missed Pete’s movement of his chair. It suddenly stood very next to her, and he boldly used a spare spoon to get a share of her ice cream. “Cheeky man” , she said smiling. Of course, she would share, a bit maybe.
Pete didn’t just move the chair and set the course to steal some delicious ice cream be also let one hand wander. Suddenly she felt a warm hand on her upper leg. For a moment she couldn’t swallow as she was indeed a little bit shocked about his daring trick, he played on her. Seriously! Distracting her with ice cream theft and then sneaking in under the tablecloth?! He just let the hand stay where it was, let her adjust to the feeling, the weight. Her mouth and throat started working again and she let the delicious, sweet content flow down. He took his spoon and let it slide into the cream-coloured soft bliss and took a little bit out, only to guide the spoon to her mouth. Maria wondered what he was up to, this was not just a romantic gesture she was sure of it. ‘But what was he planning ?’ she thought. Meanwhile the spoon arrived at her sensitive lips and she felt the cold on her lips. She opened her mouth and let the delicious cream into her mouth. First there was just cold, no taste just the crystal-clear feeling of frost and then the first ray of a little vanilla hit the tongue. And together with that Pete moved his hand on her leg. It was an onslaught on the senses at two frontiers - the mouth and the sensitive upper leg. He moved the hand towards the knee while her tongue worked on the cold piece of sweetness. It felt like a synchronised dance of the two parts. Pete had arrived at the hem of her skirt and slid a finger underneath. Such a delicate touch and yet so arousing. He noticed how her breath hitched a bit and continued to explore what was under her skirt. He felt along the silky skin, and arrived at the naked sensitive skin of the inner thigh. Her skirt rode further up together with his hand. All nicely hidden under the protecting tablecloth. He got another spoonful of the sweet mixture and she felt the dual dance starting again. Only that Pete’s finger now slid along the sensitive skin covered by the nothingness of her slip. She was so wet already, anticipating his next move. And there it was, his finger slid into her swollen and needy flesh, moist with need for him. Slowly he caressed along the outer petals, reaching for the inner petals and heading for the little flower in between. Maria opened her legs a little bit further to grant him access. And he dashed in immediately. His finger caressed her needy flesh while her tongue played around, along the sensitive skin in her mouth, that had been sensitised by the hot and cold contrast of the ice cream. The intense difference of both aggregates of the zones worked on was driving her arousal quickly high up. She was breathing hard but tried hard to hide it. Pete was no help whatsoever, “It’s hot in here, isn’t it?” He whispered in her ear, using the whisper to set her ear lobe on fire too with his not breath.
His finger spread her juices around the little flower and slowing approached the top by circling around the greater area. It was agonising bliss. He knew exactly what he was doing, knew the little spots around the bud that drove her nuts. She really tried to keep a calm outer appearance, but she was sure she didn’t succeed much. By now she didn’t care anyway, she only wanted to come, to have his wonderful nimble fingers find her bud and caress it to start with the touch so that she would explode. “Honey, now please ! Don’t wait “ she whispered. He looked at her, gorgeous eyes blazing with heat, the lips dark red from the cold ice cream and slightly open. He leaned towards her and kissed her gently while his finger intensified the circling around her flower bud and pushed her up the hill. He drove her over the edge while he kissed her gently to capture her noises. She was trying to keep it quiet, but as so often, she didn’t quite succeed.
He loved to see her body in this exquisite climax. He could feel the juices flow, feel the bud swell before she clamped her legs down on him because she came hard. His hand was stuck in a beautiful place and his tongue snuck in cheekily between her full lips. He let her come down slowly after the peak, let her breathing adjust before he let her mouth go. She looked at him with glazing eyes and said simply “thank you”. More wasn’t possible and also not necessary.
Pete picked up the spoon that he had rested on the table and treated himself to some of the delicious ice cream.
It wasn’t much left, and he finished it off in no time. He wanted to get Maria home. Wanted to get her to a place where he could celebrate her plush body some more. So, he waved for a waiter and asked for the bill when he showed up.
Within a few minutes they settled the bill and left the restaurant. Maria was as eager to get home as Pete; he left her wanting, sooo much wanting. And she needed to touch him. Oh, he would need to concentrate really hard on the way home, her hand on his leg would make sure of that. She smiled cheekily when she entered the car.
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