Grandma enjoys a drink
Very Horny Grandson/son
My widowed grandmother 60 likes a drink and can easily drink me under the table. But she can't afford the drinks since grandpa passed away in 2020 from Covid. I'm doing well job wise and make good money, I date and get a fuck once a month and sometimes 2. But I'm not in any relationship and on the market so to speak. Last Christmas at home for Christmas dinner with the family and grandma was there also. I got the usual questions from the family anyone special yet and I answered no. I offered to drive grandma home afterwards I had to pass by anyway. She asked me to buy her a bottle of comfort as she referred to alcohol. I said I would and let her pick the one she wanted; she didn't want to return to her place as her neighbors would want to share her bottle. I took her to my apartment, apartment a shoebox is a better description. Its small but has 2 bedrooms, but if you install a double bed in the bedrooms nothing else fits. I have a double bed in one room and only use that room to sleep in and other as the dressing room. I think the landlord made it two bedrooms out of a one-bedroom apartment by installing a stud wall. Grandma had a drink and offered me one, but I said no. She sat watching TV drinking while I went to my bedroom and started watching porn on my laptop. Her show finished and I had started to masturbate and as I was stroking my cock, she opened the door catching me. She was going to get me to drive her home but asked me instead if I wanted some help. I was a little shocked and finally accepted her help, which led to us fucking. She stayed the night, and I took her home before work next day. I fucked her again in the morning and showered with before taking her home. She rang me 4 days later asking me to get her another bottle and she would stay overnight with me again as a reward. I thought a good deal and I had the weekend off and she stayed the whole weekend with me and let me fuck her each day a couple of times. I took her over to my parents for Sunday lunch and back to my place after to continue our fucking. So, for the price of 2 bottles, I fucked my grandma 8 or 9 times. She is very happy with our arrangement and so am I. Of course, our new closeness was noticed by her daughter my mother and with her mother saying she was sore the following to our weekend fucking spree. Worked it out, while also knowing her mother was a very willing player in the whole thing. But she kept the secret and when my grandma went to visit her son, my mother visited me. Telling me she knew and wanting similar treatment as her mother was getting. My Father wasn't doing her much at all these days, preferring golf. So, with my grandma away and a willing mother wanting to be fucked. I did as she wanted and still do and have had a threesome with grandma and mom.
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