Crazy Lady


I (then 35) moved to a small town after my divorce, no children in my marriage so it was a simple divorce. Able to work for anywhere with good internet, I moved to start again in somewhere less hectic than the city. I lived on the outskirts of the town and no real close neighbors, several hundred yards to the next house. Which suited me perfectly, while getting to know the town and its people I started to hear about my neighbor I hadn't yet met or seen. Crazy and weird were the main things said, one thing everyone kept saying was that she never went to church. I also wasn't a church goer and at first thought they called her because she didn't go to church, and I would be soon called the same as I wasn't going as well. But I was wrong my neighbor turned out to be a druidess and not a witch as it was pointed out to me by her after we had met. She worships nature and a bit like the force is in Star Wars I suppose. I wasn't all that interested and as long as she didn't bother me I didn't what she done. To keep the locals off my back about church, I started wearing a gold crucifix around my neck and they all assumed I was Catholic. I'm not, but it had the effect of stopping them thinking I was crazy. Now they I thought I was a devil worshipper; Catholics weren't as respected as I had thought in these parts. But I said I was a lapsed Catholic and that improved my position somewhat. But I was pestered to join their church which was the whole point of wearing the Crucifix in the first place. My neighbor (then 33) had inherited her place from her parents, and I would see her prancing around her property wearing a white sheet. That's what it looked like, and it open at the sides, and she wore nothing under it. So, I always like to watch her prancing around. Then I decided to see if she was like the hippies of the sixties and was into free love and all that stuff. It took a bit of time, but we started fucking and I should have realized, she never took precautions as it was to do with nature. Nature took its course and she got pregnant. She wasn't interested in marriage, and we continued to live next door to each other but as partners still 6 years and 5 children later. Which includes a set of twins, I'm quite content to be their father and let my children live with their mother. They are doing quite well and 2 have started school. Their mother is still very willing to sleep with me and expect to father more children in the future. She is a great mother and not the crazy person I had first heard of, she is just different and what a boring life it would if everyone were the same as everyone else.
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