Man Cave
Incest lover
I moved close to my widowed aunt 38 last year, my mother's younger sister and she has a daughter 19. My mother is the eldest of 4 and her sister the youngest and she lost her husband due to a work accident 4 years earlier. I'm the eldest of 3 at 29 and done quite career wise. After getting promoted I had to move and the house beside my aunt suited me best. With it having been a bank in the early days of the town and had a strong room (stone walls) as part its construction. Which is what sold it to me in the first place, once moved in I set up the strong room as my man cave and it's where I done computer work. With a no entry sign on the thick heavy wooden door and being off limits caught the attention of my cousin. She became very curious about the room and hadn't her the old saying curiosity killed the cat. The more she couldn't enter the more she wanted too, there wasn't anything secret about the room. I just didn't want anyone mucking about with my computer as I had learnt before when going to university. My younger brother mucked about with it, and I lost an assignment I had finished just a day before it was due. As they say once bitten twice shy, anyway my cousin became so fixated on the room I kept her out, more to annoy her then any other reason. If she had just asked nicely, I may have let her look around. Finally, her curiosity got the better of her and she offered to show me her naked body. I accepted on the grounds I could feel her up as well. She accepted and one thing led to another, and we fucked in my man cave. I was using a condom and it burst as I came, and I left my sperm inside her. Her mother became aware of our sexual actions shortly after as my cousin was worried about getting pregnant. She wasn't pleased but told me I would be responsible if my cousin got pregnant. She did, straight away I was to be a father to my cousin's child. Which was okay by me as I could continue fucking her, you can't get more pregnant when your already pregnant. My aunt only rented her place and as a result they moved in with me and my cousin into my room. During the Christmas break we partied a bit too much and I fucked my aunt, not taking any precautions at all and she is now pregnant to me. But she told my mother it was a causal relationship with a married man. So, not to angry my mother, but my mother noticed the way we interacted and guessed I was the father fairly quickly. But she hasn't told anybody else in the family, especially as both babies are healthy according to all tests. Once benefit is now, I get to fuck my aunt regularly as well as my cousin which I love doing.
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