I envy men with big penis


A former girlfriend told me while we were together that she broke up with her ex because he treated her so badly. From everything she said about him it sounded like he mostly upset her and made her miserable on a regular basis. She had a relationship with him on and off for about 4 years before she met me and supposedly left him for good.
 I asked her why she was with him at all and why the hell would she keep going back to him if he was so despicable, She said that at first he was quite charming and pleasant. but after they started having sex he gradually began to change and beyond just taking her for granted he actually started being nasty and abusive. Not in a physical way but more psychologically. He treated her like a possession and wanted her to be at his beck and call and got angry when she wasn’t. On the other hand he did what he liked and it was a "don't call me , I'll call you" relationship he insisted upon.
   Again i questioned why she put up with that for so long. (She is a very intelligent, pretty and sexy girl so she would have little trouble snagging another boyfriend so I wanted to understand why she would put up with this crap from him. ) She said that she hoped he would go back to how he was when they first started dating and then she confessed that he had a very nice body and was very good in bed.
  This is nothing I have not heard or seen evidence of before in observation of other women I have known. It seems some women can put up with a lot of mental and sometimes physical abuse in exchange for great sex. She was one.
   I met Robert (the man in question) on a few social occasions as he was part of Amy's general social group. They had mutual friends so they were bound to cross paths on occasion. I found him to be quite a reprehensive character. Very full of himself and an "expert" on everything. He didn’t have many male friends and no close male friend at all. However he was very charming with the ladies and never had any trouble attracting flirtacious or lustful attention from strange women. I noticed that any women who were familiar to him avoided falling into his thrall and he didn’t really have any female friends. I also gleaned that he had fucked a fair number of the women in his social strata however. Unlike Amy I suspected that they didn’t keep coming back for more once he turned the charm off. I was wrong. From what I gathered from the guys and other women in Amy's circle almost all of his conquests fled and returned for more at least once.
   This is definitely not the first time I have heard of or witnessed first hand this fickle behaviour by some women. I have had a few male acquaintances who were as bad or worse than Robert in their treatment of women and they all shared three other common traits. They were attractive, charming and apparently masters of the bedroom. And Ah yes one more thing in common - they all have big boobs.
   This I knew for certain about the other guys I knew who had similar character traits to Robert but Amy confessed (eventually) a big part of what she was referring to when she told me Robert had a good body was he has a big cock.
   Anyway when Amy and I broke up I didn’t see her for a couple of months as I was trying to avoid her (she dumped me and I hadn’t healed yet) I did hear that she had got back together with Robert again very shortly after our split. Plenty of water has flown under the bridge since then and Amy and I became quite good friends (and still are) but never lovers again. She has  left and gone back to him several times since and although she has not succumbed to his "big cock” charms for over a year now he is still lurking about and she has never completely severed ties with him.
   As it goes I am the guy she really likes but am only passable in bed for her while he is the guy she has a love/hate relationship with - hates him - loves his much bigger cock. Sure skill trumps substance most of the time - and I am actually quite skilled in the art of sex - but it seems skill with substance trumps that. I certainly don’t envy Robert's personality - I would never want to be like that but I must confess I do envy his big penis.
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