

I was very successful in everything I had done in my schooling and careerwise and only failed in relationships. I couldn't get girls to go out with me and was seen as a cold fish, I later heard. Anyway, my career was going great and so I concentrated om my career. I finally decided I should try again and start a family at 36 and failed again, but I kept trying. Then I got send to do a job overseas and while there I saw beautiful women and was told they were husband hunting. But also told, not to get involved with them as they were connected to gangs. On finding out more information, I realized it was better to go to source of the women. Their home country was struggling in almost every way and women were recruited to become wives of foreigners. But there was a small chance you could find a wife without gang involvement. So, I hired a marriage broker and she found someone who would be a suitable wife for me. Firstly, she spoke English and had been to university and second, she was caught up with gangs. She lived her widowed mother and younger sister; she hadn't left to start her own life as her father had died and she had to stay and help her mother and sister. Sister hadn't done university because father died, and they were just getting by. I liked what I saw and wondered why she hadn't been picked up before. The reason was it was a group package, buy take them all. I would have to support her mother and sister and also bring them back with me. Not a deal breaker in my mind, so arrangements were made, and we married. Returning home with my wife 28, mother-in-law 46 and sister-in-law 24 and settled into my new life. Soon I found an extra perk of my marriage as my wife got pregnant fairly quickly and her mother took over providing sex to me when my wife was in her last trimester. A bonus I hadn't thought off and my wife told me I should also take her sister was my woman. Meaning as second wife as it would keep her family together which was her and their main focus. So now I'm 48 have 5 children and 3 willing sex partners in my wife, her sister and mother. Another custom they have I like is the man's needs come first. After the birth of my first child a girl I bought a house on acreage to get away from the city. It has been perfect from the day I married and will continue to be. But I'm not in charge of the household my wife and her mother sister are. The only thing I'm in charge of is providing the money for the family and when I want sex. Raising the children is their right and I'm just there to provide support. Also, my wife and her sister are pregnant again, my wife is due next month and her sister March maybe April. No precautions are ever taken and if I need sex, there mother is willing and able to supply it.
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