Fucking my nephew


I'm his aunt by marriage not a blood relative and so it's not incest. But I've a real good reason to fuck him, his mother is my husband only living relative and I needed to get pregnant before my husband died. He was very ill with cancer and there's a prenup and if I don't produce him an heir, I get cut out of his estate. It doesn't say son or daughter, so me getting pregnant by his nephew will still count and the only other way to get a closer match would be with a brother if he had one as he can't himself is unable to provide any sperm due to cancer. I was 34 when we married in 2017 and he was 53 and became desperate to start a family. Only to find out he had got cancer late 2019, the prenup was signed before our marriage. So, I think he already knew he couldn't make me pregnant. His sister has 3 children 2 daughters and the youngest her son, the only direct male heir to my husband. I might sound a bit mercenary because of my behavior, but it's not my fault he can't get me pregnant, I'm quite able to get pregnant because I've been tested, and the test say so. Once I found out I couldn't get pregnant from my husband I looked at my options and my nephew is the only way for me to get pregnant. My sister-in-law doesn't know her brother cannot do the deed as they say. If he wasn't as timid as he is I could've just asked him. But I had to seduce him which wasn't that hard once I got him alone away from his family. He was 22 when I asked his mother if he could help me for about a week. She was happy to get him to help me and I took away to cabin 2021 I had rented. I waited until he went to shower and then joined him in the shower totally naked and took him in hand you could say. He was very nervous and unsure but let me do what I wanted with him. I fucked him every chance I got hoping my mapping of my cycles would produce a baby. He went from a nervous virgin to well fucked man having more sex in a week than would've had in his lifetime if I hadn't seduced him. On our return he kept his promise not to tell the family. After a long wait I had gotten pregnant, my nephew had done the deed as they say. But I had needed an excuse for how I would get pregnant and had told my sister-in-law about doing IVF months before my trip to cabin with her son. Also, I had mention and another attempt at it before going to the cabin. So, telling the family I was pregnant didn't come as a total shock to them and I told my husband I was now pregnant, not that he heard me as he was in a coma and passed away a week later. My nephew was happy to have helped me and started coming alone to visit me every chance he got. I quickly realized he wanted more sex and was too nervous to ask me himself. What the hell I thought and started fucking him again till I had to stop late in the pregnancy. After I had the baby girl and recovered from giving birth, I start having sex with him again. I had also mention to his mother I would be able to try again for another child by IVF. So, fucking my nephew was covered if I got pregnant again accidently by him. I'm enjoying being a mother and have tried to help my nephew meet girls his own age and have arranged for him to fuck girls closer to his own age. I paid them to fuck him, and he doesn't know that. But it done wonders for his self-confidence. But we have a close bond thru our daughter and maybe another child later on. I really do care about him and really think I've got out of his shell.
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