I got myself into trouble
One time Romeo
I'm tried to a Romeo, and it well and truly backfired on me. I thought I could play the field, but the field played me. I live in a small town of just over 1200 people, so I dated every available girl (3) there was in town. Which were 2 sisters and their cousin and thought I was doing very good bedding all 3 of them. Not too many of our age left in the town as the population was ageing and very younger than us left as well. My family was well off and I was doing alright myself. The problem I hadn't realized I was the only male left for the girls to date unless they moved. So, I was thinking it was my charm and looks getting me dates. But really it was the lack of supply, in quick succession one after the other got pregnant. I was caught and tried the old trick of saying I'd marry you if I could. While trying to work out a plan to escape, their response to my marry you all. We accept, they all moved in with me and became my wives. Not marrying any of them and not rejecting any also. I thought the locals would object, but they didn't. That was 30 years ago now and 10 children and the town population has dwindled to 730 even with my efforts to maintain it higher by having 10 children. But the relationship I have with my 3 wives has stayed strong and I think stronger than went we first started living together.
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